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Druidic Change Log Information


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Druid Changelog Details





-Communion Changes-

Removal of Druidic Limbs as a spell (waste of a slot thanks flam)


Druid Limbs being usable will be turned into a passive of sorts that activates at T3, instead of wasting a spell slot.

Add clause to Guide stating at T3 a druid can finally use druid limbs instead

Relegate pertinent information onto Blight Healing section since they make the limbs

Replacement for now empty spell slot


–Overall Druid changes–


Reducing Communion and Shifting time to t5 from 6 to 4 months with TA at 3 months/t4


Reducing Blight Healing time to t5 from 6 months to 3 months with TA at 2.5 months/t4




Communion changes


Replacement spell for Druid Limbs



T3, requires Surge. 


An early form of ungrowing, the druid provokes a growth from plants and other flora, such as trees, only to halt and tailor the burgeoning existence into a shape or form. This can be used for simply extracting seeds and saplings, to various fantastical uses such as forming arrows or tools. This has a plethora of fantasy potential but cannot be used in combat due to the detail and level of coordination between the druid and the flora being used. I.E. A tree doesn’t know how a bow is shaped, so the druid will have to consistently commune what shape to provide during the entire process. Smaller scale requests will be easier to handle, while larger scale creations will leave the druid tired and tapped out obviously. 


As the druid grows older and more capable, the ease and distance from which this can be done, and time it takes to make objects, will greatly reduce. This range increase, however, still cannot permit combat usage. Example: Growing a cudgel for someone from a distance. The exceptions to this are ET reliant however, if they wish to permit as much. Otherwise, in player interactions, too much would be going on to allow such.


Powersharing will increase the rate of growth and reduce the strain, and any AOE effects from other magics and lore will have the expected effects. (Smoggers smoke, Mysticism deadbreath, etc) The created items will also only be alive for a short period of time. If this period wishes to be increased, Awakening will have to be performed and a ST signature acquired. Abuse of this will cause this to lose any green sign perks.


T3:  Range 3 blocks. Emotes: Communing to the flora(1) Begin to establish the shape between the flora and druid (2) Start to grow the item out of the flora (4) Final removing process (2)


T4: Range 5 blocks. Emotes. Communing to the flora (1.) Begin to establish the shape between the flora and druid (2) Start to grow the item out of the flora. (2) Final removing process (2)


T5: Range 8 blocks. Emotes: Passive Communion, simply decide on a target. Begin to establish the shape between flora and druid (1) Start to grow the item out of the flora. (2) Final removing process (1)


Limitations: The flora chosen must be able to keep up with the amount requested. For smaller plants this should be easy to keep up with, for robust flora such as trees, below are the limitations on how much and how big one may request and use size and weight wise.


T3: A foot and a half, and 8 Pounds


T4: Two feet, 15 Pounds


T5:Three feet, 30 Pounds




Cannot be used in combat


All items made with this DO NOT REQUIRE ST SIGNS unless using a ST lore mat


All items will be expected to have inventory reps 


All items will be expected to be roleplayed only as strong/sharp/etc as what they would realistically be. No cutting crossbow bolts in half with a wooden sword.

Hindering, Smoggers Smoke, and other AOEs that affect casting will affect the growth rate and quality of the product. 


If used to acquire a Soul Tree Sapling, you need to have a TA.


Attunement Changes

When taught attunement, contact a ST to mark knowing it on your TA or MA.

-Blight Healing Changes-





 T5 Passive, requires all BH spells from T1 to T4, unlocks with Grasping


Upon years of training and honing the manipulation of the mists into the forms that individual druids come about casting them, be it fissures in the air, tears that spread ripples of healing amongst the ground, faux-flames that purify and enrich the land, the time spent manifests in which the excess presents itself into a familiar to help aid oneself with their work and duties.


Much like achieving the highest tier of basic druidism causes a permanent connection to the hum of nature in the form of passive communion, the Luonto can be seen as yet another form of this connection. By taking from the excess and unusable energy that comes from the druid, an ethereal animal will follow the druid, a piece of themselves to help focus their gifts more accurately. 


Let it be known, however, that despite appearances, the Luonto and Druid are of the same. A Luonto is not able to expand the senses of the druid. They are simply a form of their connection to nature showing itself, a symbol of their soul and work put forth into nature. While a Luonto may travel and frolic within range of the druid, this is wholly a behavior dependent on the disposition of the Druid. A friendly druid may present a friendly Luonto, while a taciturn one may be still and calm.


Being part of the druid, the Luonto can retreat in and out of their Druid at a whim, especially if the Druid is tapped out and no longer has the energy to do anything beyond the most basic, passive communion. There inside the druid it will rest until they are well again, and come forth if the druid is willing.




No Combat Potential. Upon combat starting, the Luonto either retreats into the druid, or becomes so transparent that it cannot even serve as the most meager distraction.


