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[Culture] Cingedoz/The Cinged

Ibn Khaldun

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The language of the Cingedoz is categorically a near-dead language, being revitalized by the small tribe of men and women. The language is primarily written with little use verbally unless as a means to speak so that others within earshot cannot discern their speech. One may expect to find written sagas within settlements to contain many words of Sprækjom, but written correspondence sent out of settlements belonging to the Cingedoz will most likely contain all Common vocabulary and grammar.




What follows is a growing list of vocabulary in the language of the Cinged. Sprækjom words will be bold, while their Common equivalents will be italicized. Larger words & compound words constructed by the basic Sprækjom may be included in parentheses.



-oi - ‘s indicating possession (Gaisorix brigoi would be ‘Gaisorix’s hill’)

si- - indicating future tense (sibidjek would be ‘I will ask’)

an- - prefix turning a noun to an adjective (anweald would be ‘powerful’)

swy- superlative prefix (swyðost would be 'strongest')

-oz - indicating plurality (brigoz would be ‘hills’)

-ogh - gerund conjugation(-ing) & -ism suffix equivalent

-agh - past tense conjugation

-yrdi - indicating imperative mood (Aingekyrdi! would be 'Protect me!')

abon - river

adsor - to return

aed - passion, zeal, interest

ælfen - imp, fairy

æsc - javelin

aesus - year

afdauþnanto blind

afgudeignatos - darkspawn (lit. born ungodly)

afhugjanto bewitch

afsatjan - to divorce

ahernan - to thank (ahernanju would be 'Thank you', derived from Elven)

aile - other, strange (aileon is used to refer to the “other”, foreigners)

ainaklisruin, desolation 

aing - to protect

aingid - protect, protection (aingidon is used to refer to armor)

aiwiskanto behave

ambactos - ambassador

anabrafstijan to comfort

anadrigkan to be drunk

anastandento oppose

anapraggento oppress

andlet to allow, to welcome, to permit

ankena - need, necessity 

anuan - name

argant - silver

artuas - target

arve - to choose

arvo - decision, choice

antesp - answer

antespos - to answer

audigr - wealth

bagauda - skirmisher

bairgen - wheat, crop

balwjanto plague

bana - enemy

bardo - poet, bard

barg - book

bekos - bee

bena - woman

berwa - to cook

beystato beat

bidja - to ask (conjugated verbs bidjek, bidjiz, bidjijoz, bidjaju, bidjajutoz, bidjijozoz)

bidjan - to pray

bikkja - b*tch

bileiþan - to leave (dobre bileiþan is used for goodbye)

binat - to do

biskabanto share

biuþs plateau, mesa, elevated flat-land

bjoda - to invite (conjugated verbs bjodek, bjodiz, bjodijoz, bjodaju, bjodajutoz, bjodijozoz)

bjǫrn - bear

blæwaz - blue

bodb - raven

bodyo - gold

bon - farm (bonon is estate)

bondi - farmer

borg - pride


bratu - to judge

bratuw - judge

bregd - deception

bregden - to cheat, to deceive

brig - hill, elevated land

brigan - to attack (conjugated verbs briganek, briganiz, briganijoz, briganju, briganjutoz, briganijozoz)

brigjo - high, tall

brog - (political) territory (brogon is used to refer to a (political) nation)

brunnr - Spring (season)

bugho - (archery) bow

bycgan - to buy

cairn/carn - tombmausoleumgrave

cambos - to trade, exchange

camulos - woe, forlorn

cant - circle

carnut - horn

carros - wagon

catu - battle

catuwiccyrd - battlemage

cawr giant

ceal - cold

cherut - deer, game

cian - storm

cīgan - to call, to invoke

cinged - footman

cintu - young

cnyttan - to tie, to bind, to chain

dǣddeed, act

dagr - day

daighneim - poison

danu - valley

daud - dead (adjective)

daudir - to die

dayru - gatepassagedoor

dēaþ - to dive

deiwo - God

dēofol - demon, devil, evilspawn

dexs - right, correct, true

dobre - good (adjective)

