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Oem Mali, Oem Nation


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Oem Mali, Oem Nation

Divided as a Race, we shall fall.

We must stand as One, the meaning of this call.

For Elves have been divided so long, all are weak

The Future of our Race looks grey and bleak.

Heed the call to take a stand.

Against all odds, we need one command.


A mysterious missive appears pinned on trees across the West.

Any diligent folk could see a hooded figure running on the roads, the occasional pointed ear coming out of their hood.

Dear Mali of all kind, wether it be Thill, Ker, Ame, or Aheral. The time has come to come together as not many groups, but as one race.

As Man continues to vy for power, that of the Elves have weakened. No longer are we the proud people we once were,

but a fractured and broken illusion of our former glory.


The Elven people submit to rulers of not of the ancient culture. Elves roam around Almaris, aimlessly trying to find shelter to thrive.

As the Elven powers weaken, such as those of Hael'unor and Elvendom,

The Kingdoms of Man flourish and expand, that of the Dwarves does as well.


What do we have? A race of broken souls and powerless puppets?

Are we going to put up with being pawns?

We must stand behind a united cause, not simply a coalition, but one nation.

Elves shant go another century of being powerless. We must rise.

We Must Survive.

-Kolturian the Kesselite. 






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The prince reads the missive from inside his new home. It had come to his attention after an elf had brought it to him from the outside world. A light smile forms as he reads, and he soon goes upstairs to pen a response.




To Kolturian the Kesselite:


It is valiant to believe in unity among the elves. I believe that it is a worthy goal to dedicate yourself to and is achievable with our long lives. I do believe, though, that you have missed the most important aspect of elven unity: the reasons we have disunity.


The leaders of elves crave control. The power to shape the destiny of yourself and your people is what keeps the elves isolated from one another. The Free Elves of Elvendom would not align themselves with the Fennic Bloodlines because they would not seek the same goals and paths; nor should we expect them to. Friendship is possible, but unity is a distant hope.


Someday, an elf will come along and unite the ideals of the elves. Perhaps it is you, Kolturian the Kesselite. I wish you the best of luck on this venture, and you have my support should you find an amiable course of action.



HIS LORDSHIP, Amaesil Vuln'miruel, Prince-Heir of Elvendom

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"I applaud you in your endeavour Kolturian, truly. Though I fear the tear among our people have become too great. I will admit I have little love left for one son of Malin, that is no secret. With their countless neglect toward their fellow Mali, I would bow down if you can bring the prideful Mali'thill to the table, but I fear they are lost to their own machinations."


"Even so, that should not limit the remaining Mali to form closer relations in the future, that perhaps someone like you may aid in shaping a better tomorrow for Mali. Velulaei y nae ilumeh, Kolturian."


Ruathar Indoren, Grand Steward of Stygian Hollow 

Edited by Tulan
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A certain Snow Elf spies the missive, patrolling through his blizzard-stricken settlement. In passing, he utters, "Until rightful desire for strength can supersede pride, there will be no unity. Most elven princes have yet to face the hard truths that confront them."

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Ayred offers a mere, light grin at the thought of the united elfdom "The mali' will never be united, truely. The young will always despise the wisdom of the old and dwell with the Valah instead."


"But ti, I'll entertain that. One god, Wyrvun. One border, Fenn. One Prince... Vytrek, a contender."

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A Mali'Fenn Valkyr spotted the note on his many patrols through Wyrvuns domain- gathering his thoughts he would write a response, then posting it on the same notice board:


"You forget to mention the Fenn' though, I do not blame you, a mere mention of the Mali'Fenn is enough to usurp the power balance of any unity, afterall someone must lead, and that is always the strong.


If the current Elven states are to stand the measure of competance then is it not the Fennic' Princes to which stand as the best choice. That is to say, in any instance of unity the Mali'Fenn would be the backbone of governance and military, if not immediately made so then eventually, over time through pure ability, inevitably awarded such positions."



At the bottom it would be signed:


"Akkar Thuln'diraar"


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Laerdya looked about as she came across the missive, before taking one for herself to read in private. She read over the words and felt they were echoing of things said prior by many as she thought to herself  "Plenty have and will repeat this statement, time and time again, regardless of the type of Mali they are. Yet despite this 'communal' desire, our kind remains divided, for this to happen, many malian will have to surrender their power, as some should, many of our nations lie battered and dying, yet many cling to the lofty dream of their nations that have been driven into the grave of reviving, all they offer is assurances and worthless promises that will be broken, that things will improve. Perhaps we'd already reached the potential height we could have long ago and are just simply walking ghosts, waiting for time to claim the malian as it should." She came to a rise from the seat she was resting in, as her figure moved towards a kitchen to gather some food, several ideas begin to take root in the woman's mind, as she then remarked to herself "Perhaps one worthy may rise, who cares to listen to advice given to them, who is able to defeat ages worth of systems built up to protect petty rulers who care not for their people, only the little power they hold. Though, the odds are stacked against them.." She quietly adds, her mind turned away from the missive now.