Any attempts to touch them by non-druids will find they are ethereal and essentially made of air. A druid can touch them in passive scenarios, but the feeling will be odd and light, rather than that of the Luontos representative creature.


No Descendants/Playable Things


Upper size limit is around that of a large moose. Anything bigger than that or a Olog gets downsized to a more sensible size.


Microbial life is not permitted.

Smaller insects and animals can have one 


It is not locked to the shifter animal of the druid, to avoid possible metagaming.


Luontos typically do not change, but significant changes to character be it trauma, zen, or whatever you might have it, will impact and change them.

 If this is abused, infractions will be handed out to said druid.


Can only travel as far from the druid as shout permits. 


Cannot deliver messages or letters. At all. Not even charades. 


Cannot be communed with, though it can be felt with communion. Normal animals will not react negatively to it, simply treating it like any other animal calmly, unless combat is provoked.


Cannot share senses with the druid. What the druid sees, hears, feels, smells, and tastes is all that the Luonto can as well.


The Luonto cannot alert its player to things it finds that are not natural.


Example: Timmy is hiding behind a wall. The Druid does not know. A bird Luonto lands on the wall Timmy is hiding behind. Even if the Luonto looks down, Timmy remains hidden.


When being used as a foci for casting, the Luonto must and will retreat within the listed range of the spell to be used.


The Luonto will disappear upon its druid using all of their energy, restoring on proper rest or powershare.


Will disappear on druids unconsciousness, restoring itself upon waking up.


Will disappear on druids death.





 T5, Active


The pinnacle of application of the long standing Gift of Blight healing, the formation of a temporary sanctified spot where only true and unabated nature may exist. The Druid calls inwards their Luonto, which then swells from within the Druid outwardly. A radius around the Druid is established, and upon fully committing themselves, the spell begins.


As the swelling commences, all that which makes up the separate spells of Blight Healing begins condensing themselves into the singular act. A barrier so to speak forms, held out enough from the Druid to encompass other Brothers and Sisters, and simultaneously purges and defends them and the parcel of land that they anchor themselves from harmful magics that might befoul them, be so voidal, dark magics, or unhallowed flames.


As like any breathtaking show of Gifts within Druidism as a whole, it comes at many costs. During the entire duration of holding this line of defense, the Druid loses all access to their senses beyond their ability to passively commune, and will take many elven days to recuperate their gifts when done, be it interrupted or the Gift ending naturally. 


Casting Details: 


The Druid takes in their Luonto, and begins the casting process.


Drawing in the familiar, or if already drawn in, sparking it to use within them. (1 emote)


A thick stream of mists eek out of the druid, forming the radius around them. (2 emotes)


The Druid delves deep and begins extricating every bit of natural energy within them into the radius. (2 emotes)


The Druid triggers the spell, locking down their body and senses to the spot they are standing upon casting, and remaining there until interrupted or the casting ends. (1 emote)


Radius: 6 block radius sphere surrounding the casting druid


Length: Maximum of 8 emotes. Can be interrupted like any other druid spell, aka blunt impact. 




The barrier formed is not physical. It will stop many spells and magic, but a simple brick to the head will pass through it like air.


When casted successfully, a 3 day cooldown starts where no other Druidic spell but passive communion may be used by the druid. This includes Luontos.


If interrupted, no matter how many emotes have occurred, the druid is done. They cannot recast, and the above cooldown is still applied.


Holy magics are unaffected, being things that do not harm nature.


Mystic Hindering will be temporarily negated if casted within its area. The same for the pollution formed from Smoggers. This will let druids within the radius cast without their penalties. However the penalty increase to emote counts WHILE setting up the spell will still apply.


Deadbreath, Voidal Spells, Malflame and other magics that are considered harmful to nature are blocked. The exception to this is Azdrazi fire, which will contact and cancel out the barrier like water on fire (ironically), ending the spell prematurely.


Constructs and CAs formed by dark means will find themselves struggling if they enter the radius. The exception is Voidal Atronachs, who are so voidally dense they will take two emotes before their bodies are suitably repressed.


Said struggling is simply a double of emotes required for actions, or cutting actions in half.

Movement would be cut in half (4 to 2), casting and attacking would be doubled (2 to 4)

This effect immediately goes away exiting the radius.


Anything tainted within the region is purged and cleansed of blight as long as it is natural and falls within blight healing redlines. If casted within dead land, the radius will be brought to life.


Will not resurrect animals, will not heal druids. 


Any thanium or thanic steel upon the persons within said radius will explode due to the sheer scale of natural mana being utilized.


Requires a MArt to be used in infusions.




Mani Summoning

T5 [Feat] 

[Non-Combat] [ST-facilitated event ritual] [Enchantment]


This will be largely unchanged from current accepted Mani Summoning lore, simply shifted to a Blight Healing-adjacent Feat for better tracking due to the Global Use Cooldown, and for the fact that it is largely unused within the direct subtype, which again, causes issues for tracking who has been actually taught it for many teaches achew teaching it.