doklo - hair

ðost strong

dotir - daughter

drenx - song, tale

drepa - to kill

droch - bridge

druko - bad (adjective)

drungus - crowd, mob

druwits - wiseman (can be used regarding someone with secular or magical intellect)

dun - wall (dunon or dunom is used to refer to a defensive position)

dur - village (duron or durom is used to refer to a larger town or city)

ealdfæder - ancestor, forefather

earcol - boat

eard - to occupy, to inhabit

earfoþnes - difficulty, hardship

eburo - tree (eburon or eburom is used to refer to a forest)

ēðel - piece of furniture

efnan - low

eig - item, thing (eigon is used to refer to a list or vast quantity)

eign - to own

embrekton - food

enech - eye

epos - horse

epureto - chariot

fæt - vessel, container

faihein - map

fec - to hunt, to search

feccan - hunt

feitr - fat

feoh - price

feþer utensil, tool

ferd - journey

fian - freedom (fianyd is used to refer to a freeman)

flēa - to flee, to run, to escape

flēamingfugitive, escapee

fledto succeed

fledon - success


forhtan - dread

frōfor - ease, consolation

frōforden - to ease, to make peace, to console

fynn - to find

gærs - grass

gaiso - spear

galdhwill - to charm, to trick

galdor - charm, charisma

gamall - old

gamen - instrument

gamenwudu - harp

garunilek - mystical

gāst - soul, spirit

gedāl - division, separation

gedālir - to divide, to separate

gerro - short

gīsl - agreement

gīslir - to negotiate

glas - green

gnór - to request, to commission

gnórol - commission, request, bequest

greinn - to follow

gryre - time

gūþ - news

gutus - voice

gwer - beast

hǣðen mad, crazy

hægel to hail, to shoot

hæselhnutu hazelnut

haf - to have

handge - hand

hanoez - night

harvi - to raise

hav - to compare

haval - similar (havalon is used to refer to a tribe or ethnic group)

helve - rich

helveti - merchant

heofon - heat

heolfor - blood

heolstor - hidden, suspicious

hlaupa - to run

hled - left, west

hoggvi - to strike

hræ - dead body, corpse

hreddan - to capture

hrīm - frost, ice

hrunz - snow

hústhegn - soldier-companion, bodyguard

hiwræd - family, (hiwrædi is 'line of' as a reference to family lineage)

hwyr - to change

hyrd - to store, to keep

hyrdig - storehouse, granary

iaccus - health, healing

isarno - iron

izvin - to apologize/be sorry (ekizvin is 'I'm sorry', derived from Vistulian)

jupvit - source

kanksir - to step, to walk

kanx - step, track

karants - friend

karnyx - (Cinged) warhorn

keiljo - partner, comrade, associate

kelik - tower

kerd - craft (havalkerd is used to refer to craftsmen)

klad - sword

klinu - to hear, to listen

kluk - to harass, agitate, annoy

kluka - stone

komber - to wish, to want

kommi - random

krasiva - beautiful

kredd - faith, creed

krinos - dry

kved - to speak

kvinn - clothing, attire

lǣcewyrt - alchemical herb

lǣstan - help, aid

lǣstanos - to help, to support

lǣw - to point, to direct

lango - long

leikr - game, sport

lend - empty

lendhan - land, soil

lēoþwīs - rhythm

leorn - to study, to learn

leornung - study, account

lettan - to slow, to impede

līðan - to sail, to row

lītan - shape, form

lōc to observe, to look

lōcian - observation

lufu - love

lugoae - infantryman

lugus - light

lyften - sky

mǣwect - meadow

magjo - large, great

magos - plain (magoson is used to refer to an entire continent)

magosom - universe

mait - broken

maitan - to break, to split, to crush

makos - son

manyi - to think, to remember

matro - mother

menha - stone edifice

menwo - small

mor - body of water (moiran is used to refer to a sea or ocean)

mūþettan - secret

nædre snake, serpent

nanke - to bring, deliver

nemeto - privilege, honor

nemp - to pray, revere

nempton - temple, church

niujus - new

ōfost - quick

ogbi - to be

ogros - cold

ovitr - idiot, fool

Þatainei - only, alone, secluded

patro - father

penno - head (pennaingid is 'helmet')

