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The long-ellusive Baroness Carrington received word from a bustling attendant that a certain Ducal couple had been spotted on Almaris. At the interval of nary a moment, the cocoa-haired Basridi shot up from a velvet-lined sofa in her quarters at Carrington. Pacing about the room, the Baroness gnawed on her inner lip. "I must write to them..." She muttered to no one in particular. "I MUST WRITE TO THEM! IT'S BEEN TOO LONG!" The woman was almost childlike in her glee at her dearest friends' return.




Anastasie of Provins, knowing naught of the Duke and Duchess, only knew that the home she had known all her life would be home no longer. Several chests, set ajar, lined the walls of her marble-covered chambers, full to the brim with silken gowns and other belongings of the Pruvian beauty. She held her head high, for she would not allow herself to weep.




Edited by VeganWalmart
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A noble steed stood above the sunken and wet ground of almaris, the breath of such a stallion visible by the bitter cold that surrounded it and it’s rider. Atop such a beast sat a woman, her long black cloak wafting in the wind as she too exhaled just as the horse she sat atop did, the breath rising into the air as if she’d a cigar between her lips, albeit there was no such cheroot. However as a bit of news was brought to the Lady a faint grin found its way upon her lips, something that hadn’t been present in quite some time, “Ah..” she hummed, her brows raising. “I do fear for what they’ve returned to..” she murmured, beginning off to meet her own son at his estate. @Ticklem0nster



At the Provins Estate a red-haired youth threw a few dresses into a bag, her eyes filled with tears. Downstairs her sisters and mother bustled about for some reason unbeknownst to her, instead she hadn't thought a single time about all that had happened, instead she took the small bag of clothes and belongings and threw it out her window and onto the patio. She stormed down the stairs, sneaking past her family, and making her way to retrieve the luggage from the ground. The youth drug the bag to meet with a friend of her's (@Herod), her countenance still weighed down with the bitter feelings of leaving home.

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"... Where have you gone?" A rasp resounded throughout the Palazzo Aggrade, followed by a series of coughs and a weak groan, as heavy footfalls crept up the grand staircase.


She was looking for someone.


"Eugénie!" Sang a voice from the balcony, "She's arrived!"


The Lady Baruch hadn't seen her family in a while now, and she was looking forward to a grand reunion with her sisters, a niece, and a long-lost friend. Despite her cynicism, Eugénie complied and went along with the proposal. She couldn't afford to miss this meeting.


She was led to the chambers of her nephew Lucien, though there was no sign of him, the woman had seemed to be interrupting a conversation as another woman dressed in bright fabrics removed her flaxen wig in front of her eyes, revealing raven-like tresses in its place.


Eugénie, however, was unfazed by the collective gasps that soon filled the room. She couldn't have possibly been shocked, After all, she assumed they'd all received the same letter, so she wasn't at all surprised to see this particular ebon-haired Lady make an appearance.


Eugénie had no words or feelings after hearing about the 'new' woman's plotting, other than contentment in knowing that her friend had returned soundly, and safely ... and eventually, she had agreed to participate in such a scheme. "Your grace, Ah've never had a quarrel with such." Eugénie leered in admittance, all that was left now was to prepare for what was to come.

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Johan Vuiller, the aged holy knight and former Cardinal would go grab one of his cows, pulling it after him "I swore to give them a cow for eternal milk during their wedding! and I was niet able to before they left! God smite me if I'm niet able to do so now!" He smiled warmly as he tried to find them

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HRH the Count of Peremont, Prince Lucien Auréle smirks mischievously. (the sun's smile).

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Maisie d’Arkent flashed a quick smile as the desert sun hit her face. Though her silent sunbathing was ruined by a butler who ran up with the notice! Pulling down her sunglasses, the gloomy old woman nodded with approval “Good. Charlotte will enjoy the help.”  

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Anne Josephine’s natural grin twisted downwards into a large frown upon hearing the news. “This is going to be a long meeting.” The teen grumbled in frustration, fearing the disruption the arrival would cause to the finally stable court.


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Josephine Augusta, aunt to Philip Amadeus, is utterly shocked. "Who could have predicted the Duke would fake his own death? Certainly not I," she remarks.

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Anna Mariya lets out a sigh of relief, the first bit of good news that has come in quite some time "Welcome home my dear.."


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Joseph d'Azor looked over the letter as it had arrived with just a bit of surprise. "Especially when you least expect it...." 

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      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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