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Transcript of the Royal Court of 407ES


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Ve Auszraz Duemmen i 407ES




Recorded as held on this

19th day of Wzuvar and Byvca of 407ES




As the new year turned, marked with the celebrations of the Oath of Macken in Reinmar, the Royal Court say in the brazier-lit halls of the Nikirala Prikaz as the Oren-Urguan War dragged on the south-east and a Savoyard delegation visited the Capital. The maters raised by this Court, transcribed on this scroll in full, included: 



The Oren-Urguan War



Resignation & Appoint of the Lord Justiciar



Knighting of Ser Abraham 'the Faithful'



Assignment of Knights to the Grand Prinzen of Kusoraev



Petition of Lady Isabel Baruch



Petition of Ser Erwin 'the Headhunter'



Petition of Fionn Castaway



Petition of the Oracle



Sigismund III: “This sitting of the Royal Court of 404 E.S. Is now in session. To begin …Let us speak of the War. Vy will all know that Haense has chosen to honour its alliance to the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. In these last months, our troops have moved south to battle, but the Orenian forces have forfeited the field to retreat to their fortifications, giving us, in essence, our first victory. The real fighting is yet to come, as our alliance prepares to face them at their keep of Southbridge. Every last fighting man, and woman, is asked to assist the Brotherhood so that we might honour our alliance in full. Would any Haeseni here speak on the matter of the war before we move on?”


Jordan Cardinal Jorenus: “Moight oi speak, yer Majesteh?” 


Sigismund III: “By all means.”


Jordan Cardinal Jorenus: “People o' Haense, an' the Savoyard visitors. We fight this war, no' fer pride or indulgence, bu' fer honour, fer dedication. We fight against the excommunicate Emperor an' Empress, tyrants an' murderers, on behalf o' the dwarves. The Pontiff stands with us, the Haeseni, no' because 'e 'as favourites, bu' because Oren 'as shown their cards - cards full o' sin. They proclaim loyalty to GODAN, an' yet they fight against His Holiness. They fight against the Holy Mother Church, against GODAN. We stand on GODAN's side o' history, Haense, an' we shall protect His Holy Word evermore. Go pray fer the soldiers, aneh soldier, tha' they be saved, tha' they live fer GODAN.” 


The Royal Court cheered for the wee Patriarch.


Sigismund III: “That is vyr best speech yet, Cardinal."





Resignation & Appointment of the Lord Justiciar


Sigismund III: “Alright, where is Ser Casimir? Ser Casimir the Chaste! Come before us.”


Ser Casimir Colborn: “HMMM….! Oh! Your Majesty.” 


Ser Casimir 'the Chaste' knelt before the Throne.


Sigismund III: “The Chaste Knight - Architect of the soon-to-be built Cock & Swallow Tavern - vy are welcome before the Throne. Vy have something to tell us, ai?”


Ser Casimir Colborn: “Your Majesty.”


Grigory Grubb: “Wha's a Cock'n'swallow?”


Ludwig Bishop: “It's what your mutter was doing last night.”


Ser Casimir Colborn: “It has been the greatest privilege of my life to serve at the pleasure of the Crown. However, now, I must leave the duties of High Justiciar of the Crown to younger men. Just as my brodir had done years before, I too must return to the simple life of a common man. House Colborn has remained by the side of Barbanov as friends and advisors since the time Saint Karl and Saint Carr, when the pair signed their famous Pact, pledging to eternal friendship and cooperation. Not this resignation, nor that of my brodir, would break the spirit of friendship shared over three centuries.” 


Sigismund III: “Most retirees have the notion of fishing, or farming cabbages. I wish vy well in the Cock and Swallow, Ser. Spasiba for vyr ardent service … and vyr bloodline's eternal friendship. Now, we will need a new Justiciar, for I already have a task for them. The Crown calls Johann Ludovar to come before it.”


Johann Ludovar knelt before the Throne.


Sigismund III: “Lord Johann. We have spoken of this before, but now is vyr last chance to choose a quieter life. So. Will vy wield the Grey Bulava as Lord Justiciar?”


Johann Ludovar: “Vyr majesty. Vy might know mea family, ea will never have a quiet life with them around. So might as well contribute to the kongzem and follow the path of justice if ea will already have nie silence in mea life.”


Amicia Ludovar: “Ja Papej!” 


Sigismund III: “I have but one condition. Vy remember what we spoke of last time, after the execution? Do niet ever lose vyr hesitation to condemn .”


Johann Ludovar: “Never.” 


Sigismund III: “ … Good. Then I have vyr first mission. Have vy read the returning issue of the Hearsay of Haense?”