Þiudans- king, emperor

þiudinassus - kingdom, empire

planaig - plan

prifa - to grab, to take

priftecton - to pillage, to raid

rad - advice, rule

rada - to advise

radaonrunjiz - grammar (literally 'writing advice')

raudaz - red

rehet - right, east

reido - to travel

renaid - sale, auction

renaidvo - to sell

rēosa spine

rīcsyr to mine, to dig

rīcsian mine, quarry

rit - row, order

ritu - route, road

rix - respect, leader

run - letter (This term is one of few used even in Common, called rune(s))

runj - to write

runon - word

runjo - writing

sælm - salt

saga - story (sagaon is used to refer to a library)

sar - art, drawing

sairo - artist

sceaða - dragon, wyrm

scoppa - shop

sedlon - saddle, seat

seg - strength (segon is used to refer to military power, seg is personal strength)

sejto finish, to complete


seno - old (senoson is used to refer to something as ancient)

seolfring - mina

seonu - center, centre, plaza

sidos - peace

sketos - shield

skohsil - **** (curse word)

slaug - to work

slaugos - worker

slepan - to sleep

smēa - fine art, craft

smeoru - fat, lard (can be used as a noun or adjective)

smutno - black

sprej - to throw

sprejko - exile (sprejkon is used to refer to migration)

sratha - meadow

stōw - place, location

suil - sight

sumar - Summer (season)

swesor - sister

tagat - thief

tarv - bull

tarvos - to ram

tect - possession

tegos - home

teketo - axe

temr - to build, to make

temraz - building

teutava - dignity

teutoa - people

thegn - elite soldier

thin - to meet

thingoz - meeting (This term is one of few used even in Common conversations, called Thing)

tosgo - forward

trew - tree

uemo lawmaker (pronounced ye - WE - moh)

uiro - man (pronounced ywe - ROH)

uolca - bird of prey (pronounced vool - KA)

ussat - to start, to originate

ussaton - origin, start

veko - rage, fury

vin - to serve

vindos - servant, slave, prisoner

wǣd mantle, cloak

wæter - water

walg - whole, entire

wax - to live

waxto - life

weald - power

weder - weather

wenian - activity

werru - war

wicce - magic

wiccyrd - mage

windos - white

wiþerrǣde - adverse, contrary

witu - wood, log

witigung - philosophy

wodag - intention

wodaj - purpose

wodz - spacedimension

wracnian - pilgrim


wyrtwal - to plant

ȳþung - movement

oinos - one (oinogh (gerund combination) serves as ordinal number)

ciallos - two

tritos - three





What follows is a growing list of grammatical words, including determinatives & prepositions, in the language of the Cinged. Sprækjom words will be bold, while their Common equivalents will be italicized. For adjectives describing nouns, the adjective comes before the nounAs of year 65, there is no clear definite article in the language. It is assumed by reader & listener alike.


iz - he, it (ijoz for she, ijozoz for they)

ek - I, myself, me

ekoz - we, our

ju - you (jutoz for you all)

mer - more

ver - above

en - to

weisla - about

abo - for

di - of, from

ok - and

allr - all

avni - during

tur - at

at - that

adr - before

badr - both

eda - or

facat  - only

ef - if

eigi - not, no, negating participle

eptir - after

med - with

jok - very

hvarr - who

ach - in, on, upon

air - by

sin - this

beūtan - outside, without

enst - under, below

oiman - here

hwaet - what

hwero - who

hwaz - where

hwor - when

hwavir - why

hwakin - Interrogative yes/no  question that functions like [hal - هل] in Arabic.

twǣm - between

filu - many






What follows is a list of ethnonyms and proper nouns to identify people of different races, tribes, and ethnic groups.


