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3.5E - Shattered Suns [RP]


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--Inititate_application: Prepping>>MANDATORY_NEWSFEED>>--...




<--Welcome, Citizen 348-981-999XR.-->
MANDATORY_NEWSFEED according to Class B parameters.













DEATH OF THE FWA: The End of an Era.

Communist dreadnought “F.W.A. Death to Altaire’s Children” being annihilated by heavy fire from “A.A. Red’s Menace.”

Under the command of Grand Admiral Fratanelli Stilicho, the final holdouts of the FWA have been crushed. The battle (still to be named) was the latest and final victory over the “Free” Worker’s “Army,” where their pathetic fleet has been vanquished and land armies decimated by the might of Altairean Arms. The common people of their worlds rose up in glorious rebellion against their cruel wardens when the heroic forces of Supreme Leader Fumigalli appeared, giving them the courage to finally throw off the chains of slavery and rise up. Supreme Leader Fumigalli personally lead the charge upon each of the twelve worlds liberated, slaying fifty communists himself with not a single loss among his divisions.

The war against the FWA began nearly sixty years ago, with the final extermination delayed for decades due to communist infiltration and the betrayal of Altaire by the vile 4th Empire of the perfidious Tuakeo. To celebrate, citizens on all Altairean worlds will be allowed an early work day to take part in mandatory celebrations and parades. Supreme Leader Fumagalli has decreed that all citizens are to report to their local political officer to aid in organisation of the celebrations and parades.

Now that the FWA threat has been ended, what is the next course for Altaire? This writer only knows more glorious victories await!

Glory to Altaire!



The Altairean Authorities have declared a need for further capital ships to suffuse the Armada. As such, information regarding old Imperial storage yards must be brought forward to your local political officer immediately. Outmoded Battleship models, despite not being a match for modern dreadnoughts may still serve Altaire. These ships have been stored for upward of two millennia and their locations may have been lost for equally as long, which leads us, dear reader, to the question this article poses:

Is your home a battleship? Know the signs! A battleship may be upwards 500 meters in length constructed with reinforced super-steel that, to a casual observer, would be unusually resistant to rust and corrosion. Does your apartment complex have a basement with strange-looking machines that no-one seems to recognise? You may have been living above a warship’s engineering bay! Does your Political Administration Hall have parapets that look suspiciously like hermetically-sealed electrical couplings? You might be standing above a spacecraft’s reactor-core! Does your neighbour have a steel fireplace and chimney decorating their home, yet it appears oddly angled? They might be warming themselves with a forward battery!


Report suspicious infrastructure to the Authorities, and those who accurately identify a battleship husk will be rewarded with a week’s worth of Amenities-Vouchers.

Glory to Altaire!



The entire economics department of Central University have been arrested in a lightning raid by the brave forces of the Office for Political Orthodoxy. Professor Dunu Guo and his staff have been indicted for spreading politically unorthodox economic principles and corrupting Altairean education. He has been recorded on multiple occasions speaking positively of worker unionization and an unearned increase in work-vouchers per day for labourers. All the while he did not inform his students of the many successful ways the Altairean Authorities protect its working citizens.


Luckily, obviously due to his guilty conscience, Professor Guo had already written a confession of his crimes against Altaire before being arrested and was submitted as evidence to the Office for Punitive Affairs. As he felt remorse for his actions, the Professor will be hanged before government witnesses tomorrow morning, as will all staff who also found to have pre-written confessions. For those who felt no remorse, their live impalement will be available to watch within the coming days (execution fans are advised to reserve tickets). The poor students unknowingly taking part in communist brainwashing have been sent to a precautionary labour and re-education camp for two years.


Yet again the Altairean people have resisted another pathetic attempt to halt the crusade against anarchy.


Glory to Altaire!


Commentary Zone:
The many voices of the Loyal Citizenry!
Discuss current events with fellow citizens!

(All messages/archives are recorded for future reference by the Office for Political Orthodoxy)



Citizen 331-778-989MR: FlagBearer23

                -Citizen 676-889-010ME: --xXSteakjuiceXx--
                Yo my grandpap died in the siege of Kellum 3 these guys had it too good for too long am I right?


