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[✗] [Magic Lore]Fire Evocation Amendments


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Fire Evocation Amendments

The purpose of these amendments to Fire Evocation is to clear up issues with the magic that I have found as someone who uses fire evocation and what make the most sense from someone who enjoys using it. It is the hope that this amendment will clarify issues in the future.


Blue Fire




Blue Fire [C] - By infusing a greater amount of mana into their spell, a mage may create a new type of flame which is twice as hot as regular fire, though twice as costly, applying it to their spells and casts. Such flame is much more potent than average, causing devastating damage to descendant flesh and flammable objects alike.



  • Blue Fire still has the same effects as regular fire in terms of spreading, however, it is twice as hot, meaning that while one would only receive first to second degree burns from regular flame, blue fire can grant third degree burns easily - occasionally even charring the area applied.

  • Blue fire can be applied to any spell by adding [2] additional emotes to the beginning of the spell.

  • For aesthetic purposes, the flame may have any tint of blue, though this does not change the heat/effect.



  • Does not change the effects of a spell beyond the level of heat and damage it can cause.

  • Can be used in conjunction with a combustive spell, but will be draining to such a degree that a mage may collapse from using them simultaneously.



Blue Fire [C] - By infusing a greater amount of mana into their spell, a mage may create a new type of flame which is twice as hot as regular fire, though twice as costly, applying it to their spells and casts. Such flame is much more potent than average, causing devastating damage to descendant flesh and flammable objects alike.



  • Blue Fire still has the same effects as regular fire in terms of spreading, however, it is twice as hot, meaning that while one would only receive first to second degree burns from regular flame, blue fire can grant third degree burns easily - occasionally even charring the area applied.

  • Blue fire can be applied to any spell by adding [1] additional emotes to the beginning of the spell. Whether or not the spell is blue must be pointed out upon the second emote of charging. Examples of such a tell may be the fire beginning to change shade from orange to blue.

  • For aesthetic purposes, the flame may have any tint of blue, though this does not change the heat/effect.

  • When applied to a spell, the spell tier is considered one tier above what it normally is (T2 becomes T3, T3 becomes T4 etc). If a T5 spell is made to be blue fire, it drains all the usable mana of the mage.



  • Does not change the effects of a spell beyond the level of heat and damage it can cause.

  • Cannot be applied in conjunction with combustion, such draining to much mana from the mage and causing them to collapse.

  • A mage can start making blue fire modifications to spells at T4


Reasons Behind the Change

The following changes made to the spell modification 'Blue Fire' are rather simple. Applying it to a spell makes it one tier above what it normally is (as how it was always described by pund when I spoke with him) and the reduction of applying it from 2 emotes to 1. The reason for the latter change is because, having spoken with other fire evocationists, the 2 emotes for bluefire never seem to really make the spell worth while due to just how long it extends casting time, and simply makes combustion a purely better alternative because of how much more it can do. By making blue fire 1 emote, it is the hope that it will start to see more use in evocationists who use this magic.






Combustion [C] - Should a mage so choose, they may allow their fire to temporarily become solid and explode with moderate force. After being cast, the effect of combustion will fade along with the spell it was used on, having to be recharged again for any use in another spell.



  • Combustion allows for a fire evocationist to give their fire force, typically in the form of a projectile, in order to deal concussive damage to an area or target. Specifics for the effects of combustion on each spell are listed in the mechanics of said spell.

  • Should a mage lose significant focus while casting combustion, the spell will explode in their face, likely burning them if not killing them from the blast.

  • Requires one to add an additional emote to the spell they wish to make combustive. Whether or not the spell is combustive must be pointed out upon the second emote of charing. Examples of such a tell may be air sucked into the spell as it’s charging.



  • Combustion only explodes on contact, creating a concussive blast which sends people back. It cannot have any other solid properties, such as sharpness.



Combustion [C] - Should a mage so choose, they may allow their fire to temporarily become solid and explode with moderate force. After being cast, the effect of combustion will fade along with the spell it was used on, having to be recharged again for any use in another spell.



  • Combustion allows for a fire evocationist to give their fire force, typically in the form of a projectile, in order to deal concussive damage to an area or target. Specifics for the effects of combustion on each spell are listed in the mechanics of said spell.

  • Should a mage lose significant focus while casting combustion, the spell will explode in their face, likely burning them if not killing them from the blast.

  • Requires one to add an additional emote to the spell they wish to make combustive. Whether or not the spell is combustive must be pointed out upon the second emote of charing. Examples of such a tell may be air sucked into the spell as it’s charging.

  • When applied to a spell, the spell tier is considered one tier above what it normally is (T2 becomes T3, T3 becomes T4 etc). If a T5 spell is made combustive, it drains all the usable mana of the mage.



  • Combustion only explodes on contact, creating a concussive blast which sends people back. It cannot have any other solid properties, such as sharpness.

  • Cannot be applied in conjunction with blue fire, such draining to much mana from the mage and causing them to collapse.

  • A mage can start making combustion modifications to spells at T5


Reasons Behind the Change

The following changes made to the spell modification 'Combustion' are very simple. Applying it to a spell makes it one tier above it's normal tier. The fact that this simple idea has befuddled so many people from what I heard honestly is such a shock, since in connection lore it can be inferred (as this spell is described directly) as a rough T4 in use of magical power.


((Screen shot taken directly from connection lore that details combustive fireblast as roughly 2 casts, which seems to be the agreed amount of T4 spells a T5 mage can cast))


All in all, these are small changes to simple, existing modifications. While I do feel that the other spells are indeed, highly underwhelming in capacity compared to the other evocations, I feel it be best to make these changes small and steady- tweaking parts of this magic bit by bit.  Once this goes through the mags, I will work on amending the other aspects of Fire Evocation before going on to amend the other evocations as need be. Frankly the total rewrite me and Isaac tried a while back being denied sucked the energy out of this idea to make the evocations a functioning magic that doesn't make a Voidal Mage confused with vagueness, but instead of doing it all at once, I figured it would ease my mind if it is rather done in short pieces that can easily be digested.

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As someone who has been a longtime user of fire evocation, I appreciate these slight changes and clarifications in redlines, especially the blue fire, as having to use 2 additional emotes to charge it make it rarely a viable option in any type of crp. +1

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This lore has been denied.



We’re applying the previous standing ruling Combustion is a tier 5 spell and Bluefire is Tier 4, obviously whatever being added to, taking the higher of them, to the lore. 

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