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[✗] [Magic Lore] Shepherds of Aeriel - Rewrite/Fixes


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A Shepherd on their way to guide a lost soul.


Souls, an ephemeral component of all realms. Phasing in and out of the living to coalesce themselves into a woven network that has been tethered with their pure firmaments. This webwork of an unceasing agony, one endured by each damned soul, is deemed as the Ebriates, the Soul Stream.


Condemned souls are sentenced away in this realm of the ‘after-life’, the Stream of Souls bears an allure of anguish and dark; one in which the rays of light may not pierce through. Shadows lay awake, stirring themselves throughout to persist over illumination itself. Mundane, or tainted, every soul that has walked upon the living coil is inherently drawn to the Ebriates; to abide by its judgment and flow along an everlasting eternity. Some may find tricky venues in order to “pass on”; flee the Stream once and for all - whereas others are not as fortunate, instead doomed to preserve themselves as foregone remnants lost to the confines of time.


Caretaker of Souls, Aeriel, serves as the ‘operating’ Aengul of this very Soul Stream. The Aengul of Ambition and Faith has diverted a fraction of her influence over the ephemeral realm itself; to guide those souls worthy of receiving her Grand Guidance. Her doctrines are not those of extreme violence or destruction, but ones of caretaking and protection, as she seeks to guide the lost (and worthy) to her domain. 


As the Grand Shepherd herself was tricky and meticulous enough to interfere with the realm of the ‘dead’ - so had others plotted along to accomplish such a feat. Some of these blighted, darkened souls dare challenge the very judgment of the Caretaker as so by forcing their domain over the rest of weakling spirits to bring doom upon the Aengul, and so escape the Stream to wreak havoc within the mortal realm anew.


It is for this very reason that Aeriel no longer retains the strength and indomitable power that she once thrived with. Due to this weakened state, the Caretaker of Souls may only hope to meddle with the living and retrieve those fugitive souls through ushering Her power to machinate mortal bounds, through imbuing fragments of her very essence within vessels of flesh; descendants, and them alone. Those who find themselves making this ‘connection’ with Aeriel are formally known as Her Shepherds.



“Olden ages, since those of the revered Ascended, departed the mortal realm; recusing themselves within the towering walls of Aeriel’s citadel. Chaos and decay were cast upon the land, swiftly plaguing throughout by means of Infernal conquest, among many others.  Voidal phenomena tainted the mortal coil, propagating its venomous essence through the employment of foul beasts - bringing so despair. The lands of Arcas succumbed to the destructive power of these wretched creatures, tearing villages and cities asunder effortlessly; and ultimately forcing the world of Descendants to migrate elsewhere, Almaris. Though the risks and dangers that their souls endure are yet persisting - for this realm too bears monstrosities of Undeath, Hell-ish, and Spectral nature who wish to spread their malicious influence.


As the obliteration of soul-bearing creatures continued to ensue, Aeriel wept. For it was Her sacred tears that flared the sky alit; with dashing stars above the lands of Almaris, as the ephemeral bounds of the Soul Stream kept losing their grasp upon the mortal realm - and its inhabitants - daily. Alas, it was time for Her to intervene; for no longer could She allow Her influence to drift away from the world of the living. It is in this very realm that Her gifts are weakest, yet it is here where She must retain control. Such sorrow engulfed the Aengul, leading to the creation of the Shepherd; for the Ascended are foregone from existence.


Aeriel mourned for many suns, and many nights, as the starry-sky veiled a countless amount of drifting stars - but alas, one had strived farther away, befalling upon the soil below and so landing in a system of rivulets amidst the lands of Almaris. Its current was swiftly affected by the impact, and its following traits, such waters gleaming as holy frequencies remit from each wave’s clash. These events were glimpsed by a man, a common-folk, wounded as he crawled in its direction. He had been recently struck down in an act of warfare; his wounds so severe that he was left in the wavering forest to perish; his body later harvested.”




The eyes of Ezekiel, the wounded soldier, caught sight of such a mysterious feature - thus deciding to venture closer. Curiosity overcame the man as he slowly waded into the glowing, melodious water. It began to embrace his flesh, his wounds - searing as if it were akin to starlight. The gleaming liquid induced a burning sensation into Ezekiel, forcing him to usher screams of pain and anguish. Such a trauma rendered the man unconscious as his body traveled across the riverbed, drifting down to the coast.



Is this death?He thought to himself.Where am I?He yelled within the walls of his mind, for alas, he had entered a different Stream, one unlikely to be found within his realm,  Ebrietæs. Before him loomed a hill with an ethereal tree - much like that of the water he found himself entering.


Who are you?” She called onto him.


Confused as to where the voice had come from, he noticed a pulsing within the tree before him.I am Ezekiel - I was recently in a battle I was crawling to find help in the fore-


Soldier.” She interrupted him, “You are safe here.”


I do not know where I am - who are you - am I dead?The man yet questioned, inquiring over and over. Unceasingly.


Silence.” She spoke calmly into his ear, “For you are in my realm, the realm of Aeriel, but I am afraid I cannot keep you long. I have a task for you to complete before your time is truly to come, my friend.


What do you mean?He called to her confused,For I am dead and to go to the afterlife I-


Cutting him off once more she spoke, “You are to help me retrieve what I have lost - the tainted and destroyed souls of the realm. They have escaped my grasp but I am too weak to regain them myself  - they are a danger to all those who seek a future in this realm in which we are now. Go forth and spread my mission, and when your task is complete I will reclaim your soul and you will reside with me for eternity.


It was also here that Aeriel bestowed onto the Shepherd her Mission & Tenants, leaving him to keep those who he employs in check.




The man awoke at the edge of the water - confused at this “fever dream” in which he had just endured. He glanced down to see his wounded and destroyed body but he only found himself staring at freshly healed scars and a glowing hue in his chest. Scrambling to his feet he would look upstream where he had just witnessed the glowing water yet he found nothing.


It was at this moment that the man had realized that such a thing was most likely not a dream. Scanning his body more in-depth he would realize that the dagger that he kept with him was glowing the same color within his chest - a bright angelic white.





“You will renounce your first-born name, your lineage, and be reborn as a Shepherd of Aeriel. My mission, the Mission of the Shepherd, is to employ all of my forces to protect the mortal world and reclaim the twisted, fugitive souls that have tricked their way out of the Soul Stream. You are tasked with seeking out these wretched spirits, and offering them a chance to cleanse their wicked ailments; otherwise, immediate retrieval of their damned soul is mandated so that they may withstand my Grand Judgment. You serve me, and only me, in the realm where I have the least power. Let my power guide you through your ways; for I have bestowed upon you a second chance with my light, and disregarding such will lead to its removal - along with the claim of your soul.”




Descendants who have just been taken under the ‘wing’ the Aengul, Aeriel, by turning themselves into Shepherds are inherently drawn to follow the doctrines and long-term goal of the Caretaker; Her Mission of retrieving lost, fugitive souls.



Aeriel has not only granted these Shepherds with an unique gift to propagate her Grand Duty and will, but a concise amount of doctrines to ensure her power is not misused.

1. Do not partake in the worship of or use the power of other deities. Worship but only Aeriel as she is the source of your purity.


2. To use any maliciously altered artifact or magic that corrupts the soul within, is to disregard the blessing of Aeriel herself. 


3. Do not harm souls in an intentional manner, be a guide, a beacon, and a harbinger of peace and purity upon the forlorn and lost souls of the world.


4. Stray not from her path, for this is your eternal mission, to diverge and fall to the corrupt is to fall from her grace.



These are reasons as to why a Shepherd can be severed, however they can still be broken without OOC repercussion. Examples may be such as employing the use of mysticism hexes, Naztherak boons, etc. It may also be expanded upon scavenging for souls with Mystics, or aiding a Necromancer in the retrieval of another’s life-force.



