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Transcript of the Royal Court of 398ES


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Ve Auszraz Duemmen i 398ES




Recorded as held on this

17th day of Vzmey and Hyff of 398ES




On the chill early-spring morning, with the late-winter cold lingering in the air and the morning light a pale, frosty blue, the people of the Kongzem of Haense assembled in furs and cloaks in the Nikirala Prikaz as King Sigismund III held a sitting of the Royal Court, transcribed on this scroll in full. The matters raised by the Court included:



Conclusion of the Silver War



Reformation of the Knights of Haense



The Blubber Act's judicial reforms



Appointment of the Aulic Envoy



Appointment of the Deputy Palatine



News from Myrine



Petition of Valtakossar Manfred Barclay



Appointment of the Lord Marshal



Sigismund III: “What a privilege,” he began in his usual lofty drawl. If anything, Sig was one for theatrics, “that vy would all roll out of bed on such a frosty morning just to see me. Be welcome, all. The sitting of the Royal Court of 397ES is now,” he clapped his hands. “In session!”


Kaustantin Baruch: “398, Get on with the times.”


Sigismund III: “Suck my nuts. Perhaps we'll kick off with some good news, hm? Lord Palatine. Come before the dais.”




Conclusion of the Silver War


The Lord Palatine, Kaustantin Baruch, knelt before the Throne.


Sigismund III: “A little crow told me, my lord, that vy made a trip to Savoy some months past. Something about … an offer to end the Haelunorian conflict ….”


Kaustantin Baruch: “Quite so, vyr Majesty. The Royal Delegation met with the Prince of Savoy, in regards to ending the war against the Silver State in an Haeseni Victory.”


Sigismund III: “My, oh my. Do regale us, then. What is the Silver State sacrificing to amend their honour?”


Kaustantin Baruch: “Ten thousand minae to the Kingdom along with a public apology we are owed a decade prior.”


Sigismund III: “And what did our efforts earn our friends in Urguan?”


Kaustantin Baruch: “They shall yield the land encompassing Ando Alur along the Pale to the Grand Kingdom, our allies, for their injustice fer taking Urguani claimed clay.”


Sigismund III: “The remains of their treasury, and a loss of land … Niet a bad fall of the cards. We canniet exactly condone  godlessness nor their … culture, but this ought to serve as a lesson harshly learned. It is for their Canonist overlords in Savoy to do something about their godlessness. The ten thousand mina, I think, ought be shared among the soldiers who helped teach them this lesson. Ai. Dobry work, Palatine.”


Kaustantin Baruch: “Of course vyr Majesty, Krusae Zwy Kongzem.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Krusae Zwy Kongzem.”


Johann Barclay: “Krusae Zwy Kongzem!” He'd echo after the Palatinwe.


Dame Lynette Mendez: “Krusae Zwy Kongzem!!”


Margot Sofiya: “Krusae Zwy Kongzem!”


Sigismund III: “Like a bloody trigger word ….”


Erwin Bishop: “Krusae Zwy Kongzem”


Johann Ludovar: “Krusae Zwy Kongzem!”


Reynauld Gant: “Krusae Zwy Kongzem!”


Emelya Eloise Kortrevich: “Krusae Zwy Kongzem!!”


August Bishop: “Krusae Zwy Kongzem!”


Sebastian Bishop: “Krusae Zwy Kongzem.”


Feodor May: “Krusae zwy kongzem!”


Boris var Ruthern: “KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM!” 


Thomund Bishop: “Krusae Zwy Kongzem!”


Sigismund III: “Alright, alright. We've plenty more to get through.”


Adalia Anastasya Vas Ruthern: “…Krusae zwy kongzem”




Reformation of the Knights of Haense


Sigismund III: “Some of you may know I am a great admirer of our Knights. Admirer may be putting it lightly, even.” Those who knew the King since youth no doubt recalled his obsessive fascination with them. In these last months, Ser Karl Amador the Humble - and ai, he gave himself that name - has retired as Knight Paramount. Young Josef, perhaps, is demanding too much from him at home. Regardless, the sitting Knights and I have taken the opportunity to issue a reform to the Orders. The main change we seek to make is harkening back to our roots, and taking inspiration from the fables of much older times - namely, the Old Raev Bogatyr knights. In doing so, our chief change is that of squire training. I'll niet bore vy all with the details. Take a look at the missive for vyrselves. Mariya. Hand these out,would vy?” 


The King had his squire - Marie Vyronov - distribute the edict of the Knight's Table.


Sigismund III: “The seat of Knight-Paramount will remain empty, for a time. I intend to work with the Meyster and Knight Martial to see these changes implemented, and a new Paramount chosen.”




The Blubber Act's judicial reforms


Sigismund III: “It was the consensus of our Royal Duma that our lawbook - the Haurul Caezk - was ah … a touch too bureaucratic.”


Kaustantin Baruch: “Just a little.”


