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XXXV Session of Royal Duma

Office of the Lord Speaker

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            Issues and Confirmed by His Majesty King Sigismund III


            16th of Vzmey and Hyff, 404 E.S.



            The XXXV Session of the Royal Duma is hereby called into session by His Majesty, King Sigismund III of Hanseti-Ruska and the Aulic Government. 


            Members of the Royal Duma shall include: 


            1. Herzen Eirik Baruch @Gusano

            2. Herzen Rhys Ruthern @Nolan_

            3. Herzen Johann Barclay @Frymark

            4. Komit Vladrik Kortrevich @Endershadow292

            5. Vikomit Aleksandr Amador @Etow

            6. Bossir Robert Ludovar @erictafoya

            7. Bossir Sigmar Mondblume @AmazingAzura

            8. Bossir Otto Morovar @Mio

            10. Royal Alderman Maxim of Attenlund @seannie

            11. Royal Alderman Nikolai Kortrevich @Phersades

            12. Grand Maer Dracomir Rorikov @__DeusVult__

            13. Lord Palatine Eirik Baruch @Gusano







From the Office of the Lord Speaker.

On this 5th of Tov and Yermey, 404 E.S.






Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Komit Kortrevich

Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume

Royal Alderman Kortrevich

Grand Maer Rorikov

Lord Palatine Baruch



Vikomit Amador

Bossir Morovar

Royal Alderman Attenlund



Rhys var Ruthern: “Order! This sitting of this 5th of Tov of Yermey 404 E.S session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall now come to order. Quorum has been achieved and the sitting shall now begin. We will now be discussing who is to be the Lord Handler for this session. Does anyone wish to nominate themselves or another? For those that are niet aware, the Lord Handler is in essence the deputy Speaker - if yam niet able to oversee a sitting, they will do it in my stead.”


Johann Barclay: “I wish to nominate Johann. The other one. Ich mean, the House of Ludovar, and whoever represents them.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Is vyr papej nie longer going to be attending these sittings, Representative Ludovar?”


-Robert Ludovar calls out from the galleries-


Robert Ludovar: “Da. I won't.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Nie one else wish to nominate themselves or another?”


Anastasya Baruch: “Nie.”


-Sigismund III calls out from the Royal Booth-


Sigismund III: “Lord Vladrik looks like he's about to put his hand up.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “Does he?”


Vladrik Kortrevich: “Ea do niet think the position is for eam.”


-One of the Head Skygods appears before the Lord Speaker and whispers to him-


Crumena of Kamees: “I miss you dearly, sweet prince.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Nie? Dobry - by default then vy are made Lord Handler for this session of the Royal Duma, Johann Ludovar.”


Crumena of Kamees: “One day the venerable will walk the immaculate path once more.”

Johann Ludovar: “Spasibo. Ea will do mea best.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “As for positions, it is at my discretion to select a Royal Inquisitor and thus my pick is Royal Alderman Kortrevich. Do vy accept, Nikolai? For those that are niet aware, the Royal Inquisitor is able to summon an Aulic Councillor or one that works for the Aulic Courts before the Royal Duma to answer questions. They may also begin a vote of no confidence against Aulic Councillors.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Oh, Ai, Ea accept.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Dobry.”



Vote For The Lord Handler

By The Lord Speaker


Johann Ludovar has unanimously been voted in as Lord Handler and Nikolai Kortrevich has been appointed Royal Inquisitor



Rhys var Ruthern: “Does anyone have any Bills or topics to be brought up? If so say now. Nie? If that is the case then we shall discuss the current goings ons in our Kingdom and the war at large. It is the will of the Crown to ask vy, the Royal Duma, what security measures vy feel are further needed, if any, and if vy feel we are conducting ourselves as best we can. The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea think our soldiers under mea friend here are doing a dobry job. There is niet a time ea come by the gate and there is niet a guard, most time even more than one.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “Ea agree wizh Johann, zhe brotherhood iz defending vell.”


Samuel Starling: “I agree with Johann as well, however I would like to suggest more stringent measures to be used at the gatehouse. While weapons have been taken, I have not seen a mandate for guards to search everyone not a resident of our fine city. And thus, I have noticed thievery going up along with contraband being smuggled in. I would suggest that our guards are ordered to search everyone that is not a known Haeseni and take any troublesome items.”


-Grand Maer Rorikov makes a loud entrance-


Rhys var Ruthern: “Nice of vy to join us, Grand Maer.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “Ve require zearchs for sketchy figurez - around zhe only time ea zee needed.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Da da- eam szam- diarrhea.”


Johann Ludovar: “Hmm. There is indeed a terribly rising amount of theft around the city lately, yet nie burglar was found except for one.”


Johann Barclay: “I would wish to know, where do these reports of rising theft come from? From what I've seen or heard, there's been but one. And that being the attempted break into the sewers.”


Samuel Starling: “Well, I've seen it on my street. Doors completely left ajar and things taken. I believe Ser Flemius has had a scoundrel try to break in a couple times.”


Viktor Baruch: “Some bloke broke intae the back ga'e'ouse jus' a bi' ago. Ser Flemius cu' 'is 'ead off, aye.”


Johann Ludovar: “The Decaden family was stolen from a few times. So is a house beside them.”


Viktor Baruch: “Ah dinnae see wha' poin' there is in lettin' vagrants n' travellers intae our citeh durin' wartime. Nay use fer them.”


Samuel Starling: “If we were to increase searches of person who come through in these times, I believe we could nab lockpicks, drugs, or other forms of contraband.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Da da- Bishop house. Ag, ve mostly empty striet in which ea live- May's Alley has had several break-ins.”


Johann Barclay: “Thievery, break-ins or such are nicht out of the ordinary. They happen, be it wartime or nicht.”


Samuel Starling: “Aye, but in wartime we always have the gate shut and have to vet those who come in. Why not hit two birds with one stone?”


Johann Barclay: “But, ich do agree with the searches nevertheless.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “If ea may. Ea am curious, while our city itself es well protected nie thanks to the Brotherhood and their hard work. What measures are being taken to properly protect the land as a whole? Ea mean. From the roads along Urguan and Oren, Bandits en Isa soldiers like the entire east. Though et es worrisome to eam that we do share land the borders the main Orenian Capital? Ea think et vould be beneficial to focus on the safety of noble houses that line these borders.”


Johann Barclay: “I believe each noble house has been requested to get a bell for their keeps, have they nicht? If you haven't done that, that ist on du. Nicht on the Brotherhood. We do what we can, which are patrols, und such.”


Eirik Baruch: “Ah have a grea' bell, rings all across Valwyck, ye know.”


Johann Barclay: “Also - Ich don't know if du have noticed, but the construction of a new wall next to Vidaus has been started. To make it harder for bandits to pass by undetected, same with fortifying the Karosgrad farms und mines by our Aulic Envoy, ich believe.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “How long does one suppose that might take, just out of curiosity?”


Johann Barclay: “Well. The fortification or wall, whichever du want to call it ist missing doors. Und setting up a bell ist done in a few saint's minutes.”


Samuel Starling: “… Not to be rude gentlemen, but we've gotten a tad off topic. Are we all in agreance of the increase in search and seizure for those not Citizens of Haense?”


Viktor Baruch: “Why bothah searchin' 'em, jus' turn 'em away? Could be Orenians, fer all we know.”


Samuel Starling: “Well, that would impact those trying to trade with us and actually contribute.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Vell- zwyen could stagnate our economy.”


Viktor Baruch: “Wha' business dae vagrants comin' through the ga'es bring? If they wan' trade, arrange it before'and.”


Samuel Starling: “Are you suggesting permits for trade? What of pilgrims?”


Viktor Baruch: “Wha' fool makes a pilgrimage through a warzone.”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea agree with the search part, there is nie harm in some searching, and we do niet want to stop our allies from visiting.”


Viktor Baruch: “An Orenian withou' a wig looks like aneh othah bloke. If ye wannae risk lettin' them intae our citeh fer trade an' pilgrimage, dae as ye will.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “And people could alvayz lie.”


Viktor Baruch: “Aye. We sell weapons in the marke', even if ye strip 'em a' the ga'e they can jus' pick up a new blade n' stick someone with I'.”


Samuel Starling: “Well at that point you might as well argue since they can pick up a rock we should refuse everyone.”


Johann Ludovar: “There is indeed this risk, but shutting the walls in front of our allies will look bad for Haense.”


Johann Barclay: “Viktor will represent Barclay for a few saint's minutes.”


Viktor Baruch: “If ye can confirm they're an ally, dae as ye will. Othahwise, turn 'em around.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Da, ea agree with Ser Viktor.”


Samuel Starling: “With all due respect, do you realize the impact on our economy that might have on us? Or those coming to partake in our wonderful events from the Maer.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Events?”


Johann Ludovar: “The grand opening of our shopping center for example. Grand Maer.”


Viktor Barclay: “I think the Kortreviches are a security risk.”


Viktor Baruch: “With all dae respec', wha' does I' mattah if some wanderin' peasan' cannae make I' tae the Tuvmas marke'? Ah'd say the risk'ae them bein' Orenian ou'weighs the tineh benefi' tha' lettin' 'em in brings.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Ai- of course.”


Viktor Baruch: “We've coin in the treasureh. We dinnae need the mina'ae vagabonds n' wanderers.”


Eirik Baruch: “Peasan's, merchants, and the like can receive permissions for the doors, anyway, so they do nae need t' be let in through the gates.”


Samuel Starling: “And bring even more unneeded stress upon our Scribes?”