A Shepherd of Aeriel is a descendent who has been selected to do the bidding of the Caretaker of Souls to help Her maintain her grip upon the realm of Ebrietæs. With the rupture of the Veil, and the countless appearances of nether-spawn (among darkspawn), Shepherds are tasked with the endeavor of ensuring that such souls are to be judged by Aeriel - and the retrieval of those who have escaped the fate of the  stream. Alongside this Shepherds are tasked with protecting future souls from harm through the removal of those who wish to taint or destroy them.






In the early stages of being a Shepherd the Mission that Aeriel had bestowed upon them will stick with them for the duration of their time as a Shepherd. These thoughts are more than just remembering the Mission but include dreams and often visions of seeing the glowing tree of Aeriel.

Alongside their own individual experiences with the Aeugul herself and their Ordainment; there is a toll that takes into account within the mind of a Shepherd.  When casting, shepherds will hear faint whispers and voices within their ears and mind as they tap into Aeriels’ power as a result of the interlinking system that is Aeriel’s Essence which resides within the soul of all Shepherds. These voices are audible though they will never be understood and often sound as if they are ethereal in nature. In the early stages of being a shepherd (Tier One and Two) they can even disrupt casting and focus until they are able to cooperate with their nonsense.

Due to the nature of an amalgamation of tortured voices ringing within their heads, the Shepherd in question may begin to develop side effects such as mild schizophrenia, audible hallucinations, heightened caution in group settings, and even twisted forms of an inherent zealotry in trying to understand the whispers within the deepest recesses of their mind. Thus, causing distrust of others often and can not only hinder relationships, but the functionality of the Shepherd in combat and non-combative settings as well.


Shepherds are quite unlike other more hallowed zealot followers of Aengulic origin and do not possess the inherent drive and pull within their core to attack and purge sources of unholy magic directly. Instead, there is a moral dilemma within the Shepherd at all times, influenced not only by the voices they hear but the compassion that is instilled within them by their patron. While Shepherds by nature are not confrontational beings in a outright manner, they have an ability of free will and are able to decide whether or not to dispatch of an enemy or corrupted being, while culturally it is encouraged, Aeriel alters not the mind of the Shepherd any more than she needs to as she understands the plight that her followers are plagued with as a byproduct of her prowess. Yet, this pull between zealotry and free-will does still exist and is ever present within the Shepherd, torturing their very morality constantly and can cause issues such as indecisiveness and lack of haste within various settings.


Shepherds are by nature couriers of souls to the soulstream and possess more heightened emotional vulnerability from their Aengul so that they themselves can understand the suffering of the very souls they return to her embrace. This brings forth mental rot more often than not and manifests itself in the forms of depression, anxiety, mistrust, and a need for solitude which the Shepherd must constantly strive to overcome. However, this is why the ranks of the Shepherds are so closely knit, acting as support systems for their fellow followers of Aeriel and seeking to create strong bonds with both mortals and primordials (i.e Aeriel).



- Voices are only heard within the individual shepherd and are never audible to those around.

- Voices can disrupt casting at the discretion of the Shepherd. 

- Voices are not to be ignored.

- Do not emote hearing the voices, show physical struggle. Though roleplay is fail roleplay. 

- The Shepherd is constantly in a state of mental anguish and stress due to the nature of the voices and heightened emotional vulnerability granted to them by the prowess of the Aengul.






Once the revered essence of the Aengul, Aeriel, pours into the mortal vessel of the aspiring Shepherd, they will begin to transmute slightly. Due to the lack of control that Aeriel possesses over the mortal realm, she is incapable of empowering or detriment the overall physique of a Shepherd; such meaning that they remain at their strength prior to the connection, if not at the peak of their race.


Their soul, nevertheless, is now tethered with a fragment of the Aengul’s own essence; enacting an ethereal barrier against malicious curses, and the like, that may propagate that evil. Alike, a Shepherd bears some distinct features that singularize them from the rest - some passive tells, present whilst Her Grand Duty is enacted. These ‘tells’ consist of the following; 


Weeping - The soul of a Shepherd is directly bestowed with Aeriel’s radiant gifts, remitting an unceasing glow at the very core of their bodies, as if it were a scar. It may never fade, and it may always shine a persistent white. Alternatively, once the Grand Duty of the Caretaker is enacted via an ability, their eyes overflow with gleaming light with a transpicuous semblance of the Ebriates; one that seemingly liquefies to run down their cheeks, as if they were tear-drops. These tears can take a multitude of colourations, ranging from different light blues to golds and in rare cases reds, pinks, purples, and lime greens. Light emitted from Weeping is akin to that of a soft glow no greater than that of Moonlight. It cannot be used to light up rooms or blind people.

Reverb - Shepherds are blessed with a unique gift, a vocal reverb which employs a layer the voices of current, and past, Shepherds that were under the will of Aeriel behind that of  the main Shepherd’s own voice, creating the desired “reverb” effect. This reverb is due to the fact that a fragment of the Aengul’s essence dwells in each and every one of them - uniting their voices with one another. This Reverb is a blessing as all Shepherds share the same mission carrying the past and the future within their every word. This cannot be used to impersonate anyone or any being (ex. Other shepherds, Aerial, etc.).


Wisps - As the art of employing lustrous and ethereal crystal is now foregone from existence, the Shepherds have instead found an alternative in which they may dip lightly into the Soul Stream; and bring forth black spacial-like wisps to float around their presence. These are mere specks of dust that glimmer if light is shown upon them. The density of them can be compared to that of a very, very light mist that collects around their body. Due to their origin, when they make contact with any object they disappear just as they had summoned. 


- Weeping, Reverb, and Wisps are all active tells of a shepherd.

- Weeping cannot be hidden and will ALWAYS result in glowing tears from the shepherd's eyes upon casting. THIS INCLUDES THE SCYTHE PASSIVE ABILITY.

- Reverbs cannot mimic other’s voices.

- There is always a prominent voice with Reverb, no pretending to be someone else. 

-No tells may cause damage to others passively. 

- The Glow from weepin in regards to the chest must be effectively hidden through a combination of covers. (Shirt - Chainmail - Armor). If not covered effectively light can seep through cracks within clothing or armor. 

- Wisps will never inhibit vision.

-The glowing from Weeping does not emit enough light to protect against the dark or blind people. 

-Wisps cannot be controlled passively. 

-Wisps have no effect on the material realm, nor that of ectoplasmic beings or mystics.

- Wisps do not contain light, and behave as if they were specks of thin glitter. 




The Soul of  a Shepherd

The soul of a Shepherd is different from what it once was prior to Ordainment. During Ordainment the excessive amount of soul essence “bleaches” the soul of the aspirant purifying it to a prestige state. This intense cleansing leaves a soul fragile and susceptible to dark forces such as mystics, naztherak, inferi and so on. Therefore, each shepherd is blessed with a “soul shield” around their soul that is made of Aeriel’s Essence. This shield protects the soul from harm against dark arts (Mystic Scavenging, Inferi Creation, Nephilim Creation, etc. ) and is the reason shepherds are unable to pick up such CA’s or soul affecting magics.

This shield however is not a physical one. Alchemy, Poison, Elements, and so forth still affect a shepherd physically. They are simply immune to any alterations of the soul.


(Monk Revival is still in effect for those who do not wish to pk on death.)




The tiering system is akin to many other magics as Shepherds tier through time. The higher a tier the more audible/visible their active tells are. Along with this the higher tier of a Shepherd the more Aeriel’s Tears they can make giving them access to more abilities. Each ability within this lore piece requires a certain amount of Aeriel’s Tears to perform. This is how we decided to go about progression within the magic piece. For example a Tier One shepherd would only be able to perform abilities that require one  Aeriel’s Tears.


