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The Raze of Amaethea


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Now the true test begins, the young prince thought. He held his two daughters and wife close in the barn of the Owl's Perch. Sleep began to take him. 


It was just like my vision.

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Ayred looks back fondly at the military grade thanium he had fired. He ponders, now, it's current placement.

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when it comes to world editing things out, u know @Gammais the one to call


jk good event very based 

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Sevrel knew the day would be grim.

He knew descendants would fall.

He knew there would be bloodshed...


He was unprepared for this level of wanton destruction


It was not until he watched his dear friend die in his arms that it set in... He was wrong.


Nothing ever changes...



Very cool event my house is on fire


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A certain adunian stood amongst his rangers at the foot of the tower, communing with them on talks of a refugee camp.

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 A certain Harbinger of Fire remained at the edges of the city looking on as he grasped at his wounds. . . His smoldering gaze flickering as his life began to leave him now.  There he remained, though felled not by fate he knew he would have to see the coming days through.  He thought to himself  "RUIN."  As he continued to ruminate on the victories of His Father, Azdromoth The Firstborn of The Dragaar and Champion of The Slumbering God he would feel his eye lids shutting and slipping away into a state of rest he did. . . Flesh was scorched from his visage, arms and the rest of his body.  Crudely fashioned bandages were hastily fastened to his wounds as he awaited His Father's next move.

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As Kosher looked upon the city he fought to defend, he was filled with sadness at the friends lost. "This wasn't a battle, but lamb to the slaughter." He walked away, knowing that Almaris would never be the same.

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A Lady in Silver, after the battle had concluded, would be found to slumber in chantry hall - her Ember flickering, fading, reigniting... 


The city was avenged, the battle seen through - but the war against the Titan would rage on...


Until the true king sat on high. 

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Somewhere did that Sea Prince ponder on his last meeting with the Titan. With hope, this second meeting will prove the last.


My house is the truest of foreshadowing


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Ardreth stared off into the distance, his hand casually swiping away at the soot that covered his visage.  After a moment of silence amongst the sounds of birds and crickets, he closed his eyes, and smiled.  The worst had passed and he lived another day; Malchadiael and Vulen had given him the strength he needed.  "Thank you."

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Outside the makeshift clinic within the Owl's Perch, Taal's gaze would be fixed upon the eastern sky aglow with the flames that engulfed Amaethea. "A red day."

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A smoldering set of armor, charred and warped, was tossed aside. Soot stained and voice hoarse from smoke, a man strode to the edge of a cliff. Hazel eyes turned to gaze on the soft glow and pitch black smoke that rose from further up the coats. The Titan had fled, his remnants destroyed by things unknown, and here the elf stood in utter confusion. "Why've lizards gotta be so bloody annoying?" 

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Vesryn would look out from the tower, the smoke rising in the distance as his feet dangled from the towers edge. Slowly he would stand, stepping backwards into the tower. Nodding his head slowly as his grey and lavender gaze rested towards the horizon. The new dawn slowly bringing new rays of light. "Hmmm with this new day rising, I wonder what is to come for us all in the future" He would stroll downstairs, preparing to properly train. 

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Shobolan, somewhat sooty, somewhat seasick, disembarks from a stolen boat riddled with stowaway lizards on a far southern shore with his companions. Having come to a tentative truce to flee the all consuming chaos that was the burning elf city and the rapidly approaching monsters of various origin.

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