Viktor Baruch: “Tha's the cost'ae war. I's a stressful time. If some bloke 'as tae wri'e a few names, so be I'.”


Eirik Baruch: “At the end o' the day, is it nae the Lord Marshal's decision t' make?”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Also the uncessary risk that we can not guarantee that they will niet let others in without supervision? Giving Keys to merchants en all.”


Samuel Starling: “Aye, Nikolai beat me to my next point. If we just hand those not citizens the keys to our city, that's an even worse situation than what we have as of now.”


Johann Ludovar: “Da, it is better for us to supervise the entries instead of letting people the idea of go search for a person who does niet know much to let them in.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Da, giving out keys should be something asere do with caution… Ag if lives are being sacrificed for zwy war- why not a bit of our economy?”


Samuel Starling: “If we do this, we restrict the courtesy that would be given to us. Just recently Savoy allowed a lot of the BSK to participate in their Tourney. I'd like the idea of returning the favor.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Perhaps we could set up something along the lines of a token.. A merchant or trusted ally comes into the city, could be granted an item special to the city, signed, stamped that they can show at the gates to show that they have niet only been to the city before but could also be trusted?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “I feel the Duma has begun to chase its own tail. Does anyone have something different to add?”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Savoy deserves nie courtesy from us after ve near split with our Holy Church.”


Johann Ludovar: “They already repented Grand Maer.”


Samuel Starling: “Nay, let's move on. Perhaps to the topic we almost went to, about the fortifications being built?”


Viktor Barclay: “Haense personally intervened in Savoy to prevent a coup, they've already received lots of courtesy..”


Johann Ludovar: “Well, what is there vy wish to add about the fortifications?”


Dracomir Rorikov: “If the Pontiff hadn't been saved they would nie have repented.”


Viktor Barclay: “And yet they repented. They are forgiven in the eyes of GOD for their sin.”


Samuel Starling: “My opinion is that a wall is a good step, but that wilderness forts should be built. Small outposts, so to speak, along the border that we can man in the event of an Orennian army coming across.”


Viktor Barclay: “At a time of war I'd suggest it's rather prudent to maintain friendship with them, rather than push them away towards your foe, no?”


Johann Ludovar: “Well, ea would personally prefer to keep our manpower close to the city rather than spread out. It is safer and easier to act this way.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “We really left the topic of ve gates.”


Samuel Starling: “Because there was nothing else to add Grand Maer. But, anyways, these forts would be built and left unmanned. Essentially, glorified dirt forts we can go into when the need arises.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Da da, most dlum ve population lives in Haense- if haense lives on- so does the Koengzem.”


Viktor Baruch: “The for's an' castles we 'ave now are sufficien'. A mound'ae dir' will nae stop an Imperial armeh.”


Johann Barclay: “We have a fort accross the Orenian border! Rather large one. That ist called Reinmar.”


Samuel Starling: “It would delay them long enough for reinforcements to arrive.”


Johann Barclay: “Reinmar will delay them for as long as Karosgrad would..”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea think if there is a specific place vy think is too approachable vy should show it to the Marshal and let him judge it. But in the big picture yam quite satisfied with our fortification.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “I feel that's enough for one day. Does anyone have anything pressing to add? Royal Inquisitor. Is there any Aulic Councillor vy wish to summon along to the next sitting?”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Niet at the time, Nie.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Duma dismissed then.” He bangs his gavel to formally bring the sitting to its end.


Edited by Office of the Lord Speaker
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From the Office of the Lord Speaker.

On this 7th of Joma and Umund, 406 E.S.






Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Komit Kortrevich

Vikomit Amador

Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume

Bossir Morovar

Royal Alderman Attenlund

Grand Maer Rorikov

Lord Palatine Baruch



Royal Alderman Kortrevich



Rhys var Ruthern: “Order!” He banged his gavel calling all to attention. “This sitting of this 7th of Joma and Umund 406 E.S session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall now come to order. Quorum has been achieved and the sitting shall now begin. We will now be discussing the Jurasz ve Koengz Duma Bill, presented by the Lord Palatine Baruch. The chair now calls upon Lord Palatine Baruch to give their opening remarks to the chamber. Maxim, be a dobry lad and hand out these copies of the Bill will vy?”


Maxim Attenlund: “Ai ai, Lord Speaker.”


-Royal Alderman Attenlund distributes copies to the members of the chamber-


Eirik Baruch: “The Crown has long been wishing to relocate and rebuild the tavern. This bill is the final outcome of the Crown's work to contemplate a plan for such. We would require two votes in this case, the first for the plan as a whole, and then the second to determine which style of build. That's all from my side.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Eirik Baruch: “Do note that the initial debate and vote should be for the plan itself.”


Monk Lij: “Representing Morovar! Please make note of my presence.”


Maxim Attenlund: “This clocktower is going to block the majestic view of the Palace from the main street.”


Johann Ludovar: “May ea ask what is the problem with the current location? If we wish to make a better use of the town hall it shall turn into shops! There are many searching and waiting to but a shop in Karosgrad, and ea do niet see a problem with the current location.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Da da, ve tavern may need renovations- but ea agree with Representative Ludovar.”


Eirik Baruch: “Because the tavern should be moved closer to the gate, while also being in the square, which is why the town hall is the best location.”


Johann Ludovar: “And why does it need to be closer to the gate?”


Eirik Baruch: “So people can see the nameplates in it. If you can't see nameplates you don't go there.”


Monk Lij: “House Morovar voices it's displeasure with the bill. The movement will help, but is not drastic enough. Move it closer to the gates, and Morovar shall give it's assent.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “Vere vill zhe town hall be moved. . .?”


Eirik Baruch: “That will be settled in the following Duma Sessions.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “Alright:.”


Eirik Baruch: “Once the Crown has a proposed plan for where it will be put.”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea do niet agree. The center of the city is where square is, and the tavern is seen well from there. Whenever people are around and wish to they already go to the tavern, ea do niet see a need for this. Shops are more needed.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “Ea dissaporve ze virzt tavern build it lookz. . . Orenian.”


Maxim Attenlund: “Ai, I am in conflict with the first proposed change as well.”


Viktor Baruch: “Wha' use're more shops when 'alf'ae the ones we 'ave now're jus' wastin' space.”


Eirik Baruch: “The build is to be settled on after we vote on whether to go ahead with the plan at all.”


Monk Lij: “Additionally, the suggested options are either ugly, or imperialistic. Karosgrad is neither, and as such, the bill should be struck down by my most intellectual peers. Additionally, the dysfunction the movement creates is more than enough to warrant the dissent to this bill. Like my Ludovar compatriot has stated, the square is the center. This bill MUST NOT PASS!”


Johann Ludovar: “Our current discussion is whether we agree to do the changes at all, we need to discuss that before the design.”


Marie Ruthern: “It would bring more people into the city, nie? If it's closer to the gate.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Does anyone have anything else to raise on it other than that they just do niet like it?”


Maxim Attenlund: “Ai, I believe the tavern should be closer to the gate, naturally.”


Eirik Baruch: “It would aye, Lady Ruthern.”


Maxim Attenlund: “While remaining in the square.”


Emelya Kortrevich: “Ea quite like the new location, it's further the palace, further from where those who best niet be drinking are.”


Maxim Attenlund: “City needs a hook first and foremost to attract visitors - the tavern being closer is a natural first step.”


Monk Lij: “Pick neither! This bill must be struck down!” He'd shake his fist at the opposing bench. “And Lord Speaker, please refrain from using generalized language, and instead use the specific instances the rational men and women of the duma have brought up.”


Marie Ruthern: “I agree with Lady Kortrevich, da. Having it further from the palace is a dobry step - safer for those in the palace, if they wish to avoid drunkards!”


Eirik Baruch: “Besides, if shop space is what concerns Lord Ludovar, there will be an old tavern that, if it were wished so, could become shop space.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Ist nie bad now that ea think about it- ve location change that is.”


Johann Ludovar: “It is niet really that far that it will change anything.”


Eirik Baruch: “Nevertheless, I do fear that as far as I can tell, we don't really need more shop space at all.”


Marie Ruthern: “Plus, it's putting use into the town hall that's never used. I do niet see any downside to this renovation.”


Eirik Baruch: “I motion for a vote.”


Maxim Attenlund: “I second the motion.”


Emelya Kortrevich: “The last time ea saw the town hall used, ea used it for a shooting position.”


Johann Ludovar: “Well, That is because vy are niet a steward. Ea get asked when shops open many times every year!”


Sigmar Mondblume: “Ea zhird.”


Monk Lij: “Ladies and gentlemen of the duma, this bill cannot pass!” He'd turn his attention from Konstanz, and walk up to the center of the dais. “For our economy! For our travelers! For our customs and traditions! Morovars motion to vote, to vote this bill down!”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Shops are the most sought out property in ve city.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Motion accepted. We will now proceed to a vote on whether this proposed tavern is to be constructed in place of the current city hall.”



First Provision (Relocation) of the Jurasz ve Koengz Proposal

By The Crown



Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Komit Kortrevich

Vikomit Amador

Bossir Mondblume

Royal Alderman Attenlund

Lord Palatine Baruch



Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Morovar



Grand Maer Rorikov



Royal Alderman Kortrevich


 First Provision of the Jurasz ve Koengz Proposal has passed through the Royal Duma.



Rhys var Ruthern: “Next is to discuss the materials and colours used for the to be constructed tavern. The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Eirik Baruch: “I think enough people have spoken their mind about the colours already, so I'd motion to vote on that too.”


Emelya Kortrevich: “A white facade hurts mea eyes and looks atrocious, should it niet be representative of Haense as for some reason people center their cultures around drinking even though it is abhorent.”