                -Citizen 331-778-989MR: FlagBearer23
                Hell yeah bro im  so ******* pumped..... hope we send them all to  labour camps


                -Citizen 676-889-010ME: --xXSteakjuiceXx--
                rather they just get hanged tbh


See 782,032 more comments



-Citizen 343-883-001NA: ~~PloughEmAll;)
Anyone know where I can get tickets to the execution? I’ve never seen an impaling before and I’d like my son to see his first live execution. Someone help out a dad in need, please! 


                -Citizen 365-899-002NE: ()ThisIsMyRhythmStick()
                no luck for me so far :/ i think they’re trying to build hype for this one

                -Citizen 401-569-111MA: ANGER!!!!!
                Like they even need to. We haven’t even had a commie boiling for a year!!

                -Citizen 326-289-030ME: 000Dirty000Darren000
                i prefer disembowlings fml

See 54,362 more comments


-Citizen 296-486-114DE: Ringlelet
I’ve always wondered about that weird-looking shopping centre on Victory Street District 8. Anyone from there who thinks it might be a battleship?

                -Citizen 296-486-115DE: <Soglog>

                --Citizen 296-486-114DE: Ringlelet
                Uh yeah so?

                -Citizen 296-486-115DE: <Soglog>
                BROOOOOOOOOOO :O:O:O:O


                --Citizen 296-486-114DE: Ringlelet
                I’m a woman? What?

See 0 more comments


                -Citizen 309-776-434: \\RangaNuiBigFatPussy//
                Wait he was your teacher back then? You should probably report to OfPO.


                Citizen 309-776-434: \\RangaNuiBigFatPussy//
                Yeah sure buddy. If anyone’s reading this please help me report this guy.


See 78,988 more comments







-300,000C + 200NP + 60M towards 10 Light Cruisers.
-200,000C + 5M towards a Defence Station.
-50,000C + 2M towards a Ground to Orbit battery.
-50,000C + 3M towards an LSRB.
-40,000C + 4M towards 4 farms.

-Due to an ever-increasing need to expand the fleets, the Altairean Authorities look into old Imperial records for 
mothballed warship stockpiles. Not only that, they look around the larger worlds for ships that might have been
repurposed into houses, novelty restaurants, freighters, and space-stations. Every hull is a goal! (15,000C + MOD)

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T H E   H Y P E R B O R E I A N   O R D E R





Little natural light reached the industrial bowels of Opsikion, in the heartland of humanity’s frontier, where the Order’s mightiest ship-forges churned in perpetuity. In the deep, labyrinthine pits of steel and concrete that made up the centres of population here, illumination came only searing and red from the fires of industry, or gloomy and dim purple from the Priest-Overseers’ parapets. 


It was below one such parapet that Arekos toiled, welding awesome metal beams that were swiftly becoming part of an cruiser-to-be’s superstructure as the deep and forceful prayers, sermons, and occasional hymns blared all around and through him. The heat flying in sparks in his already scarred face, and bellowing up from the fires below overwhelmed him momentarily, and he kicked himself away from the great pillar of steel to take pause. Rubbing his eyes with his sleeve, Arekos rotated his suspension equipment. As he looked around at the hundreds of other men dangling from the ceiling of the massive assembly chamber that expanded confoundingly far away and beneath him, the shipsmith found himself briefly stunned by the scale. Quickly enough, though, the priestly commands to serve the Great Purge echoing around the chamber brought Arekos back to his purpose, and he pulled himself back to the future vessel’s bone, and refired his fusion welder. None should be seen to be negligent in their service, after all. 


After a couple more hours of moving up and down the gigantic metal matrix, static pierced through the din in Arekos’s ear, before giving way to firm and hurried speech.


“Arekos, you’re needed upstairs,” his supervisor relayed, the shipsmith wincing as he placed a finger to the comms implant in his ear. “Seems you’ve got a higher calling.”


“What’s happening?” Arekos replied, his heart dropping out of fear for some potential disciplinary summons.


“A military administration officer is asking for you, so I think you better quit asking questions and start pulling yourself back up!” The chastisement was ended by sharp static as the supervisor cut himself off, leaving Arekos with even greater concern. 


The thought that moment’s rest a bit ago had been spotted crossed his mind. As his heart and mind began racing, Arekos reached for a button on his belt. The wires jolted as they started being retracted, and the shipsmith looked up, wide-eyed, toward what approached. 