Sigismund III: “It was written in the span of a mere month following our independence from the Orenians, and its authors had little time to give it a true Haeseni feel. Therefore, it was inspired by the Orenian laws at the time. “Now, though, our generation has the honour of finally changing all that. The Duma has put together a committee to review and rewrite the Haurul Caezk, led by the Duke of Valwyck … And now we have our first product. My lords and ladies, the way in which trials and justice is done in this Kongzem is changed. Kaustantin, send out the sl - ah, the Ayrians.”


Kaustantin Baruch: “Indeed, the Ayrians.” 


The Blubber Act was distributed by Ayrian slaves.


Sigismund III: “To put it briefly, the High Justiciar is now the foremost Jovenaar of our realm. We shall assemble a new bench of Jovenaars to serve beneath him, and one Jovenaar may hold trial over the accused … either by plea, wit, or combat. Our first step in fulfilling this Act, is to recruit these new Jovenaar, who need the approval of the Duma. “So. Does anyone present here fancy themselves a judge? An executioner, even?”


Lord Johann Ludovar, Lady Margot Baruch, and Firr Otto Wittenbach raised their hands.


Sigismund III: “Ohoooo. Vy did niet hesitate, young Johann, did vy?”


Johann Ludovar: “Niet at all mea koeng. Ea have a passion for law and justice and wish to carry it with honor.”


Sigismund III: “Three already. Heh. Very well. Take their names, Kaustantin. It shall be for the Royal Duma to determine if these three ought to wield the power to judge.”


Kaustantin Baruch: “Indeed, ea shall, and there are more shy in this Court amongst vy, talk to me after it.”


Sigismund III: “Think well on it, though, especially the two of you who are young. It's … nie always easy to decide who is right, and who is wrong. To decide who should live, and who should die. Well, onwards, then."




Appointment of the Aulic Envoy


Sigismund III: “Firr Feodor May. Is that vy I spot in the wing?”


Feodor May: “Da, that'd be me vyr Majesty.”


Sigismund III: “Come before us.”


Feodor May knelt before the Throne.


Sigismund III: “It has been over a year now since the death of Komit Jan Kortrevich, and the Office of Aulic Envoy has been vacant ever since. As we discussed, Firr, the Office shall be vyrs.”


Feodor May: “And ea shall serve it to the best of mea ability.”


Sigismund III: “Hm. I believe vy. Best hit the ground running. I have nie doubt the Lord Palatine will have words with vy soon. Verrrrrrry well, there was to be one more Aulic appointment, but I've been informed that the people necessary have become stuck on the road in the spring snows. So, it shall wait for another time. That leaves us with one last matter before the Crown shall hear any petitioners ….”





Appointment of the Deputy Palatine


Kaustantin Baruch: “Ah do actually have an appointment of meaself, vyr Majesty.”


Sigismund III: “Ai? Oh. Ai. That. The floor is vyrs, then, Lord Kaustantin.”


Kaustantin Baruch: "Duke Eirik Baruch is appointed Deputy Palatine of Hanseti-Ruska, he shall serve this Kingdom and take onto some of the burden ea have.”


Sigismund III: “I think that will do us nicely, Palatine. Lord Andrik Baruch, Otto Morovar, and Firr FIonn Castaway are due to be inducted into the Order of Queen Maya and the Lily, but they are niet here.”





Petition of Valtakossar Manfred Barclay


Sigismund III: “On that note, the Crown invites any subject to come before it with petitions.”


Valtakossar Manfred Barclay rushed into the throne room.


Manfred Barclay: “Your majesty!”


Sigismund III: “ … Lord Manfred. I thought a snowy morning like this would require your attention at the cabbage fields.”


Manfred Barclay: “Give me a moment...I have returned from my cabbage farming to deliver a story.” 


Sigismund III: “A story? Nie better audience than the Royal Court, but vy had better make it good.”


Manfred Barclay: “There was once a great man enlisted in the Haense Royal Army. His name was Fionn, nicht this man that has been the city steward but another Fionn. He was known by his brothers as Fionn the Boar. A man of great honour and bravery, he fought during both the Scyfling war and the Inferi war. Once he saved me from a certain spear that was heading towards my neck and another time he saved a certain Mackensen from assured death. He embodied the courage and commitment of St Karl himself, a saint that this soldier had committed himself to honouring. He sacrificed himself facing down a horde of demons that had been sent to destroy our home upon Arcas. There was another great man who did the same. His name was Amelot the Brave, another man who embodied the same virtues as St Karl. A man who is an ancestor of the Mondblume house that exists today.”


Zodd Calliban: “Hey, I remember Amelot.”


Manfred Barclay: “He faced down a giant toad, a giant ogre and plenty of demons. He too faced his death upona bridge that hung over several feet of pure flames. I tell you all these stories so that you remember the sacrifices that great men of the Haense Royal Army and the Brotherhood of St Karl have made. Even if their stories are nicht widely spoken about and discussed. Those two men are examples of the great people who have kept this nation free from opression and persecution.”


