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Thesis | The Last Rites


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As we have noticed from the on-going conflict between the Canonists, we see utter brutality in their executions, no last rites being given and no compassion shown towards one of their own spiritual brothers and sisters. If any of our fellow humans have been judged by a Canonist nation, let us return the same mercy that is described in the Holy Scrolls when Exalted Horen wrote the following in his scrolls. The last rites that are to be given to those who face the sentence of death; for whatever crime they have committed against GOD, his clergy or Canonist nation. GOD is the one who has created all of us, and thus bestows the same rights upon every other of mankind.


Read this quote of the Scroll of Virtue with pious heed;


“For I have ordered your station and birth, and I have established the order of things. And you shall not envy the lives of others, for all virtuous paths are equal in My eyes, and all shall be rewarded not according to their station, but their virtue.” - Scroll of Virtue, Canticle of Fidelity: 6-7


Let us faithful Canonists walk down the path that the LORD GOD wants us to walk upon, and show those who have committed crimes in the eyes of GOD a merciful death, with the last rites being given to them and allow them to come to the judgment of GOD almighty in peace and with the honor that we ought to show to our fellow Canonists. For all of us deserve the chance to pass on to the Seven Skies, unbothered by the brutality and extremism of those who are not aware of what they are doing. For everyone, deserves to hear the last rites before they pass to the Seven Skies; for those who are our spiritual brothers and sisters do not deserve to die without themselves feeling comforted by the last rites.


In Nomine Dei


Written by,

Acolyte Filip Hughes


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To the devout Brother Filip, @sashimichopped


Your writings on final Rites speaks upon the need for compassion in war amongst brothers in faith. I am glad to approve this Thesis. Please find myself or another Clergyperson of some authority to be ordained, and begin your journey in our Holy Mother Church.


GOD bless,

Francis Cardinal Albarosa


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