Johann Ludovar: “Da. Ea did.”


Sigismund III: “A rumour has arisen that my half-borsa, Prinzen Andrik, has taken a mistress. He denies it, but his wife claims it to be true. One of them is lying. Find the liar, be it my borsa, or his wife Nikoleta. That is all.”


Johann Ludovar: “Da vyr majesty.”


Sigismund III: “Vy are dismissed, then, Justiciar.”





Knighting of Ser Abraham 'the Faithful'


Sigismund III: “Firr Abraham, then. Show time.”


The King descended from the dais with the blade of Gaius Marius, and Abraham Othan knelt before him.


Sigismund III: “This man is called Abraham, and his bloodline is from a long way from here. And yet …he has come to be nothing short of a model citizen. For these past years, he has served as a squire on the Knight's Table, training to take on the title of Ser. Some time ago, he completed his Final Quest to earn that moniker … Kneel, if vy would, Firr.”


Sigismund III: “Do you, Abraham Othan, swear now upon the blade of Gaius Marius, the first Hochmesiter of our earliest order, that all you say now is true, and that you have come to receive your Knighthood?”


Abraham Othan: “I swear it.”


Sigismund III: “The truth is the burden of all Knights, one that only the diligent can bear. Will you be true in all things, even if it may lead to your demise?”


Abraham Othan: “I do.”


Sigismund III: “To bear this burden, a Knight must be strong. Will you be strong of spirit, and resilient to all forms of temptation?”


Abraham Othan: “I will.”


Sigismund III: “In order to be strong, a Knight must be brave. Will you be courageous against your enemies, and defend the helpless even at the cost of your life?”


Abraham Othan: “I will.”


Sigismund III: “In order to be brave, a Knight must have honour and loyalty, lest he fall to sin. The Knight must be above reproach, his honour and allegiance unquestioned. Will you be honourable and loyal to Godan, to your King, to your Kongzem, and your people?”


Abraham Othan: “I will.”


Sigismund III: “When you take this oath, you shall no longer be a man. You shall be a Knight, invested with holy responsibility by Godan Himself. Do you accept this holy mission?”


Abraham Othan: “I do.”


Sigismund III: “And so you swear to be brave, strong, and true, as all Knights must be?”


Abraham Othan: “I so swear.”


Sigismund III: “Do you swear to be honourable and loyal, and to never forsake your vows nor your allegiance?”


Abraham Othan: “I so swear.”


Sigismund III: “And do you swear to uphold all which is good and holy, and to honour Godan in all your actions?”


Abraham Othan: “I so swear.”


Sigismund III: “Then I bind you to your oath, and if ever you part with it, may you also part with your life. I name you Ser Abraham the Faithful of the Order of the Crow. May Godan keep you and uphold. Rise now, not as a mere subject, but as a Knight.”


Sigismund III: “Welcome to the Table, Ser.”






Assignment of Knights to the Grand Prinzen of Kusoraev


Sigismund III: “Now then. Before we conclude with petitions … my own son! Karl Sigmar. Come before us.”


Karl Sigmar: “Da?”


Sigismund III: “Vy wrote me a letter, boy, did vy niet?”


Karl Sigmar: “Well, da. I didn't expect it to be read out in front of the court though, papej.”


Sigismund III: “A good thing it won't be, with vyr handwriting the way it is. But vy asked for a Knight to be assigned to vy, ai?”


Karl Sigmar: “Da. I wish to call for a proper knight to protect me, one whom I can trust to be at my side and aid me in all my tasks.”


Sigismund III: “All vyr tasks? Very well, then. Would any Knight - or even Squire - nominate themselves for the task? Note, though … Vy will be more than just the Prinzen's sword, but his mentor.”


Ser Erwin and Ser Flemius of the Knight's Table volunteered.


Karl Sigmar: “Da, vyr Majesty. When vyr wife, my mamej was insulted, none of vyr knights besides Ser Flemius stood at attention to defend her. I only wish for one that is steel of heart, and puts their sword where their mouth is.”


Flemius: “I shall do it, if you would have me, your Majesty.”


Sigismund III: “Ser Erwin and Ser Flemius … Hm. I think both of vy could teach Karl very well. Those two men are to be vyr mentors, then, my son, and vyr protectors. In these times of war, vy are niet to leave the city without either of them. Teach him well, my Knights. Vy have vyr work cut out for vy ….”


Flemius: “We won't disappoint, Your Majesty.”


Ser Erwin Bishop: “It shall be done, hre majesty.”


Karl Sigmar: “Spasiba, Ser Erwin and Ser Flemius.”


