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Articles of Urguan v3.4.1

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Under oaths to Khaz’A’Dentrumm, the Clan Lords and Guild Masters of the GRAND KINGDOM OF URGUAN met to frame and approve an honorable system of law and governance so that the honored Sons and Daughters of Urguan shall prosper better so. Comprising several articles addressing each facet of law and governance and based on the traditions and faith of the khazadmar, the Articles of Urguan are the ultimate law of the land and all dwarfdom.



Article I: The Grand Senate

Article II:  The Grand King

Article III: The High Courts

Article IV:  The Citizenry of Urguan

Article V:  The Clans of Urguan

Article VI:  The Clergy of Urguan

Article VII: The Codex of Civil Law

Article VIII: The Codex of Regulatory Law





Per the Articles of Urguan, the Grand Senate is defined as the true source of supreme authority within the Grand-Kingdom of Urguan. It is through the Grand Senate that major political reforms can be achieved, without breaking the articles of Urguan.


Section I: Structure of the Grand Senate 


This section describes the organization of the Grand Senate and all of its powers related to its structure. The vast majority of votes on the Grand Senate are bound to dwarven political entities, which are always either Greater Clans or a Greater Union of Clans.



  1. May each Greater Clan or Union of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan have a guaranteed representative on the Grand Senate with a guaranteed singular base vote.


  1. Each Greater Clan or Union shall have either a singular, double or triple vote according to their activity within the Grand Kingdom of Urguan (i.e five members equate to 1 vote, 10 members equate to 2, 15 members equate to 3

  2. This representative, or Senator, must be a Dwarf and must worship the Brathmordakin faith. 

  3. If they are unable to attend they shall be able to send another in their stead. 

  4. That a list of representatives/senators shall be posted inside the Senate, and updated regularly when necessary. 


  1. May each Greater Clan or Union of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan have said guaranteed representative on the Grand Senate so long as they remain consistently active in Urguan society. 


  1. Great Clans or Unions shall have guaranteed representative so long as they remain consistently active in Urguan (i.e five members with more than five hours of activity, checked every three stone weeks)

  2. Greater Clans or Unions shall send proof of their clan’s activity to the Grand Chancellor

  3. If Greater Clans or Unions fail to meet the required activity check every two stone weeks, their status on the Senate will be suspended, pending complete removal for a sustained period of inactivity. 


  1. May the Grand Senate elect to create new titles and positions with a maximum single vote for people of incredible honor and merit with a 66% majority.


  1. This can be relinquished with a simple majority.


  1. May the Grand Senate elect its own Grand Chancellor with a simple majority who is the leader of the Senate and its representative in all diplomatic talks.


  1. The Grand Chancellor may be voted out of office at any time with a simple majority by the Senate.

  2. The Grand Chancellor shall keep order in all meetings and have the authority to remove someone for disorderly conduct unless vetoed by the Grand King. 


  1. May the Grand Chancellor call a meeting of the Grand Senate every second stone week.


  1. If the Grand Chancellor is unavailable, he may nominate either the Grand King or any other Senator to lead the meeting in his stead.

  2. Meetings must be given with fair notice and preparation.


  1. May every meeting of the Grand Senate begin with an introduction.


  1. The quorum for any meeting of the Grand Senate will be a simple majority. 

  2. The Grand Chancellor must list all topics up for vote at that meeting.


  1. May the Grand Chancellor address every voting topic of that meeting at a time.


  1. The Grand Chancellor must call a vote on all topics that a Senator brings forward prior to the meeting.

  2. Any late topics can only be voted on with either the Grand King’s or Grand Chancellor’s approval.


  1. May each topic of a Senate meeting have an allotted 20 stone minutes of open discussion, though at the discretion of the Grand Chancellor additional time may be allocated. 


  1. After discussion is over the Grand Chancellor may call the votes of each representative individually and allot them time to give a short explanation of their vote.


      9. May every topic that achieves the proper amount of required votes be signed into

           legislation by the Grand Chancellor.


Section II: Powers of the Grand Senate


  1. May the Grand Senate have the power to approve all diplomacy, any treaties, pacts, and as well acts of aggression and war with a simple majority and Royal Approval.


  1. Any treaties that cede powers granted to the government in these Articles of Urguan shall require a 66% majority to pass.