Will provide a 30 day window for people to get grandfathered in. They will be required to have a TA, and to confirm with their own teacher that they were indeed taught the spell.


Any doubts will be Syb Omni Gunned. 



–Treelord Amendments–


Azlh can now be effectively used to fight the trees. Extensive wounds (5-6) will send the tree into a pseudo-blight frenzy that will render the Husk inoperable until fixed, and weapons made of Azlh can actually defend and attack the trees physical capacity. The tree will go out of its way to try and avoid touching Azlh (Shields and such) and will recoil on touch after being cut and hacked at (weapons)


Clarification: No sensing voidal casting before combat stuff (Reason: I made a bad call when half asleep that set a precedent for a possibility of this. Clarifying it just in case, for the future. My bad.)


Clarification: If the husk goes off and the tree is on defense, all T5 emote castings are cut in half if the tree is not moving or not being hit by Azlh or Thanic weapons. A casting Tell will still be required.


Clarification: Corpse Within Removed Wholesale




Seed Form


For a treelord who can no longer abide by remaining active, but does not wish to join the forest yet, they may approach three trusted druids to reduce them into a stasis. By way of a small ritual slightly akin to that of the creation ritual, the treelord, husk and tree, are reduced to a fist sized seed. While in this state, the druid is completely sealed off, and unable to interact with its environment til a Calling prompts them to reawaken, where in which they can be replanted by three druids.


The seed is still weak to everything the tree is, and must be kept safe. If destroyed, a PK is still applied. Saplings are not applicable while in seed form. 


OOC: This is just a way for active players to shelf their soul trees while being around if they wanna GTFO from druid rp.


When a Calling beckons the return, a small song will appropriate itself from the Seed, alerting others to plant them. (When the player wants to return, they may poke one of the tree who reduced them to seed form for planting to commence.)


Needs ooc consent (?)




Once turned into a seed, must stay that way for at least a month before being restored.


Once being restored, must stay that way for at least a month before being turned into a seed.


The two above redlines are meant to abate abuse. If any is seen, said player will effectively be denied their rights to this clause.


If the Seed is destroyed, is it a PK.


All weaknesses to a soul tree applies to the Seed.


Saplings do not work if a Seed Form is destroyed.


Requires ST signature, Lore Pixel record must have all three participant druids names put in creation








Yeah I'll make this quick. Above in the spoiler is the changelog copy and pasted from my chaotic ass google doc into the Forums, of what I've been tapping away at for the past couple months. 


The jist of it is, Druidism is Great Again.


More to the point though, alot of Quality of Life changes have been put down. The biggest imo, is Druidism is now in line with other magics in that the learning time isn't six months for tier 5 which I believe as of writing none of the other magics have.


2019 Luci and Delmodan and the rest of our community did massive rehauls and improvements to the magic and subtypes (bar herblore cause idk that's janky) cause of the lore games which I don't need to ask for opinions about Lore Games.


We already all know that.


So instead of requiring another rewrite, Squak and Management allowed me to work on a cluster of amendments at once.


This is that project.


If you check the different guides, submissions, etc, you'll see most everything is updated and set in place.


If you see any parts I need to adjust, please let me know. The forums are ass. We all live with this. Please have mercy.


Moving forward, I'm hoping to begin a project to either Replace Herblore or Improve The Concept.


Alot of Druid Players like the idea of healing but healing is a iffy subject on the server. Clerics, Ascended. We've seen it come and go.


@Valannor pitched the idea of instead of speccing the subtype into healing and turning herblore which is, honestly, a single spell given a whole subtype, into dnd cantrips and  other things for combat and QoL RP vibes.


Lemme know what you think would be better. Healing or Adventure subtypes.


Either way expect more events and work on druidic shit now that I'm around again.


Please let me know if I fucked anything up.


Love you.



Also i turned all the black on dark backgrounds in the guides and stuff to brighter colors cause my eyes hurt. Dont know if anyone else got bothered by that but hey, I can read the lore better now.

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*Beholds the shit keefy worked on*

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Haven't had the chance to see the new edits yet, but I've been eagerly awaiting to hear from it and I'm sure I'm going to love it when I sit down and look over everything! 

But on the subject of turning herblore into something similar I find myself loving the concept. We could have different plants causing different effects similar to their natural effects already. Like a sunflower seed could create a light that points in the direction of the sun and be used as a 'compass' of a sort. A vine could grow and stretch out and be used as a harmless whip to grasp onto objects and pull them towards the user. There's so, so many cantrips you could make with different plants so I wholely approve of it! 

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A glorious changelog. Thank you for all your hard work on this!

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i hate druids

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Very happy with the changelog!


The reduction of time to T5 was such a needed change and will help the magic a ton.


The most undervalued change in all of this is the colors on the forum post making it actually readable again. Black on black was the bane of my existence.

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