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[✗] [Lore Addition] Malchediaels Radiant Templars; Twice Ordained + Banners of Command


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“I fear no battle - let them come! Let them falter at the thunder of marching boots, for the Templars of Malchediael stand firm this day!”




Twice Ordained


Upon a templar reaching tier 3, and with the aid of their teacher, they may further open themselves to the will of Malchediael, renewing their vows twofold and allowing the blessing of the Aengul of Courage to grow - this necessitating a greater strain upon their soul, but allowing them greater power in turn. This is typically done by the commanding Templar beckoning their student to kneel, wherein something akin to a knighting ceremony would occur - ending with the teaching Templar invoking their Aengul, and allowing him to act through them to strengthen their student’s blessing. However, this ceremony may be freeform so long as it pertains to themes of chivalry, valor, and knighthood. 



  • To be twice-ordained requires an additional slot to fill after reaching tier 3 as their connection to Malchadiael grows - e.g, Templars of Malchediael would now take 2 slots, as opposed to 1.

  • Only a T5 Templar with the ability to teach may ordain a student twicefold. 

  • The ceremony may be whatever the teaching Templar desires, so long as it pertains to the described themes. 

  • Once one has been ordained twice, this must be marked on their MA. 


Courageous Cavalier

Upon being ordained twofold, a Templar of Malchediael would find themselves to possess a greater affinity for mounts and steeds, the true compatriots to any self-respecting knight. This passive effect would enable the Templar to, guided by their patron Aengul's will, tame and rear equines and other battle-worthy steeds much swifter than one otherwise would - and once they have bonded and formed a kinship with their steed, would extend their blessing to the animal in some minor fashion. While mounted on horseback, a Templar of Malchediael would move at twice the speed they would otherwise be able to, able to move double the number of blocks than normal (at the time of posting, 4 block movement would be extended to 8 blocks). Likewise, their passive "Emboldened & Disheartened" would be applied to the steed as well.

  • Templars of Malchediael who have dedicated a second slot to the magic would find themselves able to tame and rear mounts & steeds easier, so long as the mount is able to be ridden in combat. This is not to say they are granted druidic abilities, merely that their blessing would subtly affect the steed and make it more amicable to being tamed. Untameable creatures remain untameable. 

  • In combat, while on horseback, a Templar would be able to move approximately twice the distance as one would otherwise be able to. 

  • The Templar’s passive “Emboldened & Disheartened” would likewise apply to the mount they’d bonded with, making it harder to frighten and more eager to charge into battle. 




The Battle-Prayers of Malchediael


As the templar are beset with many foes, armor and sword are not their only means to eradicating evil. As the Chosen of Malchediael, the templar are capable of calling upon the Aengul of Courage to assist them through citing battle prayers, the most famous being Second Chance. Different from the other spells of the Templar, the battle-prayers are specific effects spoken by words of intention.  Such prayers  function because of their latent blessing to the Aengul himself, utilizing prayers and canticles in His name to beckon him forth so that he may assist them.  This process is a delicate thing, for to invoke the Aengul so is a process requiring utmost reverence and attention, unable to be performed while charging in the van. 



As mentioned, Battle-prayers must be channeled via holy scripture. If the voice is hindered in any way,  unable to breathe, unable to speak, unable to be heard, the prayer will cease. Each prayer has a specific scripture and phrase they must adhere to, if even a single word is skipped or misspoken,  then that will ruin the entire prayer and its effect will not manifest.  As battle prayers invoke the Aengul directly and are taxing on their connection, only three can be spoken in a single ooc day as Malchediael does not wish to overdo these boons. 

  • The Battle-prayers of Malchediael may only be utilized once one has been twice-ordained. 

  • Battle-prayers are unable to be used in active combat by the templar praying, should their mind be focused on anything beyond speaking the words of intention, Malchediael will not heed them. This however does not mean it cannot be cited in a combative scenario, only that you cannot actively be in combat, e.g attacking an individual or defending yourself. If a prayer is interrupted, it must be started from the beginning. 