Maxim Attenlund: “With the war, Haense has no ability to import marble as presented in this document.”


Eirik Baruch: “Maxim, we have a marble mine in Lichtestadt. Did you forgot.”


Maxim Attenlund: “Oh.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “Zhe vhite color iz dizcuzting, to be frank. It doez niet fit vizh zhe city . And vhat about zhe marble? Exactly az Alderman Maxim zaid. Ea believe zhe ozher, concrete, color prezented iz much eazier and eezez zhe eye. Ve are niet Oren may ea remind zhou.”


Monk Lij: “Who cares about imports, mines! We aren't imperials! Why select an imperial design-why entertain the proposition, even with a bill as poorly written as this!”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Da da, Lichte facade- white facade ist ugly as skravi” - “Ve Rot facade ist very Haenseni ag beautiful”


Johann Ludovar: “Anyways seems like everyone agrees on the color except for the Barclay heir. Can we discuss taking down that strange bridge blocking the view?”


Emelya Kortrevich: “And whose job is it going to be to clean the stains off the marble? White gets dirty, that's why ea never wear anything light.”


Marie Ruthern: “I do prefer the other design, niet the white - da. Looks too Orenian.”


Eirik Baruch: “I motion to vote.”


Emelya Kortrevich: “Vy have to pay servants.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “Second.”


Maxim Attenlund: “Third.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Motion accepted. We will now proceed to the vote. When voting, just say 'white' or 'red'.”



Second Provision (Colour) of the Jurasz ve Koengz Proposal

By The Crown



Herzen Baruch

Vikomit Amador

Grand Maer Rorikov

Lord Palatine Baruch



Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Komit Kortrevich

Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume

Bossir Morovar

Royal Alderman Attenlund






Royal Alderman Kortrevich


 Second Provision of the Jurasz ve Koengz Proposal has passed through the Royal Duma.



Maxim Attenlund: “The phallic shaped clock tower disturbs me also, Lord Speaker.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “Ea love among us.”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea agree with the Alderman.”


Emelya Kortrevich: “It fits the name.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Is it too much of a temptation for vy, Royal Alderman? Now then. Does anyone have any other topics to present at this sitting of the Royal Duma?”


Eirik Baruch: “If the Lord Speaker believes we have time, we can debate on the clocktower as well.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “I think we have the time, da, Lord Palatine.”


Eirik Baruch: “Great.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Present vyr opening remarks if vy have any.”


Eirik Baruch: “What issues do you take with the clocktower, Maxim?”


Sigmar Mondblume: “It lookz like a hot peniz.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Ea think ve clock tower covers up ve beaeutiful view of ve prikaz!”


Emelya Kortrevich: “Of course we have the time. It's a clock.”


Monk Lij: “Could someone grant me a sketch of the clocktower?”


Maxim Attenlund: “I've said my concerns already, Herzen Palatine - it obstructs the view our of Royal Palace and is shaped… oddly….”


Johann Ludovar: “It makes the square and street look smaller.”


Viktor Baruch: “Good, square's too big n' empteh as is.”


Monk Lij: “Oh, it shall be placed in the square? Hah. No.”


Eirik Baruch: “I quite like the clocktower, adds atmosphere to the square.”


Viktor Baruch: “Ah agree with m'Duke.”


Monk Lij: “The clocktower should be constructed- but it should be constructed elsewhere.”


Maxim Attenlund: “Providence has a clock tower on its main street, you propose we also have a clock tower on ours? Suspicious….”


Emelya Kortrevich: “While ea do know how to tell the time from the sun, that makes mea eyes hurt. So a clock tower would be nice.”


Monk Lij: “Perhaps, to be located upon one of the outcliffings that are next to the stairs that ascend to the royal palace? Place a statue on the other side, perhaps of Saint Karl, or such? Under those circumstances are the only way I shall vote yes.”


Eirik Baruch: “I think I'd motion to vote by now.”


Emelya Kortrevich: “A dobry clock tower makes our city look modern.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “Perhapz if ve change zhe zhape of zhe tower? Yam niet zure vhat, but perhapz.”


Johann Ludovar: “Second the motion.”


Viktor Baruch: “Third.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “Vhat are ve voting on-.”


Johann Ludovar: “If we want the clock or niet.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “From [redacted] tower to clock tower?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Alright then. We shall now vote on whether vy like the [redacted] tower I suppose.”


Maxim Attenlund: “I don't want no [redacted] tower in this city, nor do my constituents!”



Third Provision (Tower) of the Jurasz ve Koengz Proposal

By The Crown



Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Komit Kortrevich

Vikomit Amador

Bossir Mondblume

Bossir Morovar

Lord Palatine Baruch



Bossir Ludovar

Royal Alderman Attenlund

Grand Maer Rorikov






Royal Alderman Kortrevich


 Third Provision of the Jurasz ve Koengz Proposal has passed through the Royal Duma.



Emelya Kortrevich: “Can we vote that ea get to slap the next person that says '[redacted] tower'?”


Sigmar Mondblume: “Ea would like to be on the [redacted] tower, that would be nice. . .” 


Monk Lij: “[redacted] tower.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Motion rejected, Representative Kortrevich. Now, does anyone have anything else to bring before this sitting?”


Emelya Kortrevich: “Stop saying [redacted] for the love of Godan.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “Do vy niet like [redacted]?”


Emelya Kortrevich: “Nie.”


Eirik Baruch: “Big fan o' the [redacted] tower.”


Maxim Attenlund: “Think of the children!”


Monk Lij: “Children will love the [redacted] tower, I believe.”


Sigmar Mondblume: “And zhe tavern will be named Cock und Swallow ai?”


Emelya Kortrevich: “Ea've met trolls smarter than this….”


Eirik Baruch: “Name is NOT up for debate.”


Maxim Attenlund: “A [redacted] tower for the Cock and Swallow tavern.”


Marie Ruthern: “ALL OF VY ARE SAVAGES”


Eirik Baruch: “It WILL be the Cock and Swallow.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Duma dismissed!”


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From the Office of the Lord Speaker.

On this 8th of Vzmey and Hyff, 407 E.S.






Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Komit Kortrevich

Vikomit Amador

Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume

Bossir Morovar

Grand Maer Rorikov

Lord Palatine Baruch



Royal Alderman Kortrevich

Royal Alderman Attenlund



Rhys var Ruthern: “Order! This sitting of this 8th of Vzmey and Hyff 407 E.S session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall now come to order. Quorum has been achieved and the sitting shall now begin. We will now be discussing the letter to the Royal Duma from His Majesty 'On Gentry Land'. Ser Erwin is invited to join the chamber for this section on the understanding that he adheres to the same rules as any other member of the chamber. The first matter the King raises is on 'The Attenlund Frontier Edict', does anyone wish to comment on this Edict and how it is currently utilised?”


Eirik Baruch: “Ah will do so. Think tha's only fittin' since it was implemented by one o' me predecessors, Lord Palatine Maric Ruthern. As far as ah'm concerned, the Attenlund Frontier Edict, an' the ability to purchase taxed homesteads in the Attenlund, is still in effect. Bu' it has nae been utilised fer a number o' years. Ah don' see why, if they choose to do so, the Bishop family would be allowed to apply, just as the Aevaris family did back in the day, t' purchase such a homestead.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “I believe this first part is merely in relation to what should happen to the workings of the Edict, if anything. Does anyone wish to raise an issue on it or is everyone happy to keep the Edict fuctioning as is?”


Eirik Baruch: “Ah intend t' put effort into reworking the Edict t' optimise it fer the current day, since it is nearly fourty years old, bu' ah don' believe tha' the guidin' principles o' it should change.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “As vy said Herzen Baruch, ve Edict is nie used often- in fact, when citizens of Karosgrad asked eam to buy property in ve Attendlund, ve Koeng was nie eager about it- wishing most citizens to stay in ve capital. Zwy edict is inactive and perhaps nie specific enough.”


Eirik Baruch: “The application form associated with the Edict, Maer, is very much specific. Besides, as ah jus' said, ah inten' t' rework the system.”


Otto Morovar: “The bill had several applicants when it was first released and is incredibly specific. The only reason why the Attenlund Expansion faltered in its entirety is the lack of quick transport out there.”


Eirik Baruch: “An' the attacks o' various creatures upon settlers.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Ah? Ea have nie had access va it- ea should nie have spoken if vy say there indeed is an application”


Margot Kortrevich: “Ah believe tha' the edic' itself is only in need o' bein' brough' up t' date like ma borsa said. Ah see nie issue fer families such as the Bishop's t' be able t' apply.”


Otto Morovar: “Perhaps the crown allocate funds into researching carts which can make it out there.”


Eirik Baruch: “If only the Skygods allowed so, Lord Morovar!”


Otto Morovar: “If only!”


Eirik Baruch: “Perhaps we can move on to the next part, Lord Speaker?”


Johann Ludovar: “We must remember while discussing this old edict that a new reform of the laws of the Haurul Caezk came out just lately, restricting even the rights of the lands of nobles according to their status.”


Eirik Baruch: “It does, aye, bu' it is me expert opinion tha' wha' the application specifies fer the Attenlund, does nae violate the rights t' land in the reformed Haurul Caezk. Nevertheless, the Edict is, as ah've said twice now, being reworked.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Da, it seems a consensus has been reached. I see nie need for a vote on the matter so we will now proceed onto His Majesty's second point.”



Rhys var Ruthern: “The Rights of Nobility and if gentry, and even lower status families, holding land and or a manor whilst paying tax infringes on the rights of nobles. Does anyone wish to add something on this matter? Vy are free to speak. This is all unmoderated debate as there is no person presenting the points aside from I.”