  1. May the Grand Senate have the power to change these Articles of Urguan with either a 66% majority with Royal Approval or a 75% majority without.


  1. If deemed to be against the founding principles of the Articles or contradict them, the High Court may hold a trial against the legislature.

  2. The Grand Senate therefore shall effectively be able to act absolute with a 75% majority.

  3. Certain other offices shall hold authority over certain Articles, the only exception to this rule.


  1. May the Grand Senate have the power to invest its powers into other offices or institutions, namely the Grand King through its acts.


  1. Decisions made with said invested power can be overturned by the Senate with a simple majority.

  2. Power may be invested into entities external to the offices of the government, namely in private guilds.


  1. May the Grand Senate have power over all lands of the Grand Kingdom and dictate its management with a simple majority.


  1. If legislation regarding land management be passed, let not the Grand Senate obstruct listed rules unless previous regulations are changed first in a separate vote.


  1. May the Grand Senate have the power of the coin, and be the highest authority on the spending and treasury of the Grand Kingdom.


  1. Although holding ultimate authority over the treasury, the Grand Senate on rare occasions will directly interact.


  1. May the Grand Senate have the power to vote on the status of a clan with a simple majority and Royal Approval.


  1. May the Grand Senate have the power to call a trial for the Grand King to be removed with a 66% majority.


  1. The High Courts then shall oversee the case for the Grand King and either sustain or overrule the Grand Senate.

  2. With a 75% majority, the Grand Senate may override this requirement.






The greatest office within the government, although ultimately the Grand Senate has the highest authority on the Articles of Urguan it is the Grand King who holds the most singular power and is largely the executive of the articles. The great importance of this office is the Grand King’s ability to act swiftly and in times of urgency, while long term plans and dealings are often required to have the insight and approval of the Grand Senate.


Section I: The Powers of the Grand King


  1. The Grand King has authority over all diplomacy and negotiations with foreign powers, able to conduct diplomacy himself or appoint diplomats and ambassadors.

    1. The Grand Senate however must approve all treaties, pacts, and declarations of war with foreign powers.

    2. The Grand Senate may vote to approve said diplomatic actions before they are fully decided, investing in the Grand King authority in a specific instance with a specific party to decide details himself.

  2. The Grand King has ultimate authority over the management of the Legion of Urguan.

  3. The Grand King has the highest authority over the Royal Guilds and their processes.

  4. The Grand King has complete authority over the Royal Offices below him.

    1. The Grand King may delegate any amount of power that he holds to them, but no power greater than he holds.

  5. The Grand King shall hold authority over Sections II & III of Article II to change at his discretion in accordance with his supreme authority over the Royal Offices and Guilds.

    1. Changes cannot contradict the Articles of Urguan.

    2. Changes cannot increase the Grand King’s own authority.

  6. The Grand King shall be able to grant pardons and override verdicts of the High Courts, although abuse of this power for political purposes shall be reason for removal by the Grand Senate.

  7. The Grand King shall be able to enact Regulatory Acts and Oaths independent of the Grand Senate acting within his own authority or authority granted to him by existing Regulatory Acts.

  8. In times of emergency, every power not explicitly listed as belonging to any office within the entirety of the Articles falls under the authority of the Grand King.

    1. Abuse of this power in times of peace or against the interest of the nation can be reason for removal by the Grand Senate of Urguan.


Section II: The Royal Offices


As powerful as any Grand King may be, no sole figure can rule alone. Therefore created were the Royal Offices, extensions of the Grand King’s authority, delegated to lower positions to help enact his vision and that of the Grand Senate. Often these positions either lead departments within the government or Royal Guilds. The Grand King holds the power to make new positions at his will, but he cannot create positions that hold any greater authority than his own. 


  1. Let there be the Grand Marshal, head of the Legion.

  2. Let there be the Grand Steward, head of the finances.

  3. Let there be the Grand Architect, head of all infrastructure.

  4. Let there be the Grand Stablemaster, head of the Royal Stables.

  5. Let there be the Yemekar's Pick, head of the Worker’s Guild.

  6. Let there be the King’s Hand, main advisor to the Grand King.

  7. Let there be the Eye of Ogradhad, magical advisor to the King.

  8. Let there be the Iron Baron, head of the tavern and organizer of festivals. 


Section III: The Royal Guilds


The Royal Guilds are the extensions of the Royal Officers’ designs, and therefore the Grand King. He holds absolute authority over them, and may manage their charters entirely independent of any other office in the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. The only restriction to his design of the Royal Guilds is that he cannot bestow on them powers and duties that he himself does not control without approval of the Grand Senate. 