Tier One
2 Weeks

The physical glow/appearance of Tier One Shepherds is a faint low colored hue. In this Tier shepherds will form their first scythe, and have the ability to create One Aeriel’s Tears and store only One at all times.

Tier Two
+2 Weeks
(1 Month)

The physical glow/appearance of Tier Two Shepherds is a faint low colored hue. In this Tier shepherds will form their first scythe, and have the ability to create Two Aeriel’s Tears and store only Two at all times.

Tier Three
+4 Weeks
(2 Months)

The physical glow/appearance of Tier Three Shepherds is a faint low colored hue. In this Tier shepherds will form their first scythe, and have the ability to create Three Aeriel’s Tears and store only Three at all times.

Tier Four
+4 Weeks
(3 Months)

The physical glow/appearance of Tier Four Shepherds is a faint low colored hue. In this Tier shepherds will form their first scythe, and have the ability to create Four Aeriel’s Tears and store only Four at all times.

Tier Five
+4 Weeks
(4 Months)

The physical glow/appearance of Tier Five Shepherds is a faint low colored hue. In this Tier shepherds will form their first scythe, and have the ability to create Five  Aeriel’s Tears and store only Five at all times.


-At tier Five a Shepherd can make a TA.






Tainted Soul : A tainted soul within this lorepiece refers to any soul of an individual that has/have had a connection to Mysticism, Necromancy, Void Stalking, Naztherak, Azdrazi, or any soul affecting magic. This does not include base Voidal Magic, however it is advised against culturally. In reference to other lore pieces this also includes ghosts, wights, and ectoplasmic beings.

Oathing a mortal, or descendant, under the Mission of the Caretaker is a guileful but spiritual process. Firstly, the ritual requires a Tier 5 Shepherd, so their expertise may prove fruitful in diverting a fraction of the fragment of Aeriel’s essence that dwells within them; thus reaching out to the soul of the aspiring Shepherd and allowing for the Aeriel’s radiant power to be shared. An Un-Tainted soul is required due to the fact that Aeriel is the Caretaker of Souls and will only extend such a blessing of Ordainment onto those who follow her guidance of looking after their soul and treating it carefully. The practice of practicing of Soul Affecting magics actively works against the Aeriel and her realm, therefore those with tainted souls are barred from ever partaking in her Mission. Due to the unwavering dedication and sanctity in which Aenguldaemonic connection requires, the Shepherd is unable to learn any other magic aside from lesser feats that do not affect the soul (Ex: Alchemy). (5 Slot Magic)




To begin the process of Ordainment, an experienced Shephard (Tier 5) will begin the ritual by blessing a body of water deep enough to fully submerge the aspiring shepherd with three counts of  Aeriel’s Tears. The aspiriant must then be submerged partially into the water where the Shephard will inflict a wound upon their chest with their Scythe so vital that death would ensue if not treated or the ritual is not completed. Once this has been done the aspirant will then be fully submerged within the water akin to Ezekial and the transformation will begin. The blessed water that surrounds them will begin to pour into their body as the teacher calls upon Aeriel to save them as the ritual continues. Should their soul be untainted and pure of dark magics the Aspirant will soon fall into a deep sleep.

Within this slumber they will see depictions of a glowing tree upon the horizon, where a voice will then whisper the Mission of  a Shepherd within their ear as if the tree was calling upon them.  This is a scene that will forever be remembered or even haunt the shepherd for the rest of their service to the Aengul. While this occurs within their mind their body would begin to be surrounded with glowing wisps of “Soul-Essence '' as the blessed water around them glows vibrantly with Aeriel’s Tears. These tears would have an enhanced state due to Aeriel’s blessing containing a sliver of essence that is Ariel’s power. Seeping into their wound it will begin to patch their flesh together sealing it with a glowing scar as the essence begins to circulate within their body.


After they awaken a shepherd will feel a sharp pain where the wound had been dealt. This very wound would glow alongside the newfound existences of Weeping, Reverb, and Wisps. Accompanying the newly made Shepherd an excessive amount of soul-essence revolves around them within the water. This essence can be used for the construction of their weapon, a Scythe; the sacred blade that they may only wield in the name of Aeriel.

Ordainment consists of one emote of preparing the body of water by pouring the Aeriel’s Tears into it. Another emote dedicated towards the aspirant entering the water. A third for them being stabbed and then submerged. The next following 1-3 emotes consist of the dream in which they will experience. This is done by the Shepherd ordaining them giving them a depiction of what they are to see, and further stating their mission to them rply. After such the next emote will entail the waters mending their wound together and transforming their flesh to entail the physiological changes that a shepherd endures. This process can be extended for roleplay quality.



-OOC & IRP Consent Needed.

- The Ritual will not complete if the student has a tainted soul and if not healed they will die (from being stabbed within the ritual.).
-Shepherd of Aeriel is a 5 Slot magic. 

- The Blessing Ritual must be taught through roleplay. 

- You do not know it if you are blessed, you are asleep.

- Shepherds may learn alchemy and create constructs so long as their soul is unaffected. Loopholes that are attempted will be immediately denied and as such discussed with the ST and amendments shall be added at the discretion of the team.

-This cannot be used to save someone from death as only the ritual wound will be healed.



Compatibility List

Compatible (Before & After Ordainment)

Alchemy, Automaton Crafting, Sorvian Sculpting, Vivification.

Not Compatible (Before & After Ordainment)

Lesser Souls, Mysticism, Naztherak, Siliti, Vargr, Frost Witches, Afflicted, Void Stalking, Nephilim, Soulless Beings, Constructs, Demi-Djinn, Inferi, Fae Creatures, Kha, Corcitura.

Compatible (Before Ordainment NOT After)

House Magery, Void Magic, Blood Magic, All Deific Magics, Shamanism, Kani.



The Scythe

The Scythe is the sacred weapon which all Shepherds wield. These weapons are always defined as daggers, spears, swords, scythes, lances,  polearms and axes. Their shape does not differ from what the weapon was prior to its enchantment; however it’s appearance is greatly influenced. The blade of a scythe takes upon a crystalline appearance as it is blessed with the essence of Aeriel herself. This crystal is as durable as steel and must be roleplayed as such. Whatever material is utilized, regardless of pre-existing traits and the like, shifts to adhere to the crystalline appeal of a  Scythe; acquiring a faint, glimmering sheen over a crystallized surface of pure soul-essence.


Scythe Forging

Forging a Scythe requires the Shepherd to bless a pool of water with Three Counts of Aeriel’s Tears. If they are not able to produce such an amount themselves it is up to their teacher to guide them through the process. After blessing said water, a bladed weapon must then be submerged into it completely. Once placed within the water the blade of the weapon will begin to glow a soft white hue signalling for the next step to take place. With the Scythe, the Shepherd will need to make an incision upon their body in a means to draw blood that will further coat the glowing part of the weaponry. As the blood sets into the crystals of the weapon the forging process will be complete as the powers of Aeriel that flow through the body of the Shepherd  alongside their own mana are utilized through the blade of the Scythe. The color of a scythe is a reflection of the shepherd’s mana. Once the weapon has finally channeled the entirety of Aeriel’s gifts through the forging process, it will become eligible to reckon the melodies of current and past Shepherds; indicating that the holy connection betwixt the Shepherd and the Scythe has been forged successfully. 


These crystals upon the weapon of the blade are the core of many abilities that a Shepherd may utilize. When they come into contact with Aeriel’s Tears, they glow a faint white hue as they channel her essence. For each Aeriel’s Tear that is coated upon the blade of a Scythe allows for the usage of 10 emotes channeling Aeriel’s powers and the usage of the Scythe ability, Aerial’s Blessing.