  • Battle-prayers are not inherent abilities, and must be taught on an individual basis. Groups of Templars may have specific prayers that they speak to activate the Battle-Prayer, but such is not an explicit requirement; though it is encouraged!

  • One is limited to moving at half of their available speed while channeling a Battle-Prayer


Prayer of Ailment

As the templars stand for courage and the will to never cower, it is considered a craven act to use poison upon Malchadiaels chosen. Thus, Malchediael’s leal servants possess the power to rebuff such cowardice.



This spell requires three emotes to cast, one to begin the prayer, focusing inwards as you invoke Malchediael and the intention behind your words. The second to continue with your connection established, beginning to cite the words. The third is to finish the prayer, holy magic beginning to glow from within the body of the templar wherever the poison has taken root. This spell may neutralize a given poison within [1] area of the Templar’s body, such as any one of the limbs, or the torso region - the Aengul of Courage rebuking the cowardly method of combat. Until the end of a given combative encounter, the area that was cleansed of poison would be unable to be poisoned again. This prayer may only be used once per encounter. 

  • The prayer only affects poisons, meaning alchemy and certain materials such as Azhl, thanhium,  mystically altered poisons, etc. (if you are unaware if the prayer can affect a certain thing, contact ST) 

  • Should the Templar be focused on anything besides the prayer the effect will not manifest. (i.e. active combat, speaking with someone else)

  • Should the poison affect your ability to speak the words clearly, to the point of the problems mentioned above, the prayer will not work. (If you got poisoned in the throat etc.)

  • This is a Tier 3 Spell


Prayer of Deliverance

Upon sighting a flame which may prove dangerous, a Templar is able to ask for the Aengul Malchediael to grant a temporary shielding light, cocooning around them to protect from heat and flame. Rendering them unable to be licked by the fire or suffer burns upon their clothing or skin.



The prayer requires three emotes, one to begin the prayer, invoking Malchediael and your intention. The second to continue with your connection established, beginning to cite the words. The third is to finish the prayer, wrapping the whole form of the templar in a holy shield which lasts for four emotes. Whilst the prayer’s effect will stave off any heat or flame being able to burn your skin or singe your clothing, it will not protect you from toxic fumes or blinding smoke. 

  • Natural fire consists of anything made of the natural world, meaning conventional fire and alchemical flame are affected by this prayer. What fumes or other effects are made from natural flame however can move past the shield.

  • Fire of a magical, Infernal, Draconic, or voidal nature are not affected by the shield and may pass through.

  • If you are on fire and try to pray to put yourself out, it ain’t gonna work. Naturally due to the fact you are on fire and can’t concentrate on the prayer.

  • This is a Tier 4 Spell


Prayer of Salvation

Often it is that the Templars come into conflict with Malchediaels foes; warlocks of the foulest sort, cowardly magi like craven rats, and the vermin that plague the world at large. Whatever they may be, the Templar possesses a powerful canticle to ward off foul magicks, though it is a costly task.



The prayer requires three emotes, one to begin the prayer, invoking Malchediael and your intention. The second to continue with your connection established, beginning to cite the words. The third is to finish the prayer, projecting a candescence of holy light from the Templar’s palm, which would rush out to meet the target spell - the result being decided by a roll out of 20, succeeding on a roll of 12+. This would nullify a single spell of t4 strength that would be cast or affect an area or target within 6m of the Templar - applicable types of magic to be blocked by this prayer include Voidal, Dark, and Deific magics. This may only be cast once per combative encounter.

  • This ability takes the form of a projectile to be flung at the offending spell - and thus necessitates a successful roll in order to take effect properly, the projectile missing upon a failure. 

  • When it comes to event spells, event magicks, or similar, the presiding E.T may decide if this spell would even work at all. 

  • Must be cast as the offending spell is being loosed - it can not reverse the damage of an already cast spell, or dispel it. 

  •  It may be held for a duration of [3] emotes in preparation before the Templar is forced to cast the spell. 