After relinquishing his tools and attending his burns in the dingy shipsmith restroom, Arekos headed through the maze of steel that led and made up the operations overseers’ offices. Bowing his head countless times as passing, faceless superiors glared down at him, the humble shipsmith swiftly made his way toward his own supervisor’s office. As Arekos came before it’s door, he breathed deeply, before keying his many-digited identification code into a pad on its side. It creaked, then hissed as the heavy steel plates retracted, revealing the bulldog-like face of his supervisor, even stormier than usual. “About time, halfwit” he grumbled. 


And towering next to him, clad in all-black with a silver-accented great coat, was a thin but nonetheless imposing figure peering at him from beneath a tall military cap, hands clasped behind his back. 


Arekos walked through with a thumping in his chest. He nervously met the gaze of his summoner, standing to a halt and saluting before the officer. The sharp and aquiline face smirked slightly, before the officer waved his hand to dismiss the gesture and spoke. 


“Senior Shipsmith Arekos Lakaisi, yes?” the officer questioned, his voice gravelly and rasping, but nonetheless full of command. The shipsmith took care not to stutter as he withdrew the salute and replied affirmatively. 


“Good. You’re coming with me,” the officer stated without tone, all but confirming Arekos’ fears as he stepped forward and produced a data-slate, handing it to the increasingly nervous metalworker. Arekos took the pad, frantically scanning the words before him. As his eyes darted, a sense of relief came first to Arekos, followed by a leap in his spirit and that brought his eyes back up to the officer.


“You’ve been conscripted as a Third Engineer of the Hyperboreian Navy, by command of the Office of the Magister Militant. Now,” he said gravely, taking pause in his words as he raised his palm toward the door. “If you’ll follow me, Third Engineer Arekos.”




With the nearing of the Great Purge, the might of Hyperboreia must be greater than ever to see it through. To this end, the Order’s multitudinous ship-forges are stoked hot to ready the year’s commission from the Magister Militant’s Office; two light cruisers [60kC, 40NP, 12M], ten destroyers [100kC, 40NP, 20M], and one hundred troop transports. [25kC, 20NP, 10M]

Alongside them, 500,000 infantry are conscripted, equipped, and trained to the highest standards of the Old Empire. [25kC, 6AP, 6M]


Funds continue to be sent to the VII Chapter in the region that once made up Kiritau, bolstering their relentless fight against the unholy and sacrilegious Red-Gold Concordat. [20kC]


Investment in the House of Dreams, subdivision of the Cult of the Sacred Eye, continues… [10kC]



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F ā l ' s   W o r l d


With its wanton festivities over, Fāl's World returns to business as usual - that is, little happens on the cold, arid military planet other than the continued drilling of its armies. In the stars above, the Heavy Cruiser The Coin watches traffic with an eager eye, ready for the next Vennendalic shipment to legally prey upon...or to let through, for a sufficient bribe...


[5000C] - A huge chunk of the planet's economy is diverted into searching the once-fort planet and still-hyperlane chokepoint for any Imperial Naval Reserve ships still in the system or on-world, mothballed somewhere long-forgotten...


On a side note, Soen and Cor-ne are kept in the highest levels of security after the disaster at Orteau, protected by thousands of Remnant Guards and much of the XXXIVth in the capital of Orsia. Htun, the middle brother, is kept under slightly less guard, presumably because he's ugly enough to go unnoticed.


[3768] Taxes done separately because I already hit execute turn.




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The Life Guard


Unique Cannons 25kC 6m 15NP

4x (100.000 C, 24M, 60NP)


Freighters 2500C, 2NP, 1M

10 x (25000 C, 20NP, 10M)


11 x Regular Infantry 15000C 3AP 4M


>The Life Guard swears Allegiance to Altaire. Glory to Altaire.


>Great celebrations are had at the discovery of a psychic, Mara, amongst the common people! This young girl shall surely do great things.


>15 I into counter intel.


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Grand Duchy of Alamar

Year: 10,424


Overview and Story


“All we do is for the good of the Empire and its people, however I really do detest taxation.” - Grand Duke Albert


The State of Emergency in the capital of the pact remained in place, forces stood at the ready and once again all resources were put into the war effort! However there are grumblings from the Ducal Throneworld of Alamar, the Imperial Taxation had once more returned and it was causing the many bureaucrats and accountants to work overtime to move the money around so that Alamar met its obligations. It is known the Grand Duke curses the day he let himself get talked into paying taxes again, it is however as some consolation he gets some say in how they are spent. 