Scythe Physiology


Scythes and their crystals are as durable as steel. They are as sharp as normal weapons however they will dull over extensive usage and will need to be sharpened. These weapons may be shattered by excessive force, for example being crushed beneath a large warhammer against an anvil, a gate slammed down upon it, etc.. Weapons used for the creation of a scythe must follow all LOTC roleplay guidelines regarding weapons. No 20 foot lances, etc. The crystals formed by a scythe represent the color of a user’s mana. If a scythe is destroyed it will completely destroy the weapon as the crystal shatters and cannot be repaired; meaning that the Shepherd will need to forge a new one. Scythes are also not able to be utilized by anyone aside from the Shepherd who created it, being near impossible for anyone else to pick up, feeling as if it is impossible to move and stuck in place. If a shepherd loses their scythe, the crystals will cease to glow and eventually after 1 OOC day it will shatter from a loss of power.




-A Scythe requires an ST signature.

-Only one scythe at a time, per shepherd.

-Scythes may be formed at any tier, but any Shepherd below tier three will need assistance in attaining three Aeriel’s Tears.

- Scythe’s may only be Axes, Spears, Polearms, Daggers, Swords, Lance, and Scythes.

-No blunt weapons including maces and flails etc.

- In reference to axes and polearms, only the bladed part of the weaponry is coated in crystal. No half axe - half hammer polearm’s used to enact Shepherd abilities.
-A scythe can only be used by the one who created it. No sharing scythes AT ALL.

- Scythes are as hard as steel.

-The crystal does not melt.

-Strong blunt force can shatter the crystal destroying the scythe.

-No multicolored Scythes.

-Shepherds can only get a new scythe if their current one is destroyed.

-If a Scythe is found outside of the shepherds inventory it has no wieldable power, and cannot be used as it will soon deteriorate into a fine crystalline powder. 

-Any material may be used to forge a scythe, as it will be completely transformed into a crystalline weapon.

-Metal handles, leather wraps, etc. may be placed upon the weapon however it can never be completely covered or concealed. 

-Scythes posses NO magical properties outside this lore. No tfig scythes, no automaton scythe arm blade BS, etc. 




[Aeriel's Blessing] - Combative 

[0 Tear(s)]

After coating their Scythe with a single count of Aeriel’s Tears, it will begin to glow a faint white hue for the duration of 10 emotes. During this duration when striking an individual or being with a Tainted Soul. . .

“Tainted Soul : A tainted soul within this lorepiece refers to any soul of an individual that has/have had a connection to Mysticism, Necromancy, Void Stalking, Naztherak, Azdrazi, or any soul affecting magic. This does not include base Voidal Magic, only Void Stalking. In reference to other lore pieces this also includes ghosts, wights, and ectoplasmic beings.”


They will begin to stack counts of damage. These stacks are only applied when the blade of a Scythe makes a direct and effective hit onto flesh/ectoplasm  (meaning that glancing blows or scratches don't qualify).  This stacks to a maximum of 5 strikes. This ability does not, and will NEVER affect beings who do not fall into the category of a Tainted Soul (ex. Alchemists, Voidmages (Except Void Stalkers), etc.) Any damage done by a Scythe will do the same amount of damage as if it was not a blessed weapon. For example if a shepherd wields a dagger scythe and you are cut open with it; whether your soul is tainted or not, it will inflict the same mechanical damage as if it was a normal dagger. Striking someone with a tainted soul once will NOT reveal that they have one - they will merely have a slight warning inside them that they should leave the interaction or dread moving forwards. Additionally, should a lich or a being without flesh be struck, they would feel an unnatural illusion very akin to when they were alive simulating a shortness of breath.


One Strike

Upon initial contact with the blade of a scythe, beings with a tainted soul feel an initial pull against their core - as if they had skipped a breath. Throughout their limbs they would feel a slight fuzziness. 

Two Strikes

At the second strike of a scythe, a slight ringing noise will become persistent in their ear - however - not enough to affect combat, save for annoyance. This will not block casting.  As for their ligaments, the further away phalanges will go numb (fingers and toes, etc.).

Three Strikes

At the third strike of a scythe - it will feel as if the air had been knocked out of them. Their grip upon weapons or other objects will falter slightly making them more susceptible to being knocked from their hand. The ringing will stop however the voice of the wielding shepherd will amplify in regards to their existing tell: reverb.

Four Strikes

At the fourth strike the affected being will find that their arms and legs have gone numb incapacitating them. At this stage they will begin to see black spots within their vision and are susceptible to unconsciousness.

Five Strikes

At the fifth and final strike from a scythe the damage caused to one's powers will incapacitate them from any further actions for the end of the roleplay encounter.




- Once striking someone 5 times the weapon is only utilized mundanely against them.

- This cannot be used to walk around pricking people’s hands open to test them. It must be a combative strike, a stab, a gouge, a slice, etc. 

- This affects ectoplasm as if it were an aurum weapon. 



[Aeriel's Tears] - Non-Combative (Three+ Emotes)

[0 Tear(s)]

(TL;DR) Tears are employed by Shepherds as a way to fuel their abilities - however, they have their own standalone effects. Each ability is listed with how many tears they require to be used to accomplish. For example; if an ability required one tear, a Shepherd would need to make one/use a stored one by applying it in whatever means necessary according to the ability. Below is the listed creation for tears, and how they are applied when healing. At the bottom of this ability is the “tiering” system for Shepherds. You can only use your own tears.


Aeriel’s Tears serve as the foundation of all Shepherd abilities. By coating their Scythe, consuming, or even applying Aeriel’s Tears onto wounds they are able to utilize her blessing; a shepherd’s power. To create this essence a shepherd must bless a body of water with usage of Aeriel’s powers that reside within them. Upon finding a 1x1 space of water a shepherd must use their scythe and make an incision within their flesh. Dropping a few droplets of their blood per 1x1 space, a shepherd may then step back as the enchanting process begins.

Glowing a vibrant hue of colors the newly made Aeriel’s Tears will begin to make a slow, melodic humming noise signifying the finishing of the process so that a shepherd may store it precisely. This process occurs over a span of three emotes; the first making an incision and dropping the blood into the water, the second the water beginning to take different hues of color and hum, and the third consisting of a Shepherd bottling the essence. Aeriel’s Tears may only be created once every three OOC hours, and may only store one count of it in reflectance to their tier. This is caused by the instance of some portion of Aeriel’s powers being drained from their bodies momentarily as they become imbued within the water.

Aeriel’s Tears have limits upon the amount that a Shepherd can have active, or wield at a time. As each Aeriel’s Tears is a physical entrapment of a Shepherd’s powers there are limitations as to how many that they may keep upon their body at a time. For each Tier that a Shepherd has endured they are able to store one more count of Aeriel’s Tears. These Tears may not be sold, nor dispensed onto non Shepherds. They do not need to be ST signed, but a mechanical item is preferred. They may not be utilized as users of any other magic as their powers will falter to extending space / time away from their true wielders.





Alongside their usage within abilities Aeriel’s Tears possess their own significant properties. When applied to recently made flesh wounds, Aeriel’s Tears will begin to heal the flesh in the very same fashion that they heal the chest of a Shepherd upon ordination. Mending the flesh together it would begin to form a white scar tissue with a very faint radiant glow the color of Aeriel’s Tears. This process creates a burning sensation that would feel as if fire was placed upon their flesh as the flesh begins to mend together. (Fancy Hydrogen-Peroxide)

The healing powers of Aeriel’s Tears have limitations. They cannot be used to reattach limbs and other body parts or cure diseases and sicknesses of physical origin. They cannot be applied to weapons (aside from scythes) to inflict damage towards Tainted Souls. The healing powers of this essence is only able to be utilized on the flesh of Untainted souls in reference to this lore piece. The smaller the wound the lower the amount of time that required that the Essence be in contact with the flesh, the greater the time.

