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3.5E - Shattered Suns [RP]


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A new dawn rises upon the Eastern Rim, as the United Kingdom of Vennendal is declared through the union of Stellarchs Elfering’s, Manhuera’s, and Fetu’s space. However, the union is far from jubilant, born from the necessity to form a united front against tyranny as opposed to any prevailing sense of commonality and identity.


Meanwhile, across the border, Stellarch Akamu has begun to cement his rule over the ashes of the Republic, hungrily eyeing the systems which were snatched from their grasp. With bated breath, the denizens of the Eastern Rim scrutinize the new kingdom closely- to see whether they’ll truly stand as a galactic contender or merely fall as the next in a line of dominos, before the march of the Separationist fleets.


Due to Karel Elfering’s far-reaching campaign, there has been no such coronation, yet. Though, many begun to hail the Admiral as the king in the east. An iron curtain has descended upon the eastern rim, and now billions look to the young king for guidance.




[1 HP, 170,000C, 20M, 10A, 10T] Constructing Kroonprins-class Dreadnought, Halcyon

[1 HP, 170,000C, 20M, 10A, 10T] Constructing Kroonprins-class Dreadnought, Centaurus

[1 HP, 170,000C, 20M, 10A, 10T] Constructing Kroonprins-class Dreadnought, Orion

[1 HP, 170,000C, 20M, 10A, 10T] Constructing Kroonprins-class Dreadnought, Bellatrix

[1 HP, 170,000C, 20M, 10A, 10T] Constructing Kroonprins-class Dreadnought, Nemesis


[100 NP, 150,000C, 30M] Constructing 5 Light Cruisers

[80 NP, 200,000C, 40M] Constructing 20 Destroyers


[50,000C, 12AP, 12M] Recruiting 1,000,000 Imperial Standard Infantry


[250,000C, 25M, 5T] Constructing Cultural Center on Sus

[200,000C, 5M] Constructing Orbital Defense Platform over 52-Mining World

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Duchy of Castrillon

          With the markets imploding and Castrillon owning high value goods, the young lord Kalani decides to domp it. The warehouses of technology and shipyards with their services sell their goods to the galactic market bringing in record profits for Castrillon with no end in sight. It seems as soon as goods are produced they are loaded onto freighters and shipped to some far corner of the galaxy.  In other news, the remainder of the fleet of Castrillon is making it's way back home, yet not completely withered and broken. The Lord Protector's new Flagship is set to be completed by the end of the year, where it will proudly replace The Retribution. This is not the only addition however, as the Castrillon marines captured an Irik dreadnought during one of the many spouts which will be repaired eventually as well. A fantastic year all in all.

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The day of victory! Across the Mandate worlds erupt in celebration at news of Hi’raks’ death, and the destruction of yet another Irik fleet. Already Dryden forces are securing the western border, and Erasmis for the moment licks his wounds.


In a great procession from the border to Alamar, the conquering heroes show off the broken hulls of Irik ships, and praise the sacrifice of Sorin and the Lord Regent Folau. At the head of this victorious column is none other than Lord Adrien Teniert, who ends the journey by having Hi’raks’ captured lieutenants beheaded on the steps of the ruined Hui Ariki building, before an audience of billions.


And on his authority as Tanu Kavan, he calls the Hui Ariki once more into session…




-On the fortress tech-world, the government builds a set of ground-to-orbit batteries and an L.S.R.B.


-Ten million imperial standard troops also join the guard force.







-REDACTED [$20,000]


-300,000 suits of unmarked, top-of-the-line heavy armor are produced and shipped off to an unknown destination.


-In the wake of the twin victories against Hi’raks, the Teniert machine works at unprecedented levels not only in Orteau but across the Mandate. Newsreels show the vanquished Irik, victorious soldiers carry war trophies through human worlds, and the humans are filled with hope as unity delivers the first victory in a long, long time. In thanks to their southern brothers, the Tenierts and indeed the entire country open their shipyards and technology stores to rebuild the losses from the recent battles. Across the Mandate, Teniert-led societies discuss the possible reconquest of the core, Teniert scions are at their very best as they charm a hundred ballrooms, and toasts are raised on every world to the martyrs Sorin and Folau, the hero Adrien and his admirals, and most of all to the Empire to Come. [$750,000 spent on buying influence.]


