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The Address of elMedi'ir


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The Address of elMedi’ir


Medi’ir Braxus Ni’leya

6th of The Deep Cold

Year 51, S.A


Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya


Haelun’or exists as both physical and non-physical - She is twofold; an idea - elMaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya - for the two do not exist without one another - and the physical instantiation of Larihei’s legacy, where every ‘thill ought to dwell. As Medi’ir, it is my intention, as was stated upon my appointment, to protect Larihei’s legacy - both elMaehr’sae Hiylun’ehya and Haelun’or.


As is rightly noted under THE FIRST SOHAERIATE CONSTITUTION - Title II, Chapter II, Article 13 - “The Talonnii is the foundation of our society. The State shall watch over its moral and material stability, for the proper development of oem’ii within our community”. As it currently stands, our streets are barren, our homes derelict and the moral fabric of our blessed Haelun’or, bankrupt. Haelun’or weeps for her missing children. Larihei weeps for the temporary suspension of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya that Haelun’or has experienced as of late. Thus, I have been appointed as Medi’ir to heal the terrible transgressions of stagnancy. Malefactors and agents of Impurity have been cast out. I, a servant of Larihei exist as Medi'ir to give a reason for you, the blessed children of Haelun’or to rekindle their hearths and to call once more, their motherland - Home.


There are those who fled Haelun’or for the terrible stagnancy which overwhelmed her - Are you to blame? For recall, even Old Malinor stagnated and thus, Larihei herself was betrayed for her efforts. There are those who fled Haelun’or for the terrible deeds of impure malefactors - Are you to blame? For why should you suffer filth when you are destined for perfection? On behalf of the State, on behalf of elHeial’thilln, and in my authority as Medi’ir, I wish to extend a sincere apology to all of Larihei’s children. You have been failed and let down by Mali sworn to protect you - to nurture you - to guide you in the philosophy of Larihei, the Silver Lady - Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya.


I call upon all Mali’aheral, who wish to reside in a city which values Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya - a city worthy of bearing the namesake of Haelun’or, to return home. There was a time when Haelun’or was revered for its strides in the Natural Sciences, the Arcane, Poetry, Music, Philosophy, Law, et cetera. There was a time when these noble pursuits were at the forefront of our society, these are the days of old. We have not been graced by their presence in many, many years. Thus I say, let us embark upon a journey - together. My appointment to the office of Medi’ir marks not only the filling of a council seat, but more importantly, fundamentally even, it marks The Great Regress of elMali’thill, to better times - purer times. 


To progress, we must regress.


Edited by Gavin_
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Valazaer Shazorwyn squints his eyes as he reads over the missive and gives a gentle huff, "I suppose an apology is a good thing, from what I've seen." He tuts his tongue. "And to call back all the mali'thill to their home? Here's hoping they answer the call."

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“To protect and serve the Silver State…” A gingered ‘aheral commented from her office in which she began to pen several letters, perhaps one in regards to continuing her own lineage- to grow and revitalize her bloodline. It was time.

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