Below are tables regarding how many may be made and stored per tier, alongside a table of emotes required per healing.


One Emote

Bruises, Papercuts.

Two Emotes

Slight Lacerations, Pricks, Mild Frostbite

Three Emotes

1st Degree Burns, Mild Lacterations/Cuts, Severe Frostbite

Four Emotes

2nd Degree Burns, Stab Wounds, Large Cuts/Slices

Five Emotes

3rd Degree Burns, Nearly Detached Limbs, 


Tier One
2 Weeks

One Count - One Storage

Tier Two
+2 Weeks
(1 Month)

Two Counts - Two Storages

Tier Three
+4 Weeks
(2 Months)

Three Counts - Three Storages

Tier Four
+4 Weeks
(3 Months)

Four  Counts - Four Storages

Tier Five
+4 Weeks
(4 Months)

Five Counts - Five Storages



- This cannot save someone from near death.

- This cannot revive someone.
- This cannot be used on a tainted soul; this refers to any soul of an individual that has/have had a connection to Mysticism, Necromancy, Void Stalking, Naztherak, Azdrazi, or any soul affecting magic. This does not include base Voidal Magic, only Void Stalking. In reference to other lore pieces this also includes ghosts, wights, and ectoplasmic beings. HOWEVER, if they are not actively within this group this ability may still be used upon them.

- Aerial’s Tears cannot be sold on AH, or RPLY.

- If not in the possession of a Shepherd, they may not be utilized. 

- If a shepherd creates more than they can store, the oldest one will slowly return back to water. 

- They glow like a glowstick.

- Burning doesn’t cause more burns.

- Emotes cannot be skipped or shortened.



[Bloom of Ebrietæs] - Non-Combative (2+ Emotes)

[1 Tear(s)]This ability is an extension of the wisps tell. By consuming one count of  Aeriel’s Tears one can amplify the wisps around their body to create a purely aesthetic display that has no combative advantages whatsoever. They can change the colors of these wisps, and create semi-detailed shapes within them. This cannot expand outside of a 3x3 area. To begin this one must consume a count taking up the first emote - then as many emotes as your heart desires to create pretty sceneries which accuracy varies on the Shepherd’s tier.


- Upon engaging in a combat interaction with another soul-bearing creature, these wisps are immediately washed away from the Shepherd’s vicinity.

-Their accuracy to contort these wisps into shapes and the like progressively evolves with time’s passing, and the continuation of their tiers, reaching a state in which they may employ these wisps to immaculate perfection upon achieving Tier 5.

-Wisps have no effect on the material realm, nor that of ectoplasmic beings or mystics.

- Wisps do not contain light, and behave as if they were specks of thin glitter. 



[Shepherd’s Calling] - Combative (3 Emotes)

[1 Tear(s)]

By consuming one count of  Aeriel’s Tears one can use this to expel their reverb tell in a combative fashion. This ability simply amplifies their many voices into a disorienting scream that may shake the very firmaments of nearby soul-bearing creatures. If one is caught in this line of fire they will damage their ears causing them to bleed slightly, however, this is simple to avoid if precaution is made. To start this ability one must drink their count of essence taking up the first emote. In the second emote small particles will begin to disperse in a 1x3 area before them as small wisps of the essence begin to seep out like smoke. In the third and final emote the shepherd can disperse a soundwave of their vocal revered onto a directed 1x5 area before them. This ominous audible display lasts for a total of two emotes, allowing it to be redirected in the direction of 1 block for the second emote. After performing such an act the Shepherd will lack their voice for a mere 2 emotes, leading every emote for the rest of the encounter for them to have a harsh & raspy voice.


If caught in this ability's effective area - for the duration of the screams and one emote afterwards you will find yourself feeling light-headed and nauseous; there will also be ringing in your ears preventing further casting. After this interaction you will have a ringing in your ear leaving you to be hard of hearing for the following 24 hours, but nothing inhibiting combat.


- This will not destroy anyone’s eardrums. 

- It will not make their head explode, or any other obscene thing. 1x5 means one block wide and 5 blocks forwards. This can be in any direction they can face their mouth.

-Ally of Foe this will disrupt casting if not avoided.
- This will disrupt voidal casting.



[Starlit Lantern] - Non-Combative (2 Emotes)

[1 Tear(s)]

With this ability a shepherd can consume a single count of  Aeriel’s Tears to amplify their glowing tell. This ability has zero blinding effect in combat as it is only as effective as a lantern in regards to light. This means that it is not a flashbang, it cannot blind people, it cannot disrupt casting or anything of that matter. An example of another way this can be utilized in combat however is Starlit Lantern shines through Mystic hindering, and pushes it back briefly for a span of three emotes before succumbing to it’s force. To cast this ability the first emote consists of a Shepherd drinking one count of  Aeriel’s Tears and in the second their already existing glow becomes more apparent as it lights a 5x5 area around them for a duration of 10 emotes.  




- This lights up a 5x5 area of light around them for 10 emotes.

- It is more of a soft glow and will not blind or hurt anyone ever.

- This is not a flashbang.

-It will never harm someone’s eyes.



[Purging] - Combative (6+ Emotes.)
[4 Tear(s)] 

(TL;DR) When performing purging it is important that both players work together to follow their respected lore guidelines in regards to severance. This method is similar to how a shepherd is created, and is only usable by tier four shepherds.

There will come a time in which a Shepherd’s preaching about one’s soul reaches those who possess a tainted one, leading them to want to seek out their help. Aerial has granted Shepherds an ability to remove “stains” or “marks” from one’s soul in regards to taint whether it be infernal, voidal, or even ectoplasmic. This can ONLY ever be done on self-wishing beings; meaning a shepherd cannot forcefully purge someone’s soul of darkness.

To begin this process one will need to utilize that of  Aeriel’s Tears by creating a large enough pool to fit the individual inside of it, however only three emotes will be needed for a maximum of a 5x5x5 space. Following this, the one that wishes to have their soul cleansed will need to submerge themselves into the water, and expose a piece of their flesh. After this takes place the scythe can then create a laceration upon their core where the water will begin to soak into their body; as the purging process begins.

Once this begins to take place the one being purged will feel all of their senses enhance and their body will begin to feel warmer. The pool itself will begin to shine bright as the waters begin to fight the taint among the individual's soul. After this initial contact the pain will begin to set in as a battlefield is erupting within them. A tense tugging feeling will be apparent and the pain will feel like nothing else they have endured before. Once this process begins a shepherd can take as many emotes as they wish for appeal - however only two more are needed after fully submerging their recently made wound.

Upon completion of this ability the following effects may take place. Any soul affecting MA will be removed from the character and they will suffect any disconnection processes/impairments linked to their existing lore pieces. Should this ability be done upon an inferi - such an act will only kill their soul in the process sending the infernal one back to that of Moz-Strimoza and their initial one into the soulstream, killing the character permanently as such a bodily transformation cannot be undone even by that of Aeriel. As for voidal mages they will find themselves being unable to anchor from the void entirely.

One cost to this ability that those who remove such forces from themselves is the inability to learn any other soul affecting magic; preventing them from going back to their old habits and ways in regards to magic and so fourth. This is done due to the fact that such a cleansing leaves one’s soul pure, but fragile. This can be compared to the equivalent of a stain being bleached repeatedly. This means that while yes, they are prohibited from taking up soul affecting magics, they are still susceptible to taking damage from it like everyone else.



Requires OOC consent to cleanse any tainting, blight, etc., that persists on a character's soul. If it is not given, then the character will be affected as if they were normally cut accompanied by a black scar at the site of the wound . If at any point the character is forcefully removed from the water, the cleansing fails. Once this is done the MA or CA in mention must be presented to an ST so that it can be nullified. AGAIN, THIS REQUIRES EXPLICIT OOC CONSENT.



