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A Haelun'orian Fashion Contest


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ALL art on this post has been done by my wonderful and talented friend Havsbris_, feel free to show him some love in the comments!



Haelunorian Fashion Contest


Issued by Okarir’mali Ayliana Valwynn


15th of The Grand Harvest

Year 65



“Fashion is a language of its own, just one not spoken”


-Ayliana Valwynn


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        What is fashion but the very thing that can differentiate one person from the next. Fashion has evolved throughout the years, for better and for worse. I am here today to encourage people from all over Almaris to present their best attempts at what Haelunorian fashion should be.


The Fashion Show:

-We will have two categories, men and women’s fashion. There are no restrictions to what this may entail or mean to you. Each model will walk down a runway and present an outfit they have made with their own hands, stopping at the end of the catwalk to give a short description of their outfit and why they chose such to represent Haelunorian culture. 


The Contest:

-There will be three judges. Ayliana Valwynn, A’eollaja Valwynn and Irelia Ni’leya. Each of these women will be giving their own opinions on the outfits and will choose two winners. One male and one female. Each winner wins one hundred mina.



-The reason for this contest is to not only show all the creative minds Almaris has to offer, but it is so that the Okarir’mali Ayliana Valwynn may begin to establish what fashion within the Silver State of Haelun’or should look like. The winners of this contest will be used as heavy influences in what fashion of the future will look like.



This event will be next Sunday on the 6th of March at 3pm EST within Haelun'or


Below are some current fashions within Haelun’or to take inspirations from:



High End Fashion:






Modernized Fashion:
Toga Fashion:
Traditional Fashion:
Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya
Okarir'mali Ayliana Valwynn
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Valazaer lifts his chin indignantly, "A change to come, perhaps progress towards a better outer appearance." He grins, "I do like some of these, yes.. Yes I do. Togas are especially good when it comes to active work."

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"Traditional is the way." Ellenore mused as she read over the missive.

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"Clearly modern fashion is the most chique!" She huffed, setting down the missive. "Such style compliments the delicacy of high elves far more than heavy gowns and headdresses."

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Seeing the title of the newly-penned missive, Arasdir boastfully approached the noticeboard so as to get a better look. As he began skimming over the writing and examining the beautiful sketches with scrutiny, his lips would downturn into a frown... "By Larihei!" The young high elf murmured beneath his breath, turning his attention to his proud Miravaris uniform... "No aiguillettes?" He was hesitant to believe this insult to his sense of fashion, though was hopeful yet! "The headpieces are all either hats or wreaths!" He remarked, disparagingly readjusting the proud silver circlet he bore... Was he out of touch?... No! It was Ayliana who was wrong, and he would prove it by winning the contest!

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To show to the world our style, our fashion, and our prowess. Truly! The advanced fashions of the silver city accomplish such! To compliment our already beautiful forms, and show off our masteries of material, ephemeral, and eternal. The togas of our most ancient past represent us and the personal progress of each 'thill! 

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Irelia Ni'leya- one of the current judges and fashionista would hold the missive in her hand, glancing down at the various drawings of the categories of fashion stapled in Haelun'or. "No one can go wrong with wearing a more modernized style such as myself! A blazer and plaid skirt is the formality I like to dress- top it off with a beret and call it a day!" Irelia spoke, spitting out rhymes from the inside of her lonely, cold manor


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Cailin Ni'Leya approved of this fashion article. She herself wore the traditional style, but enjoyed the variety and diverty of all the sty;es that could be seen in Haelun'or.



Great work to the artist!!! These look spectacular!


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Celiasul wiped her hands on her oil-stained apron, taking a break from her engineering work to look over the pamphlet that spoke of the contest.  For a moment, she considered participating - though she caught a quick glance at herself in the reflection of the window, seeing her stained clothing of oil, alchemical mixtures, and even some rough patchwork where former tears had been in the fabrics. . . She would need a while new makeover, for sure.

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