  •  This is a Tier 5 Spell




The Blessed Banners of Malchediael’s Chosen




Unlike the servants of Xan or Tahariae, the nomadic nature of the Templars in ages past meant that they rarely ever had monasteries or sanctums to call their own. This does not mean they held no items of reverence on their person, as battle standards were often adopted. These banners held within them their own latent connection to Malchediael, though not as strong as the Templar themselves. They are not only a means to rally their own numbers but also act as amplifiers to their blessings. The main component to craft such a banner is the holy textile itself. Such cloth is scavenged from battlefields where valorous deeds had been fought, symbolic gestures to the very ideals they hold



By utilizing their latent blessing, three Templars of Malchediael may craft a mobile testament to their Aengul’s glory, akin to a Paladin Chancery or the Clerical Temples of yore. This is done through a freeform ritual performed by the participants, one of which must be T5 and twice-ordained - this ritual and its aesthetics may be anything of the Templars’ choice, so long as such pertains to themes of valor, courage, knighthood, and chivalry. While there is no set emote count, it is expected that the roleplay performed to create one of these banners be high quality, given their significance. The cloth used to craft the banner must be harvested or procured from the aftermath of an event site, war claim, or otherwise significant combative encounter, as it is symbolic of, and an embodiment of, the Templar’s true nature. Alternatively, a banner that has been carried into one of the aforementioned sorts of conflict and emerged intact would suffice for the purposes of the ritual. 


This banner would carry a latent aura of divinity about it, making its nature as a holy relic clear in plainest fashion to any who would look upon it. The item used for this banner would be given the ‘Significant Magical Item’ tag, so as to prevent it being soulbound or hidden in an enderchest. Aesthetically, the Banner may be made as the Templars would wish it to, and the images upon the cloth may even be animated so as to display a particular story or victory of the Templars. Though not necessary to connect new Templars, the Blessed Banner holds its own connection to the Aengul of Courage, which may carry its own latent, passive blessings that it would impart unto nearby allies, designated ‘Augments.’ As well, the Blessed Banner enables the casting of particular feats of Aengulic sorcery when the need is dire, dubbed ‘Clarion Calls.’ Other than these properties, the banner is otherwise a mundane flag wrought of whatever materials the Templars deemed fit.

  • The Blessed Banner can be any shape and size of a traditional flag. You can’t make a blanket big enough to cover a room into a battle standard. (NO HOLY BURRITOS) Traditional is defined as a Pennon, Swallowtail Banner, triangular banner, and so on. The shaft of the pole must be at least 5 feet minimum in height and the material can be any type of wood.

  • Requires an ST signature, and must be given the ‘Significant Magical Item’ tag upon signing. 

  • Three templars are required for the creation of a Blessed Banner, one of which must be twice-ordained and T5. 

  • The Blessed Banner must be made out of any kind of cloth, and the pole-shaft out of any kind of wood. 

  • The Blessed Banner is, even to laymen or mundane individuals, immediately recognizable as a holy relic due to the divine aura that lingers about the object. 

  • As a clarification, the Blessed Banner is an item which may be carried and moved freely, unlike the stationary Chanceries of the Paladins. 

  • More ‘Custom’ banners may be made via MArt, with custom Augments and a single new Clarion Call of the MArt creator’s choice, both of which would be exclusive to the Banner in question.
  • The Creators may only ever be bound to a single Blessed Banner at a time, the previous Banner needing to be destroyed before a new Banner may be created by the Templars who crafted it.

  • A Blessed Banner may only ever have [2] Augments bound to it, and [1] Clarion Call. 


Banner Augments

Augments are special effects bestowed by the banner to the templar who holds it in their possession. As such the banner must be on their person, whether it be in their hand or mounted upon his back. Since the augments are from the banner itself, should the textile be damaged significantly or the pole-shaft broken, its effects will cease and a new Blessed Banner must be made. Augments require a templar along with the latent connection within the banner in order to be active



Upon unfurling the banner and a particular warcry is called out, the augment known as rally will activate. This augment bestows upon the templar along with their allies within an 8m radius a moderate movement speed buff. This is defined as a +2 block modifier to the default movement speed. (meaning a person can move at most 6 meters upon activation, at the time of writing.)