[Swan Song] - Combative (4 Emotes)

[3 Tear(s)]There will come a time when a shepherd has reached the end of their journey; and wishes to face the Aengul Aeriel once more. This does not send someone to the same place as the Ascended, merely onto their destined afterlife. To do this a Scythe must first douse their blade in three counts of tears to empower it. Doing so will make it a bright white light as they prepare for the next step; this takes up one emote. Afterwards they will then need to drive their empowered scythe into their chest where it can make contact with their soul. Such two forces combined will immediately start the ascension of their soul back onto the realm of the soulstream.  As the soul of a shepherd cannot be affected it will create an immense build up of pressure. In the third emote a loud vibrating noise will become audible as a sign of the building pressure. Within the fourth emote, the soul of the Shepherd will be disbursed to Ebrietæs, and the scythe will explode in a concussive blast of soul essence in a 10x10 range around the shepherd. This will create a very bright flash of light akin to that of a flashbang temporarily disorientating anyone who views it for one emote. This expelled light will immediately do the same damage unto tainted souls as would 5 counts of damage in the ability Aeriel's Blessing. This will permanently kill the player who enacted such a task.


- Performing this ability results in a PK of the player.

-10x10 Radius.

- The Flash only blinds anyone who sees it for 1 emote.

- The noise of this ability does not harm anyone or anything. 

- The soul of the shepherd who performs this returns to Aeriel.



[Severance] - Combative (4+Emotes)

[10 Tear(s)]

Severance is the most destructive thing that can happen to a Shepherd. This ritual takes 10 tears, meaning only two Tier 5 shepherds may do it. To begin this both shepherds must coat each of their scythes each with 5 Aeriel’s Tears.  After doing such it will glow an extremely white, vibrant glow alongside that of humming; consisting of the first emote. After this a Shepherd must recite the following aloud to the soon-to-be-removed Shepherd;


“For the Blessing of Aeriel is the most sacred of gifts one can receive; but you have challenged her light and  brought darkness upon it. Therefore you must perish by it.”


Once this has been done, the Shepherds in question must successfully drive their scythe into the core of the Shepherd in which they seek to disconnect. Upon doing so - it will enact the Swan’s Song ability that Shepherds may perform albeit forcefully. The Shepherds who are disconnecting the other shepherd are still affected by the explosion accordingly.



-Knowledge of the PK Clause must be made rply and recorded on the Shepherds TA.

- This takes two Tier 5 Shepherds to perform. 

- Disconnection must have an RP reason.

- Proof of reason must be stated rply to the shepherd.

- Taking upon the MA players accept there is a PK clause associated with it.






The general redlines of the lore goes as follows:


-Shepherds of Aeriel is a deific magic, branched directly under the Aengul Aeriel.

-They are not Ascended, they are separate beings.

-They are allowed to partake in any other magic, feat, CA, etc. that does not affect their soul. HOWEVER, this does not mean that any creature may become acquainted with the light of Aeriel; for she only reaches to full-blooded descendants.

-Scythes must be signed by ST to signify that they are sacred tools and you can only have one.

-Becoming a Shepherd does not permit any additional knowledge of Aeriel save for her mission and tenants and the fact that she appeared as a speaking tree in unknown lands.

-At death, they return back to Aeriel as their purpose has been served.

-If they are ever disconnected - they also return to her meaning permanent death.

-As for abilities, you must use the required Tear’s for each ability, and no you cannot use other’s you must use your own. Meaning that if you are tier one, you can only make one tear per day and only store one, that means you cannot do something like Swan Song that takes three. This is my way of combining the tiering system, ability exhaustion, etc. into one mechanic.

-Don’t use abilities you aren’t told about and taught by someone without a  VALID TA.

-Knowledge of Severance must be marked on the MA.

-Abilties only work on Voidal Mages that have a TAINTED SOUL from separate voidal feats, casual void mages do not have a tainted soul.


With the constant introduction of dark magics and creatures, I feel that it was only right to add onto the active story affecting such. This is my take on deity magic combined with aspects of the most recent Ascended, however instead of making them killing machines/demi-gods as many seemed to be, I instead decided to make them take more of a toll on storytelling as their abilities are more for those around them within roleplay save for the mere three or so combative ones. The goal/reason of these existing RPLY is that with the absence of the ascended it has left the world to become swiftly filled with that of dark creatures and magics driving Aeriel’s concern for the well-being of souls to be more apparent. Shepherds do not affect the soulstream, only bring people into it who have escaped its judgement and defend it from those who may challenge Aeriel’s claim to such. Aerial is a lawfully good type of Aengul, and I feel like this lore piece represents her in that light effectively.




Qizu - Author - Main Author, Concept Design, & Creator, Re-Write Co-Author.

Sug - Author - Re-Write Co-Author.

VictoriaMinaj - Author - Grammar, Ideas, & Formatting

Dragoon - Author - Ideas
Kalehart - Author - Technicalities


TreeSmoothie - Consultation
Gamma_Byte - Consultation (Lot’s of It in the Early Stages!)
BoyWonderr - Consultation (Hype Man)



Reference Pieces


Soul Stream

Aeriel Lore


Denied Lore



LT Feedback & Fix

-A lot of the writing is quite flowery and vague, and could be significantly more concise and mechanical where necessary (Most notably, in a lot of the redlines with very weird handwavey words.)

Rewrite Fix: Many words and sentences were simplified and more direct terminology was used to remove the opportunity for misunderstanding things and the lore piece coming off as vague.


-The connection never states how many slots it takes at connection or tier 5, the compatibility list vaguely implies at least one is taken up, but is never specified.

Rewrite Fix: We have added that the magic is a 5-Slot magic allowing opportunity for players to take up feats to allow for more flavorful roleplay and diversity in how they wish to play their character through small feats such as alchemy.


-Mentality is riddled with very vague terminology and implicative text (Are they powergaming if they don't KOS darkmages or suspected darkmages? Do they go insane by having souls ramble in their ears)

Rewrite Fix: Mentality was changed to clarify that they do not have a “hive-mind” and only hear ethereal voices as a result of interlinked shepherds. Shepherds are not driven to kill or purge darkspawn or beings by Aeriel or the magic itself and is decided upon individual morals.


-Describing the 'hive-mind' unity bestowed by Aeriel as a motherboard could be better worded, as given the server's tech level for roleplay, science fiction isn't something our writing should dip our toes into. 

Rewrite Fix: There is no longer a redline depicting a “hive-mind” as it no longer exists.


-There comes the trouble of the single-minded approach to purging/healing errant or fugitive souls, which was part of what gave Aeriel connections issues in the past. While 'errant souls' is a lot more diverse than simply 'dark mages or creatures', this doesn't offer more change to the Shephard compared to what an Ascended would hunt in the modern age: mystics, darkspawn, ghosts, darkstalkers, etc. are all under this umbrella, and all of them are referenced through this lore. This mentality (and to a point, the tenants) locks nearly all Shephard players into the same type of archetype, which effectively prohibits more variety in the approach/usage of this magic in roleplay.


Rewrite Fix: There is no longer a single minded approach, now allowing for more grey area rp and a lack of zealotry in the sense of purging forlorn and corrupt souls. This adds multiple layers of internal conflict to the Shepherd’s roleplay and even more layers into the morality between good and evil when interacting with other players of a more dark inclination, giving both parties the ability to avoid direct enforced conflict and instead pursue more roleplay and morality based conflict that doesn’t have to result in violence.