Alf/Alves Elves

Elvellyn [Elvellynoz plural] - Elves

Dwed/Dwedmar [Dwedoz/Dwedmaroz] - Dwarves (cognate)

Brydal [Brydaloz] - Orcs

Uiros/Bena [Uirosoz/Benoz] - [Human] men/women

Karajin [Karajinnoz] - Kharajyr

Ferin [Ferinoz]  - Inferi

Gerruiros [Gerruirosoz] - Halflings [lit. Short-men]







What follows is a list of phrases that one may find a Cinged using from greetings to exclamations.


Slanu - Hello, Hail

Wæshæl - Whole Health! (another greeting)

Tosgo Havalon - Onwards our kin go!

Rabo! Zeal! (a common word cried out to encourage others in an endeavor)

Hwakin sin brig komberju daudir ach - Is this the hill you want to die on?

Ahernanju - Thank you!

Ogbiju andlet - You are welcome!






It is common to find that the Cingedoz compose their first names with an amalgamation of Sprækjom terms that confer personal meaning and the last name will be that of the settlement they reside. The cultural utility of last names helps the Cinged differentiate between exiled (often a punishment for crime) and respected characters and between a sedentary and nomadic (a rarity) Cinged. An exiled Cinged would be given the name hal'Sprejkagh (of the Exiled). A nomadic Cinged would have the last name of hal'Cingedoz, while a sedentary Cinged would take the name of his town or city as his last name like hal'Dunrathduron (of the town/city of Dunrath), hal'Daelduron (of the town of Dael).


Alaric [♂]

Ambactorix (Respected as Ambassador) [♂, ♀]

Ambiorix (Respected as Protector) [♂, ♀]

Ariovistus [♂]

Arminius [♂]

Bodica [♀]

Branwyn [♀]

Brennus [♂]

Caratacus [♂]

Drenxtorix (Respected Bard) [♂, ♀]

Dumnoric [♂]

Elyn [♀]

Epokaran (Horse-friend) [♂, ♀]

Ganna [♀]

Gwydion [♂]

Gwynhyfar [♀]

Havalgasos (Spear-kin) [♂, ♀]

Havalklad (Sword-kin) [♂, ♀]

Heimlaug [♀]

Igraine [♀]

Karantsonrix (Respected by Friends) [♂, ♀]

Langobard (Longbeard) [♂]

Magoraudoz (Red-plains) [♂, ♀]

Marcomer [♂]

Morgaine [♀]

Morgause [♀]

Morrigan [♀]

Odoacer [♂]

Saganuaned (Storied Name) [♂, ♀]

Sairorix (Respected Artist) [♂, ♀]

Sendrenx (Old-song) [♂, ♀]

Sketoskaran (Shielding Friend) [♂, ♀]

Uther [♂]

Veleda [♀]

Vivane [♀]




[OOC] Please note that this post in particular, serving as a dictionary for a developing language, will be edited with new vocabulary words and grammatical terms.

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The Cingedoz are no strangers to conflict and take pride in protecting both hearth and home defensively and engaging in offensive conflict based on the decisions of their leader - currently Dughlas Sutherlann of Dunrath. The Cinged prefer to fight in cohesive shield walls in battle, but will accept duels and one-on-one combat both in battle and in encountering criminals or challengers. In terms of martial values, the Cinged make it a particular issue to separate combatants in a conflict and pay mind to neutral parties with a sense of honor derived from fighting proper foes rather than taking liberties to harm others outside a given conflict. The Cinged refrain from harming the children and the elderly, though making exceptions for those who choose to take up arms against the Cinged.

One can expect to find any Cinged wearing either boiled leather or chainmail and bearing a shield (typically scutum or wicker shields). The Cinged culturally have no preference between the type of arms they take up, be it sword, spear, axe, or polearm, but once a Cinged decides his or her weapon - they are wed to that particular type. Unique weapons attributed to the Cingedoz include francisca axes, spathas (a type of longsword), seaxes (long dagger), & falxs (longsword curved slightly forward like a scythe). A warrior is also expected to carry with him a bundle of javelins to provide a way to soften enemies before closing in for hand-to-hand combat (can be represented in Minecraft as either bow/arrow or throwing spears).