  • The speed given is defined simply as movement speed, not quicker reflexes or reactions.

  • ‘Allies’ will be defined as individuals not hostile to the Templar or to Malchediael. 



Upon unfurling the banner and a particular warcry is called out, the augment known as Indomitable will activate. This augment bestows upon the templar along with their allies within an 8m radius a capability to stand resolutely. Those affected will find themselves capable of withstanding more physical trauma, being unable to lose their footing except by extreme measures.

  •  The Indomitable effect is defined as a means to withstand an attack and hold your ground. Extreme measures such as a troll hitting you, an explosion, orc strength tackles, etc. can and will knock you off your feet. 



Upon unfurling the banner and a particular warcry is called out, the augment known as Wroth will activate. This augment bestows upon the templars within the 8m radius an additional charge of their Vigorous blow.

  • Should a templar activate this additional Vigorous blow whilst within the banners radius, upon completion they may sustain the charge outside the radius. 



Upon unfurling the banner and a particular warcry is called out, the augment known as Blessed will activate. This augment bestows upon the templars within the 8m radius an additional charge of their Fervent flare.

  • Should a templar activate this additional fervent flare whilst within the banners radius, upon completion they may sustain the charge outside the radius. 



Upon unfurling the banner and a particular warcry is called out, the augment known as Valorant will activate. This augment bestows upon the templar’s allies within the 8m radius the Emboldened and Disheartened passive normally enjoyed by the Blessed Templars.

  • Upon leaving the affected radius of the banner, so too will the effect of the Augment no longer affect the ally, leaving them open to fear and other emotional attacks.


Clarion Calls

Defined as specific prayers of a more potent nature, the Clarion Call harkens to the wartime history of the Templars, allowing them to lead small militias and battalions more efficiently in particular methods of formation combat. These acts of magick are not bestowed lightly by the Aengul, however, and are only able to be used in times of true need by the Templars. 

  • Follows all casting guidelines of “Battle-Prayers,” in addition to their own redlines. 

  • May not be used outside of event scenarios, due to Malchediael not wishing to bestow such powerful sorceries so lightly. 

  • Must be cast by the holder of the Blessed Banner, requiring a twice-ordained Templar in order to utilize whatsoever. 

  • A Clarion Call may only be utilized once per event.

  • Only one Clarion Call may be bound to a banner at any one time. 



By taking [3] emotes to channel their Aengul’s blessing and recite a small speech or prayer, a Templar may utilize the Blessed Banner to embolden a Phalanx or Shield Wall formation of allies within an 8m radius around the banner, this effect lasting for [5] emotes. While active, the shields of those in the wall would glow brightly, becoming unable to be moved or thrown aside for the duration of the spell by anything short of an Olog  - effectively forming a literal wall of shields. The Templar may dismiss this effect early by taking [1] emote to do so, causing a small wave of force to be expelled in a blast 1m in range in front of every shield in the wall, staggering enemies who get too close as if they had been shield bashed. 

  • The individuals affected by the spell must be in either a phalanx or shield wall formation in order for this spell to work, rendered effectively immobile for its duration. 

  • The wall effect only protects against physical impacts around the strength/force capable of being produced by an Olog, not serving to nullify more magical or elemental attacks beyond what a shield wall or phalanx normally would. 

  • The wave of force expelled is equivalent to a human knight shield bashing the target in the radius. 

  • ‘Allies’ will be defined as individuals not hostile to the Templar or to Malchediael. 



By taking [3] emotes to channel their Aengul’s blessing and recite a small speech or prayer, a Templar may utilize the Blessed Banner to grant additional alacrity to allied archers within 8m of the Banner, this effect lasting for [5] salvos from the group of archers. While active, this prayer would reduce the emote count needed to fire an arrow by [1] emote for Longbows, Crossbows, Ballistae or similar, or [2] emotes for Crank Crossbows, Cannons, or Arbalests. This blessing would end after 5 total shots have been fired by the majority of individuals affected by the blessing - however, they would be rendered immobile while the blessing is active. 

