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Return of the Shrogo


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The Mushroom Demands: A Shrogo Listens!


Deadcap Mushroom man for fantasy story by Sketchytrav on DeviantArt

Iggit bears witness to a message...


A lone goblin crawls around the cramped confines of the cave, searching. His long, crooked nose, sniffed with urgency as he continues onward. Cave-scorpions, and other creepy-crawlies skitter about the cavern, avoiding the gobbo.


"Eeeeeaaaaaaaaaargh!" he cries, entering a part of the cave that had opened up into a larger, wider area. Mushrooms galore populated the cave floor. It was a treasure trove for the young goblin. He had been searching for years for this, a mad-cap shroom! Without fanfare he dove into his bounty, hastily consuming as much as his heart desired. Having his fill, he laid his back against the cave floor and began to drift into sleep.

"Arise, my child!" a voice boomed. The gobbo jumped up, and began to cower in fear. "You must find your brethren, and grow me my offerings!"

"Uuurgh, eeeaaagh?!" the goblin whimpered, standing up straight as if possessed. In front of him stood a ghoulish creature, a walking mushroom with a face and a body. He knew who she was: Luara, as his father and mother had once told him-- the Bad Moon herself. It was clear: he was to find the other scatted and lost.

"Yes! You have passed my first test, my child. Now go, bring the return of the Shrogo!" the voice commanded, bringing the goblin to his knees.


In reality, Iggit was on the cave floor, shaking and frothing at the mouth. Nevertheless, when he awoke from his two day long coma, he left the cave at night a new goblin. No longer would he scavenge Almaris for a lick of shroom. Now, Iggit had a purpose.


"The gobbos of Shrogo will-will return!"

OOC: Looking to revive Clan Shrogo. Msg me on discord (Khakis#1709) if interested. I'm also in Raguk and Krugmar discord.

Edited by Inferno_Ougi
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Fishbref welcomes the returning goblin.

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A certain pale, malnourished goblin wakes up from his most recent mushroom trip, his eyes still dizzy from what to a non-addict would be considered an overdose. He pukes up a mix of caterpillar and mushrooms, before screeching "LOP LUARA!" at the top of his lungs. The visions were proven to be true; it was time to return home. 

Edited by CornPhlake
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Nuda'Shrogo smiles the moons smile from the Stargush at the drug-addled shrieks of his still living brothers.

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