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[PK] Without Rain

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[i] A painting of Eleanora Helaine of Valwyck, Viscountess-Consort of Aurveldt and Baroness-Consort of Mondstadt at twenty-five years old.

A delicate hand turned a silver wedding ring about her finger, the silver she insisted it be. Silver seemed to be the color that described her most. Silver jewels, silver skies, silver tears. The sun barely peaked behind the clouds as Eleanora gazed across the way to her chambers, where her husband scribbled diligently at his desk. She brought a handkerchief to her mouth, coughing as she winced and turned away from the balcony. The cloth came back bloodied, as it so often did, and she tossed the linen into the fire. It was so different from the cloth she’d embroidered for her father. Plain. Unadorned. That handkerchief rested in a pocket in the neckline of all her gowns, close to her heart, wrapped around a necklace of silver pearls. No one could know, not when her children were so hopeful she’d be able to spend more time with them.


With a deep breath, she lifted a round pill to her lips and slipped it between them, swallowing hard as she chased the pastel with water from the flask she always carried. Frowning at the bitter taste, she turned back toward the balcony, watching her husband with a fond smile. Dearest Isaak, so focused, so determined. Gaunt hands drew a shawl further around her as she turned, gazing out across the water. Valwyck lay within the fog, hosting her brother and his wife and her dearest niece. Her father’s coffin buried deep within, the coffin of his widow buried miles away in Vidaus. 


Life had not gone where she wanted it to, and Eleanora lifted her skirts, waving off her maid before traipsing down the hills and cliffs toward the water’s edge. It froze over in the winter, and she smiled. How she’d loved to skate across the ice without a care in the world when she was young, barely up to her father’s waist. The waves lapped at the rocky shore, and the Viscountess drifted to sit upon a fallen tree, gazing out into the mist. The walk had left her winded, and a hand lifted to rub at her chest, as if that could ease the burning in her lungs that arose when she pushed herself too hard.


With a quiet sigh, Eleanora closed her eyes and remembered.
She was a child once more, carefree and happy as she clings to her father’s sleeve. It’s father and daughter against the world, until a mother enters their lives and spreads softness and joy into their keep. A mother who brings three younger siblings and endless laughter. She brings with her a family, grandparents the child never had, more cousins then she could count. Beaming smiles and meals shared at the same table, her father’s gruff manner and her mother’s reserved nature. A mother who secludes herself from the world, though Eleanora could never bring herself to resent the mother who’d been so kind when she’d married her father. She could never resent Marjorie, not when her eldest daughter was named for her, not when her mere presence had brought so much hope.


Two friends, attached at the hip as they begin their lives. Crawling turns to walking, and walking turns to running. Gifts exchanged between them, cherished even after years go by. Anxiety, excitement, love, sadness, pain. The embodiment of a sisterly bond. A bond forged in fire and terror, a bond unbroken even by the test of time.


The soft brush of moonlight against pale skin, shining grey eyes filled with tears staring into her own as they whisper sweet nothings together in a garden teeming with life. Broken hearts and silent tears mark the end of childhood as fingers intertwine and confessions whispered that shall never be repeated, secrets pass between that shall never see the light of day. The death and rebirth of hearts accompanied by the sweet scent of flowers, even as they carve I love you into each other's souls.


Gasps overtook young lungs as Eleanora stood at the front of the basilica, her cousins spreading flowers down the aisle as she took her father’s arm and allowed him to lead her to her future. Her mother hadn’t attended, too busy with her books and her poetry, and Eleanora forced herself to carry on anyways. There the future stands, at the altar, with vibrant red hair and smiling eyes, a hand outstretched to hers, so different from the tearful goodbye all those years ago. Their lips meet in a chaste kiss as applause erupts around them. Their new life has hardly begun before two new lives are added to their family in a private room in the clinic at Karosgrad. 


Twin children, a son and daughter, who fill their parents’ lives with light and immeasurable happiness. A second daughter is next, followed by a second son. Children laughing as they fill their new home, surrounded by family and godfamily as they flourish and grow. Heartfelt congratulations and sleepless nights as infants cry late into the evening. Four beautiful children she’d cherished before even seeing their faces.


Tearfilled eyes as coffins are lowered into the ground. First, a father who shielded her valiantly from all the pain the world had to offer, only for his efforts to be shattered viciously the moment she’d heard the diagnosis. A mother followed, taking her own life and finally abandoning her children for good. It was nothing new, being abandoned by a mother, but it did not hurt any less because it was the second time. Heartache as a cousin who had always done his best to make her laugh and smile took his family and left Karosgrad for good.