Otto Morovar: “No! The edict was created with that exact concern in mind and I think it was made abundantly clear! These are strictly manors! One comparable to the ones within the city- if the only thing separating you from a commoner is that they own big houses within the confines of the walls you're crazy!”


Margot Kortrevich: “Ah believe tha' the righ' fer non-nobility t' own lan does nie infringe on the righ' of nobles, so long as nobility is prioritised.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Da da, certainly does nie infringe- ag ist dobry to further colonize ve Attenlund.”


Margot Kortrevich: “And aye. Restricting the common families to only manors, rather than keeps, should be taken into accoun'.”


Eirik Baruch: “Ah don' see tha' the ability t' own manors or other developmental lands in the Attenlund, while payin' tax, violates the righ' o' the nobility. The nobilility's land is inherited, it is theirs t' develop as they please, they are untaxed, whereas wha' commoners an' gentry are allowed is strictly restricted t' manors an' other minor developments. The nobility may do all o' these things tenfold, if they so please.”


Erwin Bishop: “It vould be justified to conclude zhat non-nobility holding land micht infringe, but zhis does seem qvite shortsighted. Nobility are privileged to sqvire for knighthood by default, marry into ozher noble bloodlines, und hold higher positions in Haeseni administration. For commoner or even gentry families. Certainly, paying tax to zhe crown to live on ein small piece of land ought to discomfort nobles of any status. Especially if it means vastly more amounts of money vould be going into zhe hanseti” “treasury.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “I notice a lot of vy mention the Attenlund specifically while at the Court a couple months ago the issue of Astfield was brought up. Does the proximity of Gentry and Commoner owned manors to the capital city matter?”


Eirik Baruch: “The privilege o' purchasin' tha' is extended t' everyone is specifically fer Manors in the Attenlund.”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea do niet think there is an issue with the manors within the city.”


Eirik Baruch: “Anythin' within the greater Crownlands would have t' require a greater sense of consen' from the Crown, which is precedented t' only be granted. An', o' course, the manors within the city are as they will always be; For sale.”


Margot Kortrevich: “Ah think tha' the land outside the city is already cultivated by the curren' nobility. The Attenlund is most needin' o' settlin'.”


Erwin Bishop: “Zhe distance ought niet to matter. Zhe land owned by zhe Haeseni crown ist vast und for zhe most part… uninhabitted. Ich do niet believe anyvon here believes bandits und cattle to have ein better reason to live on zhat land razher zhan any human.”


Eirik Baruch: “Ah disagree. The Crownlands have always been settled by the nobility, with the exception o' Hallasberg, which was allowed t' be maintained by the Vanirs after they were denobled, with a grea' tax opposed upon them. Besides, the Crownlands are, pretty much, full. There is naewhere really t' settle in them properly tha' remains, an' the Attenlund, as said, is the one in need o' active and prosperous families t' grow it.”


Margot Kortrevich: “Aye, ma nex' mention would be tha' and how populated they already out. Ye can see Astfield from Valwyck!”


Johann Ludovar: “Firr Erwin, may ea ask vy a question?”


Erwin Bishop: “Bitte, do so, Lord Odistadt.”


Johann Ludovar: “What are the needs and plans vy have for that land vy with to buy.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Ag what about ve Lorena Wharf property ag Farm Houses? They are nie farther from Karosgrad than Astfield yet they continue to be property for commoners.”


Erwin Bishop: “Vell, as said in mein petition to His Majesty, ich do niet seek to buy zhe entirety of zhe lands, uncluding zhe farms and regions surrounding it. Just zhe keep itself”


Margot Kortrevich: “Laird Ludovar, the docks and farmhouses are considered still within Karosgrad city limits.”


Erwin Bishop: “It vas neit discussed in court, but ich also had mentioned ein secondary location of land near astfeld ich vould also be villing to purchase for any price. But zhat vas slightly glanced over by zhe conversation.”


Otto Morovar: “Could vy specify this ominous spot.”


-Erwin Bishop passes around proposed plans for a manor near Astfield and Otistadt-


Margot Kortrevich: “Ah would still think the Attenlund would be a more preferred spo'. We need more settlemen's ou' there anyways.”


Otto Morovar: “I disagree! The Attenlund is nearly impossible to reach and to sustain a family there would be troubling- I wouldn't suggest any further attempts of populating it until such issue is fixed.”


Margot Kortrevich: “Tha' sounds a bi' too close t' the Ludovar keep if ye ask me.”


Otto Morovar: “Seeing as- that is the inherent issue. Da, too close. I concur with that.”


Eirik Baruch: “Ah mus' ask, Ser Erwin. Wha', in particular, is the issue with yer residences within the city?”


Johann Ludovar: “Well, as long as it is outside of mea lands ea do niet see an issue with it being close, our families has been in good relationships since the childhood days of mea papej.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Family ist expanding ag two houses ist nie enough ist what ea heard from Court.”


Margot Kortrevich: “Ah do understand the wan' fer land with a family of such a size.”


Johann Barclay: “I would have a question for you, Ser Erwin!”


Erwin Bishop: “Vell, as du all vell know, Zhe two Koengstriet properties are only so big. Containing mein own kinder, meinself und mein vife, as vell as mein mozher. Und zhat ist taking into consideration zheir combined size. Not only zhis, but mein brudder hast just gotten married, so even more are to be expected. Vould it niet be better for os to find residence outside of zhe city? Instead of purchasing einozher property zhat vould zhen be unavailable to ozher Karosgrad residents?”


Eirik Baruch: “Must all o' yer family live together?”


Erwin Bishop: “Ja, Lord Otistadt?”


Eirik Baruch: “Is it nae common fer people t' move ou'?”


Johann Barclay: “I do remember a certain … incident, regarding the massive tunnels you made under your residence in Reinmar. And, to be honest, I have some fears on whether or not that would be repeated here. Do I have to be, Ser?”


Erwin Bishop: “Dur fears are reasonable, but ich assure zhe crown und zhe duma in front of gott und mand, zhat any… underground activity, vould be kept in moderation. Und vith express approval of zhe crown. To answer Lord Palatine Baruch, mostly, its just zhe devanites und zhe audrickans, mainly. Zhe josephites... Zhe vons zhat do niet go missing for months on end anyvay, live in Koenastriet 4, if mein memory serves correct.”


Isaak Amador: “Shouldn't be underground to begin with.”



Rhys var Ruthern: “I believe we have stumbled onto His Majesty's third point. It is agreeable to the crown that the Bishop family be allowed to lease the previous Aevaris manor in the Attenlund. Is this agreeable to the Royal Duma however?”


Eirik Baruch: “If they are taxed appropriately and fill the criteria t' be allowed to do so, which ah believe they are, then aye. An' as long as they don' start diggin'.”


Theodosya Mondblume: “If any needed renovations are approved by zhe crown and are taxed, zhere zhould be nie issue.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “This will be put to a vote to accurately see the opinions on this matter.”


Eirik Baruch: “Then ah motion t' vote.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Feel free to motion for a vote if vy feel there is niet anything to discuss on it.”


Sofiya vas Ruthern: “Seconded.”


Erwin Bishop: “Lord Speaker, if ich may make ein point quickly before the vote.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “On vy go, Ser Erwin.”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea think they should be able to lease a manor, since they do as mea friend here said, they stand the criteria. But can such a building be called just a manor?”


Eirik Baruch: “Uh.. Aye? A manor is a manor.”


Margot Kortrevich: “A dobry example would be the Aevaris home.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Defines who? Ea have seen quite large manors in other nations.”


Erwin Bishop: “Now, vhile purchasing zhe Aevaris manor in zhe Attenlund ist niet by any means less than valuable, zhe petition ich gave to His Majesty vas vezher ve could be allowed to lease land in zhe crownlands. If niet Astfeld, zhen perhaps einozher spot, similar to how zhe Aevaris manor ist located near Jerovitz und Richtenburg, ein piece of land leased from zhe crown, vith additional permission from nearby nobility to ein proposed location vould also be favorable.”


Johann Ludovar: “Well, if ea do niet have a description, but if ea look at what is called manors within the city, it is very different. Ea do agree that the Bishop family needs something larger than what we have within the city, yet ea do niet know if such a big building could be compared to the manors in the city. Ea do niet protest against, ea just raise a point.”


Isaak Amador: “There was a motion to vote, da.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “So vy would niet wish to have a manor in the Attenlund, Ser Erwin? If it were that or nothing is what I mean.”


Erwin Bishop: “Ich vould be much pleased und honored to purchase zhe Aevaris keep, ich am just making sure mein initial zhoughts vere put before zhe duma hall.”


Otto Morovar: “As long as the Ser is given guidelines to where he may build and what he may build I'm fine with it. It's apparent that the Aevaris Manor is niet in his interest.”


Eirik Baruch: “Well, uh, yer supposed t' be in the viewing gallery, nae down here.”


Otto Morovar: “And Astfield should be…”


-Otto Morovar makes a hand gesture suggesting destroyed-


Otto Morovar: “Gone.”


Margot Kortrevich: “Ah agree. The area should be used t' beautify the country side in ma opinion.”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea agree.”


Isaak Amador: “Motion to vote.”


Otto Morovar: “Seconded.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Motion accepted.”


Johann Ludovar: “What are we voting on? If they purchase the Aevaris manor or if they lease land in general?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “We will now proceed to vote on whether of niet the Bishop family should be allowed to lease the Aevaris manor in the Attenlund.”