Sigismund III: “Dobry,. And Karl? Vy are to speak to Firr Feodor about improving vyr handwriting. It is embarrassing.”





Petition of Lady Isabel Baruch


Sigismund III: “Now, then! The Crown welcomes any petitioners to come forward now.”


Ser Erwin Bishop: “Ich have ein petition for zhe crown, ihre majesty. Niet relating to mein just now organized assignment of His Highness zhe prinzen.”


Sigismund III: “ … Ahem. Ser Erwin. Be welcome before the Throne and speak vyr peace.”


Lady Isabel Baruch, the 'Little Whale', rushed into the hall.


Ser Erwin Bishop: “However, Lady Baruch seems more extatic for hers. Ich vould allow her to go first zhen.”


Isabel Baruch: “EJA -- Eja.” 


Sigismund III: “How chivalrous. Welcome, little wh - … er, Lady Isabel.”


Isabel Baruch: “Ah'm, the uhh - Ah'm the AULIC ENVOY fer Hoonse, ye see. An' Ah was lookin' t'see if, uhh - we could sign a ahh,, uhhh - wha's the word? Non-non ag-agre- aggressawn?”


Sigismund III: “Is that so? And what if I do niet seek peace with the Kingdom of Hoonse?”


Isabel Baruch: “With the adul's, 'cause, if ye break i', then we go t'war, an' ye don' wanna mess with us, so - SO. YE BETTER SIGN I'. . . We'll - we'll egg yer castles! Yer keeps! An' - an' ah'll summon all the whales to attack, aye! Wi' me whale noises, aye.”


Sigismund III: “Is that a threat?” 


Konstanz Barclay: “Down with Hoonse! Ich hate Hoonse!”


Sigismund III: “Karl, my son. I shall task vy and vyr borsa Sergei to handle these acts of aggression.”


Karl Sigmar: “We shall destroy them immediately, vyr Majesty!”


Isabel Baruch: “Bu' we wan' t'be peaceful with everyone.”


Karl Sigmar: “Oh? Da? Vy shall meet me outside then.”


Sigismund III: “Vy will deal with my son, then, Lady Isabel, as the official envoy - and potential conquestor - of Hoonse. Vy are dismissed.”




Petition of Ser Erwin


Sigismund III: “Now, then, Ser Erwin.”


Ser Erwin Bishop: “Ihre gracious majesty….”


Sigismund III: “Be welcome before the Throne, Ser. What do vy seek?”


Ser Erwin Bishop: “To keep mein reqvest simple, Ich vould like, if it vould content zhe Crown, to purchase zhe keep currently built upon zhe former barony of Astfeld. Seeing as how it ist currently unoccupied, und in consideration for mein… fortunately large” “family. Ich see it ein vorthvile endeavor to seek such ein place.” Erwin took a quick inhale, letting our his breath in a long winded huff and re-centering his breathing. “Now, vhile zhis could be seen as overly ambitious, ich have also prepared to list ein secondary location of land vhich ich vould also offer to purchase instead. All of course, for vhatever price und tax His Majesty or zhe High Seneschal vould deem apropriate.”


Sigismund III: “Hm. Curious. Lord Speaker - as Grand Peer, what do vy make of this?”


Rhys var Ruthern: “I do niet believe it should be allowed, vyr Majesty. It is a right of the nobility to hold land in vyr name as vyr vassals.”


Sigismund III: “And what say vy in response, Ser Erwin?”


Ser Erwin Bishop: “Niet as ein vassal, lord speaker. Only as renters, vith nie accompanying title or extra privilage.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Exactly, Ser. I think that sets a bad precedent.”


Sigismund III: “There have been such … renters before. The Aevaris, for one. In fact, the Aevaris have recently moved out. Their manor is empty now.”


Robert Ludovar: “Might I be able to interject, vyr Royal Majesty? I even have a suggestion, if vy will allow it” the old Baron said from the sides as his family went to treat his granddaughter.


Sigismund III: “Very well, Lord Robert.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “The Aevaris building vy talk of is niet more than a manor in another's land. If the Bishop family wish for a manor on a noble's lands, I do niet object to that.”


Ser Reinhardt Barclay: “The aevaris pay taxes on their manor as well.”


Fionn Castaway: “The manor is ní near a noble's land. They pay rent to the Crown, ní the House of Mondblume or Kortrevich, who live nearby.” The retired Seneschal responded.


Ser Reinhardt Barclay: “He could be charged ein similar rate as them.”


