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Ancestral Veneration


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As well as IRP research. I have suffered and so shall you. Thank you @Readictiand @Supah


Stargush’Stroh, the Ancestral Realm, is the final resting place for those that have passed. From these cities and beyond in the realm, the ancestors watch the living with vigilant eyes, judging those that still breathe and deeming if their actions are worthy of allowing them passage onto the eternal paradise of their kin. To those in the living realm, these ancestors are still honored kin that deserve veneration. These ancestors, while passed, still hold greater wisdom and knowledge that deserves to be taught through the use of stories and the spreading of traditions.


This document details the different practices and people that are revered as Ancestors, maintained by the Ancestral Temple of All.


(Guild Wars 2 Commoners Market by Thomas Scholes)


Shrines and Traditions

There are three ways one may honour their Ancestors: through the creation of shrines in their honour, offerings, and how one carries themselves. 


While there are many ways to offer veneration and respect to the Ancestors, shrines are the most common to find and hold the most utility for connecting to those that have moved on to Stargûsh’Stroh. Shrines are where one would go to place offerings and offer words to those beyond. When constructing a shrine, one must keep in mind which type of shrine they're making as each holds a unique purpose and reaches Ancestors in different ways. 


There are three types of shrines: 
General shrines: Usually found in public places and not dedicated to any specific ancestor. These may be resurrected for convenience of the general population to leave offerings and conduct prayer while going out their daily lives.
Clan shrines: Which can be found in any common household to honour any fallen of that clan. These shrines may be to the general family that has passed on or to someone specific like a past Clan Father/Mother or a parent.
Greater Ancestral shrines: These shrines are always fashioned in a manner specific to the Ancestor it devotes.


Unfortunately, many mali are orphans and castaways, unfamiliar with their origins or distant family. Ancestors do not need to be someone that is related, as Greater Ancestors are people that we’ve descended from that have molded or affected the world that we live in today. For example, Delilah had no children of her own. Instead, all were treated as her children and she’d spend her days feeding and clothing all who were graced with her presence.

General and Ancestral Shrines

Shrines can be built in a number of ways to fit the aesthetical makeup of the home or area that it is built in but must always be made in a way that is respectful to the Ancestor. A shoddily built, undedicated shrine of mud and rocks will never bring proper honour and respect to an Ancestor. 

An average shrine is carved from stone or lumber, depending on what the Ancestor or Culture prefers and has a smaller stone basin atop for burning incense and offerings. One may have to deal with the physical limitations of the location the shrine is being erected in but should always remember that respect and Ancestral preferences is a priority. 

It’s important to remember that these shrines and the actions performed at them are sacred and therefore shrines should not be isolated from the everyday world. They are meant to be in common places, or at the very least in places that are seen often. Remember, we are blessed by interacting with our Ancestors often.


A General Shrine to the Ancestral Plane and not to a specific Clan or Greater Ancestor can be decorated in a number of ways outside of preferred aesthetical materials and an offering bowl. Some may add gems of value or carve the depiction of stories meaningful to the area the shrine is erected in. The decorations atop the shrine may change depending on the seasons and the phases of the moon.


A shrine dedicated to a Greater Ancestor would be decorated in a way that reflects what the Ancestor represents. Coloring of tapestry or murals that represent important moments in the Ancestor’s life are common. Shrines can be further decorated with incense, candles, offerings, and other objects that would please the Ancestors.


For example, a shrine dedicated to Arganos would likely have carvings of musical notes or depictions of celebrations decorating the shrine’s surface and backing. A tapestry or mural with imagery of instruments may be hung behind the shrine.



(La Ofrenda by Daniel Schmid)


Clan Shrines

Prominent amongst clans, clan shrines are devoted specifically to their own fallen. These shrines often embody the characteristics of said family.  For example, a family known for their druidism could have a shrine grown from roots, or a clan of craftsmen could construct a stone shrine inlaid with various metals or gems. The clan colors are often shown off along with the clan’s motto or the name of the clan’s founder. Offerings specific to the clan’s specialties or objects that the clan holds of high value may decorate the shrine.


