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Brother Nes Moonwood's Thesis on War


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Brother Nes Moonwood's Thesis on War


“So I am the Most High, and in pursuit of My Virtue, I bid my faithful this: You shall not raise a hand in wrath, nor in envy, nor in any kind of sin.” -Scroll of Virtue [5:9]


In pursuit of GOD’s Virtue, one must not raise a hand in wrath, nor in envy, nor in any kind of sin. However, despite GOD’s specific words within the Scroll of Virtue, many of his children engage in such actions, involving raising a hand whether it be a striking with a weapon or be it throwing a fist because of some sin. This is more prominent in war. War only takes one person to sin before everything collapses in a massive chain reaction. For example, a king may have all the riches in the world, and because of his sins of greed and pride. He does not share his wealth with his people who are then forced to live in poverty. His people may fall to the sins of envy and wrath that might explode into the bloodshed of Revolution.


War unfortunately cannot be ceased. Not all of GOD’s children are in pursuit of GOD’s virtue, thus they sin freely and cause conflicts that may potentially turn into war. War pains me to say the least. The amount of GOD’s children that fall into sin because of war, the amount of GOD’s children that perish by the hands of others who have fallen into sin. All because one decided to sin. Sometimes to protect ourselves, we are dragged into sin to survive. But it is still a sin none of the less. GOD’s words need to be spread, the words of the scroll of virtue needs to be spread.


Maybe then we can have peace, if all of GOD’s children choose to pursue GOD’s virtue. So we must spread the word and convert as many as we can. But to force someone to follow a path of GOD’s virtue is a sin in itself. They must see for themselves that the pursuit of GOD’s virtue is always the right path to take. Though until then, war will always be upon us. We the church of Canon must make sure to give last rites to those who have perished in war, to console those who have lost loved ones to the forces of sin, to cleanse sin off of those deserving in penance, and provide solace in times of darkness.


May GOD bless you all, Brother Nes Moonwood.


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Jordan Cardinal Jorenus placed an ink stamp onto his fellow Halfling's thesis, approving the writing, though perhaps not reading it as thoroughly as he should've - but few could blame him, given all the excitement, conflict and hubbub surrounding the clergy. 

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To the devout Brother Nes, @SomeKeyboardGuy


your thesis is very well-written, and shows a deep understanding of virtue. I will gladly accept this thesis, and welcome you into our Holy Mother Church. Please contact myself or another Clergyman Clergyperson of some authority to be ordained.


GOD bless,

Francis Cardinal Albarosa


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