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"There are two clocks ticking endlessly in Haelun'or. One is of aggravated tyranny - it rejects the obligation to consult others about the fate of our Silver Republic, and would be just as fine murdering the voters as listening to them. The other is the clock of democracy - and, my dear friends, it has a lot of catching up to do.”




THAT WHICH WILL BE.  It is Haelun’or which has been left listless in a storm: without Maheral. But not without Larihei and the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. It is from the strong foundations which have so existed in our Blessed Society for Millennia that another must so be born.


THAT WHICH SHALL ENDURE.  In the centuries since the loss of Elcihi’thilln our people have not faltered in their dedication to Larihei, to Her Word and the most revered Blessings that the Golden Pools so bestowed upon our people. While Izalithian thought has flirted with those of our kind who are Weak of Will and Mind – it is her Spirit of Silver which endures and shall endure for centuries more.


HE WHO MUST.  So forth steps into Larihei’s Light another, so chosen by those to venerate the Tradition and Silver of our people beyond all else. Braxus Ni'leya shall be Maheral and guide our people forth into another Silver Age.


Malaurir Andria Fi’talareh

Malaurir Avern’dionne Fi’talareh

Malaurir Ikur Sullas

Malaurir Silvos Sythaerin

Malaurir Dimaethor Elervathar

Malaurir Galanthil Maehrindor

Malaurir Iaria Elervathar

Malaurir Iatrilemar Elervathar

Malaurir Lelien Lazul

Malaurir Cereburr Asul'Ailer


Edited by Child of Silver
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"Praise the Malauriran for helping to guide us in these times of strife. May Malaurir Ni'leya guide us onto greater prosperity!" proclaimed Kolvar Uradir from within the walls of silver

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"Interesting, it seems elections weren't held at all but for some few individuals, unfortunate I doubt we will recognize Braxus as the Maheral." she comments, the blind woman prepares to get to work to undermine this group that seemingly cropped out of the wood works and likely will vanish if Ivarielle ever left to let Braxus drive the Nation into the Ocean.

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"When did we vote for a maheral?" Aurelia asked. She shrugged.

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Rosina glanced over the missive with a sigh. Having heard enough, she knew now which of those to agree with. Remaining neutral no longer, she set out to find this princess

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A republican insurrectionist gives a few nods of approval, as he openly walks the streets of the Silver District, holding the proclamation in his hands. "kaean hileia ehiererih." he utters thus decisively, feeling a cold breeze roll through the streets of Karinah'siol, as Ivarielle's invaders lose more and more ground.

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"Undead plague the streets, now they plague something greater. Truly.. their decline." Ivarielle stated, near spitting on the paper containing the missive with disgust

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The towering figure stares at the missive. Stonish hand rose towards the paper as one of the digits extended forth "What?--" The construct questioned someone with a blank, emotionless voice, not being able to read that. 




Orinmon also stared at the missive, one of his brows quirked. "Did they... Didn't Braxus die or..?" The elf murmures as confusion and amusement flickers in his tone

Edited by _ZONTY_
Yes. No
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"Blessed is the will of elHeial'malauriran!" Liewyn proclaimed "Ay'Maheral, ay'Haelun'or!"

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A High Elf nods his head slowly, hands clasped behind his back, "May the Malaurir's decision be everlasting, Maehr'sae Hiylun'ehya."

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"So clearly both sides should approve of this." Seth nodded slowly as he read the missive. "As the kinslayers asked elMalauriran to chose elMaheral. Surely they are not suprised someone who knows of the traditions and teachings of Larihei was chosen over a fennite or kinslayer.

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"Why do they complain?," Mused a thill in contemplation.. "Never has there been a public vote for Maheral. Any valid arguments they have, are easily undermined when they know not the customs, and history, of elCihi'thilln."


Though promptly after talking to herself, she rattled off a;



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