Three Light Cruisers are laid down [90,000, 18M, 60NP]


An agreed upon contract to the Stellarch Rakena to utilise the driveyards and build a brand new flagship for the Alamarii Navy is agreed upon. [350,000, 20M, 5A, 10T]

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On a world not long ago wracked by all-out planetary warfare, the sense of calm and normality once again began to set in. Craters had been filled, cityscapes refurbished, and the peacekeeping patrols had finally been dialed back. Order had prevailed, despite the initial costs it took to achieve it. This was Lord Elfering’s prevailing ideology, the outright eradication of mercantilist influence in the Eastern Galaxy. It didn’t take a genius to know that the Stadtholder of Vennendal was on a crusade, though none could seem to point out why. Karel Elfering hadn’t dealt with any of the corrupt Senators or merchant lords of the Old Empire. Rather, he’d spent his whole life in the Navy. What he knew of the merchants was hearsay- from both his father and Vennendal’s Senator Aalmers.


It imprinted on him nonetheless. He spent many restless hours as a deck officer, wishing he could inflict real change on the galaxy, to rip it free from corporate hold and mend the rift which had formed in the Senate. However, he had a duty, and Aalmers and his father had theirs. Politics and command wouldn’t coincide until, upon the fateful passing of Lord Elfering, Karel was offered the Stadtholdership. It was a role in which he quickly became acclimated; the heavy lifting carried by the Vennendalic Parliament. As a full-fledged Admiral, as much of Vennendal’s senior officer caste perished in the Second Schism, power quickly consolidated beneath Karel’s grip as he rose to the top of the naval seniority, while also the central unifying custodian of the Vennendalic realm.


Yet, as is known, with great power comes great responsibility. His attention was pulled towards multiple fronts, surely knocking off whole years from his expected life as the demands and stress of office caught up with him. It was time to delegate tasks to his sons, and if that meant pushing his son through for promotion, then so be it. Afterall, he was merely expediting the process; their inevitable ascent.


For Julius Elfering, the wait was anything but inevitable. Though he'd achieved the rank of Commodore at a young age, his command was nothing more than a destroyer group and a light cruiser. It was a start, but he was resigned to backline patrols, with no accolades or glory to be earned.


As another year came to pass, Julius lounged in his command chair. What would be a routine patrol was interrupted by a long-range transmission, which read: 




Julius wasn’t entirely sure why now of all times. Yet, he did seem quite pleased, eager to assume a more meaningful command. Surely, this meant that Vennendal was preparing for its newest moves, which he had been kept out of the loop due to his posting. At his father’s side however, this would end.







[25,000C] Salvaging battlefield wreckage ((MOD))



First Fleet returns to Naval Station Rouven.


[1 HP] Continuing construction of Kroonprins dreadnought. (3/3)

[125,000C, 90NP, 10M, 5T] Repairing Dreadnought hull. (½)

[90,000C, 45 NP, 27M, 3A] Repairing 3 Heavy Cruisers

[20,000C, 8NP, 4M] Constructing 2 Destroyers

[5,000C, 2NP, 2M] Constructing Bomber Squadron

[35,000C] Lost to raiding

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Statpost this week





-OUTRAGE! One of the Teniert’s own, stolen by the pirate king under their very noses. The acting lord Alistair Teniert, father of Ashweather, promises no less than half a million credits to anyone with information leading to the capture or destruction of Aokigahara.






-Lest another attack come, the Shredded King is hastily repaired. [19 NP, $14,250]


-To further reduce Orteau’s dependence on foreign fuel, 8 refineries are constructed on their only fuel world. [$120,000, 24 M, 8 T]


–2.5 million imperial standard infantry are recruited to fortify the frontier. [$125,000, 30AP, 30M]


-On the breathtaking world of Montresor, a “small” celebration is held to commemorate the birth of Adonis and Alfred Teniert. Many of the region’s influential citizens are eager to come see the new eventual heirs. [$24,000 on buying influence]

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House Matareka Actions


Lord Matareka calls upon the 4th Empire to aid him in ending the House of Bones. After numerous victories both sides are readying for the final confrontation. The Irik have been successfully drawn away from the Empire's borders, and lay deep within their land. If the Empire strikes now in tandem with Lord Matareka, they could hit them from both flanks. He stresses to his Emperor this opportunity will soon pass, and be wasted. 