Blessing a New Shrine

Once the place of a shrine has been determined and the type of shrine, the shrine and area itself should be purified and recognized. This process is done by saying a prayer to either a Clan Ancestor, Greater Ancestor, or general ancestors overall to welcome them into the space. While doing so, incense should be burnt to raise these prayers into the skies above. Symbols of the Clan, Patron Spirits, or Greater Ancestors may be drawn over the shrine surface in oil. 


Offerings are the main way to decorate a shrine and how the living can give back to the Ancestors they wish to honour. While general offerings could be a meal or a cup of wine, most should be chosen carefully depending on the Ancestor. A proper offering provides nourishment or meaning to the Ancestor and what they represented or enjoyed in life. For example, the Uuthlini clan may offer sapphires or blue orchids to their Ancestors due to their own family traditions. Perhaps a family known for blacksmithing will lay out new blades as offerings.
Offers may be burnt within an offering bowl at the center of the shrine, along with incense, with flames either being directly put into the bowl or below it to boil away any liquids offered. It’s believed that when these offerings are burnt or left out on the shrine while incense burnt that the smoke and steam will rise up into the Ancestral Plane and into the hands of those that have passed.


It should be noted that while it’s common to set aside a portion of a meal or drink for the Ancestor to claim, this food should be consumed after or cleaned up after a time has passed for it to be claimed. It is seen as disrespectful to the Ancestors to leave rotting food or an uncleaned offering bowl on shrines.


Another common offering is simply time and stories. Ancestors have an interest in what their progeny are up to in the living realm and so simply spending time in front of a shrine to discuss what is on one’s mind or burning letters to the Ancestors is always an acceptable gift. It’s less clear if these types of offerings truly make it to the Ancestors but encouraging openness and sharing with family has kept this simple tradition of offerings going.

Greater Ancestors

The status of Greater Ancestors is bestowed upon those that have done great deeds in life or left a lasting impression on their people.  Each Greater Ancestor once walked among us and after their death was raised to a higher state of honour. These Ancestors are given particular praise, shrines in their honour, even celebrations held in their name. However, honouring them is not the sole purpose of raising them to this honour. One would also look to them for guidance, for their actions in life are not only to be praised but also to serve as teachers to those who revere them.

The concept of these Greater Ancestors are by no means new or unique. 


Malin the All-Father


Eldest of the Four Brothers
The founder of the Mali People, and he who deserves the title of Ancestor above any. While his status of alive or dead is unknown, he is still regarded as a Greater Ancestor because of his status as one of the Four Brothers, and his leadership in ancient times.

The Founders
These mali are heralded by many as founders of their kin, people who in times immemorial lead their people to branch off and forge their own paths.


Velulaei the Prophetess


The First ‘Ker, and First ‘Ker Shaman
Daughter of Malin, scholar, savior and spiritual leader. The first Mali’ker, leading them before they were granted their ashen touch. She led her people to the Spirits and after the machinations of a eldrich being forced them to commit atrocities, she requested the help of the spirits, and the moon herself blessed the to-be ‘Ker with their skin, and took away the madness that plagued them.


Irrin the Elfess of Grass


Whose Aim was True
Advisor to Malin, scholar, general, spiritual and cultural leader. A personal advisor to Malin during his reign. Close friend of the nature Dragaar, Taynei'Hiylun, and primary leader during the formation of the seeds. She helped end the tyranny of an ancient druid, who sought absolute control over nature and all their domains, and worked with Taynei'Hiylun over the centuries to bring peace and unity to the 'ame.


Larihei, the First Born of Silver


Pioneer of the Silver Pools
Advisor to Malin for many centuries and a cultural leader and inspiration to all high elves to this day. Eventually shunned from the council for her radical ideology she and her followers made great advancements in the arcane for the sake of progress in secret. She and her followers created the cultural ideology and principle known as “maehr’sae hiylun’ehya” or "progress and health" that high elves follow to this very day.

The Ancient
Not all Ancestors were leaders of their people, these mali left a mark historically with their actions, from warriors to great bards or teachers.


