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Harassment, Hate, and Predators


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I'm going to make the same comment I did on the video 


Preach! Treasure thank you so much for bring this to light. As someone who has been groomed by people both on and off the server, all I can say is thank you. Thank you for talking about it.


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It is a massive problem that you had to make this video in order to start this conversation, but massive respect to you for doing it, and well said.

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yes!! a conversation that needs to be had.. very well spoken.

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I entered this server when I was 14. Now, some four years after, I can say that not a lot is done regarding predators on here. It hurt my younger self to see the player that targeted me back then, and bereaved me of my innocence, continue being supported, unimpeded by his actions. At the time I lacked the courage necessary to speak out, perhaps because I felt I had no proper network that would support me - even after I had screenshots in which I was begged by them to not say anything. And so, I waited, and waited, and waited until it was ultimately too late. I hope no other younger player has to experience similar trauma and anguish over it. As a playerbase let’s take responsibility for making sure EVERY SINGLE PLAYER HERE feels safe. 

We have a responsibility, as players of this server, not only to storytelling but also to assuring the medium in which that is done is comfortable. 

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A more proactive approach is definitely needed and a video, face to face emphasizes the seriousness of the situation. Behind every screen is a person and every person behind that screen should feel safe when engaging with the LOTC community. It is due to the waiting game played by staff that that these situations often create a snowball effect, making issues become much more prominent and known to the community while they try to cover them up.


Many of the future victims of groomers would likely not be victims if procedure for these matters was dealt with with a much heavier hand earlier on.


This will probably be a tough pill to swallow for player and staff alike but it needs to be done. To me it feels like lotc is only one step up from simply tolerating grooming behavior at the moment. 


No player should feel unsafe from issues stemming from or directly linked to what is supposed to be a place to relax.


LOTC is supposed to be a community that helps ease the stress of OOC players yet it very much seems as though the opposite is being done quite often.


Lil addition: Respect, Treshure. Takes a lot to speak out like that. I hope this is a turning point for LOTC for all the right reasons.


Edit Number 2, a statement from Captain Obvious: I should not need to add this, but not only is it a violation of the rules, but grooming and actions of a similar nature are completely illegal and quite frankly, disgusting. Actions that manipulate and exploit anyone to the point that their own safety is compromised should not simply be observed.


These events can be traumatic and leave lasting impacts on a person's wellbeing. 


You wouldn't just watch if you saw this happen in real life. 

You wouldn't try to brush someone's criminal acts under the rug- that in itself is a crime.


You probably did so to try in vain to stop the server's reputation from slipping.


Now you have to do the opposite to dig it out of the hole created.

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The FACT that this had to be made, and that the last post was muted and blocked? It shows how much the Admins really care. They don't. Simple as that. It shows, considering how much the community bands together to say this topic, and nothing is done. It's been said for years, and nothing has been done still. It's sick and vile. Thank you, Treashure.

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34 minutes ago, zuziee said:

Thank you.


There's this joke that no woman on lotc hasn't been groomed. Think about that.

the truth behind this is terrifying


A lot of you know a brief retelling of what happened to me either by word of mouth or active witnessing, but very little know that I had tried to expose my predator 3 months before the whole thing blew up, and that a lack of having EVIDENCE after deleting literal months of snapchat/discord conversations because I couldn't handle the trauma that I felt in seeing any of it could've held back a ban had his exposition not been as public and souring as it was. The pain that I've undergone in the healing process should never have to be felt by anyone, as I was already being groomed long before anything amounted to real predationNO ONE should ever have to suffer through what me and many others suffered through via a lack of action in not just the moderation/administration but the community as a whole. Please watch out for underage people, of which I still am!!!!!!! It is our common responsibility to care for them if they're being allowed on the server alongside grown adults. It can not be said enough.

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It is incredibly important to start this conversation. We need to understand the faults of our follow and how to properly correct it.


What we need to do, in my opinion is how cases like these are taken care of. He was a pedophile, everyone actively knew he was a pedophile, there was evidence of such, and yet it was not enough. It was not enough because of arbitrary rules that actively go against our community and standard morals .


It's like letting someone assault you until your cold dead body is proof. This needs to change, and it needs to happen now, or some poor 14 year old is going to get groomed again, cry out for help, and nothing is going to be done. 


Oftentimes, children and younger teens don't understand that they are being groomed. Why, as staff members and as a community, are we not advocating for them? for ourselves? God help us.

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I cherish my time in this community despite not being here long and yet I find it heartbreaking that many players have to endure genuine nightmares over hate and harassment to no end, this video absolutely speaks on point regarding the issues that we have that make this place less safe for community members. +1

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Romance-Rp in general is just a terrible decision to participate in, at all.  I've always advocated against it, it does nothing but cause problems over and over.  And anybody who's actively done it for some time will more than likely corroborate what I'm saying.  It's impossible to do romance-RP without an OOC connection forming, some sort of emotional tie to form.  And truly emotional ties of a romantic sort are the source of so much evil in this community. 

From one end of the spectrum you got the jilted lovers causing issues in discord, which I'm sure everybody has seen.  To the other end of the spectrum, with active pedophiles, sex pests, so forth.  Don't do romance RP ppl, no matter how much you want to, it truly is not a good choice.

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I'm incredibly proud that you had the confidence to create such a well spoken and well addressed video, as unfortunate as it is that it HAD to be addressed. Thank you for your efforts in continuing this conversation and I hope something can come out of it. So much respect for you @Treshure

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