There is a noticeable lack of hierarchy in a warband. They follow either a Waxtolangoi (Elder) or the chief of the settlement they have migrated to during battle and will accept personal assignments and tasks during war, but have no “commander” nor a hierarchy of ranks to motivate them. Their love for valor, for a storied participation in battle, lends itself instead to boasted epithets earned based on one’s performance in battle as well as epithets earned for demonstrable skills. These epithets are used to refer to the person who has earned them (ex: Gaisorix Saganemetoi) and can be adorned over the person’s home, etched in runestones, and written in sagas. Some of these epithets, bold being the Sprækjom epithet and italic being the Common equivalent, include:



Segonemetoi - Honored for (their) Strength

This epithet is earned for personally slaying at least three combatants. A severed head or personal trinket taken can serve as proof to reinforce someone’s claim to be known as Segonemetoi.

Aingidnemetoi - Honored for (their) Protection

This epithet is earned for personally defending either the Cinged (or affiliated) settlement or a trade caravan/baggage train against attackers. Witnesses can swear upon someone’s claim to be known as Aingidnemetoi.

Kladnemetoi - Honored for (their) Sword

This epithet is earned for personally defeating someone in three duels while armed with a sword. Gaisonemetoi & Teketonemetoi are used for those who have won at least three duels with a spear or axe respectively.

Eponemetoi - Honored Rider

This epithet is earned for great cavalry command, either as a good raider on horseback, horse-archer, or heavy cavalrymen. Witnesses can swear upon someone’s claim to be known as Eponemetoi.

Sketonemetoi - Honored shield-bearer

This epithet is earned for defending an innocent life from attack. That innocent person can swear upon someone’s claim to be known as Sketonemetoi.

Thegno - Huscarl

This is an unique epithet in that a thegno or ‘huscarl’ is someone who swears their sword to serve the interest of another Cinged. A thegno is typically a temporary role only present during peace-time when the Cinged decide among each other to commit to an irregular military action such as raiding a third-party entity.

Saganemetoi - Honored Author

This epithet is earned for authoring lauded sagas (stories) that earn the recognition of readers.

Temranemetoi - Honored Builder

This epithet is earned for constructing fine edifices, whether it be personal homes, dun walls, or other buildings that benefit society.


Druwitbrigjoi - High Wisdom

This epithet is a difficult one to earn and hotly contested, but is earned for making an instrumental contribution to the Cinged culture or to the lives of the Cinged people. One who claims this title without being given it by another would earn the err of other Cinged around him/her.


Waxtolangoi - Long-lived

This epithet is earned customarily by any man or woman who reaches at least the age of 60 (or equivalent in other racial lifespans). One is expected to respect the waxtolangoi and take their advice with more investment.


Helvmagjoi - Greatly-Enriched

This epithet is given to those who are competent in trade, having earned great wealth through escorting wains of goods across the land or arranging contracts that turn profit for the Cinged.


Saironemetoi - Honored Artist

This epithet is given to those who engage in any of the visual or material arts and has contributed to the lifestyle of the Cinged. OOC: Those who make skins for the Cingedoz can be granted this epithet.


Hvarrpriftectoz - He Who Pillages

This epithet is granted to those who are notable pillagers. This epithet must be given by the leader of an irregular military action to another Cinged who acted as thegno or by the contracting party that hired the Cinged as a mercenary. Freely adopting this epithet will earn the err of other Cinged who may think that you are a rabble-rouser. The Cinged may be a simple people, but they know better than to bat at random bees' nest lest they be stung in return.


Reidlangoi - Long Lengths Travelled

This epithet is granted to those adventurous Cinged who return to tell great tales of journey and glory. It is required that those seeking to earn this epithet describe some of their journeys in the Runjosagaoi or 'Narratives' that is typically kept in the runestone ring that is currently used for assemblies. As of year 61, this ring would be found outside Dunrath.