The Grand Legion of Urguan


The Omithiel Institute


Healuroz Barimmar - Medical Guild


The Working Guilds of Urguan


The Royal Stables


Section IV: Appointment


In the instance of the death, resignation, or removal of a Grand King, there must begin the process immediately of his replacement, following the regulations listed.

  1. The process officially begins at the soonest possible meet of the Grand Senate

  2. A Lord Regent is to rule with the full power of the Grand King and preside over the election during this period.

    1. With a simple majority may the Grand Senate vote to appoint a Lord Regent.

    2. By default, the Grand Chancellor is declared acting Lord Regent by the end of the Senate Meeting if no decision is made.

    3. The Lord Regent himself may not run for Grand King.

  3. Each Senator or Representative with a vote may nominate an individual to the office of the Grand King.

    1. If there is only one individual with any nominations by the end of the meeting, he bypasses the election and is declared Grand King.

  4. There are requirements for every nominee to the office of the Grand King to meet otherwise be barred from running in the election.

    1. A nominee must be a dwarf born of two dwarves.

    2. A nominee must have lived in the Grand Kingdom for longer than three stone months.

    3. A nominee must worship the one true Brathmordakin Faith and have always worshipped the one true Brathmordakin Faith.

  5. After the meeting, the Lord Regent shall announce the election publicly, and every citizen may vote for their favored nominee.

    1. The Lord Regent must declare all the valid nominees and the election period in which votes may be submitted.

    2. Citizens may legally change their vote throughout the election period.

    3. Nominees may not give their votes to other candidates, only suggest to their voters.

    4. A voter must be a dwarf.

    5. A voter must worship the one true Brathmordakin Faith.

    6. A voter must have lived in Urguan for longer than a stone month.

    7. A voter must have been cited active within Urguan during the election period. 

[[OOC: As well must have 4 hours that week, only one vote per player.]]

  1. After the election period, the Lord Regent must count the votes and discount any voters who fail the voting requirements, and as well for any other reasons he deems fit.

    1. The Grand Senate may with a simple majority declare a vote to be valid if the Lord Regent gave poor reasoning for its removal outside of the basic requirements.

  2. After the vote is counted and approved by the Grand Senate, the nominee officially becomes Grand King and is to be crowned by da Kirkja Dverga at a date of his choosing. 





The High Courts of Urguan is the main judicial body presiding over the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, and the people within them, and holds complete authority over the courts within Urguan. Their main directive is to uphold the law and maintain justice and civility in the Grand Kingdom.


Section I: Positions of the High Courts


  1. The High Courts of Urguan shall be presided over by the Lord Justiciar.

    1. The Lord Justiciar must be nominated by the Grand King.

    2. The Lord Justiciar shall serve until death, resignation, or removal.

  2. Under the Lord Justiciar, are the Magistrates.

    1. The Magistrates are appointed by the Lord Justiciar.

    2. The Magistrates shall serve until death, resignation, or removal.

  3. The collective officers of the Lord Justiciar and Magistrates together shall be referred to the High Courts, which hold supreme authority over all justice.

    1. Nominations for Lord Justiciar must be approved by the High Courts as a council with a simple majority.

    2. Court Verdicts are to be decided with a simple majority.

  4. Each member of the High Courts must be a full dwarf citizen.

    1. Must be a full-blooded dwarf.

    2. Must follow the Brathmordakin as according to da Kirkja Dverga.

  5. The Lord Justiciar may be removed from the position by the joint powers of the Grand King and The Grand Senate.

  6. Each officer within the High Courts holds the authority to preside over civil court proceedings within the Under-Realms of Urguan.

  7. Only the Lord Justiciar has the power to sit over the trial of a Royal Officer.


Section II: Powers of the High Courts


  1. It is the duty of the High Courts to ensure that the proper procedures are followed when conducting their duties, moots, and trials.

  2. The High Courts hold the authority to establish and maintain lesser courts within the Grand Kingdom of Urguan.

    1. The High Courts still maintain the highest authority on all justice in Urguan and decisions may be appealed to the High Courts.

