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Beware, mali'thill


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From the depths of the Eternal Library, two studies were copied for those residents of Haelun’or who wished to learn about the nature of snow elves and the threat coming from these creatures.




Parasite of the Mind:

A Theory on Snow Elven Origination

~Asthil Haumel, Annilir of the Beru'cinhir of Lin'ame


The emergence of the mentally deranged snow elves, or "Mali'fenn" as they have named themselves, has been a subject of my thought for some time now. It is claimed by some of them that their kin were simply always in hiding or had forgotten their ancestry, but there have never been any historical records mentioning Mali'fenn or any similar snow-dwelling elven populations. Immigration from distant and unknown lands is also unlikely, since the snow elves seem to possess intimate knowledge of the history of our own lands. In my deliberations, I have been forced to propose that there is only one way for such a divergent and societally abstracted race of Mali could have emerged: a parasite of the mind.




The nature of the parasite eludes me: perhaps it is physical, as in this dramatic illustration. Or perhaps it is magical, or spiritual, or pathological as a disease or virus. Regardless of its status in reality, the effects of it can be seen clearly. Sometime in the course of Anthosian history, a group of elves encountered the parasite, and became the first generation of hosts. Forced into action by the disease within them, the infected elves sought out other hosts and infected them as well. With an initial population now existing, the memories and personalities of the mind-enslaved mali were devoured, replaced by implanted memories and coerced ideals.


In this, the sudden appearance of the snow elves is well-explained: once they were ordinary elves, but have now been repurposed to a sinister cause: to follow the will of the virus and to spread it to as many potential elven hosts as possible. Indeed, on numerous occassions the 'Princedom of Fenn' has sent missives out across the Fringe, calling upon the elven race to converge to them in the name of prosperity and unification. It is thought that notably few answered this call, but who is to say that some of our missing beloved did not seek them out and became the slaves of the social parasite?


From this theory, the political affiliations of the snow elves are also well-explained. Their vehement hatred of Haelun'or and its associated elven settlements stems from a simple biological imperative: competition. The Silver City is the last remaining elven power aside from the snow elven movement: if they are to be destroyed, then there shall be none left to oppose the mali'fenn as being 'the' elven home.


Moreover, the infamous words that 'Grand Prince' Tundrak gave to none other than Oren's own Emperor's face can also be explained as the parasite working with limited information. Likely it would have gleaned knowledge of the unfortunate conflict between elvenkind and humankind in Anthos from the minds of its infected. In their deranged minds, the parasite would then conclude that Oren is a force that shall continue to destroy potential host-bodies, and so they must be stopped so that the mental infection may flourish.


Furthermore, the incomprehensible relations that the snow elves have established with Alras and the dwarven nation of Urguan can also be interpreted in this light. It is well-known that there does exist a large population of elves that live within Alras: those of many, sometimes unsavory, character. Voracious in appetite for more host-bodies, the snow elves settled near Alras in order to have access to their prey, which otherwise remains safely locked away within Haelun'or. Relations with the dwarves who lived beneath the Alrasians became convenient, and perhaps that explains why an elven population began worshipping a dwarven deity. The culture was adapted to entice the dwarves into alliance, and they unknowingly were blinded by it.


After the Alrasians began to resist and repel disturbances in their city lead by snow elves, the parasite decided that it must claim the elves of Alras by force. Thereafter, war was declared, and the world looked in awed fascination as the deranged snow elves proceeded to insult the Emperor of Oren and then beg for forgiveness afterwards.


The ways in which this theory fits so well to the known events instills within me a great dread. For not only are the snow elves simply yet another group of elves who descended into insanity, but they bring with them a slavery of the mind that they actively desire to spread to others. Indeed, I have seen with my own eyes an elf who became infected and began to act and speak disturbingly, before he left and was adapted into snow elven society.


The danger of this cannot be expressed enough: the very sanity and cognitive independence of the elven race is at stake here. The snow elves should not be treated as an amusement, or with apathy. Guard yourselves from their touch, mali.


For they are contagious.








~Nerithil Valarieth, former Okarir’maehr


Reject the normalisation of the Mali’fenn disease which has plagued the descendants since their sudden appearance just mere centuries ago!


