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Madalene Ruthern wondered where her husband had run off to. 

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Yonash made a smile , holding a dagger next to Minuvas right ear

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Henrik Komnenos would have the missive read out loud by one of his many clerks, while standing in his office looking out of his window
" 150 Marks to the man or woman that brings Minuvas home alive. spread the word" he said before ashing his cigar
" AND I MEAN NOW!" he nearly yelled in his office

a handful of his clerks would rush out of the office and the building to do as they were told

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An Old-Sutican Guard remained silent deep in the underground prison complex of small tower, watching over the captured elves and man with a watchful eye

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The Black Elf of Stone Tower considers a random dwarf's beard a suitable exchange for the Archchancellor's ears!

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Ainsley Cutler would watch the ISA march towards the tower, following at a distance, hoping he could get something valuable out of the remains of what would be the battleground.

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"Damn, that's out of pocket what they did to him," Yells an Ashford, as he prepares his armaments.

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From a hidden location, an elfess, cast out and shunned by those  she once helped lead, grinned a wicked grin and cackled as word reached her, carefully measuring out herbal ingredients for her latest creation. "Yes, Ferryboys. Bring Oren to its knees for it is a bastardisation of what it once was. The true Oren died with Augustus, Aurelius, Antonius and Peter." A long sigh escaped the former privy councilor, who glanced back to the bottle of black hair dye and knife that sat behind her. A gloved hand ran over her lengthy white braid, as though bidding it a proper goodbye. "I think it is time for a ghost of the Empire's past to make a resurgence... Maybe.. Though perhaps I'll keep the white for just a little longer... After all, I'd hate to leave loose ends untied on this one.. Unfinished work is sloppy work... And sloppy work is bad for business."

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At the second half of the Saint’s hour - his second ear.

At the third half of the Saint’s hour - his left leg.

At the fourth half of the Saint’s hour - his right leg.

At the fifth half of the Saint’s hour - his left arm.

At the six half of the Saint’s hour - his right arm

At the last half of the Saint’s hour - we digress, he shall live, but be delivered to your doorstep in a sack.

"How many halves in an hour?" asks Jurgen!

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Gaspard wipes the sweat from his face, pulling the prisoners with him across the long road home.

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Liam van Aert carries the chancellor over his shoulder, all the way back to Stone Tower. "All in a day's work."

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Yves van Aert seemed bored as the Great Archchancellor of the Orenian Empire struggled to walk after sustaining his injury

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