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The Pact of Ash and Falcon

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The Pact of Ash and Falcon



The Kingdom of Norland and The Fakhr Oasis



The Kingdom of Norland and The Fakhr Oasis recognize each other as independent lands, legitimately overseen by their respective sovereigns, and will make no attempt to subvert the authorities governing them. 



The Kingdom of Norland and The Fakhr Oasis will adhere to a pact of non-aggression, and will not incite conflict between themselves, nor will they participate in any conflicts that will result in the signatories being in opposition.
Citizens of both civilizations have their safety guaranteed within the borders of the other, so long as the laws of the local governments are adhered to.



The Kingdom of Norland and The Fakhr Oasis, have deemed both signatories as virtuous stock with good morals, good intentions, and a value for mundane, descendant life. Both signatories hereby declare the friendship between the parties and vow to smile upon each other with kind hearts.



The Signatories may adhere to the following trade policies:


- Signatories may receive a market stall free of rent in their respective capitals.


- Signatories may trade specialty goods free of tariff.


- Signatories shall not trade products of alcohol or pork between each other; this includes the raw materials necessary in the production of those goods. 



This pact shall be in effect for a duration of 15 years. In the case where either The Kingdom of Norland or The Fakhr Oasis is found by the other to be in violation of this pact, or either of the signatories undergo a change in nation status, all articles will remain in effect, while the signatories search for diplomatic resolutions.




Sayyid, Qamar Bin Zayd, Sheikh of the Nabeel, Emir of the Fakhr




His Royal Majesty, Vane Freysson Ruric , King of Norland, Duke of Varhelm, 

High Chieftain of the Rurikkid, Protector of Highlanders



The Rt. Hon. Lady, Leyna Edvardsson, Baroness of Krew, Chieftain of Kazimir,

Envoy of the Kingdom of Norland




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Qamar Al-Nabeel stood in his palace quarters as he read the missive, a warm smile appearing on his person as he mumbled a few words of prayers before attending the needs of his people!

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"And as the days go on, the wardens of the North gather more allies, and soon the radiance of our combined might will overpower the Darkness that comes." Vane says as he stands at the River Eada, washing the blood from his knife.

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**Naric Zarkan hears news of the pact, a soft smile is given.**


"Mashallah, once my time is done here in jihad, I will return to aid you Qamar."


**he then stands up in the trenches of a far off war away from Almaris fighting to liberate his fellow mumineen from their kaffir ruler.**

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Helios was overjoyed by the idea of Norland and the Fakhr Oasis getting closer. The slingshot he was gifted by the Emir is being put to good use.

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