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[!] Posted around Karosgrad square are a half dozen crude posters, a short note posted beneath.






To Claris, Amil and Reinheart Barclay


You are the stinkiest, meanest, lizardiest family EVER. I was very sad because my Papej was gone, and then I may have gotten a bit angry but that doesn't matter because you attacked me! My back hurt for a while and then I had to lay down and sleep because I was tired because you were shouting at me and I was really sad. Then I drew this because I wanted to show Haense what you really are. Gross vampire lizard-men.


So please send me some money as an apology and then I might forgive you.


From: Josef Karl Amador

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Ser Reinhardt Barclay sighs deeply thinking he was down with this bullshit but alas he was not, he decided he’d have to get the insolent boy’s parents involved.

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Johann Barclay frowns.

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Maya Bishop glances at one of the posters, laughing. "What a sore loser."


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Emelya Eloise Kortrevich sighs, placing her palm to her forehead, "Oh Godan, what is this?"

Edited by jaymock7
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Antonius Barclay frowns silently as he goes to show his pregnant wife the missive. (@carebear)

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Nikolay Kortrevich blinked at the missive, then blinking once more as he looked around for the crazed Amador boy, regretting letting him be his friend.

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"Even mea children aren't this bad." Jan Otto Kortrevich said, slowly realizing how terrible of a parent he actually is.

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"This is why we crucify people in Savoy" Franz sighs, bashes his head against a wall a few times in exasperation

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"Truly ein thought provoking artistic piece here by the young Amador, once Ich take a moment to get all bias out of mein system." a certain Klaus Barclay would begin once laying his eyes on the work "The red in the eyes despite one of the heads having blue eyes compared to the other two's green ist symbolic of the three's unity in this matter, which seems to be the oppression of the young Amador due to his financial struggles, truly ein terrible struggle for any subject of the Kingdom. The image of the three heads conjoined to one body also portrays the three could perhaps be sharing the same mind und rudeness und oppression towards the small lad. However, as the dragon ist only green rather than the Barclay green und blue, as well as the fact that I've never seen ein Amador bathe therefore they all smell, Ich see the piece as simple defamation." he'd conclude before riding off to Aurveldt so that his horse Tylos II may **** on the path up to the keep.

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"Barclays are stinky!" Said a very stinky Mackensen from the Seven Skies.

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Clarisse Barclay, having only just felt like the situation was settled, tears the crude drawing down from its place upon a wall.

“Where are du, Bug Brows?” She’d huff under her breath, setting off on a mission to find the Amador boy. 

Edited by MildStatic
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"Hey, it's free artwork" chuckled Ernst as his younger, northern cousins showed him the poster during their  next visit in Freimark.

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Zodd frowns as he reads the poster over. "Karl, you better get your spawn in order, STAT, or else i'll do it for you."

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