Health declines as grief grows, and Eleanora offered a crackling laugh to the blue sky. A pang rushed through her that left her gasping for breath, tears slipping down hollow cheeks as she watched the spouts of the whales drift upward from the water. A trembling hand lifted to unfold the handkerchief she kept nearest her heart, clutching the fabric as she felt over silver pearls. The faces of her loved ones passed over her eyes. Her father, her siblings, her husband, her children, her cousins, her friends. She struggled to her feet before collapsing to the ground, a hacking cough leaving her as blood spattered against the gravel. With a gasping breath, she rolled onto her side to face the shore once more. To face Valwyck once more. 


“Please Godan… let me see it one last time…”


The fog never lifted, even as Eleanora Amador took her last breaths.

To the denizens of the Aurveldt Viscounty and beyond,

It is with great sadness that we, the House of Amador, announce the death of Viscountess-Consort Eleanora Helaine Amador, formerly Baruch.


Below lies the final will and testament of Viscountess Amador, which lists various bequeathments to the following persons, and these persons should present themselves at Aurveldt in a timely manner to receive the items left to them by the late Viscountess.

I. Statement from the Departed
II. Bequeathments and Personal Statements



To my beloved family, 


If you are reading this, then I have passed to the Seven Skies. I have relished every second I have spent with each of you, and I shall watch over you forevermore until you join me here should Godan will it. I have lived a privileged life compared to most, and I am grateful for that fact. I am grateful that I was able to see so much in my lifetime, that I was able to live my life well.


Do not cry, for someday, we shall be reunited. I pray to Godan that you all lead healthy and wonderful lives. That you may never know hardship and suffering, only kindness and compassion. Always know I shall be watching over you, even when it seems as if you have been abandoned. 


Live your lives well, my dearest loved ones.


The Honorable, Eleanora Helaine Amador, Viscountess-Consort of Aurveldt and Baroness-Consort of Mondstadt



To ISAAK AMADOR, should he still be living at the time of my death, I leave all my worldly goods except those mentioned in this final will and testament and those that cannot be bequeathed because of the death of the inheritor or failure to claim their inheritance. I leave to him our children, to care for and to love in junction with their chosen godparents. 


[i] A letter would be enclosed addressed to Isaak Amador.


My dearest Isaak, 


Forever shall I love you and forever shall I watch over you from wherever my soul has traveled, and forever shall I pray that we meet again. I have grown to love you over the years of our marriage, as ill-advised as we both thought it was in the beginning. I pray that Godan blesses you with only happiness in your remaining years, and that you will not mourn me for too long, as I am sure we shall be reunited. We may have not loved each other in the beginning, but you have proven over and over again that love is not instant.


I shall miss you in the time we are apart. 


Your loving wife,

To ALEKSANDR LUKAS AMADOR, should he still be living at the time of this reading, I leave my arctic fox figurine and my sapphire ring. I leave him the painting of his father and I that hangs in the private wing of the keep at Aurveldt, the one of our wedding day. I leave to him all my worldly goods should the inheritor above have died before him. 


[i] A letter would be enclosed addressed to Aleksandr Lukas Amador.


My beloved son,


You have grown so strong and valiant, dearest Aleksandr. Do you remember playing with Sofiya in the gardens? You’d scraped your knee and came rushing to me for comfort, and my heart swelled with love as I comforted you. You have become twice the sum of your parents, and your father and I are ever so proud of you. Take House Amador to the future, darling, serve the Kingdom well. I am always watching you, dearest son, from wherever my soul has gone. You have given me such joy, and I loathe to leave you. Find it in your heart to forgive your foolish mamej, for she should’ve taken better care of herself, so that she might’ve stayed with you longer. 


I shall love you forever,


To SOFIYA MARJOREYA AMADOR, should she still be living at the time of this reading, I leave my string of silver pearls. I leave to her my glass turtle figurine and half of my jewelry collection.


[i] A letter would be enclosed addressed to Sofiya Marjoreya Amador.


