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The merchant agreement


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Over the course of a few weeks Rinehart Stamirsk and Pyrin Nira-Crane negotiated about funding a company in Elysium they would fight back and forth until they agreed to the following terms of the agreement. "The grand Trog' which will further on be recognized Company A and the newly founded 'the Crane guild' which will now be recognized as company B."
 Company A will pay company B in the amount of 300 mina on loan as well as advertise for company b and occasionally send company A employees to assist in breeding of the horses 


 Company B will pay company A equal to the amount of 30% of the sales on each horse as well as dividends every elven month. on the matter of the loan the agreed amount of interest of 10% (51 mina for 6 irl weeks or in a lump sum of 308.90)) company B also agreed to company A owning 35 percent of company B as well as to add a fallout clause which states the following


"if company A no longer is competent in the production strength of company B then Company A may pull out of the deal and will be able to seize 35 percent of company B this can be paid out in the form of territory, mina and, product (horses) failure to release the correct amount can lead to suing from company A and have it sorted by king Eugeo of Elysium"

[!] at the bottom of the scroll is two signed names




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Frisket looked at this missive, both happy for the negotiations and very confused, as to who is ripping who off exactly, she chuckles and laughs as she goes back to her work

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