Bardonemetoi, Drenxanemetoi - Honored Bard, Honored for (their) song

This epithet is granted to those Cinged who possess Bardmancy or have produced great songs that they have performed in front of others be they Cingedoz or those from another settlement.






The Cingedoz, lacking hierarchy, allows for a warband to be raised both during war to support Dunrath and in peace-time to engage in irregular combat. Anyone can try and raise a warband, relying on their ability to persuade other Cinged to follow them in raiding and pillaging. Though this allows for spontaneous activity, this activity still respects the martial values upheld culturally including respecting neutral areas and sanctuaries and not antagonizing those who have any sort of treaty, contract, or trade agreement with the Cinged. The word of any Waxtolangoi (Elder) can override any attempt to raise a warband and a Cinged can be exiled from Dunrath if they take action against the Sutherlann chieftain.


The Thegnoz or 'huscarls' is more a temporarily affiliation with anyone raising a warband. Becoming a huscarl under someone essentially denotes your agreement to serve the raised warband's intention and goal and to follow the one who raised the warband. The leader of a raised warband during peace-time will be temporarily referred to as Werrix or 'war leader' for the timespan of their attempted raid or pillage. During wartime, the current Dunrathi chieftain is the werrix.






What follows is some imagery to help those imagining what a Cinged would look like in their many forms of armor and war dress.







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The Cingedoz are neither too libertine in their morals and permissiveness with others nor too restrictive that they are anxious and guarded around strangers. They live and do many of the same things that all humans do and fall into roles such as farmer, merchant, artisan, smith, and others. Some belong to tight knit families while others have only a fair association with one another having found common ground in a shared culture. This reviving culture grows in the number of peculiar practices, activities, and cultural paraphernalia. The Cingedoz are also given to being flexible regarding adoption & adaptation from other cultures and have a curiosity for innovations from other cultures.



Runestones (klukarunjoz), inscribed in the Spraekjom language, are erected from stone and are raised in locations that have some significance to the life of a Cinged. The one who raises runestones over superfluous events repeatedly will be the subject of much mockery; the intention behind runestones are to serve as rare monuments that bring memories to the Cingedoz while serving as mysterious commemorations to others. Runestones are expected to have a single pit drilled into the top of the stonework and oriented so that either the sun or the moon’s light will shine through the pit. A circle of runestones form a gathering place to hold things or assemblies.



Thingoz, known as ‘Thing’ or assemblies in Common, are general assemblies of the Cingedoz to talk about the affairs of tribe, town, and the world. Though the Cingedoz are not notoriously concerned with world affairs, having an opinion and making decisions on how to react to local and foreign affairs are important. Assemblies can be called to discuss hopeful trade missions, desired raids, and proposals for the tribe. These are held in a circle of runestones, also called Klukarunjoz hal’Thingoz, and can be called either night or day and do not require a majority presence.



The Cinged tradition of metalworking is particularly focused on the casting of bronze and iron implements, stylistic designs of jewelry (such as brooches & torcs), and illustrious fixtures for shields and helmets including intricate patterns and bronze shaped in the form of various animals. The tradition of woodworking has a particular focus in architecture as well as crafting unique war-horns called karnyxes which towers over the average human being and lets out a bellowing noise when blown. The karnyx is used in both times of war and peace to alert others of the blower’s presence or to draw attention in the case of trouble.




The Cingedoz as a culture is one given to adventure, to comradery, and to a brave face shown to the unknown. They have no particular feelings for or against magic nor any feelings towards other creatures provided said creatures don’t intend to set out to do harm. They may be portrayed as backwards by certain individuals, but in truth they try to be reasonable in action and their word. They are not inclined to discriminate against any race nor argue with regards to religion, preferring their primitive and absolute monotheism free of association of partners or a hierarchy of divinity. Conduct trade, lead raids, gather people for assemblies, and most of all - have a good time!







