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Theziz on Prayer for Cilibration



"Dear Lord, rulg Lat for thiz gift that lat have grunted to uz, and rulg Lat for da many giftz that Lat will continoo to guve. In nomine Patriz, umen."


Such a prayer iz giving rulg to Gud for da giftz that he gruntz uz everi day. It'z a pray to humble ourzelvez infrunt of Gud. For, da Bub'hozh of Rex'z to da zmallezt of buubz iz not az 'hozh or az mighti az gud.


Butz, da prayer doezn't zay enuff. Why zhud wi onli rulg Gud for hiz giftz? No, we zhould alzo follow in Gud'z footztep. We zhould gift like dat of Gud. For generouzity and being charitable are virtuez.


Rather than only rulg'ing Gud, da prayer zhould be changed to alzo promize Gud that we will follow in hiz footztep. A newa verzion of zuch a pray can be that of dis for example;

"Dear Lord, rulg Lat for thiz gift that Lat have grunted to uz, and rulg Lat for the many giftz that Lat will continoo to guve. May we follow in Latz footztep and guft onto othaz like Lat have unto uz. In nomine Patriz, umen."


Mi find that thiz iz holier verzion of da prayer. For not only do yu give rulg to Gud, but also promize Gud to follow in hiz footztep and guft unto othaz like he haz unto uz.


In Nomine Dei


Wrutten by,
Acoylte Zug Znotzob

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To the devout Brother Zug, @Salvius


Your writings on prayer show a deep understanding of what it means to be thankful. I am glad to approve this Thesis. Please find myself or another Clergyperson of some authority to be ordained, and begin your journey in our Holy Mother Church.


GOD bless,

Francis Cardinal Albarosa




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