On the Leasing of the Aevaris Manor to the Bishop Family

By The Crown



Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Komit Kortrevich

Vikomit Amador

Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume

Bossir Morovar

Grand Maer Rorikov

Lord Palatine Baruch









Royal Alderman Kortrevich

Royal Alderman Attenlund


 The leasing of the Aevaris manor proposal has passed through the Royal Duma.


Rhys var Ruthern: “The Royal Duma has agreed unanimously and thus the prospect of the Bishop family leasing out the Aevaris manor is acceptable to the Royal Duma. Duma dismissed.”


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From the Office of the Lord Speaker.

On this 5th of Tov and Yermey, 408 E.S.






Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Komit Kortrevich

Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume

Bossir Morovar

Royal Alderman Kortrevich

Grand Maer Rorikov

Lord Palatine Baruch



Vikomit Amador

Royal Alderman Attenlund



Rhys var Ruthern: “Order! This sitting of this 5th of Tov and Yermey 408 E.S session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall now come to order. Quorum has been achieved and the sitting shall now begin. We will now be discussing the Provisional Public Potato Production Prohibition Proposal, written and presented by the House Morovar representative. The chair now calls upon Monk Lij to give their opening remarks to the chamber.”


Monk Lij: “Ladies and gentlemen, I believe the most dire situation has arisen from the fields of Haense. The production of potatoes. Ladies and gentlemen of our great duma, not only are our potatoes worse than Bobian potatoes, but the practice of the cultivation of potatoes is an inherently unholy and Orenian practice that we holy men of Haense must abstain from! Eating is fine though. Potatoes are very good to eat. Opening statement closed, Lord Speaker.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Johann Ludovar: “So, if Ea understood right, the bill requests we replace potatoes production with carrots and wheat?”


Monk Lij: “You read correctly, Lord Ludovar.”


Johann Ludovar: “Seems fine to me. Niet much to add about it. Ea motion to vote.”


Eirik Baruch: “This would only be in the public farms, aye?”


Monk Lij: “You also read correctly, Baruch.”


Eirik Baruch: “Perhaps we should nae get rid o' potatoes entirely, bu' swap some o' them fer carrots.”


Samuel Starling: “I say we focus all of it towards wheat. While carrots are useful if added with gold dust, they barely fill you otherwise. And since the mine's don't produce enough gold for mass production, the current supply of carrots we have are fine enough. We need more wheat.”


Monk Lij: “No! All of the potatoes! Gone!”


Viktor Baruch: “Ye cannae seek tae tell a nobleman wha' 'e can an' canno' grow on 'is own lands.”


Eirik Baruch: “Please calm down. It's importan' t' remain diverse in matters o' agriculture, nae be too relian' on one crop, otherwise we may have a famine if we have a bad harves'. Bu' ah do agree tha' we should diversify the public farms.”


Samuel Starling: “The potato is utterly useless aside from making fertilizer.”


Monk Lij: “We have beets! We have wheat! We have carrots! We are not growing a single crop! We have more than potatoes! We have Billy Bobian potatoes!”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Ea believe - ve production I potatoes should be encouraged ag all public farms freed dlum ve inferior potatoes- va be replaced by wheat.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Potatoes are a good crop. They're easy to farm, and are abundant.. Diversifyin' es niet a bad idea but to get rid of the crop completely is a bit useless.”


Samuel Starling: “Aye, what the Maer said. Replace them with wheat!”


Eirik Baruch: “Seems a bi' absurd t' get entirely rid o' a crop.”


Monk Lij: “And no, other baruch. Unless you open your farm to the public, and I can see your farm from atop Karosgrad, then your production will not change.”


Eirik Baruch: “Ye have large farms, Duke Barclay, wha' do ye think?”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Potatoes are ve least consumed product in Haense- removing them ist nie useless”


Viktor Baruch: “Dobreh, Ah dinnae care then.”


Samuel Starling: “Would you let a leech continue to suck your blood til you're bone dry?”


Monk Lij: “It seems absurd, Lord Baruch, to keep an inherently sinful and useless crop in our production!”


Eirik Baruch: “A potato is nae inherently sinful, Monk.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “So we vill just plan to get rid of the crop all together due to the claim of inferiority and because they aren't consumed enough?”


Johann Barclay: “I agree with everything the Duke Valwyck says about this subject.”


Monk Lij: “Do I need to explain how the potato is sinful to the Duma?”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Please do.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Da, potatoes are nie sinful persay- den- but clearly inferior va wheat products.”


Theodosya Mondblume: “Vy mentioned zhat zhe cultivation practice vas inherently Orenian, ist zhat niet correct?”


Johann Barclay: “Last Duma, half the members had a stroke about the name of a tavern, now we're debating on potatoes..”


Eirik Baruch: “Monk Lij, since ye know so much abou' sin. Who ordained ye t' be a pries'?”


Monk Lij: “Your mother.”


Eirik Baruch: “Righ' . . . Ah don' think he knows much abou' sin, then. Me mother was a very religious woman.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Dobry one, Representative Morovar. Continue.”


Eirik Baruch: “Ah mean t' be fair. **** it. Get rid o' the potatoes.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “NIE.”


Monk Lij: “I have to disagree from personal experience, Lord Baruch.” He'd turn around, and continue. “You see, Iblees! Iblees himself made potatoes, straight from his heart. So growing it is continuation of sin. The only man who can grow potatoes without sin is Billy Bob.”


Samuel Starling: “Aye! Get rid of them for wheat! Our bread production will boost the economy!”


Marie Ruthern: “How - how did we go from potatoes to Iblees . .?”




Nikolai Kortrevich: “So nie potatoes? Anywhere en the nation?”


Eirik Baruch: “Actually, Lord Speaker, ah'd like t' make a poin' on this matter.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The floor is open, vyr Excellency.”


Monk Lij: “Did you read the bill, Kortrevich? It's the public farms.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Potatoes- although inferior are part of Godan's creation.”


Theodosya Mondblume: “Ve can always just..Reduce zhe production of potatoes? As.. Sinful as zhey may be to vyr claim, Representative Morovar, it vould be niet smart to get rid of a crop zhat may save zhe Haeseni populace from a famine of other sorts.”


Eirik Baruch: “If ah recall, Grand Maer Franz Bihar, within his rights as Grand Maer did expand the public farms of the city. As ah see it, the Grand Maer, Dracomir Rorikov, can freely make a Maer Edict t' change the crop t' wheat.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Ef theyre niet in the public farms, may as well just get rid of em everywhere.”


Eirik Baruch: “An' tha' means we can stop debatin' this bullshit.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Sinner!”


Samuel Starling: “You could leave that edict to me for next election… Get the term off on the right foot.”


Monk Lij: “Did you ignore my theological speech. I said eating potatoes is fine. The sin is cooked out of them.”


Eirik Baruch: “Grand Maer, wha' do ye say t' tha' idea?”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Ah- mea bad.”


Eirik Baruch: “We scratch this, an' ye use yer rights as Maer t' decide on the matter o' our public crops. On tha' ground, ah motion t' table bill.”


Monk Lij: “I motion to vote the bill.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Potatoes should be removed.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Does anyone else wish to table or vote on this Bill?”


Eirik Baruch: “Dracomir.. Ah'm tellin' ye tha' ye can make a Maer edict t' remove them. We don' even need t' vote on this! It's within yer rights!”


Johann Barclay: “Second to the table-ing.”


Monk Lij: “And there's a sensible man!”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Ea can do zwyen? Asere mognnen move on then.”


Samuel Starling: “Third to the table-ing.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Nie, ea suppose allowin the Maer to decide such on his own makes the most sense- Ea also agree vith table the bill.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “This Proposal will be tabled then.”



Rhys var Ruthern: “Next, His Majesty wishes to know the opinions of the Royal Duma on vassals having their own vassals beneath them; For instance, a Duke having a Count, Viscount or Baron beneath them. The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “The point of thes bein?”


Monk Lij: “I don’t see why not. This would allow for an expansion of our upper class, while preventing oversaturation. The question would be recognition, and rights.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Zwyen does nie sounds like a dobry idea dlum aserva contralized crown.”


Eirik Baruch: “Everyone, please calm yer words fer a momen', and let the Duke Reinmar speak first. He has pondered on this topic greatly. Ah would appreciate his words heard firs'.”


Johann Barclay: “Lord Speaker, may I ask for moderated debate for a moment so I can make my point clearly?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “As vy wish, vyr Grace. We will now be having a moderated debate until I say otherwise; if vy wish to speak, raise vyr hand for my permission. On vy go, Herzen Barclay.”


Johann Barclay: “I mean no disrespect towards any of the Lords present here, may that be clear from the beginning. But the situation with most of Haense's lower nobility ist nicht a gutt one, that should be clear to us all. There needs to be action, otherwise Houses with great history and background; Similarly to those of Vanir, Stafys, Vyronov - will be gone. Yesterday, I had a meeting about this very subject with the Duke of Valwyck and Duke of Vidaus, and today a similar one with His Majesty. And what was primarily brought up, is what the Lord Speaker said the Koeng wishes for us to debate on. That the struggling Houses be put under the wing of Ducal one's. So that the senior Houses of Haense might guide the one's struggling. Not just this; But for greater distinction of what is the difference between a Duke and a Baron. If a system like this would be implemented, it'd greatly improve the cultural ties of the vassals, and allow them to form specific systems of governance on their lands. Say, two Waldenian houses, like Mondblume and Barclay. Sharing a cultural bond, and helping eachother grow and prosper. The Crown cannot do it, its not possible to expect it to do it. I know it might rise some resentment amongst the lower nobility, that is understandable. But it might be necessary for the survival of those said Houses. Ea think it will be a great thing for Haense's nobility. It is a good opportunity for houses to rise.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Was would mark- a lower ranking Noble house?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “It is a moderated debate, Grand Maer. Ask to speak next time.”