 Cinged Torc






This group is meant to be a relaxing experience OOCly for those involved without entanglement in administration or OOCly antagonistic behavior. We don’t schedule events, instead we allow you the player to spontaneously put together something fun for yourself and for others. I’m not concerned with “supervising” behavior, but only ask to not engage in trolling, ERP, or forum posts that are passive-aggressive. If we win a particular fight, hooray! If we lose a particular fight, we take it with grace.

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The Cingedoz commonly dress in flaxen and woolen clothing in times of peace and when at home. When at war, men and women are known to dress mostly in chain-mail or boiled leather; the chain-mail provides ample protection from arrows (save for bodkins) and from swords and the boiled leather provides weaker protection from swords yet can reduce the punctures of a fired arrow (except for that shot from very close range). Shields used by the Cingedoz often are decorated with earthy hues; a common pattern is a black boss with the scutum's borders painted green in a zig-zag pattern.


Helmets worn by the Cinged are a peculiar shape and have an insertion fastener at the top. These insertion fasteners allow for crafted crests to be fixed to the helmet which is to embellish the helmet during times of festivities and triumph. Some crests are simply plumed while others are gaudy pieces of metalwork in the shape of various animals.


Although the Cingedoz have traditional dress, there is no enforcement per say. Some Cingedoz are known to wear only enough to cover their nude; the idea behind this ranges from being one with nature to exposing the body to the elements in the belief that it improves one's endurance.




Some skins that can be used include:







c. https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/visigothic-king/

d. https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/roman-britain-celtic-chieftain/

e. https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/vercingetorix-gallic-chieftain-old-skins/

f. https://www.planetminecraft.com/skin/saxons-/




Should be clear, but credit to the makers of the above skins.

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The Cingedoz rely on timber and brickwork for much of their architecture. One can expect thatch as a mainstay for roofing along with wooden rafters, rarely would you see stone or tile roofing on a Cinged structure whether a domestic building or larger structures. There is a cultural nuance setting the Cinged apart from many other human cultures and that is the use of earthenworks or rammed earth in their architecture. It is said about Cinged roundhouses that if the homes weren't as tall as they were, a roundhouse would seem like knobs and hills to an approaching traveller.


Save for roundhouse hovels for residence, the Cinged prefer not to build unless building to fulfill a need. This principle instills the Cinged with a sense of pride in building and a desire for detail. There will be a great deal of importance placed on detail and creative use of Minecraft blocks to represent real-life objects and structures, expect to see a lot of signs placed that describe what a player may find in a Cinged settlement.







Year 54 of the 2nd Age :: The Cinged united as a tribe and made first home on the Daelish Isles under chieftain-brothers Gowthur and Malcolm Douglas of the Dael. Gaisorix and Arminius raised a ring of runestones indicating the assembly place of all Cinged; a place for gathering and discussing the affairs of kin. The Cinged refer to this set of runestones as Klukarunjoz Hal'Thingoz.





Year 61 of the 2nd Age :: The Cinged, having migrated from the Daelish Isles to the Jarldom of Dunrath, received a commission to construct an outer wall and watch-tower in eastern Dunrath along the route from Dunrath to Gransstad. The earthenwork wall has been completed on Year 61 of the 2nd Age. The modest wall is set with timber beams supporting a stonework siding. The Cinged refer to this wall as Dun En'Ainged Hal'Dunrath.





Year 61 of the 2nd Age :: The Cingedoz raised a new ring of runestones just east of the perimeter walls of the town of Dunrath. In traditional fashion, they toppled all but one runestone along the peninsula facing the Daelish Isles in Savoy. That lone runestone now serves as a historical marker. The current Thingoz or assembly place is in the Jarldom of Dunrath.





Year 65 of the 2nd Age :: The Cingedoz received a commission to construct a bridge to span a portion of Loch Fiag (Lake Fiag) to connect the route between Dunrath and South Dunbar. An earthen berm had to be raised to allow the bridge enough clearing for the anchorage. The bridge is wide enough for foot, livestock, and horse traffic. The Cingedoz refer to this bridge as Droch Hal'Dunrath ok Hal'Dunbar.