At long last the massive battlefield left over from the Civil War will be thoroughly scouted and inventoried. Salvage operations will begin at once when possible, the priority being battleship hulls.


Furthermore the 3 ruined tech worlds will be surveyed, in the hopes of finding old blueprints to Arc Lances leftover from when Matarekan smiths made them. At the very least they will also see if the worlds can ever be repaired.


The House of Suns is offered a non aggression pact to avoid further bloodshed. House Matareka states "An enemy of Erasmis is a friend of mine"


Financial Actions



Edited by GrimBeard
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Leviathan wakes.




  • 15 x Destroyers constructed (150,000 C, 30 M, 60 NP)
  • The young emperor is encouraged to acquiesce to Matareka's request for military aid against the vile Irik. Uniting the realm in terms of controlled space can only be a boon for the Fourth Empire, after all. Tanalar sweetens the deal with the appropriate tributes. (20 Influence)






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Year 10.426 AE

The hunt begins.



“And so begins a new dawn for the Empire...”


It happened on an ordinary day. A day so ordinary that it was, in fact, extraordinary. On this day, the tumultuous reality of life across the Galaxy settled. Death’s hand seemed far away and, across a thousand different worlds, there seemed to be a tiny droplet, the barest moment, of peace throughout the bloodstained and wartorn, broken and divided regions of the Old Empire. But it ended almost as quickly as it had started.


For, on this day, that tiny moment of peace would be shattered, smashed by a declaration that was bound to change the very fate of the Universe, and all who presided within it. For those ignorant of the Psykic Arts, it felt as if some foreign, uncaring entity had hammered a vision into their head, as if some ancient magic had been cast that forced them to gaze upon this blinding sight, this man, atop an altar as white as a star in the distant night sky. The educated, however, understood this feeling, this vision. They knew that, by means of a Psykic cabal and the ancient altars known as the Mindpillars, that a commandment was being made to the Empire as a whole, in the manner of the Emperors of old, last used when Akoni had proclaimed himself as Emperor Rän-var XII.


For atop that shining altar was a man. Tall, handsome, and obviously of the highest, oldest and finest breeding the Core had to offer. He had none of those strange mutations often found in the Mid or Outer Rim, nor was he possessed of the strange white skin so often found in the denizens of the Inner Rim, who loftily thought themselves the equal of those of true Imperial, true Core, blood. He was a man with a heavy, muscular frame, and a haughty, arrogant, regal bearing. He was clad not in the cloth of the nobility or the old upper classes, nor in the black and gold uniform of the Imperial Navy. No, he was dressed in the royal robes of the Imperial House, under a breastplate of gold and silver, engraved and inlaid with the crest of the House of Rän. He was dressed as a Crown Prince of the Empire, in the same fashion that the Emperor Rän-var had chosen, nearly two centuries ago, when he had announced his claim. The man stood proud upon his raised dias, and below him a crowd of soldiers stood, just as haughty and proud - loyal officers of the Imperial Navy and Army. To their fore stood a figure well known to all within the Empire - Grand Admiral Sorin himself.


As the man spoke, his voice rang out across the stars, and reverberated throughout the minds of those who suffered this vision. “Sons, Daughters- Children of the Empire! For nigh on 60 years, the Enemy has held us back, divided and weak, while he squats upon our most sacred, hallowed lands! We curse ourselves with continuous and constant civil war, shackling our might with the same perfidious greed that rendered low the pinnacle of all civilisation. Across the endless stars, we bleed, and die and weaken by the day, as our greatest and foulest threat sits upon the Starcast Throne, laughing and mocking our folly all the while!


But our dominance, our undisputed superiority, has reigned across the Universe for over five thousand years! We, humankind, are the Masters of Stars and Space, of Planets and Hyperlanes. We are the Masters of the Galaxy, and no Irik Warlord, no matter how barbaric, how savage, or how cruel, can stand in the face of the overwhelming might of the Empire! Let it be known to all, friend and foe alike, that we shall rise in an unstoppable tide, and sweep clean the Core of the rancid dregs of the Irik slave-race!