Sigismund III: “I do niet think vy would make much as a Bard, Lord Manfred, but … Well. To Fionn the Boar, and Amelot the Brave, then"


Otto August: “To Fionn the Boar and Amelot the Brave. Godan protect the BSK.”


Kaustantin Baruch: “We would've perished if Fionn the Boar and Amelot the Brave did niet persist in their duty.” 




News from Myrine


Sigismund III: “The Lord Palatine has just delivered me some news. Is there a Knight here who would volunteer for a quest?”


Dame Lynette Mendez: “Depends what it is, but of course.”


Sigismund III: “Old reliable. Come forward, Dame.”


Dame Lynette Mendez knelt before the Throne.


Sigismund III: “Word has arrived that the Baron of Myrine was almost assassinated - the same Baron who hosted us only last month. I would have vy go to Myrine, and find out what happened. If the city remains under attack, offer the Baron the support of the Brotherhood.”


Dame Lynette Mendez: “I assume people may volunteer to accompany me. Considering our success in the last quest you assigned me.”


Sigismund III: “Naturally.”


Dame Lynette Mendez: “Wonderful.” 




Appointment of the Lord Marshal


Lord Ailred var Ruthern, Lord Marshl and Duke of Vidaus, arrived after being delayed by the snows.


Sigismund III: “And lo' and behold, we are struck with a vision of providence. Vyr arrival is timely, vyr Grace. We were about to finish.”


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “How grand. Too late for petitions, is it?”


Sigismund III: “Be welcome before the Throne, Duke of Vidaus, and speak vyr mind.”


Lord Ailred knelt before the Throne.


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “Prevja, Vyr Royal Majesties. Ea bear bittersweet news. See, as ea watch over the court attendees here and the proceedings, it brings me back. It does. To the day that Heinrik called upon me, on this carpet some twenty years ago and asked that ea become his Lord Marshal -- the protector of this realm. Ea did niet want to protect this realm as much as ea wanted to shed blood in name of Mother-Ruska and Lady-Haense. To bolster this country's power and prove its capability in warfare is all ea wanted, yet war is a drought and without it, ea canniet prosper.”


Sigismund III: “Niet a soldier of peace, hm?”


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “Of peace? Nie nie. Hence, ea ask that vy allow me to retire from vyr council, Koeng Sigismund. We ought to get a fresh face for our military, and that ea offer vy something where ea shall prove to be more valuable -- until the crack of war breaks, if ever. Ea ask to be retired as Marshal, but in place of it; vy allow me into vyr Marian Retinue, and as a Royal Advisor. Vyr family's blood to-be protected, and with my counsel afforded. It's been a true pleasure, Sigismund the Third.”


Sigismund III: “And why is that, I wonder? That some men flourish when there is blood to be spilled?”


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “War is bound to happen, nie? It's clearly for a reason, one that ea oblige. So why niet for the glory of this country, for when the inevitable happens.”


Sigismund III: “A reason … Very well, then. Ai. Vy will be relinquished of vyr post as Marshal, and remain welcome as Knight and Officer.”


Ser Ailred var Ruthern: “My service, and my family's service is for vy and this Koengdom. That is all, Vyr Royal Majesty. Spasiba.”


Kaustantin Baruch: “Vy are dismissed, the Seventieenth Lord Marshal of Haense, one that won a war in his tenure, glory and fame. Johann Barclay, vy are called to the dais.”


Lord Johann Barclay, Count of Reinmar, knelt before the Throne.


Kaustantin Baruch: “Vy have made quite a martial name for vyrself, is that niet right, Johann?"


Johann Barclay: "I've done mein best, Lord Palatine.” 


Kaustantin Baruch: “Indeed, ea've seen that. Vy have served the Koengzem by leading the cadets, the next generation of Haense, in the the Brotherhood. Vyr name is niet only the thing encompassing vy, but experience, too. By the order of his Majesty, ea formally ask vy, are vy prepared for the burden of Marshalship? Ser Ailred can attest to how busy and hardworking it.”


Boris var Ruthern: “Ea'd be blind, deaf, and simple if ea did niet see this coming.” 


Johann Barclay: “Ich am.”


Kaustantin Baruch: “Very well, Johann Barclay, vy are to be the Eighteenth Lord Marshal of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. Vy shall be given the sash and uniform from vyr predecessor. Ea hope to see it fits on vy well. Both metaphorically and physically.”


Johann Barclay: “I will keep tha gates of your Koengzem sealed, your majesty.” 


Sigismund III: “But vy shall niet falter. That is that, then. As far as Court goes, this was a most changing one. Vy have my thanks for coming. Go now in peace. Godani bless.”




His Royal Majesty SIGISMUND III by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Thurant, Venzia and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera.


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