-As word of victory spreads, so spreads another message. It comes not as the overbearing announcement of a psychic cabal, but as the whispers of those who have traversed the Mandate and seen what is being built there. They come as a trickle, then a flood, their voices commingling into a single movement that sweeps from Orteau to Alamar and crashes onto the whole galaxy. There is only one structure that has proven capable of uniting the warlords in common cause they say: the Treaty of Alamar. And there is only one entity that has steadfastly looked to the border and Kaumai, never once wavering from its duty: the Mandate of Alamar. And there is only one man fit to lead that Mandate to its ultimate goal: its very author, Adrien Teniert, who lives by honor and cunning, who sits linked by blood to nearly every great house of the empire, who has now proven himself as able a fighter as he is a statesman.


Class is irrelevant. Claim is irrelevant. With the cry “Adrien and Alamar,” they call on their friends and connections, on the galaxy at large to unite behind the one force which now presses on the Mindbender’s gates - the one force which has a chance of restoring a constitutional empire, a stable empire, a benevolent and strong empire.

[TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY (240) influence]

Edited by Zanderaw
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Year 10.430 AE

The moon’s ascension is nearly complete.
The hour is near.


“Today marks the beginning of a new era”


With the Republican front in shambles following the disastrous results of last year's campaign, and the Republic’s capital of Kior-an having fallen to the Separationist armies of Akamu, the Civil War draws to a close. Fearing his fate at the hands of the Separationists and their militaristic rule, The Grand Admiral Manhuera flees into the arms of his daughter’s family, taking both his fleets and systems with him in his unification with Vennendal. The Stellarch Fetu, who occupies an equally hopeless front, soon follows.

His victory complete, albeit apart from the minor resistance of Badab in the northern swathes of Republican space, Akamu declares the Civil War to be at an end. With his rule comes sweeping changes across Republic space. The Oil barons, all in Separationist custody, are tried and executed, their territories absorbed. ERTC assets that had not long since been pulled from the country are seized, and their once expansive trade privileges and monopolies are heavily reduced or outright banned.

Though the Republicans are defeated, the war is far from over. After brief and unproductive negotiations with Vennendal, war erupts between the two and reports of several Separationist fleets previously mobilized for the Civil War being on the move again are plentiful…

Amidst the news of the constant warfare in the Eastern Rim is some good however. ERTC representatives report a massive sale of the company’s fuel reserves in an effort to recoup many of the losses experienced over the last few years.

“There is no distinction between Apostates and Xenos beneath the eyes of the Purge”


Still riding the successes of last year, where the Reclamation Fleet and their Crusader allies had thoroughly destroyed the Red-Gold Concordat, the year begins with the initiation of yet more conquests. This time directed against the heretics beyond the northern border. This area of space, very loosely held by the Fourth Empire and the Matarekans is scantly defended, the Imperial fleet having withdrawn west in order to combat the invasion of Tahiwai. The Matarekans too are militarily spent, and are little match for the Kur’skan’s titanic fleet. As such, the Empire, only briefly and very narrowly united, is once more split in two.

While the exact specifics of Kur’skan’s advance are unknown, reports from the Empire speak of the front rapidly advancing westwards while the Matarekans likewise are forced to withdraw from much of their conquered space. During this advance on all fronts, Kur’skan announces to have reclaimed the Ring from the hands of the Xeno scum.

Too Late

The Creature’s many eyes scoured the moon’s surface. Where they could not see, its mind would reach out to, inspecting every nook and crany, peering into every fiber and molecule.  There were no places its mind could not see. Yet still it eluded The Creature’s sight. Five, Six - Nine times it had scoured every world, every moon, every spec of dust - For nothing.

Its eyes pulled away from the lens and fell upon the massive hall, still strewn with the leftovers of the slaughter, the red walls, the mountains of bones. Anger overcomes the Creature; its roars carry across every corner of the moon and beyond as it hurls the silver disc against the hall’s floor again and again, despite the futility.


Then there is silence. It looks upon its destruction as its mind reaches outwards, and it feels only fear.

“At long last”


Instability ripples across the west as the Heavenly Kingdom of Atu-an is briefly thrown into a state of disorder. In the opening months of the year, the Heavenly Emperor Hau-ti suddenly and mysteriously dies without having declared a successor. The many courtiers and attendants of the Emperor claim the man had suffered from a fatal seizure and passed soon after, but much of the realm’s admiralty and other such administrators remain unconvinced and a tense standoff soon forms as paralysis overcomes the Empire.

