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The death of Andria Dreth.


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As Andria slowly succumbs to her wounds; she calls for paper and a quill. Slowly she writes letters to few she cared for.



To Valen Dreth,

My love, you had my heart since I was only a teen. You were the one I loved and cared for. You were my light and the reason I kept going. You gave me strength and you encouraged me. You were a wonderful father and husband, no matter what you say. 


We met that day in Elysium, you were the drunkard at the bar but my silly young mind was infatuated. I still am.


You were mine and I was yours.


Live long my darling, live long and work hard.


Till we meet again



To Daishi,

Oem'ii. Well...you aren't so much an oem'ii anymore. You're so old now, isn't that crazy? I remember when you were sixteen. I saw myself in you. I wanted to protect and love you, so I did. To me, you are my oem'ii. Do well without me by your side but know that I'm watching down on you with a proud smile on my face.




To Leo Jones,

You were my best friend, the one I trusted the most. You tried your hardest to help me and you were the one by my side as I write this.


Leo, I'll miss you. I will. 


I trust you to look after my animals, you were always good at that. 


Your mental strength was incredible and I'm forever in awe.


Keep strong, I hope you find out what happened to your lover.




And finally, to my baby Synalli Dreth,


Nali. Oh how clever and wonderful you were. I'll miss you so much. I'll miss your laugh. Your curls. Your eyes. I'll miss all of you and I regret not being there as you grow up but from what I've seen, I'll know you'll grow up into a clever young lady.


Look after papa for me.




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As news spread of the death of Andria, Nesrin sat on the fields of Urguan with alcohol in hand. She looked up to the stars, taking a swig from the bottle. After swallowing, the wood elf just began to sob. Her first ever daughter- the one that she had raised while enslaved- dead. Nesrin knew that tonight would be one full of alcohol and tears.


It took awhile for Synalli to read the message, seeing as she was still learning to read. However, when she finished, the little girl began sobbing. She fell to her knees, crying out, "Mama! Mama!"

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Upon hearing the news of her sister's passing, Habren Sarosa's fist slammed forwards into a tree. And after recoiling from the obvious pain, she was overwhelmed by grief, and a surging anger. Another punch into the trunk, and tears began to stream down her face. "My zizter... why did I let yoh leave" The half-orc woman cried out, continuing to take her rage out on the tree until her hands bled and ached far too much for her to continue.

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Leo was still shaking, just having buried his greatest friend, and crying while reading every word, he was worried about Daishi, Valen, Synalli, and all those who knew her  "Why didn't I just intervene, I had a weapons, I could have killed the bandit, why didn't I do something at all"

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Some deeply feral goblin huffed a few at the news;

"Et eeeeeez wub et eeeez."

She cackled, between puffs of kaktuz green.

"Dip Dip'booblap, mi wuz korrekt abut latz momo. If mi, duh almiti TOR'MOMZKAHING'LUR waz encharg, zhi wuld hab leeeved long lyf."

As the goblin trailed off, she offered naught but another cackle to the now gone once-kub.

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When he first heard of the death of his wife, Valen Dreth believed none of it. He was shook, confused, sad, and in denial, all at once. As he slowly began to process the situation, his mind escaped him. He did not know what was wrong and what wasn't anymore. It was one of the only times genuine tears fell down his face, for the person he had loved the most, his wife, his partner, his soulmate, was no longer. He placed his face in his hands, crying out in pain; he had lost everything.
Upon reading the letter that was meant for him, he chuckled, tears still rushing down his face as he slammed his head against a wall, for whatever reason. 
"This is unreal. I can't believe this. It's- it must be fake. This is outrageous. WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN TO US?!?!" He screamed out, still smacking his now bloodied head against a wall.

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The news was slow to reach Malii'evarir, but eventually she heard of her friends passing. Taking some time to process the news, she'd begin a small pilgrimage to pay her respects to the various Mani that embodied the young Elf's spirit. Arriving at the final place she intended to pay respects, Mal spent some time remembering the Andria. From smuggling her into Varhelm and changing her appearence to help avoid detection, to the last fight Mal saw her in in Elysium.

"Well llir, I suppose I should probably find your husband and stop him doing something stupid." At that she'd allow herself a small smile and began the journey to the various places Andria had called home, sword and staff firmly on her in case she happened across her friend's murderer.

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