-"Shepherds will never kill haphazardly, instead opting to request for one’s permission prior to freeing their soul. They may never feel an attraction to such, or develop a liking, lest it is directed toward darkspawn among others." - Is this saying that if they get permission from a random passerby, they can just claim their soul? Aerial would probably prefer people dying to natural causes, plus wouldn’t that count as a suicide? Assisted suicide no less, which is just odd. As for dark spawn, does that mean they usually ask the undead/darkspawn before claiming their soul? This part needs to be more fleshed out in redlines or in the mechanics when you’re dictating how people need to act.

Rewrite Fix: Removed.


-The tenants are lackluster, and very vague- with a tenant-based disconnection, vague tenants (Such as "Do not work with others to harm souls"), is very undescribed and broad, leaving at interpretation and future argument over what it exactly means.  The inclusion of transfig and other magics is somewhat weird and out of place too, and very much does not make sense.

Rewrite Fix: Tenants are not solely based upon disconnection as they are only  “cultural tenants” that can be used to justify Disconnection. Shepherds who know of the disconnection ritual can disconnect Shepherds so long as they have RP justification to do so. Following these changes we have made changes to shrink the possibility that someone uses broad tenants to disconnect someone.


-There is an implied curse immunity that doesn't have any redlines or guidelines, or described effects

Rewrite Fix: We have added a section regarding the soul of a shepherd.


-The part mentioning they can hear souls and use it as a ‘motherboard’ is a little odd, and not further introduced. It feels as though this is more reserved for something like mystics, rather than having all of the soulstream as a soundboard to listen in on. Aswell, it's semi-sci-fi and just seems a bit weird to touch off introducing. 

Rewrite Fix: Removed.


-Weeping needs clarification, such as how bright the glow is to prevent powergaming utility of the glowing effect. For example, can the scar be seen through regular clothes, can Seers see it at all times, etc.

Rewrite Fix: We have fixed the above feedback by adding the appropriate redlines and detailed how strong the glow is within the lore.


-Reverb while echoing should give an idea of volume (#rp vs #s), and as well cannot be used to simply impersonate either Aeriel or a crowd (not to mention other potential Shephards)

Rewrite Fix: Reverb was adjusted so that it is now a main voice followed by the reverb of many other voices. Redlines were also added to prevent impersonation of others / crowds. Reverb is as loud as the player themselves is able to speak as it is a passive, non-combative ability that is purely aesthetic to show that they are a Shepherd.

-Wisps need clarity, such as whether they pass through solid objects, can be moved or be seen through at the Shephard's connection, and whether they project a presence or even light in the area.

Rewrite Fix: Clarified the physical properties of wisps, their density, and their effects.

-The redlines need to be specific. 'Afflicts' the soul is too broad of a criteria, and is glossed over in exchange for emphasizing the characteristics.

Rewrite Fix: We included a definition of what an afflicted soul is within the lore piece, and why Aeriel would not endow her blessing upon someone who contains one. If magics were forgotten or not specified please inform the lorewriter so that the necessary changes can be made.


-Tiers need to describe how much each Tier changes, to be able to tell them apart at a glance. This should be as simple to tell apart as possible, so that ST can tell at a glance what tier of Shephard you are

Rewrite Fix: Tiers have been changed.


-Rather than an open-ended redline, there should probably be a compatibility list or a hard-set definition of requirements for this magic.

Rewrite Fix: We have added a compatibility list beneath the Ordainment section. As there are so many pieces of lore due tell if we missed some.


-"Unable to learn any MA or take up any CA that afflicts the soul."  - Go further, explain specifically which magics they cannot use. By having Shepherds capable of full descendant strength, We can see some problems if they are allowed to pick up void magic or otherwise, even though later it shows they can target void mages.

Rewrite Fix: We have included the above changes. As for voidal magics and other slotted magics we have made this lore piece contain 5 magic slots. Aerial would not like for her shepherds to have voidal ties due to the fact that it inhibits their work for her HOWEVER, this does not go to say that the magic works against voidal beings entirely. The ONLY instance in which this lore affects a voidal mage is if they have chosen the feat voidstalking which taints their soul.


-The connection doesn't make much sense, as there's an oath established, but there is no oath. It references an ability while describing none of the mechanics.

Rewrite Fix: We have clarified and made a more defined idea of what Ordainment/Connection is

-Connection should be clarified as distinctly as possible. The severity of this process indicates the subject should, rightfully, die. The imbuement of Aeriel's 'essence' would not be strong enough to heal a mortal wound that would cause the apprentice's soul to 'return' after being made to 'retreat'. While a ritual this is effectively a one-emote heal from a fatal wound. Overall, the connection process should contain a minimum number of emotes and examples of how this should work, to prevent RP of 'healing' nearly-dead characters to avoid PKs by transformation into a Shephard.

Rewrite Fix: Redlines have been added to prevent someone from performing a life-saving feat through connection. We have changed the mechanical part to simply include three count’s of Aeriel’s Tears. It is noted that they will never heal a non-fatal wound, which is why a ritual must occur in which Aeriel enhances the strength of the essence when she is called upon. This “enhanced” essence of hers is what blesses Shepherds with their powers and saves them from the oncoming death. The actual connection part is akin to a “dream” that they endure as they remain on the verge of death. This dream haunts the Shepherd as a result of them going through with such a vigorous attempt of garnering her blessing. This is how Shepherds receive her mission; the purpose of them being blessed. TL;DR a shepherd refers to someone, she saves them, they are her servants now.


-Says that scythes sacrifice durability, but say they're effectively iron strength, which isn't very fragile

Rewrite Fix: We have removed the phrase regarding weakness, and have changed the durability of the blade to be Steel.


-There is no real definition on what can be made a scythe

Rewrite Fix: Definition of scythe’s has been elaborated upon and restrictions of what kinds of scythes can be feasible with the magic have been clarified.


-Why is there a super harsh penalty for destruction? How does one restore their soul to its full potential if its destroyed?

Rewrite Fix: Removed the harsh penalty and soul restoration has been removed from the Scythe.


-Aeriels blessing makes reference of a charge system thats difficult to find or isn't there, says damage to flesh activates effects- Could a mace scythe be used to 4-hit-kill someone through their armour? Why are 4 and 5 hits effectively the same? What about a being without flesh like a Lich or a Wight? Having both an attack that makes someone bleed, while also slowly sapping their strength can work a little too well. Of course having to land each strike is one thing. With the effect on the third strike stating it feels as though the air has been knocked from their chest, what if the darkspawn doesn’t breathe? Do they get an unusual sensory illusion of breath?

Rewrite Fix: Edited, reworded, and fixed with the addition of the unusual sensory illusion of breath given to beings without skin or corporeal forms.


-Swan's Song is an insta-kill for anyone in #s radius if they're a darkmage of voidal, even if pking- that can be skirted around (unless otherwise redlines) and is really overpowered. “This expelled light will immediately do the same damage unto tainted souls as would 5 counts of damage in the ability Aeriel's Blessing.” - Does this mean that the ‘full damage’ is just the flashbang, or the killing blow delivered to the shepherd itself? This is the difference between darkspawn getting blinded, or just getting obliterated. Within the 10 block range of Swan Song, can it be blocked by evocated barriers, mundane barriers, etc.

Rewrite Fix: Swan’s Song was never an insta-kill, nor a shout radius spell. Perhaps the ST did not read this thoroughly. It has been and remains as a 10x10 radius spell that takes four emotes to perform. It is also not “overpowered” as it only knocks out darkmages/darkspawn if they cannot escape it. Again, 10x10 and they have 4 emotes to leave it. Even then, the said Shepherd will be forced to pk.


-The DC is an implied PK clause, but not hard-set and let to vague and open interpretation

Rewrite Fix: DC is now a hard set PK clause.


