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The Mondblume Masquerade

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To those cordially invited, This is a night to forget about worries and trifles that may haunt you. Gather a mask and an outfit and hide your identity amongst the crowd. Everyone upon entry can be given an alias of some kind, or you can make one for yourself. Come join us and get lost within the stars.



A section from the Baron of House Mondblume, Lord Sigmar Mondblume,


It is time I do apologize;


As you might know, after my father - Yvo Mondblume, the previous Baron of House Mondblume - dimly passed into a heartbreaking coma, his spot of Baron was left empty. I, Sigmar Mondblume, rushed to fill his place in a hope to maintain the house as I am the eldest son of the newest generation of Mondblumes. Unfortunately, after my father passed into a coma the pillars on my noble house began to crumble onto me as I had no idea what was expected as a Baron, nor as a brother. The responsibilities seemed to cast the weight of boulders onto my shoulders. I, being the foolish man I am, simply thought that avoiding this situation was the best option. And so, the pillars set by my father have crumpled leaving the house to fall into a pile of rubble of which led me to believe there was no saving the house. I trapped myself under the pile of rubble, digging myself further down as I dragged my family members with me and refused to do something about it. The activity of Mondblume events came into a drought, and so did my willingness to help my family. For this, I do greatly regret. I know now that the hole I dug was deep, but there lies rocks within the walls of the hole, and I intend to climb my way out. I promise you that my name will be carved into the walls of History, not in shame, but in glory. Krusae Zwy Koengdom.



I. The Mondblume Feast

Following Mondblume tradition, this masquerade will begin with a noble feast inside of the Ritchtenburg dining hall. A toast will be given to start the dining by Lord Sigmar Mondblume with a special speech, and of course thanking all whom gathered for the joyful event.

II. A Rosy Dance

After the benevolent feast, a dance will be held inviting all lovers, friends, and family to join together in a night under the stars.             

III. Unmasking

When the dance comes to a close, everyone will be allowed to slide of their mask and reveal their identity. This is optional, of course.      

IV. 'Boat'le of the Bows   

Lastly, a rather unique event will be held outside of the keep. Players will be allowed a team of two, a driver and a shooter, that will attempt to shoot opponent boats. The last team still remaining on their boat team remaining will receive a sum of 400 mina. (( OOC: Shoot a another team's boat with a bow and arrow. One arrow shot at a boat will automatically break a boat.))





His Royal Majesty, Sigismund III Barbanov, King of Hanseti-Ruska and his noble pedigree 

His Princely Grace, Johann Barclay, Duke of Reinmar and his noble pedigree

His Grace, Eirik Baruch, Duke of Valwyck and his noble pedigree

His Grace, Rhys var Ruthern, Duke of Vidaus and his noble pedigree 

The Right Honorable, Vladrick Kortrevich, Count of Jerovitz and his noble pedigree 

The Honorable, Aleksandr Amador, Viscount of Aurveldt and his noble pedigree

His Lordship, Robert Ludovar, Baron of Otistadt and his noble pedigree 

His Royal Highness, Otto Morovar, Baron of Ghaestenwald and his noble pedigree


THE INVITATION EXTENDS TO: The allies of Hanseti-Ruska Erwin Bishop, Patriarch of House Bishop, and the Bishop Family


OOC: This will take place on the 8th of January (a Saturday) at 5:30 PM EST. Hope to see you there!






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August Barclay marked down the date with a shrug.

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The bedridden Yvo Mondblume shifts and shakes around his bed with a slight pained frown on his face. It seemed to be caused by the people talking of this event right outside of  his chamber's magnificent windows.

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Emelya Eloise Kortrevich read the notice, pausing and raising an eyebrow as she neared the end, "'Boat'le?"

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Erwin Bishop renders a smile of contentment for his squire, quickly going to make copies of the missive for his family.
"Gutte on du, Lord Sigmar." -+- "Ich hope all goes vell vith zhe revival."

After a long sigh, he whistles his dog over and pets him, then putting the copies into his mouth and sending him off to deliver the messages to the rest of his family.

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Klementia looked over the news and sighs "Nei date fer me guess or pretteh dress. Looks fun" she shifted a little then walked off to think

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