Eirik Baruch: “May ah answer him quickly, Lord Speaker?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Da, vy may Lord Palatine.”


Eirik Baruch: “The nobility has an inheren' rankin' system, Dukes, Counts, Viscounts, then Barons. It is supposed, in this system, tha' those beneath Duke, would go under the three Dukes, as tha' is the highes' nobility.”


Johann Barclay: “I think it'd be better if I may answer the questions without raising a hand myself, Lord Speaker.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Vy are able to speak whenever, vyr Grace. It is for vyr benefit that the debate is moderated.”


Johann Barclay: “Wonderfull.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “When vy wish it to be unmoderated, let me know.”


Johann Barclay: “Right. I have one more thing, then we can move to unmoderated. The system we have proposed to His Majesty is not the final one, just the first draft. There are some clear problems, such as geography etcetera. Support is being asked for the general idea of it, not a final product. And we're good for unmoderated debate now.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate once more.”


Monk Lij: “Would this vassalization be forced, or voluntary, Lord Barclay? Because I do not believe the family I represent wish to become vassalized under anyone but the crown they descend from.”


Johann Barclay: “There was a debate on whether or not the Houses spoken of would be everybody under the rank of Duke, or just the one's struggling.”


Samuel Starling: “Aye, I also would like to add that the whole point of vassalization is saying who has authority over whom. If all things still have to go through the King, including taxes, then I see no point for a sudden hierarchy.”


Marie Ruthern: “I think vy spoke very well on the matter, Vyr Grace - though I am a bit curious, How would the Duchies, hypothetically, go about supporting these lower houses? Maintaining a Duchy is a feat in itself -- or would these houses be independent entities underneath these Duchies?”


Johann Barclay: “As I said, the biggest benefit for the ailing Houses would be the knowledge we can offer. What it means to be a patriarch, and how exactly you go on about being one.”


Johann Ludovar: “The koeng does niet have the time to foster any struggling patriarch. It is a simpler way to give each one guidance.”


Samuel Starling: “You can do that without placing one below another.”


Johann Barclay: “I am not finished yet!”


Monk Lij: “No, Starling- this is a good idea, and the crown should get the idea. But this should not become a system to bully unwilling small houses, and maintain the power of three. This system should be a voluntary opt-in program. Opting out, of course, is another beast.”


Eirik Baruch: “It was intended, in the original writin', tha' the higher house would have a large degree of autonomy t' negotiate suitable terms with the houses underneath them, so tha' both parts are pleased.”


Marie Ruthern: “I see.”


-Johann Barclay produces a copy of the original document presented to the King-


Johann Barclay: “Right, for clarity. This is the original form that was introduced to His Majesty. Again, I repeat, this is the base idea, not the final product.”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea trust that if the smaller houses feel like the method is niet working and is abused, they can plead to his majesty and it will change.”


Johann Barclay: “It is not finished, and has some problems, such as the pointed geographical one.”


Monk Lij: “So it is forced, then. Unfortunate.”


Samuel Starling: “A feudal contract is supposed to be an agreement of protection in exchange for taxes and levy.”


Eirik Baruch: “Then ignore the part where it says feudal an' focus only on contract or agreemen'.”


Samuel Starling: “Then I see no point in forcing houses to undergo such change. An opt in, sure, but these are things you could have been seen to individually rather than go through the Duma for.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Ea do like the idea of et being voluntary. Ea was always under the impression and was taught that nobility es earned through a families hard work en devotion to the crown. Ef they see a decline in their house in any manner and wish to seek out the help, then ea do niet see an issue. As long as whatever agreement made between the houses is mutual and upheld… Should et be forced? Nie, ef one does not wish or seek for the help, then perhaps a demotion in nobility is needed.”


Eirik Baruch: “May ah ask, Firr Starling. How educated are ye on matters o' nobility?”


Johann Ludovar: “A question - Will this method apply only to struggling houses or all lower ranked houses?”


Samuel Starling: “I am a newcomer, sure, but I have been around the world and seen varying systems of government. Thus, I have been provided a 'Common Sense' to see that this idea is too vague. And can be abused.”


Eirik Baruch: “O' course it's vague, it isn' the final product. Did ye miss tha' part, or did ye simply nae listen?”


Johann Barclay: “It is a base. An idea, not the final product. It can, and will be changed so that it pleases most. Is this still unclear to someone?”


Monk Lij: “Then let that house decline, Kortrevich, if that shall be the natural order and cause! If they do not do, in your example, they will decline! But if they do not wish to decline, let them participate. Do not force vassals.”


Samuel Starling: “I did hear that. I'm saying that the utter premise of this idea is inherently flawed. No matter what changes you do to it, unless you radically modify it.”


Monk Lij: “We are simply debating the base idea handed before us, Lord Barclay. We all are of that understanding.”


Johann Barclay: “Wonderfull!”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea do niet think they said vy can niet decline. But all houses should take into accord the reason such a method was brought up, and re think if they should deny it.”


Monk Lij: “In the bill, it states that the houses shall enter into a feudal contract.”


Samuel Starling: “Sounds more like an ultimatum to me in that sense.”


Monk Lij: “Shall means that there is no wiggleroom.”


Eirik Baruch: “The entire contract is a wiggleroom, Monk.”


Marie Ruthern: “This is niet the final product. It can and will be revised, I assume.”


Johann Barclay: “We can write up a new bill, if that pleases the Duma!”


Eirik Baruch: “Fer all intents an' purposes, the contract could be tha' yer doin' nothin'.”


Johann Barclay: “Form a committee, if that's what you wish for, similarly to the Haurul Caezk.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Ea more so meant declining the help on an individual level Ea am curious to see how a final proposal would look.”


Monk Lij: “I believe that will be the best course of action, Lord Barclay. For I wish to see this bill passed, as you do- but not in this form.”


Johann Barclay: “Ja, it is the idea and essence of it we're asking for the Duma's opinion, nicht the finer details as of yet.”


Marie Ruthern: “I'd like to express my support for vyr proposal, then, Vyr Grace.”


Theodosya Mondblume: “Ea second vith Duchess Marie.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Does anyone have something new to add to the discussion on this matter?”


Eirik Baruch: “Nae.”


Johann Barclay: “No.”


Johann Ludovar: “Ea asked earlier if this applies to all lower ranked houses or just struggling ones, but ea assume it will be discussed in the new committee?”


Johann Barclay: “That was nicht decided in the first form either, so ja.”


Eirik Baruch: “We have nae came t' a decision on tha'.”


Johann Ludovar: “Spasibo. Then ea have nie more questions.”



Rhys var Ruthern: “Anyone else? Nie? Dobry. Duma dismissed.”


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From the Office of the Lord Speaker.

On this 5th of Tov and Yermey, 409 E.S.






Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Vikomit Amador

Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume

Bossir Morovar

Royal Alderman Kortrevich

Royal Alderman Attenlund

Lord Palatine Baruch



Komit Kortrevich

Grand Maer Rorikov



Rhys var Ruthern: “Order! This sitting of this 5th of Tov and Yermey 409 E.S session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall now come to order. Quorum has been achieved and the sitting shall now begin. We will now be discussing the Regeln der Heraldik Bill, written by Lord Dietrich Barclay. The chair now calls upon Dietrich Barclay to give their opening remarks to the chamber.”


Dietrich Barclay: “This bill, actually was co-written by myself, and my kinsman, Father Leopold, may peace be upon him. I will allow my kinsman to introduce this bill. Thank you.”


Leopold Barclay: “Honourable members of the Duma, Lord Speaker. This bill was written by me and Dietrich after inspecting heraldry, one of our noble rights, and the lack of regulation surrounding the bearing of heraldic arms. This bill seeks to address this lack of regulation by introducing a cadency system to all who are legally allowed to bear arms in Haense.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The chair opens the floor for unmoderated debate. Vy have to state when vy are finished speaking, Representative Barclay.”


Eleanore Morovar: “What is the... overarching purpose of this? It seems a lot of added complexity for... what, exactly?”


Leopold Barclay: “I am finished. May I respond to the lady Morovar?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “It's an unmoderated debate. Vy can speak whenever vy like.”


Leopold Barclay: “The purpose of this bill is to add cadency to our heraldry so that titles aren't claimed by those who do not have a right to it. Or bear arms to which they have no right to for that matter.”


Eleanore Morovar: “How would a complicated coat of arms prevent any claim of titles? A house's crest is used as a sign of kin and family, here. No one ever mistakes a child for his father due to the seal he uses.”


Leopold Barclay: “I wouldn't say adding some lines to denote their relation to the peer is complicated, a coat of arms is in fact personal to the patriarch or the holder of the arms, this is why I introduced this bill since it seems that in practice this noble right is ignored.”


Dietrich Barclay: “I will reply to this in earnest, nobility is very lacking in culture, my lady of Morovar. There is no overarching culture that differentiates the rites and traditions of nobility and those who do not hold any land or belong to any of the Great Houses. Coat of arms, which are attributed to nobility are used by burgher classes. Furthermore, the Coat of Arms of fathers are used by their sons to represent themselves and their affairs. If we want to have cultural developments, and have an established system of hierarchy, as well as broad and general rites regarding nobility that differentiate and separate different types of being, then we ought to have rules. An anarchic system that uses unregulated heraldry is not in the best interest of nobility, nor is using these heraldic elements in random escutcheons. Also, Coat of arms do not denote houses. They denote titles, and they ought to be used by the titleholder.”