-Healing via Aeriel's Tears is vague and not given definition. It takes three emotes minimum, keeping them submerged, pulling them out, which is effective on nearly all wounds. Extremely fast, and encourages very lazy healing. A tier five shepherd would be able to make cubic 10 meters of blessed water, which would be a lot to ‘haul’, as it states they are capable of carrying/bottling their tier’s worth of water. The weight of this would be ridiculous, even for tier 3-4, might just want to further clarify if they are allowed to haul an actual 10 cubic meters of water. Tier 3 doesnt state how many counts youre making, just the area you can bless.

Rewrite Fix: We have fixed the– vagueness and removed the larg scale healing. We also upped the emotes in regards to the wounds they would be healing.


-Starlit Lantern should likely shine through Mystic hindering, and push it back (if only briefly)

Rewrite Fix: We have added the above recommendation to the ability Starlit Lantern


-Does Shepherds calling cancel voidal casting, or other concentration? It claims it doesn’t have any other combative abilities past giving people nausea and light headedness.


Rewrite Fix: Yes, it now cancels voidal casting. Unfortunately even for those who are within the Shepherds own party, thus creating a good level of balance for combat situations and events.

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Compatibility List

Compatible (Before & After Ordainment)

Alchemy, Automaton Crafting, Sorvian Sculpting, Vivification, Corcitura.

Not Compatible (Before & After Ordainment)

Lesser Souls, Mysticism, Naztherak, Siliti, Vargr, Frost Witches, Afflicted, Void Stalking, Nephilim, Soulless Beings, Constructs, Demi-Djinn, Inferi, Fae Creatures. 

Compatible (Before Ordainment NOT After)

House Magery, Void Magic, Blood Magic, All Deific Magics, Shamanism, Kani.



Vampire Shepherds ayo?


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Not to sound confused, but doesn't void magic cause any magic spawned from a deity (aengul/daemon) to go wonky due to the void being anti creation? Or perhaps I am just missing something.

Also, I thought that Heralds (ordained, regular, or Azdrazi) don't suffer tainted souls (merely that Azdrazi have an irregular dragon soul)

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1 hour ago, King_Kunuk said:

Not to sound confused, but doesn't void magic cause any magic spawned from a deity (aengul/daemon) to go wonky due to the void being anti creation? Or perhaps I am just missing something.

Also, I thought that Heralds (ordained, regular, or Azdrazi) don't suffer tainted souls (merely that Azdrazi have an irregular dragon soul)

Heraldry doesnt work with any diety magic I believe.

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Why can they be vampires

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Just now, Valannor said:

Why can they be vampires

Corcitura doesn’t affect the soul. Siliti does and it doesn’t work with the magic.

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31 minutes ago, Qizu said:

Corcitura doesn’t affect the soul. Siliti does and it doesn’t work with the magic.


The corcituri are the cursed descendants of the silit archon Eireamhan, the Hermit. Unlike the immortal siliti - the full-blooded heirs of the remaining eight archons - the curse of the corcituri is a mongrel taint upon the souls of otherwise mortal beings, setting them apart and beneath siliti as a corrupted variant of descendant, as opposed to another creature entirely. 



This corruption upon the descendant soul is therefore considerably less concrete than the irrevocable marrows of the siliti, and can be purged with the proper tools. 

Shamanic farsight, paladin purging and the alchemic muritor elixir all have a chance (dictated by OOC consent) to cure a corcitură of their condition, reverting them back to their untainted descendant selves.


Former corcitori who have been freed of their curse will be traumatised by both the process and the revelation of any harm inflicted by their past actions whilst cursed. Plagued by guilt-fueled nightmares about their former selves as well as the trauma of the rites which purged their curse for the years to come, these cleansed individuals will suffer a drastic phobias surrounding the concepts of vampirism as well as paladinism, shamanism or alchemy (depending on which methods were utilised to cured them). 

-Cleansing an individual of the curse of the corcitură will require their OOC consent. 
-Upon successful completion of a cleansing, it is the responsibility of the former corcitură player to contact the ST with evidence of this cleansing RP to have their feat application denied.

-A Cleansed Corcitură will be deathly fearful until death of whatever means of purging/cleansing were performed to revoke their curse. These fears never dissipate, and would bar the former Corcitură from practicing or affiliating with whatever means may have cleansed them. Ergo, a paladin-purged former Corcitură would not be able to learn paladinism.

-Cleansing an individual of the Corcitură curse utilising Shamanism will require a Farseer to grant a blessing of Scorthuz as outlined in Shamanism lore. Similarly, cleansing utilising Paladinism will require one to carry out the ‘Purging’ ability as outlined in Paladin lore. Attempting to utilise the Muritor Elixir will require an ST approved alchemy item.


It corrupts the soul. Not sure what lore you're reading that Corcitura aren't tainted

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30 minutes ago, Valannor said:
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The corcituri are the cursed descendants of the silit archon Eireamhan, the Hermit. Unlike the immortal siliti - the full-blooded heirs of the remaining eight archons - the curse of the corcituri is a mongrel taint upon the souls of otherwise mortal beings, setting them apart and beneath siliti as a corrupted variant of descendant, as opposed to another creature entirely. 


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This corruption upon the descendant soul is therefore considerably less concrete than the irrevocable marrows of the siliti, and can be purged with the proper tools. 

Shamanic farsight, paladin purging and the alchemic muritor elixir all have a chance (dictated by OOC consent) to cure a corcitură of their condition, reverting them back to their untainted descendant selves.


Former corcitori who have been freed of their curse will be traumatised by both the process and the revelation of any harm inflicted by their past actions whilst cursed. Plagued by guilt-fueled nightmares about their former selves as well as the trauma of the rites which purged their curse for the years to come, these cleansed individuals will suffer a drastic phobias surrounding the concepts of vampirism as well as paladinism, shamanism or alchemy (depending on which methods were utilised to cured them). 

-Cleansing an individual of the curse of the corcitură will require their OOC consent. 
-Upon successful completion of a cleansing, it is the responsibility of the former corcitură player to contact the ST with evidence of this cleansing RP to have their feat application denied.

-A Cleansed Corcitură will be deathly fearful until death of whatever means of purging/cleansing were performed to revoke their curse. These fears never dissipate, and would bar the former Corcitură from practicing or affiliating with whatever means may have cleansed them. Ergo, a paladin-purged former Corcitură would not be able to learn paladinism.

-Cleansing an individual of the Corcitură curse utilising Shamanism will require a Farseer to grant a blessing of Scorthuz as outlined in Shamanism lore. Similarly, cleansing utilising Paladinism will require one to carry out the ‘Purging’ ability as outlined in Paladin lore. Attempting to utilise the Muritor Elixir will require an ST approved alchemy item.


It corrupts the soul. Not sure what lore you're reading that Corcitura aren't tainted

oh dear! thank you for catching that for me then I'll make the fix asap <3

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2 hours ago, Qizu said:

- This cannot be used on a tainted soul within this lorepiece refers to any soul of an individual that has/have had a connection to Mysticism, Necromancy, Void Stalking, Naztherak, Azdrazi, or any soul affecting magic. This does not include base Voidal Magic, only Void Stalking. In reference to other lore pieces this also includes ghosts, wights, and ectoplasmic beings. HOWEVER, if they are not actively within this group this ability may still be used upon them.


Can you clarify on this? I am a bit confused on the last line, and I am a bit concerned as well. This seems like a way to simply tell who is a dark mage/creature by simply pouring water on them and saying it didn't work so they must be xyz.

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9 minutes ago, Faewilds said:


Can you clarify on this? I am a bit confused on the last line, and I am a bit concerned as well. This seems like a way to simply tell who is a dark mage/creature by simply pouring water on them and saying it didn't work so they must be xyz.

I fixed the wording on the redline, I'm not too sure what we could do to prevent metagaming here so when we figured it out I will reply to this in the future with the update. Ty for the feedback <3

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