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The Elemental Warriors (Krug-hai)


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The stories of the orcs have been long forgotten, some ancestral stories died out as bloodlines of the orcs ended. Legends of the era of Mogroka'Gorkil, Ruzk'Dom, and even Eath'Lur have faded from the minds. As the orcs worked, rebuilding shrines and rediscovering long and forgotten spirits, one legend became more than a simple story. The story of the Elemental Warriors, those who worship the elements at all times, even in the midst of battle. These warriors used their weapons as a way of worship, often selecting a fighting style bestowed upon them by the spirits. After years of meditation and worship, these fighting styles were collected and documented by the Krug-hai for the future warriors of the Uzg to utilize. 



-= Fire =-

Fire spirits are often noted as a spirit of rage and revenge. They are the spirits that come the closest to the curse of orcish bloodlust. A fire spirit who begins a fight can never stop until everything around them is a pile of ashes or a burnt corpse. The fighting style of the Fire Elementals is adopted by those of the Krug-hai who show no mercy to their enemies. Those who fight like the fire spirits often use two axes or two maces and charge into battle, never fearing death and never retreating. 


-= Storm =-

Storm spirits are what some would call crazy, but the Krug-hai like to call unpredictable. Though they act wildly, they are the ones that shape the mind and heart of the orcs. Storm spirits are noted to be honorable to the Kubs of Krug, they are the watchful eye from above. Though, when a storm starts, heavy damage occurs. Krug-hai who adopted the style of the Storm Elementals often use a two-handed weapon. They are the talented fighters that follow the wave of fire into battle or serve as the Vanguard for the Rex.


-= Earth =-

Earth spirits are the spirits no-one really understands. Some love to destroy, but they do it so they can rebuild what they destroy. Spirits of Earth have been known to destroy villages just so those who once dwelled in the region can rebuild their homes. The Krug-hai that adopted the fighting style of the Earth Elementals choose to use sword and shield and march slowly into battle. They have been known to hold the front line with their brothers, often taking a beating. The Earth style empowers the Krug-hai that choose the path, the orcs often losing limbs but maintaining their line and marching forward.

-= Air =-
Air spirits pride themselves in long range combat. One air spirit is able to collapse an entire encampment of orcs with a single breath. The Krug-hai that adopt the style of the Air Elementals often use a bow and arrow. Legendary orcs who followed the Air style were able to snipe targets before they could see them. They are specialists who can disable an enemy before they are able to draw their blade in defense. 

-= Metal =-

Metal spirits are picky spirits. It is easy to anger a Metal Elemental, even a small patch of rust on the edge of a blade can cause the end of an orc's life around it. Metal Spirits are not just about hunks of metal, they are about what you can do with it. Metal Spirits enjoy siege weapons, fancy and decorated weapons, and advancements from the goblins. Those of the Krug-hai who adopted the Metal style are often the smiths and inventors of new ways to inflict damage to the enemies of the Uzg.


-= Water =- 

Water spirits are lovely beings. They are the ones that love music and art. They are often spirits that travel hundreds of miles to see what they can. It is rumored that a orc once seduced a water spirit using nothing but a flute and a drum. The Krug-hai that choose the way of the Water Elementals often use spears and horses, but they are also quick on their feet. A group of Krug-hai who worshipped the Water Spirits once led a horse charge, the humans on the other end did not realize they were orcs, they thought it was a tsunami crashing over the banks and into them.


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