Eirik Baruch: “The Aevaris Manor is an Attenlund Manor, Lord Speaker. Tha' has nothin' t' do with bein' on the land o' a noble family.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “Then nie. I do niet believe it should be allowed then. If they wish to live on a noble's land in a manor, I have nie qualms with that. But niet a Keep and land when they are niet noble.”


Fionn Castaway: “The Aevaris family was allowed the land due to the service of their family to the Crown, with Aestenia Aevaris being Surgeon Genral for a time, and Ellisar Aevaris serving as an officer for the army for several decades, as well as designing multiple keeps and houses around the Kingdom. I believe a commoner house should be allowed the housing privileges they received so long as they have proven they have served long and well enough to earn such. Do tú believe the Bishop family's service warrants their own land?


Sigismund III: “My papej created a … interesting standard of landing gentry with the Aevaris. Based on that, I would think it appropriate for them to take the Aevaris manor. But I would hear Lord Robert's suggestion.”


Robert Ludovar: “When I was a young man, the House of Vanir was stripped of all of their titles and even their status as nobles. Yet… vyr papej, His Majesty Heinrik II, allowed them to retain their lands and I believe a proposal for rent was made. Since this is court and I beleive these fine people would like to go home, I suggest that we allow the Royal Duma to take this up for debate.”


Sigismund III: “I have nie issue deferring this matter to Duma. It would allow the matter of my papej's precedent to be settled.”


Robert Ludovar: “It would, afterall, give the chamber an interesting thing to debate. Who better to debate the rights of nobility than a chamber full of peers and their representatives?”


Sigismund III: “Ser Erwin, Lord Rhys. Do vy object?”


Fionn Castaway: “The Vanirs were a noble house. It was their land before it was stripped, and the Crown allowed them to retain it as long as they paid a large sum of rent. The Bishops do ní own land, nor are they nobility. They are ní similar conditions.”


Flemius: “Needs to be discussed, regardless. If they're stripped of nobility, them keeping their land still makes them commoners with land and a keep.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “I have nie objections, other than my concerns for the issue of gifting land being in the hand of someone other than just vyrself, vyr Majesty. Regardless, I will proceed with it how ever vy wish.”


Sigismund III: “The Duma would niet be gifting, Lord Rhys. They would advise the Crown.”


Rhys var Ruthern: “I understand that, vyr Majesty. But the Royal Duma does unofficially expect their advise to be heeded on whatever they decide, whether it pleases vy or niet. But as I said, as vy bid it I will do it.”


Ser Erwin Bishop: “If His Majesty's vish ist to leave it up to His Royal Duma, ich vill provide nie qvalms about it if it ist to be resolved zhat gentry families canniet live on zhe lands of noblility, vhezher zhey zhemselves are niet previous nobles, zhen ich vould be content to offer purchase of vhatever housing zhe koeng vould reccomend.”


Sigismund III: “Enough. Any matter of contention among the Haeseni people should be discussed in the Duma regardless, and so it shall be on this occasion. Vy should attend the Duma this year, Ser Erwin, and vy may plead vyr case.”


Ser Erwin Bishop: “Ich alvays attend vhen ich can, ihre majesty, it vill be done.”




Petition of Fionn Castaway


Sigismund III: “Does any other Haeseni wish to petition the Crown?”


Fionn Castaway: “I do.”


Sigismund III: “Valtakossar. Be welcome before the Throne, and speak vyr peace.”


Fionn Castaway: “Túr Majesty. In my older years, I have found the taste of Carrion to get, for lack of a better word, boring. And so, I wish to ask, what is túr favourite alcoholic drink apart from Carrion?”


Sigismund III: “The tavern serves a good Ilya wine.”


Fionn Castaway: “Wine, tú say? Been a while since I've had a good wine. I'll keep túr recommendation in mind. Go raibh math agat, Túr Majesty.” 




Petition of the Oracle of Maenvestiyaeo


Sigismund III: “Oracle.”


The Oracle of Maenvestiyaeo: “Big Sig.”


Sigismund III: “Have vy come with a Prophecy?” He asked doubtfully.


The Oracle of Maenvestiyaeo: “No.” He offered frankly.


Sigismund III: “What brings vy from Krusev, then?”


The Oracle of Maenvestiyaeo: “There is an old crypt under Krusev. It is a den of wolves. Literally.”


Flemius: “I'll go clear it out for you, Oracle.”


The Oracle of Maenvestiyaeo: “Thank you.”


Sigismund III: “Hm. Take Squire Emelya with vy. With that, let us adjourn. I will see vy all at Reinmar.”





His Royal Majesty SIGISMUND III by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Thurant, Venzia and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera.



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