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AMA, Year 3 Addition [Expansion Pack] - $2.99 USD


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Have you heard of the hit game Rocket League?

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you're extremely toxic, there's no way you have a llfe outside of minecraft. you are a loser?

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Just now, Monaaa said:

Have you heard of the hit game Rocket League?


No, please tell me more.

Just now, DeusVult said:

you're extremely toxic, there's no way you have a llfe outside of minecraft. you are a loser?


Truly, I wake up everyday and call of work (they consider me unemployed at this point.) After that, I skip the shower and neglect my wife and poor dog; going straight to my gaming set up. I lock the door so no one could bother me. After turning it on, i sit in unfathomable discomfort as I wait for my computer and minecraft to start; itching every second to log on and stare at my empty lair I spent 40+ hours building. After doing such for 3 hours uninterrupted, I order my favorite take out at McDonalds. Chicken nuggets and fries. Upon filling my healthy frame up with my delightful meal, I go back to my favorite RP server, Lord of the Craft, for the next 6 hours. Logging off only to sleep another 14 hours and repeat the process over again.

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Despite the name, have you ever actually been a wonk.


furthermore, tell me about said wonk if answer is yes- if no, you are a fraud.

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2 minutes ago, BenjiBot said:

Despite the name, have you ever actually been a wonk.


furthermore, tell me about said wonk if answer is yes- if no, you are a fraud.


Aye, I am one of the last still. His name is Milleous on a quest for immortality. To preserve his dying race. He currently resides in Du Loc; frequenter of the Suicide Booth.


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Who did u harass and why u sexy beast 


We were the best rustlers to 

Edited by masodapeso
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20 minutes ago, WonkManBad said:



its me wonk, OOC harasser and a man who tears communities apart. In about 5 hours, two years ago, I would've made this forum account and started my decent to hell. So. . . cool I guess.


A year ago, I promised to quit this server due to resounding eye conditions that make me legally blind. Now I play on GUI Setting 4 and harass local communities. I've grown prominent in RP as a Seer, a Rustler, and terrible guy to have apart of your nation. So yeah, ask me anything. Either the fluffy shit or nitty gritty details of my terrible misdeeds. Go at it.

Are you a seer of vaseek irl then

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Just now, masodapeso said:

Who did u harass and why u sexy beast 


Countless and I abstain from the next question.

Just now, 1_Language_1 said:

Are you a seer of vaseek irl then


Sorry, the lore says I can't divulge in details of the who's and am's

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What's your favorite RP moments up until now?

Are you satisfied with how your characters developed?

What weeb shit do you watch?

Are you going to try a burger?

Lastly, am I the coolest blind man?

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1 hour ago, NotAPan said:

What's your favorite RP moments up until now?

Are you satisfied with how your characters developed?

What weeb shit do you watch?

Are you going to try a burger?

Lastly, am I the coolest blind man?


01. Most definitely the ending to the Triumvirate in Sutica under Lith. The slow transition of Blair and the other characters around to what they where then was amazing on everyone's part. Let alone, outstanding rp from every single party. Not only my fondest moment, but literally the only moment in my three years where I felt nothing was OOCly planned or motivated. An amazing, natural part in Blair's story.



Other than that, my second favorite moment is my second week on LoTC, where I was beheaded in Haense over some long-strung conflict.


02. Not particularly. I'm in period where you don't know if you should PK or keep going. Blair's story is far from her natural end, but still a million more things I'd love to do.


03. None. **** you.


04. No. **** you.


05. No. **** you.


1 hour ago, Haesvir said:

where's telos?


Long dead, my friend. Long dead.

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2 hours ago, WonkManBad said:


Aye, I am one of the last still. His name is Milleous on a quest for immortality. To preserve his dying race. He currently resides in Du Loc; frequenter of the Suicide Booth.



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2 hours ago, WonkManBad said:

Sorry, the lore says I can't divulge in details of the who's and am's





What aspect(s) of fantasy attract you most?


What does writing fulfill for you?


All your characters are PKed. What's the next character you craft?


What crowd/community have you always wanted to break into but have yet to?

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