Through sheer luck, however, crisis is averted by the hands of the Emperor’s chief Seer, Kasor Un’Durak, who calls for Council on the Holy Capital of Atu-an itself. Compelled by both faith and self preservation, there is compliance. For many months there is both a great deal of discussion and negotiation and also holy ritual designed to discern the Will of Heaven.  When the dust finally settles, the matter is resolved, and there is unanimous agreement among the heavenly court. There is only one natural choice to crown as Emperor of Heaven, Kasor himself. For who is better to guide Heaven’s adherents than he who interprets its will, and communes with the courts of old?







Greater Altiare


Duchy of Castrillon

Big dolla.

Grand Duchy of Alamar

The campaign continues.

Stellarchy of Matene

There is progress.


There is a great rallying cry heard across Imperial Space. The time to reclaim the Starcast throne is nigh! Emperor Rakera declares that his fleet will join the campaign, soon followed by the Emperor Ran-lir, who pledges his support as well.


Akamu’s fleets advance on all fronts..


The Purge marches on..

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His men would tell you that Admiral Vara had always rather favored the darkness of space. In the lulls of the Far War, he could be seen staring at those countless thousands of lights as they glittered in the vast void.


Truthfully, however, they reminded him of Kaumai, that bygone home in his youth, the home he fled so many decades ago. The flawless, translucent skin of the children of the Core; the thrumming of crowds, the jewels of the Loyalists' dresses and uniforms as they danced. He knew it better than he knew New Vara itself; the Admiral left the swirling dust of his family's homeland to become the Emperor's disciple when he was only eight, and made one visit in his later years before the planet was glassed.


The hulking, ancient ship from which he watched the galaxy had endured four decades of constant warfare; Since Vice Admiral Tirosen's death, it had been Vara's. The Lupo truly deserved its reputation among both his terrified citizenry and his prior opponents in the House of Banners - the horrifying amalgamation of Man and Irik had led the admiral's last great warpath through Banner territory en route to slay their warmongering leader. Ever since, the House had taken to a far more orderly approach to its rule, even including humans into its lower leadership. The Lupo's latest round of repairs four years prior had brought it back to fighting condition - instead of retained damage, the skulls of Irik and men alike that lined its interior like catacombs served as the reminders of its grim history. A commodore quietly approached from behind; the admiral felt him before he heard him.




"Speak freely, Commodore Ke'le." The Admiral's voice was quiet - but all his speech was doubled, for his mind projected his message identically, branded it into the minds of those he spoke to. It ensured his officers received their orders without excuse. When he was younger and his commanders less obedient, it also served as a reminder of his abilities.


"The colony ships are en route, and the courtesy gifts to the Banners ahead of them."


Admiral Vara had suffered two great shames in his life - his absence at Rän-ji's Krull Vatok against the invading Irik, and his absence at the desperate defense of Kaumai. For thirty years he had battled instead famines and locals, and for another ten he had fought the House of Banners to a standstill. For the last ten, however, they had been at peace, and each expansion of the Varan fleet's territories was matched by gifts sent to the House of Banners to relay their continued readiness for peace. They had been cowed, but they also had too many entrances into Varan space - the Admiral would not risk further damages to cull them. Yet.


"And the Reef?" Bichir was old - everyone in the Outer Rim knew it. Even in the Far Rim, Admiral Vara knew it. The Syndicate had absorbed much of his family's remnants as they looted the Republic, those many years ago. He did not mind their defections - the alternative was New Vara's fate, was glassing. His father and siblings had suffered the latter. The admiral had gifts sent to those in the Syndicate that still remembered New Vara, those that remembered their oaths as Marked Men to his father, or that knew of Admiral Vara's ability to command. Becoming a grizzled veteran was no excuse - all paths have to be properly laid beforehand, after all.


"The gifts have been sent, sir."




