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Writ of Disownment, 1847


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Announcement from the House of De Ravensburg






Citizens of Sedan and Fellow Friends of House de Ravensburg,


After years of thought and debate, it has come to my attention that my dear Sister, Roberta Leopoldine de Ravensburg has chosen to leave behind her noble status, her wealth and her inheritance in the pursuit of harranite ideals. She has broken her vow to Her Liege, the Prince of Sedan when she refused to return from the court of Savoy after reaching the age of 18. 


It is with great displeasure that I proclaim Roberta Leopoldine de Ravensburg no longer a Noblewoman of Sedan, no longer shall she hold the name de Ravensburg.


She will henceforth be known as Roberta Leopoldine Jrent, the name given to Bastards of the House of Horen-Marna. Jrent will be the only name she shall hold until she is wed. She will be equal to those of a Bastard’s birth. 

I Pray that Roberta will see the error of her ways and beg for forgiveness from both her rightful liege and myself



The Right Honorable, Caius Tiberius de Ravensburg, Count of Ravensburg, Chancellor of Sedan



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"He must be blind- I am no longer Roberta de Ravensburg, Roberta Jrent at all, I am- Roberta de Chalons."


The Matriarch of House Chalons would comment to herself while gleefully searching for a new home within San Luciano, having a bright and large smile shining from her her face. The woman seeming to be entirely fine with this 'declaration' from her elder brother.


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“Jrent… Jrent… Roberta Leopoldine de Chalons, that sounds more badass.” Proclaimed Alexander Leopold Hartcold.

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Aubergine de la Baltas raises a toast for the Demoness of Southbridge, Roberta Jrent de Chalonsberg, for her obvious and somewhat frightening martial prowess.

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10 hours ago, ___South___ said:

“Jrent… Jrent… Roberta Leopoldine de Chalons, that sounds more badass.” Proclaimed Alexander Leopold Hartcold.

John Aurelius Hartcold slaps the back of his cousins head "No Alexander, no. We are supporting Caius on this one"

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