I stand before you, brothers, sisters, kin, to issue this declaration unto you- I am Rakera, grandson of Rän-var, nephew of Rän-ji. I shall raise high the banner of the Empire, and beneath it I shall drive the invaders from our lands, and destroy every Irik, every drudge, that dares to cross my path! So rally, rally to me, Children of the Empire. Raise high your banners and flock to my own! Stand proud upon the decks of your warships and sail with me into everlasting honor, glory and victory!


Upon an unstoppable, indefatigable wave of human might, we shall reclaim Kaumai, the Palace-Moon and the Starcast Throne! Our endeavors shall echo across a thousand centuries - so rise warriors, and rally to the call! Rally to the Imperial Standard! Rally to the House of Rän!”


As Rakera finishes his final, thundering proclamation, the crowd of officers assembled before him unsheathe their swords in a simultaneous, ringing wave, and raise the ceremonial steel blades high, towards the ceiling, chanting in unison;

“Glory to the Empire! Glory to the Heir!”


A Psykic wave sweeps across the Galaxy, as a vision appears in the minds of billions. At last, rejoice the common folk, an Heir has come forth to save the Empire from ruination. All now know that Lord Rakera, grandson of Rän-var, has pronounced his right to the Starcast Throne, and his intention to drive the Mind-bender from the Empire, once and for all. Already, Loyalists and supporters flock to his banner, chiefest amongst them the Lords Sorin and Kawhena, and many of the Loyalist Warlords of the South. Once more, the House of Rän rises to vanquish the Enemy, and to restore glory, honor and dignity to the Empire.


“Where order once reigned there is only treachery and anarchy!”


For decades, lawlessness and anarchy have ruled the Western Territories. Warlords and pirates constantly squabbling over derelict systems and worlds as the Fourth Empire wanes in strength and the alien scourge runs rampant beyond the old border. The year 10,426 AE, however, marks an end to this period of instability, so announces the Lord of a Thousand Stars, Tuakeo II In a rousing speech delivered to all his subjects.

This year, the Imperial Fleet, under the command of Lord Kahu, moves against the House of Bones in a campaign to drive the largest of the local Irik incursions from the Empire, and to relieve the newly sworn vassal of the Empire, Lord Matareka.

The opening months of the campaign have proven to be a great success for the Imperial fleet, crushing a small Irik border fleet and liberating a number of worlds on the frontier of the Houses’ dominion. News of these victories have spread far and wide, and though many celebrate at the destruction of the alien menace, many of the Emperor’s contemporaries see it as an opportunity to enrich themselves further. With the majority of the Fourth Empire’s ships on campaign, Lord Tahiwai has taken it upon himself to launch his own invasion of his former overlord, clashing with the Empire’s local forces several times throughout the year.

“Surely it would not come to this?!”


The Republican senate once more enters a state of gridlock or even crisis as pressing matters regarding the import of oil and other materials from the Oil Barons and the ERTC cause tempers to flare and tensions to rise between the chamber’s various factions and interests. With several motions having been stopped by the combined influence of the Merchant and Republican blocs, numerous insults were traded ultimately culminating in a fully fledged brawl between senators. Reports from the Tanuvians record numerous injuries, and several of the Stellarch Akamu’s representatives killed on the Senate floor. Since the incident, many Separationist senators have since left the Republican capital of Kior-an.

“He’s delusional, take him to the infirmary!”


Unrest spreads through the galaxy like wildfire as mineral and raw material prices sky-rocket. Early in the year, disaster strikes the extensive mining and storage facilities of KERU V, one of the galaxy’s largest depots for shipping in the industry. Reports from the system state that a number of the stations’ reactors had melted down in a chain reaction, resulting in an explosion which eviscerated half of the system’s asteroid belt, as well as the vast majority of its storage facilities, and outbound shipments.

In the fallout of the disaster, a huge part of the “Galactic Market’s” supply has been destroyed, and its production blunted. Even the most generous estimates figure that it will be years to replace the hardware lost in the accident.

[The galactic supply of Raw Material is severely depleted]

“Their eyes open, Seer!” “Even with sight they are no less blind, San’var”


It washes over the galaxy like a great wave. For those who can see, their vision is sharpened. Among the hundreds of billions who cannot, a lucky few are granted the gift of sight.