250,000C - Five colony ships are dispatched [10429]




10 Influence goes towards the improving of relations with the House of Banners - gifts sent to the Irik at their highest levels, as proof of the Varan Fleet's readiness to continue working with the faction. [10429]


40NP, 60,000C, 12M - 2 Light cruisers are built [10429]


5 Influence goes towards old allies in the Reef that still remembered New Vara, those that remembered their oaths as Marked Men to his father, or that knew of Admiral Vara's ability to command. [10429]


5 Influence goes down the drain. [10429]







40NP, 60,000C, 12M - 2 Light cruisers are built [10430]


200,000C - Four colony ships are dispatched [10430]




Another 10 Influence goes towards the easing and improving of relations with the House of Banners - gifts sent to the Irik at their highest levels, as proof of the Varan Fleet's readiness to continue working peacefully with the faction. They even offer a defensive pact to the House of Banners, in case the ERTC attempts to expand any further into their portion of the Far Rim... [10430][Total 20]


10 Influence goes towards the Reef, hoping to bolster pro-Varan sentiment among those in command. Perhaps, even, as a potential successor to Bichir, given their assistance in his original rise in the Outer Rim...? [10430][Total 15]


400.000, 120M - All 4 industrial worlds found are built up with Naval Industry. [10430]




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Mikae was once a respected police officer in the city of Fazzara, a famous commercial center for the Free Colonies. The memories of family, of pristine terraformed landscapes and of a stable life now were faint. The post imperial era was cruel for men such as Mikae: who weren't cut out to take initiative and start from scratch.


Drunk out of his mind, and nearly starving, Mikae was trying to nap in the torn leather chair of his rusty trade vessel. His gamble had failed, as the Atu-An's had no interest in his 'freelance logistical services'. Thus, floating endlessly on the border of their jurisdiction, he whimpered through the static music from some forgotten colonial radio.


Then, out of nowhere, the static music stopped. In its place came a barely audible announcement:






Mikae's eyes widened, collapsing himself against the dashboard radio as he pressed his ear tightly against the speaker. The announcement would repeat several times, before the radio turned silent entirely. In disbelief, tears in his eyes, Mikae steered the vessel to routes of yore. Checking his fuel for one last time: he smiled, enabling his hyperdrive. Mikae was coming home.




"Your Excellency." Lodewijk de Quay, Minister of Domestic Affairs saluted, linking his visor to the hologram in the meeting room "reports are coming in from twenty five systems: registering sufficient colonial activity. All have recognized our government in Paravin."


"Splendid."  Governor-General Schaffner faintly smiled "Let's start distributing our resource stockpiles, start up some supply chains. Let the systems elect their Governors, should they not have one."


Both observed the holographic display of the registered systems, revealing what was left of Colonial control in the galaxy.




THE MINISTER OF DOMESTIC AFFAIRS Lodewijk de Quay, being briefed by the Governor-General, would enact the 'RESTORATION OF CIVILIAN AUTHORITY ACT' with an executive mandate. Instructing all CPIA systems to elect a governor and to provide census, resource & fleet data: so that the central government could assess their strength. [MOD @Krefarus, fleet overview still required].


THE MINISTER OF DEFENSE, Nikau Ngata, instructed the SS EDEN DECIMA to be stationed at Paravin. Furthermore, he instructed a small patrol division of MUTUS class vessels to patrol its border with Atu-An. The Ministry of Defense awaits the reports from other CPIA systems, before he can decide what priorities the military should adhere to.


THE MINISTER OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Dmitriy Shevardnadze, establishes contact with the Directorate (3 Influence) and the Interplanetary Defense Initiative (3 Influence). Both receive a similar message, consisting broadly of:


- Confirmation that a successor government to the collapsed Colonial Reorganization Authority has been established beyond the Atu-An systems.


- A proposal for talks regarding a mutual defense treaty and a trade partnership, to be discussed in a summit of which the location is yet to be determined.


- A wish for this side to the galaxy to return to stability, economic freedom & safety for civilians and systems alike.


[MOD @Krefarus, how would these two nations respond?].





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Continuing dreadnought construction (⅔)

[3 HP, 350,000C, 40M, 20A, 30T] Constructing Super Dreadnought, Corona Orientalis (¼)


[75 NP, 150,000C, 27M, 6A, 6T] Constructing 3 Heavy Cruisers

[80 NP, 120,000C, 24M] Constructing 4 Light Cruisers

[44NP, 110,000C, 22M] Constructing 11 Destroyers


[4 NP, 10,000C, 4M] Recruiting 2 Fighter Wings

[14 NP, 35,000C, 14M] Recruiting 7 Bomber Wings


[600,000C, 15M] Constructing 3x Orbital Defense Platform on Orthun V approach.


