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From within the Nikirala Prikaz, a heartbreaking wail would be heard from the chambers of the Queen Mother. Koenas Annika would lay on her bed in the arms of her husband @Rudi, clutching her chest as she processed the death of her beloved Marus, the first of her children to ascend to the seven skies…

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Henrietta Theresé...

was inconsolable, shunning all those around her and locking herself in her chambers, neglecting even her children, who so desperately needed her attention. She spent her days curled up in Marus's side of the bed, entangling herself in his blankets - they still smelled like him, and sometimes, she almost managed to convince herself he was out on one of his trips and would be home at any moment to tell her of his latest catch. She had only been married to him for nine years, and yet she cherished those years so dearly,  no matter how much they had fought or how much they said they hated one another. 


He was her true love,  and she would never have anyone like him ever again.

Edited by PerfectlyPeachy
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Nikoleta, midst the craze of the morning, heard the screams and clambered outside her bedroom. Just as she was buttoning the last clasp of her sleeves she’d make eye contact with her husband “What was that?” She’d ask in a hurried tone. Yet the blood trickling down her face already told her what it was. 


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As the sun rose on the Nikirala Prikaz, the Duke of Akovia was awakened by the glimmering sunlight from his lonely cot. The Prince started his day off normally, or as normally as possible these days, with a hot cup of tea with cream. "Let's hope today is better..." he commented to himself.


Recent times for Andrik had been difficult, to say the least. Everyone seemed to be against him, or at the very most distant. In his mind, nothing could get worse... at least not yet. Despite the troubles, his life seemed to be improving. His wife, Nikoleta @zuziee, was finally opening up more once again. Despite not being able to sleep in their normally shared bed, Andrik entered their bedroom to change into his regular outfit, and Nikoleta followed suit. "Dobry Morning, Niki" he said to his wife as she got ready

It was nice... this was nice...




Loud and terrifying screams could be heard from the Alban section...


Andrik turned his head, his face filled with concern. Upon locking eyes with Nikoleta, his fears were confirmed. The blood coming from her could only mean one thing, someone just died... He rushed to the Alban wing and nearly tripped himself on his untied laces. "This can't be happening... This can't be happening" he said over and over again.


But it was happening...


Marus, the youngest golden crow out of their royal generation, was dead. Andrik couldn't believe it, but his baby brother's body lay cold and empty on their bedside. Soon, the rest of the family would find out, and the Knights removed the prince's corpse... It was a nightmare... a true nightmare, and Andrik learned a valuable lesson. There is only one thing that stands above everything else in life...



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Do you want to know a secret?


Never one to pass up a good tale, Elizaveta sits upright in a cushioned bed, not her own, at full attention. Her mother says the Duke of Alban has a secret to hide. Allegedly, all the times he’d been away, was time spent battling countless beasts, bad men – monsters. Amazing, she thinks, awe twinkling in her eyes. Something must be off, though. There was one battle he missed.


There’s the pale horse that scares her in her dreams. There’s the shadow man that she hates to think about. But, it all makes sense. They haven’t been seen in some time. That’s who papej is battling now. It all makes sense.


“And I’ll even let you share the bed when we get there.” Her mother promises, packing only a few things for her return to Karosgrad. And, for a moment, she feels excitement. Excitement only came in fleeting moments like that. Because every now and then, the shadow man’s words ring within her head, ominous and dark.


“That woman is not your mother. And that man will soon no longer be your father.”


That’s what makes their reunion less than sweet. That’s what wipes the brief smiles off her face. Because he’s gone- but she can still hear him. And when she thinks her father asleep, she only hears silence.


And then she hears screaming.


Screaming makes her tense, and only establishes her fears. If the man’s words could ring true now, who was to say he couldn’t return?


Someone new will have to defend her from those monsters. “The realm is out of. . . balance.” She says, to the squire at her side. ( @Kujo ) She has lost some of that balance, herself.

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"EVERYONE IS DYING.. WHY?" Filip Hugues asked no one in particular within the square of Karosgrad, though signing the Hussariyan cross as he made his way to pray for the soul of Marus.

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“GODANI, help my Hauch-nephew gain comfort in vyr skies” Prayed the Elder Hieromonk Vladrick 

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Laurentina merely asked her older brother, "So... is she coming home?"

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An aging and ailing Princess Petra Emma wailed from within the Barony of Richtenburg, clutching the missive that informed her of her brother’s death tightly to her chest.


She was irrevocably inconsolable.

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Holding his dear weeping wife @Madywithin his arms, Heinrik Karl, stared towards the door all night. Awaiting Saint Emma to guide him to heaven before his children, he did not know this was the first of the last remaining nights of his life, that were plagued by nightmares.

Soon he'd join his youngest, the child of suprise

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Klara Elizaveta took a deep, gasping breath as she cradled the wrist she had broken all those years ago. It still twinged occasionally, and though the slight pain should make her angry, she could do nothing but cherish it now. Staring out the window, the young princess turned her eyes onto the gardens below. Panicked, shuddering breaths left her lips as her eyes glazed over. Godan took everything back eventually, but why did it have to be so soon?

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A small figure walks into the courtyard of the Haenseti palace. As he paced towards an empty seat, he thought back to a young boy, chattering up a storm during a royal setting. What a laugh, that gave him. A shame he was taken so soon. His figure stiffened harder than that of a statue, offering a two-fingered salute to the still air.

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      How do we get there? How did you get here, by the way?' [Will asked].
      He heard Halt's deep sigh and knew he'd done it again.
      'Do you ever,' the older Ranger said with great deliberation, 'manage to ask just one question at a time? Or does it always have to be multiple choice with you?'
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      Halt said nothing. He raised his hands in a 'See what I mean?' gesture...
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