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In Service of the Small Folk; Thoughts of a Paladin Aspirant


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In Service of the Small Folk


    Servitude, this is our charge. Bestowed upon our order by Blessed Xan, our duty is to serve the descendants of Horen, Krug, Malin, and Urguan alike, and all the lesser beasts upon this world that our righteous God presides over. We usher in the equality, order, justice, and love that Xan asks of us to uphold. It is with the utmost pride that I, the lowborn son of a grain farmer, strive to achieve these goals laid out to me by my brothers and sisters, and through the Credo of our Sunlit Lord.


    The world has felt the plague of darkspawn grow in recent years. Daemons, drakes, and dead things lurk in the shadows, wishing destruction upon human, elf, dwarf, and orc alike. So we stand, as the shield of the people, as their servants, not as lording guardians who watch from afar. Our blood we spill for them, our steel we break for them, our lives we give for them, all in the name of order. For centuries the order of Paladins has stood to fill this role, and for centuries yet to come it will remain steadfast in the face of darkness, providing an all encompassing shield to defend the people.


    These values do go only so far as our blades can reach, it is us who must strive to provide for the people, to meet their needs. If you see a poor beggar shivering from the frost on the side of the road, unclasp your cloaks and clothe them, provide them with shelter and meet their needs. Use your final pennies to feed the starving youths in the cities, such is our duty.
It is true, we do not meddle in the politicking and warring of the nations of our shared continent, but even here we cannot shirk our duties. Wars create crises, refugees must flee their villages, with naught but the clothes they bear on their backs, and the babes in their arms. It is them we must meet with outstretched arms, to invite them into our homes, to feed and clothe them, for we can not prevent the wickedness of war, we can only nurse the wounds that it brings.


    This, I say, let them seek refuge in our halls, let our wards ease their fears, our shields deflect the blows of the darkspawn threat. Let the light of the Sunlit Lord bathe them in warm comfort. Our roofs keep dry their heads, and our swords vanquish the threats that plague them.


Au nom de Dieu,
Philippe of Sunbreak



Haven't written an in character post in a long time, so apologies for not having a pretty bland format here, it takes time to develop one and I just haven't posted often enough to find one that I really like. This writing would be shared to any Paladins at Sunbreak keep, and generally anyone who wants to respond to the writing in any way.


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A Lady in Silver would hum upon the deliverance of such a missive, and the return of the wayward Auvergne from the long pilgrimage he was made to endure;


"This will do nicely..."

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