[16 NP, 12,000C] Repairing Kolibrie

[10 NP, 7,500C] Repairing Rosenveldt

[6 NP, 4,500C] Repairing Frelinghuysen


[5 Influence] The foundations of a network.



[MOD] Beginning salvage operation in Manhuera’s space. UNDER ESCORT OF DETACHMENTS OF MANHUERA’S FLEET [30,000C invested]

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As Adrien Teniert rides his glorious reputation to the seat of Lord Regent, a wave of recruitment sweeps out from Alamar. From Castrillon to the front men flock to growing legions, for the time for action is nigh. Soon the reclamation fleets will gather, and the sons of Alamar will go forth to conquer.


But in their hearts the nobles are wary, for there is still one enemy left to face. One creature that none have yet bested…




-The Imperial government completes the two standard legions garrisoning the east, and then commissions two more in their entirety.


-100 Transports are commissioned for the transport of the invasion force.









-4 I on counterespionage against any T1 networks.

-REDACTED [$20,000]


-Half a million imperial standard infantry are recruited to round out the Teniert’s northern garrison legion.


-The Ripped King is commissioned as a replacement to Orteau’s flagship. Using a recovered HBB hull, Adrien orders the construction of a brawler along his existing flagship’s concept, but of course with even BIGGER mauler cannons and thicker armor. [$266,000, 25M, 10A, 20T, done in one turn]



-Soon after his election as Lord Regent, Adrien hosts a series of receptions on Alamar where he fortifies his support base, explaining in casual but detailed terms his plans for the Mandate and the common ambitions he wants to see achieved. [$30,000 on buying influence]

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Year 10.431 AE

The moon reaches its zenith.
The hour is near.



The man squirmed and struggled as the Irik guardsman dragged him across the desecrated hall, a futile effort which only served to tighten its grip around his neck. His jet black armor was marred with blood and grime, so much so that the nine distinctive rings emblazoned on its face were no longer visible. The sounds of battle could still be heard beyond the palace walls, but there would be no victory. As he twisted, his eyes fell upon their destination, and he fell still.

The Irik tossed him forwards onto the floor before yanking off the smooth, featureless helmet with a sharp hiss and tossing it aside. One of the Irik’s many hands strikes its chest, “Alive, the rest will soon fall.” it barks, stepping back from the figure at the head of the room.

The Mindbender rises, his shadow engulfing the faintly lit hall before him like a tsunami. Servos spun and clicked as he stepped forwards down the stairs of the Imperial Throneroom. The man sunk lower as the Creature grew closer, what little color there was vanishing from his face.


The Creature’s voice booms across the room, yet no sound carries it. It reaches down, snatching the man by the throat and lifting him high into the air. He gasps, his eyes widening before they vanish entirely. The Mindbender holds the husk a moment longer before discarding it.

“A clear message. Prepare, Sariks.”

“A beacon to light, when you are ready to seize your destiny…”


The Matarekan command poured over the large holo-table, arguing amongst themselves. Some called for an immediate counter attack, others advocated to hunker down on the fortress-worlds which had served them so well in the past. With the sudden invasion of Kur’skan’s Reclamation Fleet, the entire province had been caught off balance. Already weak from their battle with the House of Bones, their space forces were in disarray, trying desperately to regroup and reorganize. To make matters worse, the Irik pirates from the House of Suns had grown in both number and boldness, the eastern systems were in chaos, reports had begun to filter in of a large fleet even crossing the border. Crippled by the mysterious disappearance of the Mohiki and his psykic cabal, communication had begun to break down entirely.

Their squabbles fell on Holokai, The Black Bastard’s ears in muted tones. Try as he did to make sense of the situation, his mind was elsewhere, perhaps with the transponder in his pocket, quietly waiting. He looked among the circle of generals, governors, admirals, magistrates, and all other manner of administrator and saw only a den of vipers. These were the men who had slandered his father. These were the men who betrayed his father. They called him worm, rat, and snake under their breaths. They cursed his name. If it were not for mere circumstance, they would have disposed of him long ago. His mind raced as his hand activated the device. 