My sweet rose,


You are so much like me that it scares me sometimes. My fondness and love for you is almost unbearable, as the first of my children to grace Almaris with their presence. You have been such a blessing, and perhaps I have cursed you. You, with your beautiful blonde hair that could have come from no one else but me. I have led a privileged life, but privilege comes with sacrifice. When I was young, I would’ve given anything to be a simple commoner, to live without a care for anything but living happily. I would give anything for you to be carefree and jovial for the rest of your life. I love you, my dearest heart. I love you forever. Make sure your father doesn’t work himself to the bone, sweetness, make sure your brothers are fine young gentlemen and your sister a fine young lady. Live your life with happiness, Sofiya.


With all my love,


To ANNA KAROLINA AMADOR, should she still be living at the time of this reading, I leave half my jewelry collection and my dresses, to do with as she will. I leave her half my paints, unfinished works, and art supplies. I also leave to her my business, The Azurean Rose Boutique, for her to pass down onto her daughters.


[i] A letter would be enclosed addressed to Anna Karolina Amador.


My sweetest daughter,


Oh, how you laughed and laughed when you were the tiniest babe I’d ever seen. So small and tiny. You came into the world two months early, and I was so afraid we’d lost you. I was thrilled when the medic told me you were healthy, my sweet third child. Your father chose your name, you know. I hadn’t liked Anna, not in the least, but now I cannot imagine calling you anything else. I wish I could’ve watched you grow, could’ve watched you find yourself in the world. Know that I watch you, from wherever my soul has wandered. Know that I shall always be here, and you need only call my name, and I will come to you. You may not always see me, or feel me, but trust that I am there, that I am with you. I see so much of your father in you, his wildness and his loving nature. I pray that you retain only the good traits from the both of us.


I love you forever and ever,


To FILIP HIEROMAR AMADOR, should he still be living at the time of this reading, I leave half my paints, unfinished works, and art supplies. I leave to him my beloved pets, a parrot, my hounds, and my cats. 


[i] A letter would be enclosed addressed to Filip Hieromar Amador.


My little mischief maker,


You are so much like your father, always causing mayhem. You must be kind to your brother and sisters, dear Filip, and you must remember to help them always. I know you will do great things, and I wish I could’ve been there to see them… I wish I could’ve stayed with you longer. I’ve lived my life with many regrets, the weightiest of all is that I couldn’t spend more time with you and your siblings. Live your life without regret, dearest son, live your life to the fullest. Be strong, Filip, and be faithful. Godan has his plan for all of us, trust in him, for he will not lead you astray. 


With eternal love,


To EIRIK MATYAS BARUCH, should he still be living at the time of this reading, I leave the necklace our dear father, Ruslan Eirik Baruch, gave to me on the day of my wedding. I pray the paintings I had given our father during his lifetime remain in House Baruch’s possession as proof that our father was much loved by all his children. I also beseech him to tell our dearest sisters that I love them, for I know one will not want my words and the other will not understand.


[i] A letter would be enclosed addressed to Eirik Matyas Baruch.


My dearest brother,


You were so small when you were born. I was so afraid I’d drop you. How happy I was to receive such a perfect baby brother. How strong you’ve become, how noble and strong. I am so proud of you, Eirik, so terribly proud. You have given my life such joy, when Margot refused to allow me to coddle her like I so dearly wished I could’ve. My sweet baby brother. You’ll take care of them, won’t you? Watch over your nieces and nephews. Watch over what I can no longer protect. And, most importantly, take care of your health. I love you, brother.


Your sister,


To PRINZENAS PETRA EMMA, should she still be living at the time of this reading, I leave the enclosed letter, for nothing I can give her will repay her for all she has done for me.


[i] A letter would be enclosed addressed to Her Serene Highness, Prinzenas Petra Emma.


Beloved friend,


Do you remember when we fell ill, after feeding refugees? I fail to recall where they were from. Krusev, perhaps? Somewhere, to be sure. We got up to so much trouble, did we not? I’ve been reading, recently, and came across an interesting topic. Soulmates. A man and woman who bond together as if they were made for each other. I feel that is what we are. Not in the romantic sense, of course, but platonically. I feel as though our friendship was fated. Do you feel this is the truth as well? I dearly hope so. I couldn’t live without you, dearest Petra, and I know it’s cruel of me to ask you to do what I could not even tolerate thinking about, but I will anyway. Live, Petra, and live well. Cherish your children and your family, and cherish your time. I will watch over you, and I will always be there when you need me, just like I always have, even if you can’t see me, even if you can’t feel me. I will be there.