  • ‘Allies’ will be defined as individuals not hostile to the Templar or to Malchediael

  • This effect only reduces the emote count by [1] for bows, ballistae, normal crossbows, or equivalent. 

  • This effect only reduces the emote count by [2] for crank crossbows, arbalests, cannons, or equivalent. 

  • Individuals under the effect of this blessing are rendered immobile for its duration, though it may be dispelled early by the caster. 

  • Only affects individuals wielding bows, crossbows, or similar. Mages do not have their casting time reduced by this spell.


Hussar’s Charge

By taking [3] emotes to channel their Aengul’s blessing and recite a small speech or prayer while on horseback, a Templar may utilize the Blessed Banner to bless allied horsemen within an 8m radius, this effect lasting for [5] emotes before dissipating. While active, all allied horsemen would be granted the movement benefits of ‘Courageous Cavalier,’ such that they are able to keep pace with the Templar channeling the blessing - and a singular use of the Templar’s ‘Vigorous Blow’ would be applied to the weapons wielded by the allied horsemen. Individuals may still move while this Clarion Call is active. 

  • 'Allies’ will be defined as individuals not hostile to the Templar or to Malchediael. 
  •  The movement speed granted is only equivalent to what the Templar possesses while on horseback, being double that of normal movement. They may keep pace with the Templar, not outrun them entirely. This stacks with ‘Rally.’ 
  •  The ‘Vigorous Blow’ effect applied is a single use, abiding by all redlines and guidelines of the spell in question. 
  •  Individuals may still move while under the effect of this Clarion Call.




Purpose, Citation, & Credits




DrHope - Original Conceptualization, Direction, Writing. 


Valannor - Writing, Critique, Feedback, Formatting. 

Purpose: The whole point of this entire Big Mike approved lore post is to flesh out and breathe more life into the rather limited and simple design of the Templar orginally written by Bhased.  Fitting into the heavily implied nomadic nature of the templar, the Banner system was created to give them their own take on not only a holy item but also a holy site, (Paladin Chanceries) without stealing their yellow thunder. There's also the usage of words which was more for thematic sense which I find to be missing in holy magic at the moment. Overall each spell was given to enhance and keep the flavor of the original magic whilst adding onto it for templar players to experiment more with.
 Original Chad magic can be found here:


Edited by DrHope
I have alzheimers
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We do a little bit of courageous charging to relieve the siege of Vienna. 

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Unbelievably, undeniably, Holy Bhased

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They grow up so quickly

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Mmmh good soup


For real though bad ass write up can't wait to see this shit go up

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Going to provide genuine feedback since I play a [T4] Templar.

I think the concept of making twice ordained Templars is faulty at its premise, even if its flavor. If someone is going to be connected in the first place, they should be granted any and all ability (tier dependent) purely due to the fact that they were marked. To me, it seems out of character to mark someone if they weren't already trusted or courageous enough to use the magic responsibly. Ordaining someone a second time implies that it was only AFTER they were granted the boons of normal Templarism, including the elimination of fear, that they could be trusted with the full deal. I think this simply encourages mass recruitment and ideological brainwashing.

Secondly, I'm not a fan of the prayer section. Using magic to ward off magic, poison and MUNDANE fire seems counter intuitive to the concept of courage. By the time you would be done charging the Prayer of Deliverance, the kid in the burning building may have already been burnt to a crisp. Spiderman ran head first into burning buildings in his movies, even when he lacked his powers. The Prayer of Salvation also encourages that you stare at the enemy awkwardly while you charge your own spell instead of just cutting them down or using other strategies.

That said, I am a huge fan of the banner system and the AOE group buffs that can be applied. I think it's a niche that could raise the overall value of having a Templar around as they can act as beacons of inspiration and leadership.

