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Providence Post of 1865

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The Final Offensive: Is the ISA really ready?


Once again do we face into war as his Imperial Majesty has declared the ‘Final Offensive’ into Dwarven lands. Though it is always a proud sight for the ISA to march to victory, the declaration of war was greeted with apprehension outside the court. Many wonder whether now is truly the right time for a new frontier. In our 1865 issue, we wrote about the gross failure of the ISA to stop a blatant assassination attempt on the life of the Prince of Providence. If our state military cannot even do this, how prepared are they to march against the forces of the Ferrymen, the Tsar of Urguan and his underlings? 


The reconquest of Lower Petra has already taken a toll of upwards of 30,000 marks upon the Imperial treasury, and so many cannot help but wonder whether - instead of spending another 30,000 - this money would be better spent rebuilding the broken ISA! Speaking of which, where has our General gone? Where is the pride of Oren, when we must rely on the men of Blackvale instead of our own army? Officers and soldiers alike are retiring by the day! The ISA have not been able to stop Dwarven spies placing propaganda posters right in the middle of New Providence itself! 


Maybe instead of declaring war again, perhaps the time and money of our Empire would be much better spent on returning our army to glory instead of relying on one vassal to fight our battles. 


The Clash at Archisdorf


Leading up to the Final Offensive, the minions of the Tsar of Urguan traveled to the March of Archisdorf for a duel between their Champion, and the Champion of the Aurelian Brotherhood after a Haensti man had been attacked in the northern-Urguan capital of Karosgrad. After the Brotherhood Champion was defeated, the North-Dwarves of Haense were put to the sword by the Brotherhood, but not before the intervention of Manfred, Margrave of Westergrenz, who stepped in to defend the northerners! Despite this, the Brotherhood was victorious.


While this is a display of our Empire’s military strength, some questions have surrounded the event. Why did the Margrave step in to defend our enemies? If they were the Magrave’s guests, then why were they attacked at all? An Orenian peer and a member of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who we promised would not be named, said they were growing more concerned about the control of vassals within the Empire and that this incident is likely what drove the Tsar of Urguan away from peace talks.


Whatever the case, a formal Travel Advisory is expected to follow in the coming days.


Ebonwood offers mediation to Haelunor


Our Elven vassals in the Ebonwood Principatus have once again offered mediation in the conflict of the high Elves, again with Haelun’or. For months, the supporters of Princess Ivarielle and the lingering influences of Sohaer Braxus have feuded for control of the Silver State, resulting in more than one confrontation in the city. While, in his missive, the Serene Prince of Ebonwood seems to favor the Princess, both sides were invited to his holds within Arentania to resolve the dispute. 


No doubt an admirable display from an admirable vassal spreading Orenian influence. However, we here at the Post hope that these international dealings do not go blind to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the same way that we cannot export all military problems to the March of Blackvale while the ISA lies weak, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should represent the Empire in bringing peace to Haelunor.



Government Appointments


Their Imperial Majesties have released a new series of appointments to the government to bring fresh blood to the ministries. Her Imperial Highness was made Vice Chancellor, Her Imperial Highness was made Lady privy Seal and Guillaume Louis Pruvia has become acting Minister of Civil Affairs. In addition, Duke Ivan Ruthern now not only serves as Minister of Foreign Affairs, but also the new Chief of Staff in the chancellery.




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"Excuse me? What is this trash! How dare they! Excuse me the hell? Whoever did this I will literally smack them to the void! This is not of my production! Of my direction!"


Senator Halcourt, Editor In Chief of the New Providence Post exclaimed at the town center, making a scene while she expressed her wrath! Ripping the article into shreds then stomping onto the ripped article before storming off.



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Laurentina once more appears unimpressed by the bad journalism.

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As the Princess Amelia sat in her office, she received word of this post. Suddenly she gathered inquistors to sue these people for using Providence Post ™️ !

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Bacchus says: "Hey, as long as I get paid for what these copy-cats wrote, I'm not mad!"

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