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The Braxian Reforms


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The Braxian Reforms

Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya


Authored by Braxus Ni’leya

On the 3rd of Snow’s Maiden 

Year 48 of the Second Age



Following recent developments within our blessed state, I have undertaken to produce a series of social and political reforms, to Strengthen The Nation



Tarnished Silver Will Break


I have witnessed a heightened sense of impurity festering within the minds of many who claim to be pure. These defects shall be ironed out of all Mali’aheral who dwell within the blessed walls of Haelun’or. Their taint shall be removed, or they shall be removed. It is thus, that I beseech those who rule over our blessed city, to recall into service, the institution of elEvarir’thill il’cruan, with the greatest immediacy.




Stagnant Leaders Will Fall


I have witnessed a stagnant, Silver Council. An empty, Silver Council. A Silver Council unfit for purpose. This must change, or those few who maintain power, shall be removed from power. They shall topple unless a working, efficient and pure Silver Council is formed within Three Elven Weeks of the publication of this missive.




The Inevitable Reassertion


I have witnessed a great despair overcome the Pure of Haelun’or in recent years. It is in the nature of the strong to lead the weak. As the blessed of our Kindred, we must reassert ourselves and our culture as superior. We must, recall under our dominion, those of Bronze and Onyx, to be ruled by Silver. The State must regather its ambition for Mali’aheral supremacy.




A Harrowing Necessity


I have witnessed a great lack and an even greater need, of and for, those willing to sacrifice their lives - those willing to end life, for our blessed city and the ideals of Larihei. Our people cannot survive if our walls are not manned and foreign threats left poised to strike at our gates. Those who have the ability to safeguard our way, must do so. It is their charge and call, and they must answer. A review of our Defences ought to be undertaken post haste and our Weeping Blades must be strengthened.




Heed my words, Strengthen The Nation.



Braxus Ni’leya.

Edited by Gavin_
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A High Elf currently residing somewhere far from the Motherland would sigh, recalling some distant memory of being tasked to transcribe, for the Library, the doings of the institution mentioned in the document in his hands, shuddering. "I don't know what sort of curse must afflict Larihei's children that compels us, when in crisis, to reply immediately with cries to war and genocide, as if somehow that's going to magically fix all the problems, even though that's been tried by our people over and over and, except an initial short term boost of vitality, it never accomplished anything worthwhile, and always led to an ankylosed administration, a purposeless people, and an alienated diplomacy."

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Luthriel placed the missive on a table, so her wretched, destroyed hands did not have to fumble to hold it.  She held her chin up abnormally high as her eyeballs sunk low to meet the text.  "This is only philosophical ramblings.  No practical, concrete steps have been formulated."  Her lowered eyeballs made a wide circle, turning upwards to the ceiling as she groaned, "I have a bloody 20 step practical plan to getting Haelun'or back on its feet.  Perhaps I ought to write something as well."  She held up her right hand (her left had no fingers), looked at her thumb, index, and little fingers, and decided that she was going to find a way to write beautifully and eloquently despite her current predicament.

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"At least someone is doing something." Haskir comments, smiling at the missive with a nod. "I hope everything goes upwards from here."

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