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Thesis on the Role of the Holy Sirs in War between Canonists


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Thesis on the Role of the Holy Sirs in War between Canonists



When contemplating the role of the Holy Sirs in war, one might look to the wisdom of Ven. Friar Boniface, who prior to his martyrdom lived through the Rubern War and the years after, writing several valuable theses. Boniface’s ‘War and Mercy’, from 1740, primarily provides guidance for the conduct and duties of Canonist soldiers on either side of a conflict, but it can provide guidance for the Holy Sirs on their duties and conduct during war, especially those squabbles between Canonist brothers; Holy Sirs are equipped to partake in the active defence of those innocent civilians and weary travellers who may be in peril from either side of the conflict, or partake in a religious conflict, aside from their regular duties of defending Canonist sites and clergy. 


In ‘War and Mercy’ Friar Boniface states: “Mankind should not be hunting one another for sport or leisure, we are all creations of GOD and thus I beg for restraint. Do not shed the blood of innocent civilians who hold no sway over the realm. Do not steal from the weary traveller on the roads because of their birthplace… The killing of fellow Canonist’s should be a distasteful and hated act, only committed in an act of necessity to survive not for fun or to boast”. He goes on to conclude that, “men take oaths to their liege lord and are obligated to follow them, justified or not. So I beg the Canonists on either side not to take pride in killing your fellow man. Have mercy on those unable to defend themselves. In every war there should be mercy and honour. You may attain victory, but at what cost to your soul?”. 


At the time of writing, in the current Urguani-Orenian war, in which good Canonist folk fight for both sides, the Church and its Holy Sirs are in a difficult situation. The war began as a secular one, not a war of pagan or heretic attempting to convert or destroy a Canonist population. Rather, it was a war between states, both with Canonist citizens and soldiers. In this case, it would be the Church’s duty to try to gain a peaceful end to the conflict, and the cessation of hostilities between Canonist folk. Failing this, it is the Church’s duty to ensure observation by Canonists on both sides of Canon Law and the avoidance of the heinous acts outlined by Friar Boniface, and, as I said above, it is the duty of the Holy Sirs to “partake in the active defence of those innocent civilians and weary travellers who may be in peril from either side of the conflict” and “defend[ing] Canonist sites and clergy”.


But what now, that the vassals, soldiers and citizenry of Oren are dutifully obeying and fighting for a secular liege who is declared excommunicate and anathema? Whose duty it is now to, rather than fight for them, remove them from power? “Men take oaths to their liege lord and are obligated to follow them, justified or not”, Friar Boniface said, but not now, not to those branded excommunicate and anathema. Now they are obliged to oppose their secular liege, to remove the Emperor and Empress from power by force, unless they complete their penance and relinquish their thrones willingly. Furthermore, it is the duty of the Holy Sirs to aid in removing them from power, and if this means the Holy Sirs must take up arms against fellow Canonists to do so, so be it. But all, on both sides, must remember the writings of Friar Boniface on ‘War and Mercy’, and take no joy in doing so, behaving honourably and mercifully towards their fellow Canonists.



“So Godfrey called upon the goodly families of that land, and he settled them in fertile valleys and in open plains, and gave them the bounty of the Lord. And they took up arms and armor, and went into the petty kingdoms and defended the virtuous.” (Gospel 6:31-32)


Friar Viktor

6th of Godfrey’s Triumph 


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"Indescribably based, on facts and logic." Brother Omari would remark.

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“Encouraging Canonists to spill blood. ‘And if this means the Holy Sirs must take up arms against fellow Canonists to do so, so be it.’ Disgusting.” The Empress shook her head, hoping that no further Canonist blood would be split - although, she found herself disheartened by the truth of these hopes when glancing at the thesis once again. “My people do not deserve such cruelty. Perhaps this man would be a wise one, a good man, if he didn’t attempt to incentivize violence.” 

Edited by Eryane
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Josephine Aleksandra read the thesis within the halls of Woldzmir by the dying light of a fire. She glanced to the stars beyond the window and froze--the landscape was unfamiliar, the silhouettes visible from her tower alien when compared to the tall pine trees of the Grenz.


She folded the parchment and took it with her on her travels, mulling the predicament over in her mind as her carriage bumped along stony, sandy roads.


One GOD, one Emperor, one Empress, one Empire. What to do when those singularities were at odds with one another? She would wait with great interest for how the Holy Sirs proceeded.

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To the devout Friar Viktor, @Borin


Your writings on the duties of Holy Orders during a war between Canonists touches on the nature of war between brothers. I am glad to approve this Thesis. Please find myself or another Clergyperson of some authority to be ordained, and begin your journey in our Holy Mother Church.


GOD bless,

Francis Cardinal Albarosa


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