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Return of the Storm


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Thundering waves crashed upon the shore, weathering away at the rocks as they shifted back and forth. A softened white foam floated atop the waves. Within all of it a small body was washed upon the shore, soaked and disoriented from the flow, and a strangled breath left her body. She had been dragged through some of the harshest, and most rugged conditions plunging from a ship during a dark storm old enough to know better but young enough to have a lack of skill when it came to swimming.
“Haelun!” a shriek escaped as the small body plunged into the icy water below, head ducking down below the waves. Noone had come for her…

The ending of one path is the beginning of another, like the closing of one book before flipping to a page in the next; a story doesn't end, it simply continues. Thus as the elfess landed herself upon the shore of a place known to the wood elves and druii as a peaceful lone standing city, roots wrapped about her body as a druid lifted her to the safety of dry ground.. A place of wonder in which she never quite came to understand or see before that day had come.

And yet though these lands were new to her its existence was short lived, waves crashed and churned violently, the ground shook and druids gathered to protect and carry on the legacy of the mother tree. She watched this happen with a lack of understanding before being loaded onto a ship… everyone  traveled for many days and nights crammed together on large pirate and nation ships alike. . . and one only could wonder if this is where her parents had been heading- in search of a new land.

And yet though these lands were new to her its existence was short lived, waves crashed and churned violently, the ground shook and druids gathered to protect and carry on the legacy of the mother tree. She watched this happen with a lack of understanding before being loaded onto a ship… everyone  traveled for many days and nights crammed together on large pirate and nation ships alike. . . and one only could wonder if this is where her parents had been heading- in search of a new land.



“What shall we call you sister?” her eyes peaked open from the deep slumber she had been plunged into, looking at the Caracal druid with a bit of a smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

“Riptide” she brought herself up on the pride of being a druid with such a totem of both strength and struggle. Showing how she had overcome whatever was thrown her way and that her lifestyle was in fact one of chaos. “Sister Riptide,” she echoed her own words with a nod. A Riptide… that had been her totem, a strong current that flows across another, unpredictable in its wake of movement. When you think of a riptide you think of the dangerous, unpredictable, wild currents near the shore of the ocean.  It was fitting for her at the time, but now it seemed almost wrong… she wasn’t such an unpredictable person, but rather she knew what she wanted, and was willing to work towards it. The hardest thing about her was being able to let go.

Turning she listened to those chant her totem and the sound of the chorus drowned out her thoughts with the wonder of what would come before her moving forward.


That chance seemed to have torn itself away from her just as her family had been because of their actions and choices. Her own future being dragged out not really seeming to traverse as if she were halted in time.

The young druidess turned her back to those who had helped her along the way, her shoulders slumped and seeming as if she were left in the darkness alone. Resent plagued her mind and she ran to let the forest overtake her, to learn from the cycle of balance rather than others.

Eventually it drove her crazy, being left alone and after putting in a lot of thought she began her descent home, shoulders slumped forward out of tired energy. Her movements became more of a stammer… it wasn’t a surprise to find that the adventure had drained her but at the same time after so much thought she found herself at peace within her own mind.

Upon all of her journey she never expected to find herself returning to someone she had turned her back on, and yet she did. That same day she staggered back to the center of the mother grove, her gaze meeting with Miven before offering a bit of an embrace. She was more than willing to defend her family no matter what had gone through her head.



With time comes change, Change is a part of the life's cycle, apparent in just about everything. If you don’t like something, change it, and if you can't change it.. well change the way you yourself view that thing. One would find because of this Zaelyns ideal for reality had turned false on itself. 

A vision isn't always something you comprehend so easily, maybe it’s trying to tell you something but almost never in simple words, never in a way you can think of and realize without thought being put to it. For that same reason you’re endlessly looped through it until you see something you didn't notice at first.
For Zaelyn, it was the fear of letting go of that final breath, keeping her from moving onward. It took her a while to figure out what it was telling her, but this she knew for sure.


Getting dragged into that vision one final time she closed her eyes, sinking deeper into the water and the tides that ripped and turned around her. She didn’t offer any struggle or objection, ‘Let go’ she thought to herself as she let the water fill her lungs, everything around her being consumed with a dark void of black. Her mind was blank, nothing to see or hear. . . 

‘How did I end up here? Why did I end up here’
‘It will all become clear oem'ii, just give it time’

Before long the subtle glow of a light seemed to spark in the distance filling the void, becoming brighter with each moment until it was nothing but blinding forcing her to close her eyes. When they were to open again she saw the night sky before her, littered with stars of all sorts, and she remained there until finding herself waking up again under the same tree she fell asleep beneath.

Her totem had become something else, shifted just as the tide had done.

‘Sister Starlight’

The new totem had been fitting when her life began to settle, for once she had a home and a goal to work towards, one that allowed her to finally get a chance to know not only those around her but the person she wanted to be. However, as one does, that did not last long for her…



Pirates found their way to the vale with bombs and fire, taking the city with unexpected force while they were trying to have a rather peaceful tavern night. The city began to crumble and fall as they armored up and stampeded down to the shores of the city to face the foes who had dared themselves upon the druids. Blades met Spears, and trees began to grumble and creak as the ground below was loosened and started to erode away. Many were crushed and injured, and evidently leading to the elves retreating from their own city.

It didn't come without consequence, the starlight druidess herself taking a spear to her chest.. One that exploded in her chestpiece and allowed shrapnel into her lungs. She lay there hanging on to what would have been her inevitable end as she began to hack up blood. How horrible it must have been drowning from the inside out..  Though she had not met her end that night her world had been turned upside down, something about her completely changed whether it had been for the better or for the worse.

Some may say the stars above had been calm before the evident return of the storm… as she found herself standing below one of the sanguine trees resting near the shoreline. It was as if the druid had returned to where she truly belonged the entire time.

“I am the Riptide”


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"Here we go again" one of her students says, taking another attempt to meditate properly, just as she taught him to. "Breath out, breath in..." he murmurs to himself - trying to to somehow concentrate along all the loud noises surrounding him. Yet, he's got no idea what chaos is gonna await him.

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Ser Roylan Grant Sirame blinked as he heard the call out of her name name having changed. Glancing down to her for a moment as he listened to her words and then lets out a hum. "Should aye call ya sister 'rip and tear' for our enemies as well?" He voiced with a light smile. 





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