To attempt to understand the rationale behind the actions of those that call themselves ‘Mali’fenn’, is a pointless and arduous task, one which any ‘thill with sense will avoid entertaining. Their ways are driven only by primal instinct, for they are not truly capable of much coherent thought. The physical appearance of an ‘atafenn is both grotesque and pitiful, for it is proven that, of the mali, they hold the least regard towards any sense of elegance. Shown by their avoidance of selective breeding, leading to a horrid amalgamation of a race with no real identity or worth. The spawn of such creatures is a foul sight to behold, only the ice-cold blooded ‘atafenn would subject a child to a life of such misery and deformity.



A typical Mali’fenn child


But rejoice Mali’thill for we still stand far above the Maliata’fenn, whose every thought and action is tainted by their willingness to let an absurdity of emotions guide them. We, the Blessed Citizens of Haelun’or, will not so easily succumb to such irrationality through our steadfast willpower, given unto us by our strict adherence to maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, which is clearly beyond the comprehension of the simple minded ‘ata.


Below is a rare image of the philistine Faux-Prince Aelthir Tundrak II. The children of Haelun’or will have already been instructed to distribute copies amongst the Citizenry so all will know the horrors that lie within the Fennic lands.  



Faux-Prince Aelthir Tundrak II


But fear not, my fellow Mali’thill, for under the protection of our brave Sillumiran, the putrid cretins that threaten the sanity of the realm shall be repelled. Individually they pose no threat to any mature ‘thill, since they barely have the cognitive ability to stand straight. However, as a collective they can threaten to overwhelm anyone caught in their narrow line of sight. It is not known if the ata’fenn operate within a hive mind, however their consistently baffling behaviour has led many of our esteemed academics to believe that they definitely act in some sort of basic unison with one another. Regardless, it is the policy of the Silver Council to ensure the health of the nation remains untainted by such nefarious beings.


While we, the enlightened few, can live in bliss atop our plateau, we must not forget the darkness that dwells in distant lands and instead strive to protect any lost children of Larihei from falling victim to the horde of travesties that lies within Fenn.




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The news of the recent republication would find Maenor in the Sullas-Calith lounge, where he often spent his time. Thereupon, a vexation most terrible afflicts him, commenting with a little defeatism "I had hoped we had matured, and ceased to propagate works of little to no factual value. I doubt there is a single person in this world that believes a single thing within this piece of writing, that will use it for anything other than toilet paper or fuel for fire. It is plainly inflammatory, and does us no justice, nor does it make foreign realms any more sympathetic to our cause, in fact quite the opposite, I'd reason." he'd sigh, shaking his head violently "And I question the sanity of whoever proudly quotes that Valarieth monster, who should be remembered not as former Okarir'maehr, but as one of the Mali'ata assassins who murdered Maheral Azorella Elibar'acal." a long pause followed "Really, the motto of our Blessed Motherland should be nothing else than mayhaps one step forward, two steps back." 

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Skyler would read this and look at the images. 


"Yep we all look like that. Glad the high elves won't be coming to visit, if only they will stop inviting me for tea now"


She comments going about her day

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Within a' temple veiled in thick black with the undead screaming about, and unhallowed ground rumbling underneath, there was a fellow particularly familiar with these High Elves and their ways, his hands slowly laying down the missive as his wretched maroon eyes twisted and lurched about before settling in place.  


"To think...They seemed so opportunistic of the Primeval Way, to stand together under one banner against the plagues of this world.  Yet, here they are.  Mucking about like sniveling swine that someone is different then them... Liars to the face of an honest undead."



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Aiera Sullas simply wept in her seat nearby to Maenor, apparently at a loss for words on such topics these days, for how much she'd already said. Although eventually, she did mutter. "karin'oem anahnarnae, karinan'niut anohnarnae."




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Ruathar Indoren laughs wholeheartedly at the comical display of Maliata'thill propaganda. "As a 'ker who deeply deeply value the Mali'fenn, and would consider them as kinsmen. And having personally met the Fennic Prince, I will say he look more akin to the 'thill. However with a more friendly demeanor toward outsiders. To the common citizens of Haelun'or, I implore you to seek out your own truth. You cannot fully live with a half truth. So here is the underside to their disturbing use of mystifying the 'fenn as bloodthirsty fiends. They're not twisted beings with fangs for teeth." He smiled briefly at the depiction, finding very little that looks like their Prince. "Do not follow your leaders from a point of blissful ignorance. Go out into the World with an open heart and mind, fellow lliran of the 'thill. My words may fall on deaf ears, but if just one out of a hundred 'thill form their own opinion it would be enough." 



Edited by Tulan
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