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A Shadow Family’s Farewell


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[!] On the tenth of Amber’s Cold the Scath family vacated their family home on raven road. Brawly and Ezra carried one baby each as they made their way through the deserted streets of the moon lit duchy. Zahira clung tightly to her father’s leg as they walked past the gallows and down toward the gate. Ser Dr. Brawly Scath beckoned to the guard who manned the gate who operated the mechanism and afterwards offered a traditional two finger salute to the veteran and his sizable family and Brawly returned this salute along with his son Yerro. The entourage marched out the gate with the patriarch holding his one-year-old daughter, followed by Mellena whose arm was clung to by Yerro. Ezra brought up the rear holding the newest addition, an eleven-month-old human baby named Callum by his adopted parents. The parade of the Scath family would pass the tree from which a noose swung listlessly. Brawly looked to the hangman's knot with a somber expression.

Ezra looked to him from the back “Nub.”

Brawly turned to her “Wut?”

Ezra looked to him with a stern expression “Dwo nub evun gruk about et.”

Brawly sighed as he responded “Ah wuzzen. Ah kuld nevur leave yall.” He offers a reassuring smile to his family.

Ezra nodded to him “Hozh. Lat haz ben fheelyng dauwn laytelee. Mi uzt wanted dub mayke zur.”

Brawly turned to face forward “Ah wus ust rememberin’.” He takes a pause.

Ezra doesn’t press the issue further and the rest of the family remained silent, save Callum’s babbling. The party eventually makes their way to the docks of Yong Ping. They board a ship chartered for an unknown location.

As Brawly ascended the gang plank Zahira looked to him with an uneasy expression. “Where are we going, daddy?” 

Brawly was unable to answer for a short moment. He shook his head in his silence as he reached the deck of the ship.

“Away frum 'ere…” he breathed.

Zahira piped up again as she ran to hug Brawly’s leg “When will we be back?”

Before Brawly could answer, the rest of the Scath family boarded the vessel and shared in the second youngest daughter’s question.

Tears filled the eyes of both the patriarch and the baby he carried. “Ah… Ah don kno…”

Hours later the anchor of the sailing ship was lifted, and the sails lowered. Brawly stood at the bow, alone as the sun began to rise over the horizon, bathing his bearded face in a warm orange light. His face bore a hesitant smile as he basked in the beauty of this moment. Ezra moved from the quarters to join her husband at the bow of the ship. She stood beside her husband, reaching an arm up to wrap around his waist before she buried her head into his side. Brawly reached down to run his fingers through her hair. Although their future was uncertain, Brawly took solace knowing that he would not be alone during this voyage. He had come a long way from the scared and angry young man who had roamed the streets of Talons port. His goal to never be alone again had long been accomplished and he had his sizable family and a multitude of friends that would surely miss him. Brawly still held onto the hope that maybe one day, he would be able to return. He held hope… Hope that he would return to the home he had helped to create… The home he had toiled and sacrificed for… The home he loved… Rozania forever!

Edited by Tk4522
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Lomiei Vinelli Looks down upon one of his closest friends from the 7-skies, happy for the scath man he'd become close with over the years. "I cant believe it was ******* BRIAN who would be the last surviving sarissan... I mean of ALL the people... really?"

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17 minutes ago, Lomiei said:

Lomiei Vinelli Looks down upon one of his closest friends from the 7-skies, happy for the scath man he'd become close with over the years. "I cant believe it was ******* BRIAN who would be the last surviving sarissan... I mean of ALL the people... really?"

Rebeka la Waevra cackles loudly at Lomiei’s words, sitting next to him, and mentally wishes Brawly a safe trip. 

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After a couple of days the news of Brawly's depature also reached Kane Redfist in the form of a letter strapped to a pidgeon. As Kane took the letter off bird's foot, he sent it off and went to sit back in his chair. "Whot do we 'ave 'ere?" he asked himself as he took one of his daggers and opened it. The man then went to silent, humming as he read the piece of paper carefully "Brawleh left?" he asked in disbelief. His eyes narrowed slightly as he put the letter back down "I didn't see tha' one comin'... Shait must 'ave 'appened over there since I left..." he sighed, shifting his gaze towards his window. Staring outside into the rainy weather "I hope him an' his famileh es doin' well an' tha' they found a safe place to call 'ome... Not easeh in these toime, but I am sure they can do et. Teh future smiles at 'em" he grinned, as the raindrops fell one by one on the window.

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30 minutes ago, Lomiei said:

Lomiei Vinelli Looks down upon one of his closest friends from the 7-skies, happy for the scath man he'd become close with over the years. "I cant believe it was ******* BRIAN who would be the last surviving sarissan... I mean of ALL the people... really?"

oisin roza, who lived in Sarissa and now Rozania, is still fully alive and well! Though, he is somewhat saddened by the departure of Brawly and spends some time to contemplate his past.

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Lady Belladonna would find out about the Scaths' disappearances when she brought Aster around, wanting him to be checked over since his fits had started to calm. Finding their home empty would disturb her greatly, a frown tugging her lips and hand tightening around her son's. "Was 't tha' figh' Per an' Ezra 'ad...? 't didn' sound 'ny worse t'an t'eir usual..." With a sigh, she'd shake off the feelings of unease. "S'pose Oi should ge' in con'ac' with Doc, t'en."

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