Arganos the Festive


Renowned bard and cunning hunter
The Blue Bard, Arganos Uuthlini was a explorer of the deeps of Mararah’lin, and said to be the first ‘Ker to discover the Spirit of Celebration, Betharuz. He was given the task to spread cheer and celebration after slaying an enormous lurker. His songs and tales were said to fill Mali’ker taverns long after his death, in the living world and in Stargûsh’Stroh.


The Dalmakia Brothers


Trio of Fortune, Craftsmanship, and Greed
Each of the three brothers specialized in their own field of trade, known far and wide for each of their skills and their power combined. Eldest was Bandadar who supported his brothers with his knowledge of the markets. Second was Falsals, who contributed with his trades in silk, and creation of beautiful garments. Third was Dolyni, a skilled jewel crafter known for his flawless cuts. They were praised as skilled craftsmen and shrewd businessmen.


Uradas the Vindicator


The Sword of Velulaei
Velulaei’s ever faithful husband, he stood by her through the worst trials of their people, bringing justice to their mad son Azul after the death of Velulaei. He brought her to the moon herself to be judged, and committed himself to watching over his prison until his own death. With Velulaei, he fathered Renelia who lead their people while he attended to his duty.

The Descended
These of our kin are from more recent times, and are who many mali may have fought or lived alongside, this list unfortunately cannot be entirely comprehensive, but efforts have been made to research and add notable figures of the recent past.


Lenden the Joyful


Who’s laughter brightened the darkest caverns
A member of the Div’cruan in the lands of the Fringe. Lenden’s happiness was infectious to those around him. A bright smile or a king word from the mali lit up many ‘Ker lives and left a lasting impact after his passing. He was young and full of life, remembered for his optimism.


Arveldir the Sheild-Bearer


The future’s protector
Serving as the hand of Dak’ir Des’Nox from a young age, Arveldir acted as a soldier in the Div’Cruan, and as a Prince of the ‘Ker. Through his many roles, he fought for the mali’ker and made sacrifices to provide his peoples’ children the freedom of opportunities that he was never offered.


Delilah the Mother


Of Home, Hearth, and Family
A gentle soul, she became the den mother of the ‘Ker for a time during the lands of Thales. She comforted all within their halls, whether it be with her baking, her sweet words or a shoulder to cry on Delilah was there. She watched over all that came into her kitchen, ‘Ker, ‘Ame, or ‘Aheral, even taking up her pan in the defense of her ‘children’.


Phaedrus the Liberator


Savior of the Mali’Ame, and first Elven Rex of the War Uzg
A leader of his people, Phaedrus fought back against Mali’Aheral oppression and lead a resistance that would raise the ‘Ame up from living under the shadow and abuse of the Silver City. He went on to become a Shaman, and lead the War Uzg for many years until his death in a Klomp.


Jiub the Strong


‘Ker Commander and War Hero
A giant ‘Ker of honor and renown in a time of great strife for the ashen folk. A captain of a band of corsair mali’ker, he join the Des’Nox and helped find the Div’Cruan. He lead his stalwart band of ‘Ker into nearly every major battle of the Fringe Wars. He was a pillar of strength, who aimed to protect and bear the pain of his kin.


Khel the Zealous


The First Great Prince of the Mali’Ker
Rising from slavery under the Mori, Khel rose to represent the mali’ker within old Malinor. He led his people from the shady oaks of old Malinor to the first true mali’ker home in centuries, dubbed Darkhaven. He was renowned for his ferocity and zealous pride.


Awaiti the Oracle


Youngest Princess of the Mali, Druii and Wise Woman

At a young age Awaiti gained the respect of her peers, and continued after her reign to act as a wise voice and a fierce warrior among the mali'ame. A honored druii remembered by many.

If you’d like a family member to be considered for a spot as a Greater Ancestor, please contact the High Priest for the Ancestral Temple of All. Be prepared to explain a history of what this ancestor did and how they impacted the greater world around them.


[OOC: If you’d like to get involved in Ancestralism and the Ancestral Temple of All, or have questions that you’d like answered, please join us in the Temple Discord!]

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