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Bjorn had only participated in a few fights, and he was not happy with this news! He did not wish to remove the teal banda-.. helmet with teal on it! (He had not earned the right to don the teal bandana yet).

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Norli lets out a sigh as he enters his office, and slumps onto his chair to look at his many papers. Among them, a new letter has been placed, with a teal seal. He opens it, reads the letter, and pauses for reflection. "Surely, da champions o' dis era, and warriors o' nae compare 'mongst men. Inspired by da greats o' a past toime," he mused, looking to a weathered stone on his desk, a memory of his reign. 


"I wonder who dey shall inspire; wot can come next?"

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Mika Anarion, though known as The Silver Lubba and one of few remaining subsidiaries of The Ferrymen perked up a brow at this act, though understands the sentiment, raising a glass to the air from his balcony "Smooth sailing we shall."

Timmy, a Ferryman, though originally Hangman looks around confused with his beady eyes looking over the parchment, remaining silent as he picks up his trusty mop and lowers his bandana once more for he was once more free. Awaiting the next project he shall encounter in his ancient life of exploring the realms as a ship's janitor.

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Sir Leonidas Mareno stood on the edge of a beaches shore with his fine teal bandana within his palms, grasped with heavy heart. "In a world without gold, we might have been heroes. Sadly, this world is one with gold, though I wouldn't have wanted it any other way." The Ferryman remarked, burying his bandana deep into the sand as he went off on a new adventure!

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Arthur Komnenos looked over the missive from his office in St. Lothar, as he read it over he looked over at his wife, asleep in her bed “I suppose you can no longer say you have ferrymen friends dear.” he whispered to himself in a voice that she could not quite hear “goodspeed ferryboys, we fought many battles against eachother, i wish you luck wherever you may go.”

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As that era closes to an end, Arsenios doffs the teal bandana. He does not cry that it is over, though. He smiles because it happened.

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"The end of an Era." Commented a peddler of medicinal wares, sat upon a stool in her shop. 


"Another shall come - but now, the world rejoices, both in fear, and in gladness."

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"Nothing great can withstand the ebb and flow of time," Ruina says, sitting down and contemplating all she had wrought during her time among the Ferrymen, shaking her head as startling visions come to mind. "Was fun to be a part of it, however small, while it lasted though."

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Wholesome Willy grabs his old and worn bandana from the chest beneath his bed. One that had been casted off several years prior though he had not found it within himself to throw it away. He let it fall through his hand as despite all the reasons he had for leaving. As he looked back, all he could remember were the joys he had when they won, and the lows they had when they lost... And how they had done it as one.

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ChildTea, upon hearing of the news, giggled. Does this mean armies have to stop relying on them now? Oh, I bet Oren is shaking..

Edited by satinkira
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Brick one of the most time-tested Ferrymen to date seemed to have lost purpose in his ailing age. He no longer brought his sword to a whet stone, or shined his armour - instead, upon a porch, wistful memories would come to mind, as a cigarette was smoked. "A shame, that I will see this generation rise, and now fall. And the second, well," he coughed into his sleeve, "I may not be around for." - "Let the next beginning be just as compelling, and that our sight not be lost," the old man muttered, raising his cigarette in toast.

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Ferrymen Patriot slowly reads the missive, eating every word of it. As it comes to its conclusion, a sword could be heard being drove into the marshlands of the West, a mask being left leaning against it. Truly, the defining men of an era, now left to stand the tests of time.

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