Eleanore Morovar: “There are about thirty variations of your coat of arms ideas. Multiply that by eight noble houses, not to mention the coat of arms for government officials and the like. Who is to make these dozens of crests?”


Leopold Barclay: “A herald... Who makes any coat of arms regardless of its purpose.”


Eleanore Morovar: “A cultural development is fine, if it is not mandated by law. If an individual house desires to pursue a complex heraldry, then so be it. But the rest of us should not need to be held to it. I suppose my point is that this seems to be remedying an issue we do not have. My argument rests.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Does anyone have anything else to add on the matter or is anyone ready to motion for a vote?”


Leopold Barclay: “If a way of cultural development isn't stimulated to some degree then it just won't happen, I again don't see the complexity in adding some lines, I rest my case for this simple system.”


Eleanore Morovar: “I motion to vote.”


Sofiya vas Ruthern: “Seconded.”


Viktor Baruch: “Third.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Motion accepted. We will now proceed to a vote on the Regeln der Heraldik Bill of 409 E.S.”



Regeln der Heraldik Bill of 409 E.S.

By Lord Dietrich Barclay and Father Leopold Barclay



Herzen Baruch

Herzen Barclay

Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume

Royal Alderman Attenlund

Lord Palatine Baruch



Herzen Ruthern

Vikomit Amador

Bossir Morovar

Royal Alderman Kortrevich






Komit Kortrevich

Grand Maer Rorikov


 The Regeln der Heraldik Bill of 409 E.S has passed through the Royal Duma.



Rhys var Ruthern: “Does anyone else have any Bills to present to the chamber? Make vyrself known now or we will be moving on. Nie? Alright then, before the sitting is over we shall have a moment of prayer for High Pontiff Everard VI, who has sadly passed away and ascended to the Seven Skies as yam sure vy are all aware. Father Leopold, would vy like to lead us in prayer?”


Leopold Barclay: “O, Lord. Today we have witnessed the parting of your Vicar from our Realm to join you in the Seven Skies. Everard VI served you until death, may you reward his diligence and sacrifice in your service, In nomine Patris, amen.”


Angelika vas Ruthern: “Amen.”


Maxim Attenlund: “Amen.”


Aleksandr Amador: “Amen.”


Erwin Bishop: “Amen.”


Johann Ludovar: “Amen.”


Viktor Baruch: “Amen.”


Sigmar Baruch: “Amen.”


Eirik Baruch: “Amen.”


Klara Barbanov-Bihar: “Amen.”


Theodosya Mondblume: “Amen.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Amen.”


Adhemar Morovar: “Amen.”


August Barclay: “Amen.”


Dietrich Barclay: “Amen.”


Sibylla Barclay: “Amen.”


Dietrich Barclay: “May peace be upon him.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “That is all for today. Duma dismissed.”


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From the Office of the Lord Speaker.

On this 10th of Msitza and Dargund, 410 E.S.






Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Komit Kortrevich

Vikomit Amador

Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume

Bossir Morovar

Royal Alderman Kortrevich

Royal Alderman Attenlund

Grand Maer Rorikov

Lord Palatine Baruch






Rhys var Ruthern: “Order!” He taps his gavel atop the bench. “This sitting of this 10th of Msitza and Dargun 410 E.S session of His Majesty's Royal Duma shall now come to order. Quorum has been achieved and the sitting shall now begin. If vy are niet a peer, elected official, or representative, I would ask vy to leave the chamber and go to the gallery above.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Mea tea give mea assistant an excuse jest zwy time?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Do they have any bearing or insight on this specific sitting?”


-Grand Maer Rorikov picks the Musin assistant up by the tail and throws them out of the chamber-


Marie Ruthern: “-Oh.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Move out of the chamber of a member of the Brotherhood will make vy. Yam referring to vy, Firress.”


-Lord Speaker Ruthern points out one unknown woman before she promptly moves up to the gallery-


Rhys var Ruthern: “Dobry. Now! We will be discussing the infrastructure project for a military seaport, presented by Lord Palatine Baruch. The chair now calls upon Lord Palatine Baruch to give their opening remarks to the chamber.”



[21:13:14] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] [Shout] Eirik Baruch backflipped down to the table.

[21:13:17] [Render thread/INFO]: [CHAT] gusanoarentonio has rolled a 20 out of 20


Eirik Baruch: “So! When I was a young boy, I used to hear stories of many great Haeseni sailors from the ages of old… Houses like Vanir and Baruch were ancient seafarers of our nation… Our Kingdom travelled from continent to continent, yet we were always bound by the sea. We had great harbours, fleets, traditions that built from the seafaring ways of our people... And Ruthern, of course. Oops! Anyway, anyway, let me continue. Now… where was I…? Right, right. When we came to Almaris, we settled this grand city, Karosgrad, but it was in the heartlands of the continent… Far from any seas… With time, we expanded east into the Attenlund, but that part of our Kingdom has long lacked infrastructure and development, due to several incidents with the unnatural. Now… We stand in the middle of the greatest conflict in a hundred years, and we lack a single proper seaport. We have no navy. This must be remedied, Koeng Henrik (II) wished to do so, but never finished his project. We have now taken it over, and stand ready to finish it in the near future.”


Maxim Attenlund: “I motion to vote.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Do I hear a second?”


Aldrik Kortrevich: “I concur with the motion.”


Eirik Baruch: “Therefore, I come to the Royal Duma to request the approval of the construction of this seaport, so that we can finally begin building our navy and our sea trade.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Motion accepted. Get to the point sooner, Lord Palatine.”


Eirik Baruch: “That is - No, no, I'm not done yet.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Vy are now.”


Eirik Baruch: “It would bring me great pride to see this vote confirmed!”


Rhys var Ruthern: “We will now proceed to a vote on whether this proposal is acceptable to the Royal Duma.”



Proposed Infrastructure: A New Sea Port

By the Crown



Herzen Baruch

Herzen Ruthern

Herzen Barclay

Komit Kortrevich

Vikomit Amador

Bossir Ludovar

Bossir Mondblume

Bossir Morovar

Royal Alderman Kortrevich

Royal Alderman Attenlund

Lord Palatine Baruch



Grand Maer Rorikov








 The proposed infrastructure for a sea port has passed through the Royal Duma.


Rhys var Ruthern: “We will now be discussing the Succession Law Reform Bill of 410 E.S, written by Father Klaus Barclay. I have been told there was an error and the Father intended this to be merely a debate and not a vote on legislation. The chair now calls upon Klaus Barclay to give their opening remarks.”


Eirik Baruch: “Ah invite the Queen t' represen' the Lord Palatine fer this debate.”


Klaus Barclay: “So, Ich am sure we have all heard of the demonstrations held by the women held the other Saint's Day, advocating for the susccession laws to be changed from male-preferred primogeniture to absolute. While Ich disagree with some of their methods - Ich believe ein bionfire was spontaneously started in the busy square - it hast show us how unfair some of our succession laws can be. However, Ich believe that rather than force the Kingdom to change to ein specific succession law for all houses, we instead allow each house to choose their own succession law, as their Peer sees fit, und with Crown approval. That's all for mein introduction.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Da, ea saw them- saw them burn our precious square.”


Koenas Emma: “That, ah- a small child got out of hand.”


Anastasya Baruch: “The square has recovered, our lack of rights as women has niet.”


Theodosya Mondblume: “Ve put it out vith minimal damage.”


Koenas Emma: “Quite right.”


Marie Ruthern: “Hear, hear.”


Klaus Barclay: “It doesn't change the fact that ein dangerous fire wast started, but that's nicht the point of this debate.”


Analiesa vas Ruthern: “Vy have a baseless point. Da, fire was dangerous, the movement is niet.”


Klaus Barclay: “Ich never claimed it wasn't, simply that dein methods are unorthodox.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Order! The chair now opens the floor for unmoderated debate.”


Anastasya Baruch: “What purpose does this bill serve, if none of the patriarchs choose to decide on alternative succession?”


Marie Ruthern: “Niething would change - they would choose the male to be their heir, presumably.”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “It gives the option for future patriarchs as well, ea suppose.”


Analiesa vas Ruthern: “Vy go and start wars and bloody displays in v'he street over being disgruntled in v'he political world, yet v'hen a woman stands up for herself v'he are dangerous and its a problem.”


Anastasya Baruch: “What security do we have that any future patriarchs would uphold the wishes of the women of this kongzem.”


Klaus Barclay: “As Alderman Kortrevich said. There ist always the option for future Patriarchs or Matriarchs to change the law as they see fit.”


Marie Ruthern: “Another important point to mention - this current generation would niet be affected!”


Anastasya Baruch: “They must first become matriarchs for that to occur.”


Klaus Barclay: “What ist dein point, representative Ruthern? Ist mein proposal nicht valid simply because the current generation ist nicht affected.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Well, I do niet think succession of this current generation should be altered regardless - da.”


Aleksandr Amador: “In any addition, would this mean that each house in effect now has its own laws, and would thus need to write down its own succession law? Wouldn't that take power of legislation away from the duma?”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Ea do nie believe zwy bill should pass- ag zwy ist based on mea deep belief in tradition ag culture. Hanseti-Ruska did nie ag vill nie change its traditions- tradition tradition tradition.”


Klaus Barclay: “As Ich stated, the succession law requires Crown Approval. Of course, the Crown could take ein house's request for ein change in their succession to Duma to get their opinions.”


Analiesa vas Ruthern: “Making a woman in power would take away vyr power?”


