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Tick . . . 


Tock . . . 


Tick . . .


Tock . . .


Tick . . .


The clock continued to sing, it's continuous tune.


Tick . . . 


Tock . . . 


Tick . . .


Tock . . .


Tick . . -




A crimson vase of clay, in shatters- the roses, scattered- portraits and paintings, torn- drapes, torn. A home in ruins. Only a woman stood, her dress, in tatters- her pale eyes. empty- gone. While her brunette hair was messy, filled with dirt and dust. The smell of beer and alcohol was prominent.


“Nowhere . . ”


“Nowhere . . .”


“Nowhere . . .-” 


“ . . . Nobody . . .”


The mad- The broken, Chalons. Walked out from her cage of crimson clay and stood underneath the stars. Her pale and empty eyes looking towards the celestial bodies. 


Drip . . .


Drip . . .


Drip . . .


Tears fell . . . dropping onto the hard soil.


“No- madness will not take me. Nor I will I accept it’s tempting tune."


She began to chant to herself while the tears came down from her redden eyes. 


Drip . . .


Drip . . .


Drip . . .


Tears still fell . . . crashing onto the still hard and cold soil.


“Madness will not take me!”


She roared while she clenched her fists.


Drip . . .


Drip . . .


Drip . . -


The tears stopped-.


She had a realization.


“Burn brighter, I must. Work harder, I must- no.”


They stuttered while she kept her empty gaze upon the stars and the bright night, talking to herself.


“No more tears. No more madness. No more-”


“I will rise. I will fly.”


“I will be.”


A smile grew while she looked towards her future.


“Happier then ever.”




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