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On greed


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Joy, a feeling many seek in life, and many fail to find in life. Some try to seek Joy in the arms of another, only for them to move to another person, they try to find it in the bottle only for their soul to be emptier than the bottle that is in their hands. My brothers and sisters there is a way people try to find Joy, that is not just poor to them but detrimental to others. The constant searching of Joy in the mortal realm has led to greed, the want to take and take and consume, endlessly until this world has been sucked dry of everything. Life and Joy. Greed ultimately leads us to a void of Joy, and away from GOD.

The constant desire to take and consume, take then consume, take and consume again, a recurring pattern until the ultimate destruction of oneself and all around them. Leaves a void not just in the mortal world, but in the soul of all creation. 


“For I have given to you the pleasures of the world, and they shall comfort you in the theater of virtue. And you shall take them carefully, and shall not become a creature of worldly indulgence as the beasts of the earth.”


-Scroll of Virtue 3:7-3:8

God has clearly dictated that we must take everything in moderation in this mortal plain of existence. For if we become a creature of worldly indulgence, it leads us to a pathway that is very opposite of a pathway that GOD has asked that we take. Thus greed has become a threat not just to others, but the mortal soul of oneself. 

My Brothers and Sisters may be reading this and asking ‘How can one avoid greed’ a question of which is of the highest morals and a question everyone should ask themselves. My Brothers and Sisters to avoid greed I challenge each and every one of you, to think not just for yourself, think what God would do. Practice Empathy, walk in the shoes of others. Don’t focus on worldly possessions, focus on God, focus on humility before the lord our God, for Humility is the pathway to Virtue. If you place God and the church first, your worldly needs will be met, and then Joy can be found. Free from Greed. 


Yours in peace and love,

Acolyte, Markos Sainte-Bladine 




Edited by bugbytes21
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Father Vladrick would smile and give Markos a thumbs up

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Jordan Cardinal Jorenus remained within his high tower in the Basilica of Saint Heinrik, skimming over the thesis. It would not be one remembered by him - nor would most, he scarcely remembered the contents of his own - but it would gain his approval nonetheless, a stamp sloppily set upon the page - such approval would surely be sent to the bishop of whatever diocese this man would lead in, in due time.

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