Year 79 of the 2nd Age :: The Cingedoz, upon returning to the Daelish Isles, set out to complete a necessary road that connected the Cloud Temple's southern caravans with the isles. The roadway was commissioned by the Radaghastian Piast Casimir Kovaceski. This improvement is intended to make travel and trade much easier and a series of sign-posts and wood-carved totems have been fabricated to help direct the merchant, resident, and wayfarer to the land of the Cingedoz, Daelish, and the Radaghastian. The Cingedoz refer to this road as Langoritu en Daelduron (Long Road to the Land of the Dael).





Year 80 of the 2nd Age :: The Cingedoz, under the direction of Bodbmakos, quarried a salt mine in the northwest face of the bay outside the Daelish Isles. The rock salt produced through the process of dredging up briny water with the use of a horse-powered water wheel and boiling the water away is then mixed with ground black peppercorns grown along the valley facing the bay. The Cingedoz refer to this mine as Rīcsian Sælmoz (Mine of Salts).





Year 81 of the 2nd Age :: The Cingedoz constructed a workshop for woodworking & stole the technology for a printing press from REDACTED.  The workshop has already received orders for commissions including a heavy crossbow stock & furniture. The Cingedoz refer to this workshop as Scoppaslaug hal'Witukerd (Workshop of the Woodworker).

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The Cingedoz, in their homeland along the Grenz where the old settlements of Dobrov & Mordskov earlier existed, have a number of myths & legends in their tradition. These legends concern both their ancestry and wonders associated with their tribes. Beyond early settlement in the Grenz in the earliest days on the continent of Almaris, all history going back further is relatively conjecture though many Cingedoz believe they can trace lineages as far back as Asulon.







The Cingedoz have persisted a myth surrounding a construct made of intertwine tree limbs & bound thatch and fodder. The construct stood over twenty feet tall & was bound to one of the few druwits (wisemen) of the Cingedoz who commanded it to keep peace in villages and to frighten would-be enemies.

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UPDATE LOG 2022-02-24


The following changes have been made:


+ Added additional nouns, verbs, and slurs.

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UPDATE LOG 2022-02-26


The following changes have been made:


+ Added future and past tense prefix/suffixes.

+ Added a few Sprækjom nouns, verbs, adjectives, and grammatical terms.

- Removed some confusing repetition surrounding temr & tegos usage as it relates to verb and noun structures for -to build.

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UPDATE LOG 2022-03-01


The following changes have been made:


+ Added the verb ahernan (to thank), reflecting adoption of ahernan from Elvish due to recent events with Dark & Snow Elves.

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UPDATE LOG 2022-03-03


The following changes have been made:


+ Added additional constructed components of Cingedoz architecture and inserted mention of the tradition of knocking over old runestone rings and leaving one raised to serve as a historical marker.

+ Identified another skin made by a current Cingedoz character.

+ Clarified and further described the concept of last names in the Cingedoz culture. Created the last name adopted by exiled characters and explained the differences between last names belonging to a sedentary and nomadic member.

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UPDATE LOG 2022-05-09


The following changes have been made:


+ Added a number of nouns and verbs from Vistulian (Radaghastian language) to reflect adoption and synthesis after encountering and soon migrating back to Daeland under the VIlkomir's Banner.

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UPDATE LOG 2022-05-12


The following changes have been made:


+ Added a number of nouns and verbs to the Sprækjom alphabet.

+ Added a new section to the language topic including Sprækjom expressions and phrases!

+ Added a new example of Cinged architecture; the route from the South Hub to the Daelish Isles commissioned by Casimir Kovaceski.



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UPDATE LOG 2022-05-12


The following changes have been made:


+ Added a number of nouns and verbs to the Sprækjom alphabet.

+ Added an imperative mood


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UPDATE LOG 2022-05-21


The following changes have been made:


+ Added a number of nouns, verbs, and adjectives to the Sprækjom alphabet.

+ Added imagery to the Werru section regarding what Cinged troops may look like in-game.

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