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"Pretty words, but they are little more than just words,"

Olórin Telemnar uttered between puffs from his pipe, reading the missive from the comfort of his study.


"Ultimately, actions speak louder.  I do not believe harmony among elves is impossible, but it is certainly not achieveable via the solutions we at present pursue.  Our ideals contrast drastically; some seek a commonwealth where others seek absolute rule.  And many more would go so far as to fabricate their hospitality in an effort to sustain their dying lands...


"Unless we, the children of Malin, adapt to some form of common ground, I fear we are doomed to repeat the same cycle."



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"Strange" Arevthor Tathvir states to the patrons listening to him within Wyrvun's Landing of the Fennic Remnants. "That one will sit here and write about the value of unity across all Mali, yet do little to work towards this effort.  I personally do believe that unity amongst our cousins and brothers is within reach, in fact I believe it's even closer than many think.  That being said of course it is not simply something that a boy with foolish dreams and little planning can accomplish.  This requires planning, understanding, patience, and most importantly persistence.  We must be willing to find compromise amongst ourselves while ensuring our individuality and cultures remain true; distinguish a course of leadership without subjugating ourselves; and find it within our hearts to truly trust one another.  Unity amongst Elves is closer than we think lliran, just requires the right nudge."


He cracks a wild smile, raising his glass as he finishes his rant, the patrons returning to their evening.

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A certain elven mutt read the missive, though he bursts into a loud cackle as he wipes below his eye to get rid of the fake tear, simply commenting "**** off" before he went off on his merry way to wherever he was going in the first place even though he had already forgotten from such a distraction

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"A thousand elves, a thousand right answers. All these years of wisdom and yet we define Elven unity no different than the Valah. Condensed racial purity under a sovereign Princedom - many of you do not live among the Valah, but you should know your ambitions are the same.

 The Fenn believe unity is achieved by forced conquest of strength and dominance of will over others, this is the sort of thinking more akin to an Uruk than a Mali. The Thill believe unity is achieved by purging bloodlines, cleansing ourselves to aspire to some ancient utopian form. So long as one believes they can dictate to other what 'true' Elfdom is, you shall spend more time pricking your own scabs than becoming a healthy body.

We suffer differently than the Valah, we cannot fill the cities with our kind as they do - we cannot field armies in the numbers they do, for each precious child is a rare gift and each death an unfillable tragedy. So why do we choose to make war as they do, to build cities as they do, to rule and live as they do?

Elven unity, I think shall be a patchwork of many, brought together by a strength of purpose. It does not require subjugation. I do not know fully what that purpose is, though I am sure there are many who would step forward in certainty of their facts as to how everyone of us should live.

For me, I find assurance that the Valah need the Mali - to guide, to mentor, to teach and lead in this world - or they are prone to act as children in possession of dangerous and world altering toys. Yet we also need them, for they have passion, purpose and are the true drivers of history on Almaris. We have been for many centuries passive observers and participants in that history, scratching at the outskirts for the crumbs of destiny. It was Godfrey, afterall, who united the globe - not an Elf. Had an Elf bothered to be his second, and to guide his succesors, we might still be living in a world united under one banner.

The magnanimous nature of Mankind makes them admirable, yet we are destined to be caretakers to the Valah and the world. Not to lord as Princes over our own people - but to guide Mankind to heights that are no longer possible for us to achieve.

“And they go out, and Malin is lieutenant to Godfrey” (Auspice 2:14)
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The Kaeronin reads the missive and heartily laughs, memories of the Dominion flooding back all at once before he sighed.
"So young.. So much to learn."

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An Adunian would be working among his kin as they started building their village. In the distance, a mailman arrived, delivering this missive. He thanked him as he offered him some fresh water from the well while reading it. Upon seeing the letter, he would chuckle as he gives a wave to the man as he continued his duty to deliver the other letters across Almaris. The Adunian would look at Lubba keep and shrug "see enough elves there, don't understand why different cultures of elves should unite as one, doesn't seem as something smart to do, imagine putting different kinds of fish in same pond, while among the fish you have those that are aggressive to one another or those that are stronger that will compete in the ecosystem and starve out the weak. What your 'people' need is time, the Grand kingdom of Urguan didn't form in a day, neither will the kin of Elves, in due time you will flourish once more, but it is not today or tomorrow."He'd mutter as he would pinched in his side by his fellow tribes members as they wondered what he was muttering about, he laughed as he said it was nothing before returning to the build site, almost finishing their last cottage. 

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Luthriel rolled her eyes. "Illogical." She muttered while gazing at the missive, "I would rather live with any logical Valah than illogical elves.  Race doesn't matter at all."

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