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The Baroness Carrington stood beneath a Savoyard banner in the city of San Luciano beside her eldest child, hand outstretched toward the arid breeze as the crimson sun rose steadily over the horizon. "Our sun too will rise, my Dove. I know our Emperor well, he will prevail-- as will Oren."

(( @Melpomenne))

Edited by VeganWalmart
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Cigar in one hand and wine in the other, utterly consumed in the masses of smog and fumes of it all, Eugénie Cécile clung to the missive as she sat within the confines of the Palace Aggrade, "Philip the Great . . . Perhaps even the greatest." She exuded a mass of smoke plumes before slumping in her seat. "Rally the faithful, and rally some more." Eugénie muttered setting the parchment aside as she sipped at her drink. 

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The Baron of Carrington stood within that throne room "Long live Philip III!" The man chanted alongside many others "We are watching history be made." He spoke towards his daughter and wife.

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"Rally the Faithful!" The Exchequer of Savoy would exclaim from the courtroom, yet in her mind all she could think was about how much she will have to be managing the funds of this upcoming endevour.

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Philippa Antoinette whilst at the County of Azor would sip upon her tea, reading the missive!

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The Lord Palatine of Haense smiled widely as he took hold of the declaration, vividly recalling how last time, Haense did not have a choice whether to join a war of two Emperors. Now, he sipped from his pina colada far away from the frontlines as the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska remained stable and neutral. "Now, time to watch the world to go to shite."

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Three letters would be sent forth to Marchosias, Avaeramos, and Sand.


Dear Brother,


You have known me to be a woman who watches and waits, who cautions patience, who exerts temperance in all things. You know me to be steadfast, to sacrifice my own ambition for the sake of the collective that we do so share. 


Brother, I tell you now that I have found a cause that is worthy of going against my better nature and temperament. When I came into our coterie, our collection of kin, my time as an Imperial was long over. To this day, I have not set foot in the halls of the Augustine since I was denied what was rightfully promised to me by the most gracious sovereign Princess this land has ever known, the magnanimous Anne Augusta, who I was blessed to once know not only as a worthy liege but as a true and favored friend. I speak little of those times, but I shall speak to you of them now. When I was young, it was this Matriarch of Novellen who did give me the reason I needed to fight. It was for she, and she alone, that I put myself in harms way knowing that I might die- and I knew that such a sacrifice would be worth it if she did live even a breath longer. 


Anne Augusta has, to my greatest grief, passed on from these lands- and my only regret is that I fear I may never join her in rest and know her wit and charm once more. Her legacy, however, still rests in these lands. It lies not with any of her children, nor indeed any of her grandchildren, but with the singular Philip Amadeus, who was cast out and denounced by the false Emperor in the same way that we have been. 


I tell you now that I mean to fight to ensure that Philip Amadeus (or as I suppose he has now been dubbed, Philip III Amadeus) succeeds in his birthright. I shall not make demands of you, I shall not beg for your swords at my side- but as I have loved and protected you, please grant your Sister your thoughts, and contemplate on your own the gravity of this matter, the inheritance of that place from which I was forged. Anne Augusta did open her mind to the mysteries of our order, of our kin. It is not so hard to imagine that with time, with loyalty, and with service, her true successor in Philip Amadeus might do the same. 


In this matter, I will act alone if need be. However, I shall trouble you a while longer with a different request. Brothers, I beg you to ruminate on your true names, to consider what they themselves mean. I shall tell you mine, as I knew it when I first tumbled out of the soot and ash that was my cradle. Midnetora- I think some of you may recall the meaning: Loyal Northern Summer. As I close this letter to you, I hope that despite the differences in our birth, our gender, our minds, we do share one thing in common- this bond of loyalty between us.


Your Sister in Arms,






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"RALLY THE FAITHFUL! RALLY THE FAITHFUL! RALLY THE FAITHFUL!" that Heir of Rivia chanted throughout the Rivia Estate. "LONG LIVE EMPEROR PHILIP THE GREAT!" and so he walked towards the garden of Rivia. "And with my life I shall defend the true Emperor and with my death I shall help bring the Empire back to it's greatness. I, Philip Rupert Galbraith swear on my life that I shall serve you Emperor Philip the third."

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Ever faithful to his principles and family precepts and loyalties, the Landgrave of Alstreim made no declarations he did not truly believe in - but there was no lie in his resolve to fight alongside his Savoyard brothers with the brave, armored Philip III.


"Now this is something the faithful can rally for."



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"God is with us," the Empress Anastasia of Kositz stated. "May great change come to this empire, for the people. It is always for them, all of this - the people."


"Now," she stood tall, no longer knelt before a pew with her Lorraine cross clutched between her hands, "Rally the faithful."

Edited by Eryane
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The young 12 year old Joseph Clement de Sarkozy would cheer. "GOD save his Imperial Majesty Emperor Philip III and Empress Anastasia! I shall help you to get the throne Uncle Philip and Auntie Ana! I swear it!" He exclaimed as he continued to sip of his Carrion Black

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      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
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