  3. The High Courts hold the authority to establish additions or amendments to the Codex of Civil Law.

  4. The High Courts hold the sole authority to uphold and enforce justice on any violations of the Codex of Civil Law.

  5. The High Courts hold the authority to uphold and enforce justice on any violations of the Codex of Regulatory Law.

  6. The High Courts hold the sole authority to uphold and enforce justice on any violations of the Articles of Urguan within the Grand Kingdom.

  7. The High Courts hold the Great Book of Grudges and by a vote of council shall approve or deny grudges entered into it. 

  8. The High Courts hold the authority to suspend any member of the Urguani Government and the Royal Guilds on account of a severe break of the Codex of Civil Law or Articles of Urguan themselves.

    1. Suspended individuals are not able to act with any of the authority or powers based on their position within the Urguani Government until a verdict is reached.

    2. A trial must be held for the accused crime during the suspension or the suspended shall be acquitted.

    3. Senator's/Representative may be suspended for no longer than a stone week before acquittal. 

    4. Royal Officers may be suspended for no longer than a stone week before acquittal. 

      1. This includes lower-ranking Officers within the Royal Guilds.






Section I: The Rules of Citizenry


  1. Anyone born across the lands of a citizen of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan shall be automatically offered Citizenship. 

  2. Anyone born within the Grand Kingdom of Urguan with no parental citizenship shall be offered Citizenship.

  3. Anyone who lives within the Grand Kingdom of Urguan shall be offered Citizenship. 

  4. Citizenship to the Grand Kingdom of Urugan is exclusive, and anyone who maintains it must renounce full citizenship in all other nations.

    1. Failure to do so will result in the Grand Kingdom removing the Citizenship and its privileges.

  5. Anyone within Urugan who is not a Citizen is a Resident, either temporary, returning, or permanent. 

    1. All residents are subject to the Articles of Urguan and protected by them.


Section II: The Rights of Citizenry







The cultural backbone of the honored Sons and Daughters of Urguan, the Clans are fundamental to the institution of the Grand Kingdom. Although at their core a Clan may exist without any sort of official decree of the Grand Kingdom, for the sake of promoting culture and representing the people the Grand Kingdom and its Clans have always cooperated in an official process.


Section I: Recognition of Clans


As according to Article I, Section II.7, the Grand Senate shall hold the supreme authority on determining the status of clans. The criteria to guide them in such determination as well as the different potential determinations shall be outlined in the following section.


  1. Let there be Common Clans, the lowest possible official recognition a dwarven family may receive. 

    1. There are no formal requirements for numbers to achieve Common Clan status, entirely up to the discretion of the Grand Senate.

    2. Common Clans are guaranteed no manner of official political representation.

    3. Common Clans are guaranteed a minor Clan Hall.

  2. Let there be Greater Clans, the greatest possible official recognition a dwarven family may receive.

    1. The Grand Senate cannot name a Greater Clan unless it has at least five active dwarven citizen members. [OOC: Cannot be an alternate dwarf persona, one dwarf member can count per player. Requisite of 5 hours activity per player.]

    2. The Grand Senate cannot name a Greater Clan unless the group has existed in Urguan for more than a stone month of sustained activity. 

    3. Greater Clans are guaranteed official political representation in the Grand Kingdom of Urguan.

    4. Greater Clans are guaranteed a major Clan Hall.

  3. Let there be the distinction of Elder Clans, born of the honorable seven progenitor sons of Urguan.

    1. The distinction of Elder Clan does not conflict with either Common or Greater status of a clan and can be either.

    2. Elder Clans shall bear no special legal privileges or benefits within the Articles of Urguan and only hold a title of cultural significance. 

  4. Let there be the distinction of Clan Unions, where a number of Clans with strong mutual ties bind together to be politically represented as one.

    1. A Clan Union may be defined either as Greater or Common by the Grand Senate, depending on whether it fulfills the qualifications as a whole of either status.

      1. Clan Unions, Greater or Common, in all regards are treated as a single clan politically but are recognized to be a union of many cultures.

    2. Clan Unions are granted benefits based on their status as either Common or Greater, however, they only get the benefit for the Union overall, not each individual clan within.


