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[!] Before you is a beautifully written missive, graced with simple yet hauntingly delicate drawings of flowers that look real but also have a surreal feel to them, giving the reader a sense of magic in the simple art of drawing plants.




Image result for voynich manuscript

(ooc: Image from the Voynich manuscript)

        Greetings, my Mali brothers and sisters around Almaris!  I want to remind you all of a very special phrase to me, one that I believe ought to serve to unite us all rather than divide us.  Health and Progress.  Under the guise of following this phrase, many individuals have been unjustly killed, but the ideas of health and progress are not responsible for this.  In fact, when one meditates on the meaning of the words health and progress, one finds that they condemn the actions of racial purists just as much as they condemn the actions of religious zealots and anyone who prefers feeling over logic, opinions over fact.  These words serve as a rallying cry for all beings to push for progress:  To progress the world to the point of minimal suffering as quickly as possible.  I know not any reason why one should reject this call.  The thing that can unite the vast majority of peoples, cultures, and religions across the world is that we all want a word where people are healthier and happier.  And thus, I want to invite you all to discover just one of the many ways we can bring about this progress!

      Many people look at mages and wonder, "What would it be like to be able to do such magical things?!"  but they are discouraged from becoming mages themselves.  For me, it was the characteristic loss of strength that goes with learning voidal magic that drove me away from the arcane arts.  Yet even the simplest looking of plants can posses the most magical powers!  Some plants help to muffle, or lower body heat to the point of hypothermia.  Other plants help wounds to heal quickly or decades old scars to heal.  These simple plants deserve our attention and respect, as they can do things that even our strongest warriors cannot.  I believe botany is the key towards progressing our world towards health and happiness! 

     And so, I would like to invite all my Mali brothers and sisters to study botany with me this Mali Saturday, or Saint's Saturday as they might say in a Cannonist area (ooc: ok idk how else to tell u when its gonna be.  Don't judge!).  I am not a professional botanist by any means, only an individual who has newly discovered the beauty of plants!  Hopefully we can inspire some people to study weeds!


Luthriel Paleth -let out of prison with out trial due to government corruption, don't mind me snooping around Haelunor instead of rotting away in a cell while i wait for my purity trial-

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