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The 395 Scavenger Hunt of Hoonse


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The 395 Scavenger Hunt of Hoonseti-Rooska




To the Citizens and Allies of Hoonseti-Rooska,


The children of Haense will participate in a scavenger hunt organized by the Commissar of Recreation (COR), of the Mayor’s council, in cooperation with Her Royal Majesty, Anastasya Isabel and Adelina Bishop of The Koenas’ Council. This occasion serves as the first event in a long while, tailored specially to the citizens of the Kingdom of Hoonseti-Ruska. All children of the kingdom are invited, and encouraged to attend, but only those keen thinkers with the sharpest of eyes will succeed and be rewarded for their talents.

The following shall outline the proceedings of the hunt:
- The COR will open with a speech upon the stage, introducing the event and thanking the mayor for approving it.

- Teams of up to 6 are assembled; given shields and hats of differing colors, and a name to identify their teams.

    - Chests with the color of the teams will be placed in the square beside the stage, when Items are found, they are to be returned to those chests

- Adelina of the Queen’s Council, and the C.O.R will give clues to the audience that will hint at the locations of the items, and what they're looking for.

- After the clues are given, the teams will be released to search for the items.

- After a 45-minute-timer is completed, or after the last item is found and brought to the council stage, a lunch will be hosted in the prikaz dining room.


A map would be attached to the bottom of the poster, outlining the boundaries of the scavenger hunt




Her Royal “Majesty”, Anastasya Isabel Barbanov-Bihar, Queen of Hoonseti-Rooska, Princess of Hanseti-Ruska, Duchess of Karlsburg, Baroness of Antioch


Adelina Bishop, Event Collaborator of the Queen’s Council


(OOC: Event will be held Monday, October 18th at 5pm EST, starting in the Haense Square)

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