Less than twenty minutes later, a large shuttle silently touches down on the governor estate’s north grounds, its crew dismounting in short order.

“Silence!” Holokai roared, slamming his fist onto the table. The group of men instantly fell quiet, and all eyes turned  to face him. “I believe I have a solution to our problems gentlemen.” He paused, “First, however, I have received.. Troubling reports to say the least. Reports that a hideous corruption has spread across our systems..”

The men overran the grounds, arc blades falling upon the ill-prepared and unsuspecting soldiers.

“This corruption has penetrated every level of our society. From the common man, to the top brass..”

Footsteps filled the hallways.

As Holokai opens his mouth to continue. An explosion rocks the hall, ejecting debris across it. He immediately dips below the table as men clad in jet black armor pour into the room, unleashing a continuous chatter of machine gun fire. In an instant, all who might have opposed Holokai’s destiny were cut down by the righteous hand of fate. He stands up shakily, casting his eyes upon the carnage. One of the men approaches him, a symbol of nine rings glinting off his armor.

“Are there any more?”  

Following Holokai’s brutal and extensive purge of much of the province’s leadership, Matarekan space falls quiet once again. Reports filter out, though, that Holokai has surrendered to Kur’skan’s forces soon after.

More space falls to the Reclamation.

“The enemy grows weak. We must move..”


With the ascension of the Emperor Kasor Un’Durak, The Seer of Gold, to the Heavenly Throne last year, the fleets of Atu-an are once more spurred into action. Having spent most of the year building up and consolidating from the conquest of the USSC some years prior, they cross the border into Greater Altaire towards the year’s end.

A psykic transmission is broadcasted to whom it concerns in Altaire’s border regions, as well as to the leadership of the country itself.



Greater Altiare

As the year turns, a two pronged invasion suddenly and unexpectedly enters Altirean-held USSC space from Atu-an..

The searches yield a single battleship hull, found being used as a children’s hospital on a squalid backwater.


The Banners are cordial to the influx of Varan gifts, but grow increasingly suspicious as they pour in for the second year. Word circulates enough for Varan command to know that the Irik warchiefs suspect treachery, yet there is no sign of any increasing militarism or readiness on the border.

Within the Reef, there are very little remnants of the Varans, with most having died on New Vara, or dispersed into the wider galaxy. Still Louie is able to establish communications with a healthy amount who at least seem cordial to the man. It is abundantly clear, though, that their new employer has treated them very, very well.

The Colonial Provisional Interim Authority

Fleet and military details acquired (See private channel).

The Interplanetary Defense Initiative is simply too far for their leadership to consider any serious agreements with the CPIA, but they at least express their sympathies. The Directorate, on the other hand, is far more interested. The increasing militarism of Atu-an and the ever growing hatred for the “merchants” in the Eastern galaxy has thrown Corporate space into a panic, and they seek new, dependable allies. They will agree to a mutual defense alliance, and also acknowledge the CPIA’s authority over formerly Colonial space.


Updates on the war situation in discord channel.. Right after I finish writing this !!!

The Vennendalic find the battle site to have been picked clean in the years before, they return empty handed.


Word arrives from the south. The invasion force has gathered. They are prepared to depart. 

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OOP! Post MP statpost!





  • The Glorious Armada continues its campaign.
  • 5 x Light Cruisers constructed. (150,000 C, 100 NP, 30 M).
  • 10,000 x Artillery constructed and crewed to Imperial Standard. (30,000 C, 10 AP, 8 M, 3 A).
  • Tanalar buys a new rug. (200,000 C, 50 M).



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Actions |


Another [5 Influence] gift is sent to the Irik Warchiefs of the House of Banners. No military movements are seen in Vara's space, either.


200,000C - Four more colonies are founded.


150,000C, 10I, 30M - A refinery world is fully populated with...refineries.


10I - Discord.



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The Stunning Sci-Fi Concept Art of Dylan Cole | Sci-Fi Movie Art

Newly appointed Directorate ambassador Nikata with Minister Shevardnadze on the SS EDEN DECIMA


"I suppose that concludes our talks then?" Shevardnadze continued to walk forward, the ambassador trailing behind him "Indeed. It was a great pleasure to see the Eden from the inside. And to think you've once had ten..." 


