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An Acolyte Thesis: Saint Julia


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An Acolyte Thesis

Saint Julia



"But Julia was wise and recalled her husband’s warning. She revealed Iblees, and the Denier was cast out of the camp, and he was very wroth.”  (Scroll of Gospel 2: 22 - 23)


Saint Julia is a saint that every child, woman and man knows and has heard the story of. She is respected and looked upon as a virtuous and pious woman that one should take after. Many families will tell their daughters to be like that of St. Julia, she is even mentioned upon marriage as the tale of Horen only taking one wife when the others took concubines. Reminding the men in their virtue of fidelity and to stay true to their wife. For the women she is a true patron of matrimony.


St. Julia was the wife of Horen, she bore him three sons of the flesh and three sons of the spirit. And has as such become the patron of mothers. Mothers looking to her for guidance in their love on how she protected her three sons of the flesh in Horen’s tent alongside Horen’s people when Iblees came in his attempt to corrupt. For a mother’s love is a pillar of protection and is pure. 


St. Julia is also the patron saint of exorcism, for when others could have easily been fooled, she saw Iblees for what he was, she unveiled Iblees and cast him out of Horen’s camp by herself. As stories have often been told that when mothers have asked for the help of St. Julia, miracles have happened. 

  • When a disguised necromancer tried to corrupt the flesh of an expectant mother, a bright light erupted from her golden wedding band about her finger. When the light faded, the necromancer was blinded, and its true form was revealed, allowing the woman time to escape. Months later, the woman birthed triplet sons.”


And so St. Julia is a true pillar of humanity and is to be looked for guidance on how one should strive to be.



Acolyte Katerina


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A pedant nerd presses the bridge of his glasses up the brim of his eagle-beak nose. He smirked something malicious as glare shone from his lenses. He scoffed humorously, for this aspiring acolyte had fallen right into his trap.


"ACHTUALLY... Saint Julia was Saint Juli'el, the nubile Dark Elf wife of Horen. She was the second born of Malin, and served to bridge a peace between the two peoples. It is for this reason that the Farfolk pigmentation exists today, for they are the most virtuous and direct of bloodlines. Indeed, she was most Holy, for she skedaddled that turf-pilfering Drow of a rival woman Iblees from her camp. Horen was her love, and no evil-doing harlot would take him from her or her children."


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To the devout sister Katerina, @MissToni


Your writings on Saint Julia show deep understanding of the Faith. I am glad to approve this Thesis. Please find myself or another Clergyperson of some authority to be ordained, and begin your journey in our Holy Mother Church.


GOD bless,

Francis Cardinal Albarosa


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