To conclude, the way Templarism was described to me by Dingo and Titanium: Malchediael doesn't really care if you worship him at all - he just wants you to be courageous and to be out in the world killing bad things. I think bogging down this premise by encouraging prayer circles and power boosting diminishes the concept of being a truly courageous individual who earns merit on their own strengths. That said, I may have misinterpreted the lore and it could be fair to say that I am acting contrarian due to my own take on Templarism and disdain for aengul-cuckery. I think all that Templarism needs to be viable is total immunity from fear hexes and the ability to make whatever weapon is bound to take on the property of Aurum.


Edited by Letharian
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100% while the concept of prayers are interesting, I don't feel that it works with Malchediael's current aesthetic and narrative. Furthermore, going off what Zhulik said -- it'll make combat awkward into staring competitions before CRP starts; I'd like to feel as if it's meant to be like a prayer before heading off to battle, rather than altar praying stuff, but even still; it won't flow well in combat which is my current opinion. However there is the grounding for something interesting. Malchediael's radiance is a rather linear magick, you only affect yourself. With this, perhaps there could be a system where with feats of courage -- you can temporarily imbue people with these effects, like empowering them with your own bouts of courage?


The banner idea is actually something that I've discussed with Chase, Johann and other ST at times but never had the time to properly write something based off it, which is something that I'm incredibly impressed and pleased with what you've done. However, I do see a few adjustments or nerfs made to them just because of how powerful it is.




Add a redline saying you can't attack in the same emote as a movement emote, since some people -- in the past, who I've CRP'd with -- have tried that before. If empowered with this, the fact that you can charge 6 blocks and attack someone seems fairly OP. Perhaps you can explain it as like; it boosts your mental state to do that 6 blocks of movement, but your body will feel a slight fatigue from it.




Forgive me since I'm not currently wearing glasses right now, but is it that you're able to withstand attacks more easily or it's just harder for you to be knocked over? If it's the former, I feel like a 8-block radius shield is rather powerful. Extremely, when you can also move that shield about.




I actually have no problems with this. In his scenario, if you let someone do 4 emotes to do the punishing spell -- that's on you, well maybe. There could be other factors. But, if you let them do another 4 emotes then yeah. Say goodbye. Gone. See-ya. Your head's on the floor.




It's a sized bag for this. On one hand, it is an extremely powerful flashbang -- being that of 12 blocks, well 10 for the full effect -- but on the other hand, close your eyes if you're aware of it. Just for passing's sake, I'd probably change it to a radius of 8 blocks instead.




While some people had qualms with this in review a long while ago (saying it would be the start of making Templars PVP-focused. Lmfao), I don't have anything bad to say about it. I like it.




I can already see problems with these because it makes group combats with Templars unwinnable should they cast this spell. A shield, while immobile -- that can't be broken unless you've something with the strength of an Olog -- seems rather powerful. Extremely. Now-a-days, I don't think there's anything that's actually Olog strength other than actual Ologs themselves. There's not much counter-play for it. Naztheraks are Orc-Strength, as are Golems and Atronachs. I'd add a few ways to go against it, or it'd be unfun to CRP against them.




This is funny, though I'd have it as -1 emotes for both bows and crossbows due to how powerful crossbows are. It does give me flashbacks and nightmares of Leowarrior sending copy and paste emotes in Siramenor no-mic chat though.




I feel as if it's fine, just get rid of the extra vigorous blow. That's just a cherry atop of an already fine cake. Nonetheless, it's a nice way to get out of the constant running and chasing predicament that's currently in CRP.

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Alright I'm actually very happy with the feedback given on the prayers by y'all. I'll compare them to my notes and see about making adjustments that'll better fit the theme and overall effects. Beyond that, I want to clarify that the Clarion Calls are accessible when engaged in a ST event. 

  • May not be used outside of event scenarios, due to Malchediael not wishing to bestow such powerful sorceries so lightly. 

I should've probably clarified that with plopping an ST in the redlines, but yeah. Bulwark, Harry, and Hussar's charge in my opinion are relatively balanced when used in an ST event scenario and should never be used outside of them as they are definetly OP in anything else. 

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