The chat continued over the bridge: topics varying from the treaty, to Paravin, to the good old days. Their amicable and polite expressions hiding a sense of emotional relief: they were not alone in the galaxy anymore. The Directorate had nothing to lose backing the CPIA who, if they would survive and restore their authority, could bring great prosperity to galactic markets. The CPIA had everything to lose, the Directorate being the only nation they had diplomatic channels with. This treaty was the cornerstone of a civilized galaxy.


They smiled before the floating cameras, letting their thumb's blood flow onto the stamp. Then, they pressed their stamps onto the treaty: sealing the deal.


The stipulations of the TREATY OF PARAVIN were as following:


I). The Directorate and the Colonial Provisional Interim Authority recognize each other's legitimacy and jurisdictional claims.

II). The Directorate and the Colonial Provisional Interim Authority enter a mutual defensive alliance, henceforth known as the Paravin Pact.

III). The Directorate and the Colonial Provisional Interim Authority open each other's markets and become trade partners.





Minister Shevardnadze, striking while the iron is hot, sends out a special delegation in a MUTUS stealth vessel to the Fourth Empire. In it are an ambassador, translator and courier taking a formal letter of apology. The reason: mending old wounds out of desperation.


Once the delegation would arrive, they would propose the following terms to the Fourth Empire in secret:


I). The Fourth Empire and the Colonial Provisional Interim Authority recognize each other's legitimacy and jurisdictional claims.

II). The Fourth Empire and the Colonial Provisional Interim Authority enter a non-aggression agreement with the Paravin Pact.

III). The Fourth Empire and the Colonial Provisional Interim Authority open each other's markets and become trade partners.


In the meantime, the Directorate is asked on their viewpoint regarding the Fourth Empire. The newly-appointed ambassador emphasizing that the Fourth Empire could be a great military ally against Atu-An, and a big market to potentially enter the Paravin Pact's free trade zone. Should the Directorate agree to the Fourth Empire's membership, the CPIA would formally invite them. [ @Krefarus does the Directorate agree?]


As part of the CPIA's diplomatic brand, an inquiry was sent to the government of Atu-An. Would war refugees from the Fourth Empire gain free and safe passing through Atu-An territories into CPIA jurisdiction? In this inquiry, Shevardnadze's representatives emphasizes the risk of an escalating humanitarian situation should the war be prolonged by either side. [ @Krefarus what is Atu-An's response?]





The C.P.I.A.'s threat assessment measurement

5: Existential threat

4: Imminent hostilities

3: Escalation-prone situation

2: Monitored situation of minor concern

1: Domestic serenity



MINISTER OF DEFENSE NGATA issues new GSI assessment after Atu-An had declared war against the Fourth Empire. The GSI has gone from 1: Domestic serenity to 2: Monitored situation of minor concern in all C.P.I.A. systems.


MUTUS-class patrol vessels are patrolling the Atu-An jurisdiction border, and all incoming freight not from the Directorate must confirm a positive identification as an employee of a recognized mercantile company.


The Ministry of Defense has accumulated sufficient resources to construct TWO DESTROYERS & STEALTH VESSEL as part of general re-armament.




Mars colony by Pete Ashford | Sci fi architecture, Digital painting,  Digital painting photoshop


GOVERNOR-GENERAL SCHAFFNER has issued a colonization push in the two north western systems: temporarily named NOVUS 1 & 2. Allocating a total of 100.000 credits for this effort. Deep surface analysis is being done by drilling sites as scientists fly-over the terrain to scout for flora & fauna.


THE CPIA government had successfully received fleet data from all controlled systems, with revenue pouring into the treasury as a basic tax system was now functional. Life was steadily returning to CRA-days, although that still paled in comparison to the heyday of the Free Colonies.




[Feel free to provide feedback, or give ideas on what to write a response/news item on about your nation. I am doing this to add more flavour to the FRP. Do you want your own news channel, ask for one!].







Colony Holographic News Corporation

Jurisdiction: Colonial Provisional Interim Authority




The government today in a predictable move has increased the GSI, which had been reset ever since the collapse of the Colonial Reorganization Authority. This comes due to the war between the Fourth Empire and Atu-An. While the new trade routes with the Directorate flow way behind the frontlines, merchants appealed to the colonial government for this increase over security concerns. Economic analysts however suspect a more self-serving motive: a level 2 GSI means more border controls, and thus a bigger advantage for domestic & directorate vessels that have free passage.



