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No Honour in Blame | A Letter to the Archchancellor


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Kaustantin sat beside the Tuvmas Tree in Karosgrad, writing a letter to his cousin, Eirik. "You bear witness to it now in a time of turbulence, cousin. The Orenian Realm is neither holy, as attested by their inadequate action of flip-flopping between Pontiffs in less than a year, it is not Orenian, given the fact of their disgustingly large elven population and is not an Empire, evident after losing thrice in a row to half men and only having titular Kingship claims."

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"So true." commented Father Klaus, who didn't even bother reading the missive.

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[!] In the Winter Keep of Kazstadt, the aging and fat Baron of Otistadt looks at the letter his son-in-law wrote with pride. He follows up with a letter of his own that is published for all to see.

"To His Imperial Sinner, Philip III "The Great Failure" and his Knife-Eared Archchancellor, Minuvas,

Your insulting claims that the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, and His Royal Majesty, Sigismund III, Fidei Defensor, would 'cast away' the rightful Holy Mother Church only proves your sheer incompetence, desperation, and cowardice. You claim to be a holy realm, and yet you cast away His Holiness who had the generosity to crown your failure of a ruler as 'Emperor'. You then go back on your actions, like the yellow cowards you are, and beg for forgiveness. Now you have the audacity to call us 'opportunist' when it was YOU that took the opportunity to name a betrayer of his oath and family belief as the Vicar of Godan. Where was this sudden piety when your Canonist 'Brothers' were at arms with the Silver State of Haulun'or? Last I recall you did the opposite of condemnation and even made relations with them! Your sad excuses and blatant disregard of your own hypocrisy only shows your true colors. You're all snakes in purple clothing, more reptilian than the Azdrazi, and now you have exposed yourself to the rest of Humanity as a sad excuse of a nation, let alone an Empire. Repent as the sinners you are and repent properly for all are equal in the eyes of Godan."

His Lordship, Robert Ludovar, Baron of Otistadt, Lord of Kazstadt

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