Your loving friend,


To KOENAS EMMA KARENINA, should she still be living at the time of this reading, I leave the enclosed letter.


[i] A letter would be enclosed addressed to Her Majesty, Koenas Emma Karenina.


Your Majesty,


Serving as your Chamberlain and then as your Grand Lady was my greatest accomplishment, and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you. I could’ve done the task you assigned me better, I admit, but nothing has given me greater pleasure than serving you. I hope I won’t come across as presumptuous when I say I consider you a confidante and a dear friend. I know your reign will continue to be spectacular. 




To KOENG SIGISMUND III, should he still be living at the time of this reading, I leave the drawing I created of him when we were both only children that resides in my jewelry box, as well as my prayers for his health and glory.


[i] A letter would be enclosed addressed to His Majesty, Koeng Sigismund III.


Your Majesty,


We have known each other for the majority of our lives. I will speak not of the past, but only of the future. Ruling is a terrible burden, and I pray it does not leave you broken and tired, but instead strong and proud. Long may you live, and long may you reign before ascending to the Seven Skies. Even when I am gone, I will owe my loyalty to you, and I will pray for you, so please accept these prayers and lead Hanseti-Ruska into a glorious future. Krusae Zwy Kongzem.


With eternal loyalty,


[OOC: I had a really great time playing Eleanora, but now it's time to move on and dedicate time to the upcoming characters as well as the existing ones who demand more of my time. Special thanks to everyone who helped form her into an awesome character to play, like @Sarmadon @Pureimp10 @sarahbarah @livrose @Xarkly @Gusano @Mady @kaylaa @Herod @MotherLay@tadabug2000 and more! (I can't remember all her kids' forum names, whoops, but you know who you are.) I enjoyed every single second of playing Ellie, thanks to everyone she interacted with to being all around amazing people!]

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Vasilia Kortrevich blinked in surprise when she finally heard news. The poor lady took it with a straight face in public but once she returned to Jerovitz she wailed for the memories she loved. She remembered how helpful Ellie had been for her when she was a little girl- how she boosted her with confidence after her incident. The little lady would cry herself to sleep and dream of the happy memories. 



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Kaustantin was toiling in the farm as he heard the news. The Former Palatine fought back tears as he frowned deeply and sobbed, continuing to toil in the fields. Eventually as he finished, he settled onto a rock and began to think of his childhood. Despite the mess that it was, he was thankful he had Eleanora back then. Eventually he stood up and took a cabbage left behind and placed it together with a bunch of them, forever onwards, Kaustantin called said cabbage roll Eleanora after his dear cousin.

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After receiving the news, Odrin Baruch stared vacantly upon a painting hung on his wall, a gift from so long ago.

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Ser Viktor 'THE BEAST' Baruch threw his shoe at Eleanora's casket. He looked rather sad while doing so.

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Anna Karolina Amador felt as if the world has lost its color, the bequeathed paints left entirely untouched at her side as she stared upon a mural not too long ago she'd been elated to work on. What was a world with the absence of color? Her vision narrowed and a hand raised to wipe at something almost foreign and wet, cheeks having been drenched with tears. The young girls shoulders slumped, the letter left to her wrinkled from what seemed to be reading it over and over again. Never had the world felt so dull to her, so colorless, as it did now.

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Eirik read over the letter that Eleanora had left him, then he read it again, and again after that. Indeed, he seemed to read it on repeat for many hours. And he only ceased once his eyes had become so teary that he could no longer read properly. "I promise, Eleanora." He whispered quietly to himself.

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Isaak had locked himself away in his bedroom, immediately after finishing work on his writ of abdication. All his memories of Eleanora flashed through his mind, meeting her for the first time when they were children, saying goodbye when he had been ordered to occupy Sutica to fight the rebellion there, their wedding day, the birth days of their children, many more.


As he looked out over Lake Voron from his balcony, all he could only manage to say was one word: "Goodbye."

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The Dowager-Duchess of Adria met the news of her only niece's demise with an outburst of tears, sobbing well into the evening as she retreated to her apartments in Woldzmir. With so many deaths occurring in such a short span of time, the princess thought perhaps a curse had been laid upon her. or this was all a punishment from God. Charlotte could not be sure which one was closer to the truth.

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Princess Petra’s screams of agony echoed throughout the Barony of Richtenburg. She clutched at her chest, wailing and sobbing for her best friend, who had left her far too soon.

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