The Governor-General gloated today that the CPIA is initiating new colonization efforts. A move widely seen as a precursor to the promised election in the near future, and as a claim to the preceding government's legitimacy. While citizens seem trustworthy of the provisional interim government, critics have voiced concerns about the populist economic approach. A source in the government told us: "while we have minimal defenses on our border systems, we only make our border bigger. In my view, we should be more prudent with the funds."





Jurisdiction: Mandate of Alamar

@Will (TauFirewarrior)



The war for the core has greatly inspired the people of Alamar, who steadfastly seek leadership from House Dryden in these most challenging of hours. Millions from around the mandate pray for Erasmis' painful death, as they teach their children the basics of warfare and voluntarily provide patriotic education. The nation, one big family, is seemingly ready to avenge the death of the Emperor.




Historians report that the destroyed Irik fleet is a galaxy's first: breaking ancient records in terms of casualties and destroyed ships. The excellence of the Alamar fleets brought forth a decisive victory with nearly no casualties: proving yet again that our forces stand as the strongest in the galaxy.  Admiral Inoke Kai, when asked for a comment, simply stated: "The Irik fleet serve as an example for the fate of the entire core".




Jurisdiction: Kingdom of Orteau




Lord Adrien Teniert ascends to the Lord Regency, placing the delicate mandate of one of the galaxy's largest nations on our esteemed Kingdom. Celebrations are expected everywhere, as nobleman & civilian alike rejoice for a new era to come. It is rumored that the Heir-Presumptive Adonis is returning to the capital to attend the celebrations. Sources from several houses have stated that the planned festivities could be used for more than just partying -- warning that some power plays and affairs could soon become public knowledge.



A massive recruitment drive by the Orteau government has inspired many citizens to enlist, primarily from the mandate's southern regions. Taking back the core has been a long-standing priority for the now Lord-Regent, who seeks to amass a grand military force for a decisive victory. Other noble houses are closely anticipating the conclusion of this imminent offensive, as it shall have great impact on the stature and stability of House Teniert: regardless of how it may go. The prognosis by our domestic military experts stand: Orteau is beyond capable of taking the core from the terrorists.


Edited by Falda
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Chapter Awakening [LXIX]

Fell drums boom in the darkness



Several grunts follow the solid crash of steel on rock. Hardly able to see, cries of pain blend with the sounds of labor. In the darkness, only fog and rats preside. Columns of skulls can be seen in the faded corners of the vault, alongside hundreds of plaques. Where once there had been trophy skulls of Irik warlords, only dust remained. 




But the human remains were much more numerous, and harder to destroy. Holokai, lifted to the position of an Order's priest, helped by swinging a pick axe himself. They were deep in the sacred catacombs of the Matareka family. It was here Holokai had plotted with his fellow visionaries. Standing over the graves of dead Lords, they plotted the downfall of their Stellarchy. With the coup complete, he had the privileged of coming back down here. Staring at the empty grave for Mokihi Matareka, he snarls, and begins hacking it to rubble for the factories.




The last of the graves have been defiled, the skulls pulled down. Men drop their tools, and then drop to their knees. Holokai stands before them, panting with exertion from the labors. His fellow brothers and revolutionaries kneel before him, as well as brothers from other Chapters. Their purpose was one, and this vanguard was but the ember. Once they ascended to the surface, the fire of The Great Purge will begin in earnest.




The rasp of steel on leather can be heard slowly


Holokai examines the knife, appreciating it's craftsmanship. Wickedly curved, the blade was clearly razor sharp. In laser etched script so tiny as to be almost imperceptible, is teachings of the Order. As drums begin to beat in the darkness, Holokai raises the dagger held high, pointed towards him. No words need to be spoken, the Chapter letting his actions speak for him. In two swift motions, Holokai blinds himself with the blade, screaming out his devotion to the shattered skulls and graves of faded Nobility. 


Quickly two priest pool his weeping sockets blood into small jars, and daub the Red Eye onto a silken banner of pure white. Raising the banner high, the procession leads their Priest to the surface, to awakening and vision. 

Edited by GrimBeard
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RP Cancelled due to invasion! :(



-2,600,000C, 130M, towards 60 desroyers (God help me)


-21I spent on something I guess.

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