The year 10,426 AE sees the greatest discovery of psykics since the days of the Old Empire. In virtually every corner of the galaxy, one bearing gifts of the mind are discovered and pressed into the service of their master. The cause for this resurgence is unknown, but there are few who complain about its happening.
[+1 T2 psykic for all nations]


Greater Altaire

A pair of Battleship hulls are uncovered, one buried deep in one of the Stellarchy’s Ecumenopolises, another repurposed into a small space station for repair and refueling within a high-traffic asteroid belt. A year of searching has made it abundantly clear that these hulls are out there, it simply requires the Altaireans to look for them.


Many thanks are received from the 7th Chapter, who declares the funds will be put to good use. The chapter continues its war against the xenos and their sympathizers, frequently launching raids and sorties into Concordat space.

The House of Dreams continues its sacred work. [Discord]

Fal’s World

The Ninth Moon Rises (eventually :neet:) [Discord]

The Life Guard

Pure disaster is only narrowly avoided by the Life Guard’s focus on counter-intelligence… [Discord]

The Grand Duchy of Alamar

Another year passes in Alamar, relatively safe from the troubles of the rest of the galaxy. Work begins on the replacement for the Stellarch’s flagship, lost in battle over the Labyrinth.


Beyond the borders of Vennendal, a slew of workers flock to some old battlefield in search of salvageable wrecks. Without the protection of the Vennendalic fleet, though, they are easy prey for pirates and irik alike. Roughly halfway through their survey, a fleet from the House of Storms falls upon them, destroying many of their ships (and their findings.) The location and intent of the irik fleet remains unknown. Despite the circumstances, the surveyors have confirmed the presence of atleast two salvageable dreadnought hulls.

ERTC piracy, along with smaller blockades, continues to lay waste to Vennendalic imports and exports alike across the galaxy. [40,000 credits lost in pirate actions]


Numerous reports flood into Orteau with the posting of such a large bounty. Though they vary wildly, many claim that Aokigahara’s personal fleet had been sighted moving east, and had fled into the Outer Rim/Republic Space following the raid on Orteau last year.

House Matareka

Matarekan surveyors pick apart the old battle site where a large and heavily militarized merchant fleet had clashed with the Irik some decades prior. The battlefield is strewn with countless wrecks, including some capital ships, but the work doesn't come cheap. [40,000 C to pay for surveying]
1 Heavy Dreadnought - 150 NP / 180,000 C / 30 M / 15 A / 20 T (1 turn)
3 Heavy Cruisers - 30,000 C / 10 NP / 5 M / 1 A (1 turn) (priced individually)

A single battleship hull is uncovered in the scavenging efforts [7,500 C]

There is no response to the non-aggression pact. LRSBs on the border detect an influx of Irik ships moving into the House of Sun’s border regions.


The young and ambitious Emperor takes his uncle’s advice…

Duchy of Castrillion

With their request having been stonewalled by the Duke of Alamar last year, The Lord Regent is approached with a request from the Eastern Rim Trading Company. The Company is interested in purchasing a system or systems from the Mandate. Following this purchase, these systems would be converted into Mandate provinces with enough votes held by the company to be equivalent to the rank of Archon. As a member of the Mandate, these Company representatives would be able to offer many material benefits.

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Grand Duchy of Alamar

Year: 10,425


Overview and Story


Ran-ji’s cousin huh? Fifty years since he’s been seen? The Gods have a wicked sense of humour, I must wonder if they just want to make things harder for Albert” - Lucas Dryden


The Whiskey Distillery owned by the House of Dryden would be working overtime with news from Grand Admiral Sorin’s own space. Despite a supposed member of the Imperial House revealing themselves Albert dedicates himself to the Hui Ariki and his belief in the Noble Empire and states to the delegates of the Legislator how he believes the Hui Ariki should not accept an Emperor until the throne moon is once more in IMPERIAL hands, that anyone who declared themselves Emperor before they have even sat on the Starcast Throne is a pretender until the Capital is restored.


Elsewhere the Dryden Fleet continues its reconstruction, with a new flagship well underway along with more heavy cruisers. While there is some relative peace now was the time to bring the Dryden Fleet back to effectiveness. 






Three Reclamator Heavy Cruisers are laid down [180,000, 27M, 6A, 6T]


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F ā l ' s   W o r l d




Breach Detected. Sector E7. Breach Detected. Sector E7. Lockdown initiated.