Section II: The Rights and Duties of Clans


  1. All clans shall reside within the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and offer absolute loyalty to the Articles of Urguan.

    1. If a vast majority of a clan’s gatherings and activities are entirely external to the Grand Kingdom, they are liable to have their clan status altered. 

  2. All clans shall abide by the teachings of Khaz’A’Dentrumm as according to the true clergy, da Kirkja Dverga.

    1. Local traditions cannot contradict the official teachings of da Kirkja Dverga, only expand and add.

  3. All clans shall hold the ability to bear their own grudges and friendships, however cannot make any declarations of defense or aggression on foreign nations without the assent of the Grand Senate or Grand King.

  4. A clan shall be free to pursue the traditions of the paragons free of cruel and unreasonable restrictions and regulations. 

  5. A clan shall never put their needs against that of all khazadmar with malicious intent.

    1. Clans are free to pursue their own private goals within the kingdom and compete with other clans, however, they cannot be cruel or unusual in their tactics to get ahead.






Section I: The Rights and Duties of Clergy


Since the times of the first meeting of the hallowed hosts of Khaz’A’Dentrumm and the Paragon Urguan Silverbeard, Father of all Dwarfdom and First of Prophets, there has always been a priestly order to guide the faith of the dwarves and direct the blessings of the Brathmordakin upon the folk. To this end, the Grand Kingdom assures certain rights towards the clergy caste. 


In the event of any substantial change to the hierarchy and structure of the order, so long as it can be said of a clergy it is a successor to the old then it inherits its rights as per the Articles of Urguan.

  1. Let da Kirkja Dverga be the recognized supreme authority on the Truth of the Brathmordakin in all lands.

    1. May it have the authority to preserve and guard against false teachings of every intent and every shaping.

    2. May no other entity have the capability to claim divine knowledge or Prophecy without the explicit assent of da Kirkja Dverga.

    3. May no other entity have the ability to conduct rites or blessings of the Brathmordakin without the explicit assent of da Kirkja Dverga. 

  2. Let da Kirkja Dverga be afforded as much land as needed for the purpose of temples, shrines, and otherwise sacred sites for the Brathmordakin and their Paragons.

    1. Any use of these lands for secular purposes will be charged as tax evasion and have said lands revoked.

  3. Let da Kirkja Dverga be the recognized supreme authority on the punishment of dishonors and atrocities against Khaz’A’Dentrumm. 

    1. No other office or institution may declare something as against the Brathmordakin unless clergy writings declare such.

    2. No other office or institution may punish anyone for a crime against the Brathmordakin unless a clergy writing explicitly says otherwise.

  4. Let any accused by da Kirkja Dverga as crimes against the Brathmordakin be treated fairly and free of cruel or unusual punishment.

    1. All accused must be informed of what their crimes are and their nature.

    2. All accused must be offered a manner of penance and to make wrongs right.

    3. May no accused be tried in secret against their wishes.

  5. Let da Kirkja Dverga actively preach and make available teachings of the Brathmordakin.

    1. The khazadmar shall not be denied the ability to know their own faith.

  6. Let da Kirkja Dverga never be excluded from conducting the necessary rites and blessings of the Brathmordakin in any public ceremony.





The Codex of Civil Law is the collective of all rules by which every citizen of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and any residing within its borders are subject to. The Codex of Civil Law is limited towards interactions between people and the criminality thereof and is not to be used to describe interactions between governmental systems of trade.







The Codex of Regulatory Law, although often overlooked by the common dwarf, is perhaps one of the most important articles as it doesn’t just describe the processes of legislation but instead the day to day functions of the Grand Kingdom. Regulatory Acts are distinguished from their civil counterparts by focusing less so on the interactions between citizens and criminality, but instead on systems and the way larger entities within Urguan interact with another. Most Regulatory Acts are written and passed by the Grand Senate, although powers already given in existing Regulatory Acts to the Grand King may be specified by the Grand King at his discretion.


The Obsidian Throne Act: [Link]


The Council Audit Act: [Link]


Land Lease Act: [Link]


Pre-Existing Properties Act: [Link]


Urguani Property Rules Act: [Link]


Military Financial Allocation Act: [Link]


Naval Properties Act: [Link]


Gauntlet Act: [Link]

Grand Senate Reform Act - 84 S.A: [Link]







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