Dianna Decaden: “If the first born is male, nothing would change. The first born is a son thus the next in line.” She would say, thinking for a moment. “And my fellow women are correct. If this is not spread throughout the nation nothing will change. People will choose to keep as is. Changing is too much work, work not many would be willing to perform.”


Marie Ruthern: “Mea point is, niething would change.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Tsk tsk tsk- Ea do nie believe Bossir Ludovar chose a representative zwyen shares his views.”


Koenas Emma: “Precisely! It is a matter of equality, which allows greater freedom for succession if absolute primogeniture is passed. There are no cons to such a bill.”


Emelya Kortrevich: [redacted]


Acolyte Dosiya: [redacted]


Rhys var Ruthern: “Quiet in the gallery please.”


Klaus Barclay: “Speaker, Ich request order so Ich have ein chance to respond.”


Analiesa vas Ruthern: “Nie vy can't handle a debated scene vy should niet bring it up.”


Koenas Emma: “We allow women to lead, if there are nie male heirs. What is the difference between that, and allowing women to lead if there are!”


Anastasya Baruch: “The only con is the timing - it has obviously been initiated to squash the Karenina accord.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Let the Representative Barclay speak.”


Klaus Barclay: “Und why do du think that, Dein Highness? Of course it ist related to the Karenina Accord, but it ist nicht meant to squander their efforts. It ist to instead compromise with the Accord.”


Dianna Decaden: “I will be happy to take it on with you and Lord Ludovar afterwards. But I will not let you question Lord Ludovar and mine decisions in this Duma.”


Anastasya Baruch: “We understand it is a compromise - however it seems restrictive. Vy wish to introduce a more chaotic nature to the succession of houses, a nature in which may niet even end with female heirs, regardless of their time of birth, da?”


Marie Ruthern: “Think about it this way - if vy give an old fox the option to pick between the berries he has eaten for years and a brand new apple, he will irregardlessly pick the berries! It is what he has known, what he has had for his entire life. If vy make the fox eat the apple, then with time, he will get used to it, see? Most patriarchs, or foxes, in this case, will only pick what they know - berries. Male heirs.”


Koenas Emma: “To add on to the Prinzenas- introducing this compromise, while positive for our movement, seems to mea like adding unnecessary confusion to succession, if it differs from house to house. They have complied to a single law before, and that has functioned.”


Aleksandr Amador: “Believe many here perhaps also fear about the continued existence of their houses, perhaps additional laws for female inheritance should be added, for instance if a women inherits the House and its title, her children will keep the Name of the House,”


Acolyte Dosiya: [redacted]


Anastasya Baruch: “I believe a matrilineal union would be implied in the face of a female heir, da.”


Analiesa vas Ruthern: “Da, v'he men can marrying matrilineally into v'he house given an instance v'hat the heir is a female.”


Marie Ruthern: “Matrilineal marriages are to be expected if she is the peer, da. If women can become priests and speak the word of Godan, they can have birthright inheritance, too.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Ea believe zwyen vould kill tear bodr- house quicker… as nie men vill marry matrilineally zwyen ea mognnen- can think of.”


Marie Ruthern: “And how do vy know that, Grand Maer?”


Acolyte Dosiya: [redacted]


Rhys var Ruthern: “I will niet tell vy again. Quiet from the stands. Only members of the Royal Duma may speak.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “It mognnen be assumed- marriages have been patrillinialy until now dlum ein reason.”


Analiesa vas Ruthern: “That is vyr bias if a man can niet handle marrying into a family v'hen he does niet deserve to be v'he heir's husband. Vy proclaim v'hat women are malicious of intent and can niet do something right.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Why would a man bypass the opportunity to lead a peered house, simply due to a matrilineal union?”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Ea think we have seen plenty how men can tear apart a house due to more than simply not marryin'…”


Marie Ruthern: “Women serve in the BSK - women participate in the church. There is nie reason that they should niet be entitled to this right, either.”


Dianna Decaden: “The only reason marriages have been patrilineally is because there was no use for matrilineal marriages. But, introducing this will make matrilineal marriages more likely and would not change anything about the contents of the house.”


Klaus Barclay: “In the precedent of this Duma, during both the current Speaker's tenure and of the Speakers before him, affairs of nobility have always been ein subject of edicts, und nicht duma bills. Ich find it questionable that du seek to force upon the Peers ein legislation that they may nicht wish to uphold. Ich will point du to the precedent of the Regeln der Heraldik bill, und the vassals of vassals bill, und how the King decided to ask the opinion of the duma, but nicht legislate it. We shouldn't force upon the Peers of the realm something that they might nicht want to do. Ich am all for advocating for ein absolute primogeniture royal succession, but Ich don't understand why mein house needs laws to be forced upon us. It is nicht the duma's authority to legislate on any of these matters.”


Theodosya Mondblume: “Many houses already are led by both zhe patriarch and matriarch - it ist niet one more zhan another. If zhe heir of a house is female, it vould presumably be zhe same vith having shared responsibilities.”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Woman participating in ve Church ist a new practice- auwn many may nay agree vith- ve woman I Ruska are stronk- zwyen ist why they join ve BSK- den- but heirship ist different.”


Marie Ruthern: “How is it different? Enlighten us!”


Nikolai Kortrevich: “Ea think they could be just as capable runnin a house if they are able to fight en wars, a silly argument really.”


Aleksandr Amador: “Zhen we should indeed focus discussion on how we can implement such law individually, do niet believe we need to discuss whether women are worthy to inherit or not. Ich still stand by mein point how My House could decide to adopt such a law…”


Dianna Decaden: “Do you really think that women are less? Do you think your daughter is any less than a son?”


Koenas Emma: “Father Klaus, when the law changed for women to be permitted to inherit titles, it was introduced and passed through the Royal Duma. Similarly, other changes in succession have been confirmed through this body.”


Anastasya Baruch: “The only succession that has niet been prodded by the Duma, is the succession of the royal family.”


Aleksandr Amador: “And how it would be in effect for just my House, who is allowed to change it, the House itself? Permission from the king, we need a basis to decide this..”


Dracomir Rorikov: “Ea vill be happy if epae join ve Brotherhood- nie leads mea family when ea die!”


Koenas Emma: “Though Lord Amador, ea believe, is right. Vyr bill is regarding individual succession laws for Houses- which ea believe to be overly confusing, when an overarching equal law is available to us.”


Dianna Decaden: “And why is that? Do you think she would be unable to?”


Marie Ruthern: “It would complicate things to an unnecessary degree, ea believe.”


Aleksandr Amador: “Could House Amador for instance decide on its own to change its succession laws? Without permission from the King or Duma? Hence making our own laws within our own House?”


Analiesa vas Ruthern: “Nie, making the heir first born v'ould be best. Far too jumbled and a confusing mess if vy each had a bill declaring inheritance.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Surely, cohesion should be the preferred course of action.”


Koenas Emma: “Exactly.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Does anyone wish to add a new point on the matter before we move on?”


Theodosya Mondblume: “A vomen who serves Godan and vho serves zhe Kongzem ist niet different zhan a vomen who serves her house as Matriarch - every position currently presented to a lady requires tenacity, rule and perseverance which ea can see in all mea fellow ladies in Duma today.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Or any last remarks before Duma is dismissed?”


Aleksandr Amador: “If a law needs to be created it is a framework on how Houses can decide on their successions.”


Marie Ruthern: “Women should be allowed to inherit. Down with the conservatism, ea say.”


Klaus Barclay: “Dein Majesty, du seek to tell me that the Duma passed the law to allow women to inherit titles, thought Ich will remind du that the Duma does nicht have any power in legislating these laws, only the Crown can officially pass all bills into law. Ich would advise that instead of trying to force ein bill, du hold ein council with the King und the Peers of the Kingdom to discuss such.”


Koenas Emma: “Indeed. This is but a discussion, nie? An important one to have, ea hope vy would agree.”


Dianna Decaden: “A discussion like this won't go anywhere if valid points keep falling on deaf ears like yours, Grand Maer.”


Klaus Barclay: “Yes, indeed it ist ein very important topic of discussion. However, your movement ist based on legislative action und nicht ein discussion, so Ich seek to redirect that course to ein peer's council instead of legislating.”


Anastasya Baruch: “Vyr the one who brought forth this issue to the Duma today, Father. We have simply responded, as seen fit.”


Koenas Emma: “Ea would disagree, Father. These social changes, immense as they are, are exactly the sort requiring discussion. We want to be heard. We want to hear opinions. That is all.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Do vy wish to make a Bill on this and table this discussion for such a time?”


Theodosya Mondblume: “A passed bill vith little support and vithout substantial change ist niet a bill at all.”


Klaus Barclay: “Ich have brought this issue to the Duma, Lady Anastasya, because dein movement has been making ein case for this reform to be legislative in nature. As Duma ist ein legislative body, then Ich ought to introduce it in the duma, nein?”


Koenas Emma: “Da, Lord Speaker. Our movement will progress to meeting with Patriarchs, so that legal action might be taken. Spasiba.”


Marie Ruthern: “Precisely.”


Klaus Barclay: “These social changes should be brought up with the people that actually are affected instead of commoner representatives und Maers, Dein Majesty.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “If that is the case then I see nie need to continue this discussion at this time.”


Analiesa vas Ruthern: “Vy are the one who brought them up, Father.”


Klaus Barclay: “That's why Ich have been trying to bring this up in Duma first to instead advise du to seek council with the King und the Peers that serve him rather than legislative action.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Duma dismissed!”


Edited by Office of the Lord Speaker
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