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A Theory on Farfolk


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A theory on The Origin of Godwin’s people: The Farfolk
Published 1st of Harren's Folley, 1859
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Within the past few years it has come into question what farfolk peoples Ex. Owyn may have resembled whether he be Oyashiman, Southeron, Qali, or Li-ren; however I think there is an answer to this question we need consider: What if none of those descriptors are apt for the Exalted? Humanity has spanned the world since creation and it should be considered that in that time since our creation when the sons of Horen were divided many events which have served to divide our people into many kingdoms and cultures have ensued.

It is without question that Exalted Owyn was a farfolk, only a fool would seek to claim otherwise however the people of Aaun were divided and scattered or brought into the fold of Harren’s forces following his conquest of Godwin’s lands. Being that Ex. Owyn was a farfolk and his father served as ruler Aaun it stands to reason that Owyn’s people were also farfolk themselves. My theory proposes the possibility that they were a people prior to the farfolk rather than farfolk as we know them today and following Aaun’s conquest were scattered into separate tribes which grew in difference greatly following the Millenium o’ Silence. The combination of Iblees’ introduction of strange practices and the generations of beauty standards leading to certain traits outpacing the others ah believe that along with their physical division so too did the tribes of proto-farfolk experience aesthetical and cultural divisions leading to the many different farfolk we see today, far removed from their distant ancestor’s appearances and practices.

While the highlander, harrenite, and heartlander populations have remained rather stagnant in our development of differences in skin tone and fashion and historically  the developments of such can be traced readily between our rather congealed peoples the Godwinites of Aaun were divided by war and disconnected from one another by years of separation amongst vastly different environments, leading in turn to isolated and vastly different cultures as well. Further evidence of this proto-farfolk is provided to us by the scroll gifted to Ex. Owyn as well as he addressed his scattered people: “Verily, brother, the Lord GOD has given no compulsion in faith.  And verily you are commended for your virtue, for your people keep fast to their fealty. But a tremendous sin arises in your home. The Lord GOD is the Lord GOD without peer, but you sons of Godwin give Him a vulgar and worldly name, and ascribe to Him many partners.  And this is a sin of tremendous quality, for none but the Lord resides in the Seventh Sky, and it is His throne.  Even Horen, who spoke the Virtue, falls short of GOD.” (Spirit 1: 3-8) What is noteworthy about this is the mention of the virtue of fidelity which is seen in many farfolk cultures such as the Qali and Oyashimans to be the highest honor one may ascribe to. However the Oyashimans serve as a perfect example of ascribing GOD many partners for their own Kami are a division of the power of the Lord and many Kami are wed to one another; while some may call this evidence of proto-farfolk in the scrolls themselves to be anecdotal when out of context to consider the Millennium of silence and the meddling of Iblees among these pieces of evidence renders credence to the theory.

In conclusion I would like to say that the suggestion of Godwin’s people being a proto-farfolk is one worth considering. Furthermore if one should falsely believe that this division of appearance should make the farfolk lesser to we of Joren and Harren I would go on record to state that this is a considerable  misconception and that these divisions of appearance do not at all suggest any inequality among the farfolk to we descendants of Joren and Harren and they in-fact suggest the opposite: The farfolk are unequivocally human and unarguably children of GOD, they are simply the scattered descendants of Godwin’s kingdom and thus the people of Ex. Owyn who we should seek fellowship with in the name of the unity and virtue that GOD wished for the sons of Horen.


- Father Trevor Turnfield

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Father Paco sheds a tear after reading his brother Lector's thesis and smiled - no longer would the Farfolk be kept down by the Highlander Heartlander patriarchy. Their voices would not be silenced. 

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“Long has it been accepted that Harren, Joren, and Godwin we’re all of the same fleshtone, but it is logical to assume that the children of Joren compose both Heartlanders and Highlanders, while the children of Godwin are Farfolk. It may be asked how one brother can be darker than the others, but if we look at a supposed composite of Horen, it becomes clear that Horen himself was the protoman. Horen exhibits a variety of traits which are present in all peoples. Horen has darkly skintone, yet the blue eyes common of Highlanders. It must then be understood that the anomaly was NOT Godwin, but Joren, who retained the blue eyes but whose flesh may have been a slightly lighter tone which persisted in his children. Attached below is a drawing of Horen” writes Father Stor in response to his fellow Cleric. Below is an attached oil painting of Horen.


Edited by Lojo613
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