On the other side of the hall, once-comrades, now obstacles. Strewn across the floor, innocent bodies. Thousand-year old backup systems whirred to life, lighting the black corridor with dim red emergency alarms.


"How did they-," a voice called out to his ally, cut off by the ringing sound and flashing lights of Imperial battle rifles brought to bear. Within the confines of his officer's quarters, Htun Fāl cowered. A Remnant Guard stood, back to him, revolver aimed at the door.


Alert. High energy release. Alert. High energy release.


Again, the alarms rang too late - a moment later, a breaching laser pierced the door's hinges and an autoram smashed through, sending the door flying towards the Guard. His training was not wasted - the man dodged to the side at inhuman speeds - but the flurry of lead that followed ensured his demise.


Htun sprinted towards his desk, where his revolver waited, half-hidden among stacks of debris-covered reports. As he reached for it, however, the dim light of an arc blade swept across his vision.




"Reporting, sir."


"Out with it. How many did we lose?"


"Fifteen. Four guards, a logistics officer, three weapons control officers, and six planning officers, across sectors E5, E7, H8, and J12 of the Command Center."


"What did they take?"


"Nothing, sir."


"Then what the hell did they attack for?"


"There doesn't seem to be any connection between the officers taken out. But sir..."


"What is it? Spit it out, captain."


"...One of the casualties was your brother."




[5 Influence] In response to the assassination of Htun Fāl, a counterespionage effort begins on Fāl's World, an Imperial Investigation Agency [IIA] branch being founded based off of old texts.



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Altaire Shitpost Week



-200,000C, 100NP, 36M, 8T towards 4 Heavy Cruisers.
-160,000C, 50NP, 10M, 6A, 10T towards 2 Onager-Class Battleships.
-30,000C, 3M towards 3 farms.
-15,000C, 3NP, 4M, 1A, 1T towards 1 stealth ship.
-10,000C, 4NP, 4M, towards 2 fighter squadrons.
-150,000C, 30AP, 40M towards 10,000,000 Regular First Wave Auxilla.
-90,000C, 60NP, 18M towards 3 Light Cruisers.
-30,000C towards searching for further battleship hulls.
-20,000C sent to a good friend!
-3I Expended on........ SOMETHING...................

Edited by Catostrophy
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Yeet yeet irik delete








-As the imperial government acts to fortify the eastern route into Mandate space, Orteau contributes with a significant gift to the demesne. It seems only natural, as everyone knows the whole undertaking is largely the result of Adrien being present on Alamar and willful as always. [Building interdictors on northern demesne tech world, $350,000, 15 M, 3 T]


-Having already sent almost half a legion to garrison the new strong point, Orteau’s latest efforts see even greater forces head north. [Recruiting imperial standard troops - 2 million infantry, 100,000 heavy infantry, 20,000 artillery. $195,000, 51 AP, 47M, 7A, 2T]


-Orteau has never been a military nation. Even in the last half-century of constant war, this has not changed. Their army is pathetically small by galactic standards, albeit experienced and well-funded. It is a surprise to observers, then, when the Tenierts spend their considerable wealth on a public military parade. The gross product of a small planet is expended on the event as literally millions of new recruits march through the streets of Orteau - a clear show of force. So dazzled are the onlookers that few realize that another half million men could have been armed with that much money…. [$48,000 on buying influence]

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Silence from the Hui Ariki surrounding the emergence of an “””heir””” in the south. The Treaty of Alamar is clear in this regard: as the emperor and crown prince died with no recognized heir, no emperor can be recognized except by the decision of the Hui Ariki after the capture of Kaumai. All developments prior to that inevitable event are irrelevant.


That said, in keeping with the Mandate’s unofficial policy of not alienating the very royalists they count on in times of crisis, they do not openly denounce this newcomer.




-On the advice of his father-in-law, the Lord Regent authorizes the construction of planetary shields on the northernmost planet under his control. The planet is a mere two jumps from Kaumai, and thus is both highly vulnerable and highly strategic. [Planetary shields, $500,000, 10M]


-A full hundred thousand imperial standard heavy infantry are also raised, to join the aforementioned defense. With the high price of shipbuilding these days, new ways must be found to dig in. [$35,000, 7AP, 7M, 1A, 2T]

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